Twitter Shitter

Twitter Shitter

Twitter anymore is a just a giant, blue diaper that leftist go to shit in all day long. Every day, there's a pro-left, anti-conservative/republican/right-wing trending hashtag. When was the last time one of our hashtags were trending? Pro tip: You can't remember.

What's the point of this thread? To remind you all that, in spite of the improving presidential approval ratings, Twitter has the left in a fully crazed state of mind right now. They're rabid. This should scare all of us. Since 2016, leftists have taken to the streets on numerous occasions, marching in the hundreds of thousands in the cold and heat. Nothing can stop them. If they're that dedicated, you damn well better believe they'll be taking to the polls in even higher numbers this November.

I will tell you this: We may be able to prevent their blue wave and deprive them of enough red sets to form a super majority, but there also isn't going to be a red wave. In fact, we're going to lose seats overall. This means you can pretty much expect nothing to get done until at least 2020.

Twitter has a major hand to play in all this. Every day, I see leftist accounts with only a thousand followers posting some inane shit that garners 200k likes within 24 hours. You do not see this phenomenon with conservative accounts. This really has an impact on a party's morale, and it has most likely already sowed complacence and apathy within our ranks.

I need some good vibes right now. I need somebody to explain to me objectively how we're going to come out of this with our balls intact in November.

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You need us to hold your hand because your feelings were hurt by leftist behavior online? You need us to hold your hair back as you vomit up the black pill you ate? Why, pussy?

Either start killing people or nothing will ever change. Period. Voting doesn’t work. Arguing doesn’t work. Deporting doesn’t work. They have to die, or you’ve already lost.

A+ for the concern shill hymie. Now fuck off back to reddit

all that edge

Why are we getting a lot of shit threads lately?
I can't tell if its the shills sliding or its just summer

Turning enemy assets into liabilities is the name of the game. Dragnets, botnets, AI; no one really owns them– that's only a gentleman's agreement. Locks keep honest people out.

Instead of all of you faggots saying "go back to reddit" and calling me a shill and accusing me of sliding, why don't you objectively point out flaws in my post?

The more all of you kvetch about the post itself, the more you're proving me right. We need a wake-up call, and ignoring the reality of our political climate is only going to hurt our cause.

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Okay, you’re done.

Go away.

Considering the fact twitter forcefully stops any right-sided hashtag from displayed on trending.
Pretty sure #walkaway was the most tweeted hashtag the past few days despite not showing up on trending.

This is exactly my point. Doesn't matter how many tweets a hashtag has. What matters is whether or not it's trending.

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What "wake up call"? That twitter is owned by leftists? That they hide in their hugboxes and virtue signal with each other to prove how woke they are?

Yeah, no one believes your shit.

Twitter is corrupt.
They are crooked and censor any thought to the right of Bernie Sanders.
They literally work closely with israel and their psy ops organizations to silence dissent.
The fact that they are a leftist dumpster is no surprise, when they delete everything else.
Furthermore, the redzog isn't much better than the bluezog.
A little, but not much.

Who knows what the future holds?
The ongoing genocide of White people must be stopped.
Keep redpilling Whites.

You sure are obsessed with shit, kike.


This user get it. This is a shill demoralization thread. In spite of that, we do need to seize the memes of production. I know I've been resting on my laurels after the 2016 election cycle.

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kill yourself jew

We can no longer meme on Twitter. They've got us pinned down. Our tweets go unnoticed by most of Twitter. We will never be able to meme lime we did ramping up to the 2016 election

The echo chamber is what's providing them the energy that will drive them to vote in droves this november. They're gonna be out in massive numbers, quote possibly even mobbing and harassing rightwing voters at the polls.

Conservative accounts are banned. If the republicans care they would regulate big social media to respect free speech and treat all citizens equally. But they don't care. So maybe the democrats should win next election bigly.

Do you really think echo chambers reinvigorate anyone?

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That's what it's always been.

Ever since #GamerGate they have been monitoring hashtags and pruning ones that they don't like when they begin to gather enough traction to be noticed. Also they shadow a shit ton of right leaning tweets and criticism. They have the platform properly censored. Not to mention they've made it a lot harder to post anonymously. Twitter would be a great platform if it were what it used to be, but right now they have rebuilt it in such a way where they can ostracize opinions they don't want public.

Republicans respect your right to control your own business. Freedom of speech, unfortunately, also means freedom to act childish and scream over someone else's points.

Freedom of speech means you won't be arrested for what you say, not that someone else's forum MUST be open to you.
If you want true freedom of speech, then start your own Twitter and let anyone say anything they like. Make it clear that anything illegal will be reported to the authorities (CP, threats of violence against people or groups), but other than that, anything goes.

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It wasn't that bad though. We had our hashtags trending several times in the past, as it wasn't rigged for it to be impossible. Now, trending hastags are equal parts inconsequential and shilling, always.

Twitter was a pretty open platform where anyone could get hashtags trending. When that started working against them they built tools to censor the platform.

Stop using it.
And I'm serious about someone starting their own Twitter-like forum.
Get some people together, you'll need funding as well as technical expertise, crowd-fund it as well, as that's a great way to market it at the same time. And you'll need marketing people that are skilled in internet marketing.

If Twitter wants to be an echo-chamber, let them, because nothing is as boring as a place where everyone agrees with each other, all the time.

Isn't that what is?

If it is, they aren't marketing it hard enough, as I've never heard of it.
But then, the only time I've used Twitter was with fake accounts, for Zig Forums raids.

AFAIK they won't let you post anything anti-jewish.

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Really? With usernames like "Cooking With Ann Frank" and "Ari Shekelstein", I would have guessed otherwise.

Fuck off back to wherever you came from.

Then I'm mistaken. Thanks for the correction! Their politics section seems ok.

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Aye faggot why you use Twitter? It’s shit and so is your op.

Gabai is a kike word and it's a kike site, retards.

Also, Twatter is a communist echo chamber, and anyone who believes anything on it or the (((MSM))) is brain dead. Stop letting yourself get psyched out by entry level shit.

What's actually relevant is the fact that shitposters have forced the kikes' hands and everyone else knows. That was the whole point. There was no other point. Also, for that other faggot, no one cares about muh right and muh left.

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There was already a thread on this a while back where it was proven that they manipulate the numbers for the sake of optics/propaganda.
All the big social media sites do it.

Also, this ->

But, that's already been done in the form of Chans.
And, guess what?
They were demonized by MSM until anyone associated with them gets ostracized.
And that is how the big sites and the corporate state that owns them will always dominate by driving any new competition into the grave.
In fact, I'd dare say we're in anti-trust territory here.

Polite sage because reasons

Maybe not the kind they expect, no.

That forced meme reminds me of the last time you tried to infiltrate here, Chiam.

Twitter Trends
Dumb us down

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And nothing of value was lost.

Your daily reminder to sage all demoralization nonsense threads.

Minnesota fag detectedMaybe Wisconsin fag

Twitter and Facebook no longer matter. they are dying as we speak. they will soon become ghost towns like Myspace and Friendster. the next Great Internet migration has already begun.

Zucc and Jack have been forced by TPTB to commit hari kari with their own platforms.

it's their fault for the rise of Trump and Populism and Nationalism, which the Shitlib Soros Globalist cocksuckers can never accept. they would rather destroy their own platforms and loses billions of dollars than allow the Hive Mind to naturally express its Right Wing bias and become such a powerful force that it begins organizing on a local level, leading to the spontaneous formation of a new Sturmabteilung.

mass scale arbitrary censorship and suspension of any Conservative voices who grow too popular has turned Facezerg and Twitter into Bolshevik echo chambers which are pointless for us to combat.

there will never again be a Great Meme War like we saw in 2015-2016.

they say the miltary always fights the last war. so let them have it. let them juke the stats, fake the trends and pump out as much BrockBot spam as they want.

they won't realize it, because they think they'll be winning by hogging the timeline, but all the Left will do is get blind sided again by an even bigger tsunami which they never saw coming.

just like they never saw Trump winning.
that's the fatal flaw of propaganda. when you control the optics, when you have 78 of the top national reporters attending your secret risotto diners and illegally colluding as your "surrogates", in the end, the more you drown out the legitimate grievances of the masses and the more you dogfood your own FAKE NEWS bullshit, the more you only decieve yourself until your assured victory vanishes from your hands in the last moment.

let the faggot Marxists have their Twitter sandbox. we all know the Left are incapable of the inter group cooperation necessary to form political coalitions. the moment any Shitlib gets on top, it's only temporary, because immediately the other Marxists scorpions sting themselves, accusing each other of being racist, mysoginist, sexist, capitalist, etc etc.

The Dhimmi Cucks have no platform, no new ideas, and no leaders on account of them all being anti-authoritarian. all a shit for brains Leftist can do is destroy by venomous critique, they can't create, they can't found new cities, new corporations or new World Views.

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this post sufficiently sums up the thread. Ultimately, my creating their online echo chambers, these people FORCED people offline, they FORCED people to communicate p2p again and they FORCED their own demise

so where did the people go?

Look at all that evidence.
But they control all discourse ON their platforms, so this isn’t a threat to them. Destroying the platforms, however, would mean they can’t control discourse as easily.

Anyone who uses twitter is a colossal faggot. Even if all you do is sockpuppet and troll, you're a gigantic faggot. Twitter is not worth even thinking about, so I don't.

Almost clever shillwork here. Almost. But anyone who believes in any blue wave is an obvious delusional yid.

What's it mean?

I would agree, I've never had an account or whatever. Having said that I've recently taken to watching the Twitter feeds of some choice few journalists that I trust (Byron York, Chuck Sperry, Andrew McCarthy, Wired Sources) and I think it's actually a pretty good tool for that kind of thing.

It's kinda sad how the MGMT fucked it up. I was like you, I never really was into it. I thought the 140 character limit was dumb (I still do.) But there's utility in being able to read the most recent thoughts or links from a small group of people in media you enjoy reading. Immense utility.

What Twitter has done is created a vacuum to be filled by something else.

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Twitter is going about with unethical business practices all day every day, shadow banning, using analytics to filter and try to separate anyone that isn't a leftist lunatic into their own corners to attempt to isolate them. And they go about this everyday and pretend like it's business as usual and not like what they practice is highly unethical.
Want to beat twitter? Use their own analytics and fooling against them. Turn leftists against eachother. You know you've fooled their AI when you get recommendation and other shit for any minority.
Want to beat them even more? Twitter is no doubt defending and are infact helping terrorists with their shit. Because their staff are infested with the same leftist lunacy that plagues their own twitter site. Simply put, this also means that pedos abound are more than likely being defended and helped with their sick fuckery. Want to nail Twitter? Hold them complicit with aiding and abetting grooming rings run by pedos that are using twitter as a communication, organization, and etc. tool for their felonious degeneracy.

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Another thing to note is project veritas' video which shows from a twitter employee admitting that they read your DMs (they don't call them PMs anymore because they aren't private at all). So any groomers contacting through DMing other pedos are clearly being read by twitter staff. That twitter won't and doesn't take any measures against this, will hold them complicit with these fucks. Especially with the way the left is turning their agenda towards being pro-pedophilia.

besides, especially to the regular populace that only gives a shit about click bait headlines, "twitter censors right leaning voices" isn't as near damning as "twitter aids and allows terrorist organizers" ; but especially not as damning as "Twitter allows for pedophile grooming rings to organize on their site" .

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Reminder that this mindset is why the right wing gets its ass kicked continually throughout history.

I assume that the sudden silence is shills flying into a panic and are trying to "clean up".

Have you seen what they look like?

Yeah, those are called bots. You can get some as well.

No, just you as evident by what you say next;

Ok, ready? Twitter isn't real life. There you go.

I agree OP. Luckily Gab is gaining in prominence.

(((Marxist, not Bolchevik)))
Hello fellow leftists, wanna do something that would make Trump really mad?

So true.

No shit, user. Welcome to reality.

On an unrelated note, I'm trying to find the archive for pic related. I can't remember if this was fake or not. Does one exist? Obvious that she would have deleted it after facing backlash, but did someone manage to NOT be a nigger and confirm it/archive it?

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And yes, I grabbed this one off snopes. Also obvious this one would be fake.since the (((journalist))) would have made it themselves. But is an original floating around?

The original does not necessary exist. Scroll Pelosi's Tweets to the date mentioned or use advanced search.

You rea;ize that Twitter, like jewtoob, is banning and shadowbanning right wing content, right? You realize they're censoring right-wing hashtags, right? You realize they're slowly banning right wing accounts, just for being right wing, right?

This has been going on for two years now, wake the fuck up

This is why everyone moved to GAB.

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Thats what they said in 2016. But i have a conceal carry just in case. Thanks for playing.

(((left))) (((right))) (((conservative)))

Make no mistake. Whatever is on Twitter is by design.
95% of the even so-called conservative (((MAGA))) accounts have one objective. ISRAEL. If you don't believe me, do searches against them looking for that key word and other coincidences to see how they all post the same pro-Israel propaganda shit and narratives around the same time while retweeting each other.

ISRAELIS has invested massive (US) dollars into perfecting what Kushner started while using Russia collusion to distract from their own operations which are 1000 times more effective.


You can only save yourself at this point.

That's what GNUSocial is. You can run your own instance and have it interoperate with others.

Less energy than ¡Jeb!

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I had a feeling as much. While I assumed it may have been deleted, since no one seems to have an archive laying around of a real one, I was mostly thinking it was fake.