Commie knocked out by Proud Boy has brain hemorrhage.

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Any dead commies yet?

Not yet. But summer just started. Give it time.

Is that the one who was attacking a downed guy, then got pop'eyed?

Not yet. The one who got knocked out is in bad shape and the Proud Boys are acting like they just won the Super Bowl.

Yes. That’s him.

Soy creates weak blood vessels.
Never bring soy to a meat fight.

Rufis hit him so goddamn hard there was no way he wasn't walking away without at least a concussion. Brain bleed is even better.

Oh no. That's terrible.

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Well shit. Now self defense might be bumped up to maximum sentence involuntary manslaughter, depending on judge.

If that happens then you just up the cost. If you're going to defend yourself you might as well go on a rampage and make it worth it. Then again liberals are that fucking retarded they might send that message and set that precedent.

It's on footage that the faggot commie swung a pipe at Rufio. He'll walk.

People die from brain bleeds user.

Double dubs don’t lie but according to Oregon law, he had no duty to retreat. I wouldn’t be surprised if he walks or is Fielded.

No tears shed for dead commie.

What's the best way to learn how to throw a punch like Popeye. I was only in a few fights growing up and my approach was to take it to the ground and I somehow intuitively knew how to get the upper hand grappling. Seems like that would be an idiotic thing to do in a street brawl where you'd probably get stomped. Should I take some boxing classes or something?

I know how to hunt and shoot but this is a pretty glaring weakness of mine.

remember that Finnish nationalist that did the flying kick at some antifa faggot, and the antifa's noggin smashed against the pavement? then he died from internal bleeding in the brain, and the Finnish nationalist only got 2 years. good deal tbh

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Popeye’s punch actually wasn’t that great from a technical standpoint. He wound up his punch, which loses energy and telegraphs your motion.
Luckily this grown up fetal alcohol syndrome victim had zero fighting skill and a weak skull and he went night night.

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Salt Mines all weekend. But don't celebrate too hard. Antifa will be back with even greater numbers. They feel the pressure to accelerate as things are beginning to turn against them politically

It's a waste of money with all the free resources out there. You can use the money to buy a heavy bag and a speed bag and practice at your own pace. That being said, a solid shot like that in a full scale multi person brawl is not just good form but luck.

Can we find out the name of the guy who got knocked out? We need to doxx his family and friends to make phone calls and text messages to rub the salt into the wounds.

Post fresh MSG borther.

Hasn’t been released yet. Plox post when found.

This kike was the one who tried to stop 6 Proud Boys who were kicking an Antifa on the ground in the head. One of the Chads pushed him away and later restrained him while his pals were stepping on the antifa's head


Yeah. Okay.
I’m just sad that he didn’t kill him right there on the street.
I hope all of them die.

To witness Antifa getting stomped on the ground skip like 20 seconds in to this

The guy saying "hey that's not enough!" and trying to stop the proud boys from kicking his skull in is the twitter account in the previous post

learn vital striking points.

It's better this way. This is more demoralizing to the commies.

That was beautiful.

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Antifa get their shit pushed in in Portland again?

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ANTIFA got absolutely obliterated here. Pleasant night of sleep coming.

Anyone got a video of this shit?

funny how Portland is supposed to be one of their centers of power and they get BTFO

Check the first thread. It’s still in the catalog.

Same thing in Berkeley.
Their main base of operations and they were destroyed by a AnCap with a gook wife who used to huff Pledge.

I mean… shit… those weren't some random haymakers connecting. That was some systematic ass kickery right there.

see previous post

When the fuck were antifa faggots ever not getting their shit pushed in? Excluding trash cans and lone vulnerable women

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Imagine the last thing you ever see is Gadsden Chad winding up a highly telegraphed punch.
Imagine how completely demoralized antifa feels.

ANTIFA outside of the US tend not to be complete soyboys. You'd think that Soros or someone would have paid a few operatives with military training to insert themselves into ANTIFA by now though just because of how bad the optics are of them constantly getting their asses beat.

Not for much longer after the dox, they're gonna get chased outta town. The police there hated antifa, they were probably laughing their asses off.

They're surplus yuppies that don't know how cause and affect works, it's to be expected.

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Don't go looking for street fights anons. It's a lot easier to die in one than you think. That pavement is very hard.

Not sure if this has been posted or not. No .webm bc I suck cocks.

stop being a pacifist fag

Anyone know if the person who says "Keep moving" into a loud speaker a police officer or a demonstrator?

that's why so many people are wearing helmets. a cup would also be a good idea, and eye protection, even a respirator.

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He fucked the guy up even worse than the Nissan Hardbody from last time. I'm just glad the truck didn't suffer any panel damage. It was an innocent who wandered onto the scene.

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The Chad who knocked out the commie with one punch will not be facing charges.


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Pic is meme worthy. Should be good for a few keks.

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That is good
The dude had a weapon and was already assaulting someone on the ground with it before he went to charge at Chad

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What's the story behind that picture?

Was Popeye wearing some kind of arm guards? Looks like it. He took two hits from a baton after all. These things keep on escalating in terms of the gear people bring with them. Hopefully this time next year we will be seeing full fledged bronze age battles, armor and all.

Two words.
Jousting Tournaments.







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You savages have no taste in fashion

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Fucking excellent. This is what will happen with you lads too if you make sure to let the cucks swing first before killing them against the pavement.

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Ground fighting in a street fight = you are dead. The shit you use on the ground is just how to bring down whoever is in contact with you and get back on your feet as fast as possible.

Worked great though. If anything, it get the idiot to cock his head just right for the punch to land.

No user. The point of boxing at a gym is to get used to being punched. A bag doesn't punch back, and will never give you the confidence you need for a real fight.

Fact is, the natives FUCKING HATE! I lived there, it's fucking Weimar Vienna. The natives have been forced further and further back from the places they grew up in, as kikes cucks and commies flood in while bringing their shitskin golems. Not long ago, Portland was an ideal place to just relax, be an artist, and raise a family without having to worry about rent or expensive property. Now you can't find a motherfucking basement to rent for under $600 month, 150 blocks out of town.

not all of us are wealthy landowners, user

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They expected one of them to get brain damage brother.

shame about the gay tribal tattoo, but still based.

You can see it in the way our guys are throwing haymakers with more passion behind them than usual that…

Depends. Someone with experience in wrestling could easily crab ride another combatant and force them to eat the brunt of incoming blows. Generally though, yeah, but if one does get to the ground, where fights typically always go at some point, it's crucial to control the head and force your opponent to eat the incoming shots and this is easily done through a leverage leg ride or crab.

But yeah… street fights with big groups coming together tend to isolate and knock the piss out of whoever gets to the ground or lags behind. Cardio anons… get your cardio up, will help a ton.


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It wouldn't have happened if they didn't attack the right in the first place. Antifa was the main aggressors the entire time:


You'll teach yourself bad habits like that. You don't need to do a 6 day a week training program or anything, but a gym with real sparring a couple times a week will be phenomenally better than smacking a bag around completely unaware that you're off balance or putting your hands down. You'll also get used to the sensation of punches coming at you and being hit, which are freezing points for people unused to fighting.

This salt mine is going to provide for a good long time.


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Just get into the thread? By this time next year, I'll be producing full suits of ballistic grade, thematic bodyarmor, and if my /biz/ plans work out or just get lucky with crypto I might not even have to charge a fucking penny for it.

found it

this is how Zig Forums is coping

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This is hilarious, supportericclanton.com/statement-2/

That was my assumption, its why I said it seemed like taking things to the ground would be idiotic and asked for advice on learning how to throw a punch.

I've been in and watched plenty of street fights at this point… The vast majority of the time, it's only drunks that wrestle. All the others have only gone to the ground when some idiot got KO'd in one punch. On that note, why the fuck do the knockout fights always go so damned quick? It's almost always a one-punch KO with everyone just standing there, staring and saying "Damn." Also, stop talking like reddit.

It's the same beaten house wife mentality they were going with every time Bernie was losing states in the primary due to (((super delegates)))

Jesus Christ, they've hit a whole new level of delusion.

Soros not picking up the legal tab on this one? Interesting. Give Eric Clanton a megaphone. Let him tell his fellow commies how his system turned their back on him.

Fucked him up quick.

So much for their health care.
I got hit by a car and my thick ass fucking skull slammed into the windshield then the pavement. Car was going 40mph. I'm alive. I think.

Have we started a saltfire?

Textbook projection by the resident kikes, amazing.

Zig Forums always denounces antifa after they lose their asses and hugs their nuts when cops side with them.
Really gets the noggin joggin.

They don't see how they fucked up, they'll never see it.

Popeye the Commie Basher did more damage with his fists. Why are these niggers such failures at everything?

Choose one, Zig Forums.

I think that pic is from the Iranian Revolution.

Do you feel in control (of your neurological functions)?

So just what millionaires are they claiming bussed people in?
I mean we at least have a list of (((usual suspects))) and good evidence of suspicious activity whenever an usually high number of liberal protesters turn out for whatever the flavor of the month is. What do they have?

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Most people just aren't used to taking a hit. That is something that develops from a young age through sports or other ways but it used to be that most boys proved their mettle through such things and even if they lost they learned how to take shots and shrug them off or move to not get squared up. I mean, fuck… I would seriously be surprised if a guy hadn't been in at least ten fights be they small or big by adulthood. These pussies in ANTIFA though I can pretty much guarantee they were paddy caked through those crucial years and have no understanding of movement or, hell, how to even throw a punch let alone combo someone or set them up. For them it's just classic mob rush and attack and retreat tactics.

If you intend to actually start brawling, learn how to wrap your hands/wrist. Unless you have routine experience punching, odds are that you're going to break something in the fight. I doubt I could count the number of times I've seen people fuck up their hands worse than their opponent's faces. Hell, the last time I thought I was actually about to lose a fight rofl, I backed into a window, was a serious oh-fuck moment and couldn't dodge, I lowered my head and let the dipshit punch me in the skull. His fist hit like a wad of playdough and I could feel it crumple.
Also, consider looking into 'Ye old'timey fisticuffs' type of boxing. I know this sounds absolutely retarded, but the above example is the reason they punch that way. It's because holding your fist and jabbing that way makes your fist and wrist far harder to injure, especially your little knuckles. I'm not saying to go victorian bartjitsu on people, I'm suggesting you learn that style of punch to avoid injuring your hands when bare knuckle boxing/street fighting, until you've toughened up your wrists.

Its a gay wind chime

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