This dumb nigger thought he could fight imperialism and the white man. Look what happened, BTFO

This dumb nigger thought he could fight imperialism and the white man. Look what happened, BTFO

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Actually he did fight imperialism, what happened is he got stabbed in the back by the military led by the guy who installed him in the first place. It's almost as if hierarchical institutions want to retain class rule and keeping them puts the revolution in danger.

These dumb crackers thought they could fight capitalism and porky look what happened, BTFO.

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Dude wasn't even a good strongman lol

He didn't ban unions, though he was in my opinion too heavy-handed with them. He did sack a thousand members of a teacher's union, though. What he did that riled up the unions was introduce CDR (the revolutionary councils) into the workplace in an attempt to undercut the unions, though they were never banned.

Lmao wut?
Pretty much every Party in Burkina Faso at this point attempts to use Sankaras image as their symbol and claim themselves as his ideological successors because of his mass popular / Pop-Culture support

Are you forgetting the Balai Citoyen? Are you forgetting the numerous “Sankarist” political parties in Burkina Faso today? Are you forgetting the fact that the Burkinabé, decades later, still want justice for Thomas Sankara and still want to see his killers and the traitors like Compaoré face justice? In the last five years Burkina Faso is literally still trying to seek charges and investigate the killing.

The only people who hated Sankara were the corrupt, reactionary and beneficiaries of neo-colonialism. As soon as Sankara was out of the way the revolution was done for, the IMF was let in and Burkina Faso was firmly back in France’s clutches. The only people justified in their suspicion were the trade unions, who were treated badly.

Just because he is popular today does not mean he was popular back in his day.

There are still people alive from the 80s you know

nah Bakunin only wanted to scam kids and go with prostitutes.

I sometime wish this sentence was untrue

I'm sure you do, Zig Forums.

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shut the fuck up, boomer

Almost as bad as “le Burgers need genocided” meme. Only right-wing reactionaries make these kind of generalizations

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lmao see pic and cry, faggot

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Does that fact that i can't tell if this post is ironic or not mean that i'm out of touch?

t. "old millenial"

There is no inherent characteristics to political beliefs an individual gains based on the year they were born on the Gregorian Calender

Nice butthurt, Zig Forums, better buy some lubricant on your ass

This cumskin thought he could fight black man. Look what happened BTFO

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Pretty much. Id rather genocide Europeans who say this. Not because it offends me, just because I want to have an excuse to kill people.

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Those burgeois dumbfucks thought they could fight the working class. Look what happened. BTFO

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Yeah, look what happened, their theories are still relevant

/ Your head \__==>
The point of my post

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Yes, his ideas on syndicalism were adopted by much of the radical labor movement and his views on electoralism(arguably the reason the international split) have been adopted by Marxists of various stripes after the failure of social democratic parties.

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Those strong white males thought they can fight the "mongolian hordes" from USSR. Look what happened. BTFO

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These retatards thougt they could fight communism and vietnamese farmer. Look what happened. BTFO

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Unlike Sankara's.

Sankara wasn’t a theorist

And this is relevant how?