Ron Paul: "Trump could be a great Democrat. Labor participation rate has not improved, size of government has increased...

Ron Paul: "Trump could be a great Democrat. Labor participation rate has not improved, size of government has increased, more spying than ever before, more money spent on military"

I understand you're accustomed to years of low effort threads due to blackpilling and shitposting but this boards standards haven't sunk that low.


This thread is like a tutorial on how not to be OP. Sage for low effort.

You know a thread has some good info when rabid CIA niggers attack it in seconds.

You should be banned for this.


Stay salty, Jewmpbots

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Does he say anything about that Zyklon Ben original he tweeted out?


Randlet might suck jewish cock, but at least he didn't shit out little yidlets like Yael did.

Man I remember the day Zig Forums used to look up to Ron paul

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Wrong again, rabbi.

Look at this thread so far.
Literally nothing of value.
Just shitposting and kikes shilling.

Is this what you want your board to be?

I'd be okay with spying and military spending if the (((people))) who actually deserve it were the ones being targeted but alas.

Adjust for the illegals that ran from the farms to the welfare lines. Then adjust for the boomers that are leaving the system in droves for their fed gibs.
Can't wait for out factory jobs to come back, there will be more and more entering into the workforce. Still better than Obama's numbers even with the normal ebb and flow of the markets. Trumps "high" is still lower than Obama's.
213k jobs were added. The only reason unemployment is "going up" is because lefties and illegals are throwing tantrums and trying to get on the tit before it runs out.
Stay mad faggot.

unemployment isn't really going up
The rate of job creation is outpacing the rape of employment.

calling marxism to pure capitalist garbage never stops being funny.
Hollywood has always been capitalist garbage, not just since 2010. american pop music has always been garbage, not just since 2000.

You missed the first post kike.

Saging for low-energy OP

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Technically it is. Hence the explanation of the why for the fucktards. They like to cherry pick so I make sure they are already packaged for sale before they can steal it from the tree.

East shit and die, Imcoonfy remnants.

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Go back to cuckchan, faggot.

before trump gets elected
after trump gets elected

Does not mean anything. Women should not be working anyways, and then there are those who are in education and training.

I'm banned from NIGGERTITS, so you low energy Kripplekikechan losers will have to bear with me for the next 3 months. :^)


He's right.


You're only telling half of the story there, user.

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That's just 4D chess. Ol' Ron has you kikes right where he wants you.

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When in a cuckchan thread, do as the cuckchanners do.

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Hollywood is LITERALLY owned, controlled, and operated by kike marxists and their useful idiot shabbos marxists.
They are literally followers of carl marx.
They spread degeneracy, race mixing, anti White marxist propaganda bullshit all day every day.
EVERYTHING they make is shitted kikery nowadays.
But they are somehow "pure capitalist."
Apparently "capitalist" is the new "marxist."
Of course, "kike-style" unregulated finance capitalism and the kike psy-op known as marxism are two sides of the same kike globalist shekel.
Not far off, I suppose.

It's all bullshit.
The only way to MAGA is to MAWA.
Remove kikes, remove ZOG, remove non-Whites.
Anything short of White nationalism will be useless at stopping the shitification of the US.

MAGA requires MAWA.
Trump has not done this.
He has not even removed the 30+ million illegals.
When nothing of any consequence is changed, then nothing changes.


Also Trump has done some good.
He's destroying the democratic party and news media complex (even cuckservative media has had to adjust dramatically - Bill Orielly, Megan Kelly, Glenn Beck…).
Ended BLM (lost funding)
Called out ANTIFA
Discrediting the EU.
Hundreds of pedo groups shut down.
Obama-Romneycare mandate is dead (they were fining me for this).
Killing Hollywood's mist of not being commie insecure back stabbing phonies (if you're old enough you remember how these people were worshiped).
Exposed the cuckservatives the way Paul never could.
Defined anti-Globalism (something Paul never could).
Started a trade war with pedo-Canada, Mexico, China, EU.
Exposed Mexican invasion when Rand was sucking their dicks.
Exposed the NFL for mind control and man-baby sports
That alone makes him better than Cuckservative open boarders Rand.

Ron just wants baby Rand for 2024. There is a lot of jelousy here from the Pauls. What's weird is Alex Jones is now more ZOG now than Trump ever was and the Pauls are exposing themselves as attention whore liberals.

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Please, right before you eat that bullet, call a mental health clinic. It's not too late to create reasonable doubt on your apparent suicide after an unnamed democrat operative suicides you for such a poor fucking effort.

Ron Zig Forums actually went after the Federal Reserve, he was everything that (((Blumpf))) is not.

you should be banned here too, you are a faggot. go back to reddit then.

This is an anonymous forum, you nigtard. It's also full of d&c bots/professional shitposters that just post the opposite of whatever got posted.

Daily Reminder that Ron Paul names the jew and campaigned on shutting down their source of power. All the Left had to say was: but he's racist.

Sage for shit OP.

Notice how the kikes back then just ignored Ron Paul, he never got much of any airtime during his presidential runs. Yet, their arch enemy Trump got TONS of airtime. Free advertising for their kosher candidate it seems.

A shame hes such a lolberg.



Is he wrong?

t. goon kike shill

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No but he's not the solution either


Low energy is your weebposting.
gas yourself weebkike.

T.weebkike shill.

Ron Paul is a fucking abortion. Why any Zig Forumsack still gives a shit about what he says after all the disappointments he's provided is beyond me. The man had his opportunities and failed to take them. Did the kikes fuck him over? Sure, but they fuck everyone over. He's had ample windows to make drastic moves after his presidential run and hasn't done so. His son is a piece of shit too. It's time to stop pretending he's anything but some guy who squandered his chances to put a mark on history because he's a cowardly boomer who refuses to come to terms with the explicitly racial nature of politics.

Redditor detected!


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Imagine my shock


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This. Rand Paul is an utter faggot and his dad has gone senile.

Kill yourself faggot

Fuck you nigger.

Ron Paul stinks on ice. He's even more out of date than regular conservatives, he must know damn well by now that the only demographic that gives a shit about "muh liberty" is white people, yet he continues to peddle his schtick to nogs and spics anyway. Ron Paul is worse than useless. He actively uses his soapbox to undermine white identity just like juden peterson does.
t.donated to his campaign in 2008

It's 4D chess.

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No apology though. They're kvetching about that

Yeah fuck quality standards, let's all post like nigger!

You are the stupidest person in this thread.

Ron Paul is literally a CIA agent/asset.

Lew Rockwell wrote those newsletters, not Ron Paul.

The newsletters were just another CIA psyops, like every other right wing patriot media operation.

Folks, this is what a PMC Republican Party psyops contractor looks like.

You did not even try.

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probably but really the only thing has ever has to do for them is not really try too hard to win

white people labor participation rate is going up and thats the only thing that will ever matter

also I know libertarians will need to cede the fact that reclaiming this country is going to require taxes and government spending.

Cuck Paul

Where did he mention kushner you stinking shityid?

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