Is Donald Trump the real deal or controlled opposition?

Is Donald Trump the real deal or controlled opposition?
Is he for the people, or a stooge set up by the "elite"?

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Are you a new fag or a shill?
Did you expend any effort, or are you really is gay OP?

Instead of being a stupid nigger you could have just answered me

Controlled opposition is a laughable suggestion from anyone who pays even slight attention to what has been happening. Never has there been a POTUS who has faced more bullshit across the board than this man.

go away shill

Fucking kill yourself.

The (((media))) plays both sides to create the illusion of politics being organic

I entertain the possibility he could be controlled opposition, but in my gut I don't believe it. He does too much to piss them off and make us aware of them.

well they sure dont mind colossal self-inflicted trauma then

He's not controlled OP, he's just a Zionist boomer.

he is here just as much as your are here

take you , give you the power of donald trump, now what do you do when you are under the pressure he is?

What ever your answer is it is correct, he does that for those reasons. He is no more man than you user

but I guess the question is what does he truly feel? And you have just as good of a guess as any of us.


He's a tool of the DIA.

Media is controlled by the CIA. Trump is a front for the DIA.

Both are controlled by jews though, so it's a Jewish civil war.

This is going to be a productive thread.

If he's legitimate, then he's a dumb, incompetent boomer.

Explain your reasoning, why do you believe this? I'm interested.

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A mix of both. I think one of the things that helped him was being genuine. Don't forget he wants to take America back the Reagan days/era, which while still bad is a lot better than today.

1. Too many deepstate and elites against him to be controlled. They tend to controll people in silence and not bring unnecessary attention to themsleves.
2. his people around him are fairly filled with noncon/cryptojews/jews. So who knows?
3. His actions and desires LARGELY seem very against the grain of what (((They))) want.
4. Research and make up your own mind.

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Next level autism shilling?
A white nationalist is someone who wants a nation for white people. Nothing more is required for this definition. Alt right is a vague term defining to many people most of which have good ideas. But ok shlomo I took the bait.

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They wouldn't allow controlled opposition to do that much damage to their organizational structure. Aside from the damage he's done to them domestically, Trump is responsible for the state of the EU right now. He removed the US from the role of enforcer and the EU doesn't have any way to occupy that role themselves so nations like Italy, Poland, Hungary are free to rebel and there's nothing Juncker and Merkel can do about it. They weren't able to con Europe into letting them have their own army and now the US is going to monopolize European defense spending by making them pay their NATO obligations.

However, the globalist kikes may want war and believe the US asserting itself will help cause it. nothing is as it appears

1. Lurk more.