Two cops are suspended for deciding to arrest a speeding female driver by the flip of coin

Two cops are suspended for deciding to arrest a speeding female driver by the flip of coin
The police officers who used a coin flip to decide they were going to detain a woman who allegedly drove over the speed limit have been suspended.
Courtney Brown and Kristee Wilson of the Roswell, Georgia Police Department have been placed on leave, it was announced on Friday.
Brown and Wilson were filmed giggling as they were filmed arresting Sarah Webb in April.
Webb was caught allegedly speeding past a police cruiser in Georgia and was pulled over.
According to the police report filed by Brown, Webb was driving around 85 miles per hour in a 45 mph zone.
As she sat in her car, damning bodycam footage obtained by 11Alive shows officer Brown return to the patrol vehicle to consult fellow officer Wilson on what she should do.

Noting the pavement was wet, Brown decided to add a charge of reckless driving, but both noted Wilson did not have speed detection in her car or tickets.
With their options only to arrest Sarah and take her to jail or to release her, Brown turned to a coin for help.
Opening an app on her phone, the officers agreed if it landed on heads, she would be arrested, and if it landed on tails, she would be released.
The coin landed on tails.
But perhaps forgetting, or not caring, Wilson called for Sarah's arrest, using the code '23'.
Laughing, Brown gets out of the car to take Sarah into custody.
As she is led towards the car, Webb begins to cry, and body cam shows the hair stylist sobbing in the back seat of the patrol car.

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Cop on left has taken many facials - You can identify by the look and chin.

Cop on right is now a dyke and went this route after seventeen men went backdoor only on her for nine years.

Women in authority is a nightmare. Anybody with a female boss knows this.

Yeah, you can actually tell by the eyes. Buttsex turns you into a kike.

they also impounded the drivers automobile. wouldn't let the husband come and get it from the side of the road following the arrest. corrupt arrogant bitches

B-but police are our friends and women are pure!

What a surprise. This didn't need its own thread.

Exactly user, I wasn't kidding. There comes a point where you can just notice the shit by a picture and I have a feeling many anons are at that point now too.

and what is great about police forces is, now the fist bumping is all over, no one knows who you are anymore or acts like they don't, an empty wallet with no badge in it, may as well buy a gallon of cheap vodka and paint the ceiling red

Unfortunately they are on paid vacation so I don’t think they will be punished though.

They're getting stuffed behind a desk for sure.

"I broke he law and now I'm arrested! How could this happen to me?"

No. No. No. I mean fuck the pigs, ACAB and all that shit, but this is another case of paradox human behavior. The news are rattle their sabers at cops when they act like unemotional robots and literally enforce the law with potent authority, yet here we have a two cops showing a human gesture of mocking (while still upholding the law) and they get the boot for it. How is teaching some repeated speeding offender a little lesson in authority and following orders a wrong think. It's not like this happens all the time, it's not like this was a reckless endangerment of anything. Fuck this nonsensical civilization and their ever changing rules.

She broke the law but the police women were very unprofessional and psychotic. Why let the coin decide for them? It show us that they are incapable of being independent thinkers.

you can eyeball a car and know how fast it's going when you're having your period too? oh my

They are arresting people for speeding while civilization collapses. That is the problem.

I imagine it's the power aspect of it. Two powerful people mocking someone who is at their mercy would tend to annoy the peasants.

i hope one of you is keeping count of professional misconduct by sex/race, like there exists crimes by race

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I hate it when they are getting vagina pass. It will not teach them a frickin lesson. Whip their bums to make them think twice because they hated the pains.

It has been recognized throughout the ages by every civilization worth a damn that women do not have any innate sense of morality, only the capacity to build a list of socially appropriate stimulus-response pairs exclusively through personal experience, and are therefore incapable of serving justice.

there's nothing wrong with this, obviously the FBI did the same thing when whether they were deciding to fuck Trump or Hillary


next time put the 'i was only pretending to be retarded' stick man meme with your post, it adds exra flavor to your inability to detect sarcasm or irony

Whoops I took it too literal.

What the fuck?


Wait, but she was speeding and they decided to arrest her even though the coin landed on release, meaning they were goofing off. What the fuck? In my senior year of hs, the campus police officer joked about doing something similar. I don't get it.

Would they be held more accountable if they are hired as the private police?

my great great grand paw was once arrested for galloping in a cantering zone down by the gulch. felt he was being discriminated against

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You don't agree?


Why would you even contemplate arresting her?
She was going almost 90 fucking miles an hour.

The actual fuck? That's a destroyed car over here, no court nothing, just get out of your car and the cop drives it to the impound lot to be crushed.

Sometimes if you're a kid, they make you watch the car being crushed.

I wish they do that in my country so the drivers wouldn’t be so reckless.

Pray tell, which dystopian third world shithole do you live in where potential life ruining punishment is conducted without a due process?

Amen brother

Pray tell, which dystopian third world shithole do you live in where potential life ruining behavior is conducted without a due punishment?

….jesus fucking christ, even the mob had standards of competence. Yeah yeah, that meme pic of you dont need to be good when you own it, but EVEN THEN, THERE WERE BASIC FUCKING EXPECTATIONS.

I would fuck the one on the left.

It's almost like they didn't flip a coin at all and they were just looking for a way to ease their conscious.

What a non-issue.

It doesn't even seem like the coin toss influenced their decision.

yeah let's keep in mind the patrol car was not equipped with any sort of speed detection device, no radar, nothing, she didn't even have a ticket book to write tickets, so they eye balled her going "fast as fuck" and arrested her and had her car impounded based on that. Zero evidence.

This. This is exactly what I thought when they flipped the coin and still arrested her.

What the hell did she expect? She was going 85 mph speed racer style on a 45 mph road, also on wet pavement.

van you actually prove that? and how did they plan on proving that, it's simply and unsupported statement by two dyke cops

go back to faggot

Ok, I wrote that before seeing your previous comment . Now after seeing your comment, I do agree with your statement on zero evidence.


Ok you know what, kys you nigger.

How did she lost the ticket book?

Georgia cops are all pieces of shit whose only goal in life is to screw you over.
They have no control over the rabid monkeys in Atlanta, this they prowl the highways to exert their dominance over motorists.
Add this to the fact that they are both women, and I’m not surprised shit like this happens.


Zig Forums stands for politically incorrect, not kissing cops asses you'll find that at your policeone echo and ass kissing chamber, wtf are you even doing here zogbot?

How fucking cheapass backwoods of an operation was this that all those deficiencies were even possible?

That was their first mistake.

FBI always have to say something good about their fellow police as they both allow Antifa to riot in the streets without prosecution.

No surprise, that's how they decide on divorce too after all.

empowered women


When USA collapse then the women won’t be working in the masculine jobs again and become child bearers.


This is what women do with authority. If you want to know what is wrong with the world look at how many women have unearned and undeserved authority.


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Next time put a picture of Bernie Sanders on your post so people can know you're a communist fucktard right away

Women can't respect people they have power over. It's biological wiring. The very act of pursuing authority positions is a shit test, and women will become disenchanted with the world if allowed to control it; and then they become destructive.

Probably since private cops are employees compared to government cops which are part of the modern nobility.

The leftist think tanks have made sure that over several decades the police are the enemy of the people

They should both be shitcanned.
In all likelihood, they'll be given some form of remedial training and at worst, shuffled off to a different city/county.

Also, what the fuck is wrong with their faces?
The one on the left looks like there's a nigger in the woodpile a few generations back and the one on the right looks like she's using drugs and her mouth is deformed.
Both have those blank, soulless eyes.

Well, now I fully understand why my boss never seems to believe a goddamn thing I say, including half the times when I show her verifiable proof.

It's possible to do 85 in a 45 quite easily if you don't live in a shit congested city

I thought the same, maybe 5 generations ago but all of the nigger hasn't been fucked out of her yet. wonders

unfortunately, this sort of behavior is the rule, not the exception
fuck off


You’re going to make me put my shoes on and teach these bad girls a lesson, aren’t you.



fucking damnit and checked

This guy is onto something. If a woman has authority over a man she automatically sees him as a beta cuck and walks all over him.
Not faulting them or anything, its just how humans are programmed.

Article said she was going 85 in a 45, you get an ass chewing and a ticket usually for 10 over, let alone going almost twice the speed limit.
That is reckless driving right of the bat and those stupid dykes shouldn't have to deliberate over a coin toss to figure out what to do.

not if people are poor like you , you have change in your cup all the time


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Inbred retarded trash

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Not unless you're a fucking retarded hick asking to be jailed.


they ought to be stuck under a fucking desk

they're back working the street, breaking balls and taking names

What commie shithole do you live in? Australia?


I think every police cadet should spend a weekend in county lockup as part of their training. So that they know what their arrestee will experience.

There's nothing worse than a woman or a nigger with a badge.

She wasn't ugly crying, she was just upset. It's uh… not fun getting arrested.