Italy, pedophile gets out of prison, is killed soon after

Italy, pedophile gets out of prison, is killed soon after.

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The big motivator is because the vatican, especially catholics have a horrible reputation for being secret pedophiles and normalfags know this.

the unfortunate part from all of this is that this shit doesn't happen to rabbis, we should probably get normies to hate jewish pedophiles at the same rate as catholic pedophiles, that way we see more shit like this happening but against jewish people.



In 20 years you will realize who taught you to distrust christians

That's nice, fuck off pastanigger, one dead pedo isn't newsworthy.

It all started with the slackening of moral standards in the church circa Vatican II. The idea that homosexuals could (and should) be priests stemmed from there. Before then, a priest could be defrocked easily if it was found out that they had even remotely gay tendencies.

My father went to a seminary near Toronto back in the late 70s and was appalled by the amount of heroin addicts and fags he saw, so he abandoned his desire to become a priest. Needless to say, I owe The Nu-Church thanks for me being born.

The only reasonable Catholics are Sedevacantists.

The fire rises.

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If,at all. One of the saddest experiences I had while growing up is realizing that majority of people are just cattle, barely sentient lifeforms.
Shure one has to question ones convictions and not everybody is an idiot just because he comes to different conclusions.
The matter of fact is unfortunately most people don’t think at all, never question the position they are presented by the TPTB. They just parrot it like automatons.

So on this “political incorrect” board the position of the MSM is taken as gospel pun intended Here you might find a slight increased frequency of original thinkers, contrarians, but they are still in minority.

Beyond Basedome

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You seem upset, Isaac.

Christians follow the Bible and don't pray to humans.

heyooo thats a win lads

One down…so (((many))) more to go…we should all be celebrating that this man was shot dead! This is EXACTLY what we need to see more of in order to clean this planet up.

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the NPC effect.

those unable or unwilling to consider data without rejecting nor accepting it.

rapist/sex offender yes, but 15 is not pedophilia in any way

It always starts slowly. It will gain strength with time, and the the people's understanding that they don't have to wait for the courts to deal with these fuckers first.

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this tbh, 15+ isn't pedo

Or that they have to wait for the court to finish PROTECTING THE CRIMINAL before they can move in…to me 'the fake assed FUCKING COURT' who is PROTECTING THE FUCKING CRIMINAL is the only thing that keeps me from dispensing JUSTICE. But that day will come as well…even if it takes a long time. I WAIT to dispense REAL JUSTICE, NOT THIS FAKE ASSED 'PROTECT THE CRIMINAL' FROM THE FAMILY SHIT.
CRIMINAL justice, because the fucking 'justice' is CRIMINAL
This is why I HATE the court system and think that they should be dragged out of their comfortable homes and killed just like the rest of the parasites who 'UPHOLD this fucking SHIT DISGUSTING CORRUPT SYSTEM' and prevent JUSTICE from ever happening.

It depends on the circumstances and yes, in certain cases (especially those involving an authority figure) it is pedo

Catholics wrote the bible and only pray to God.

It depends on how long he's been abusing her. It requires the long-game version of sexual grooming when you're working in a trusted position like he was. First he had to gain her parents trust, then her trust, then subvert her understanding of love/sex/promiscuity in order for her to allow closer physical contact. Then before she realizes what is happening, he seizes his chance when the circumstances are most advantageous to his plan.

Also, 15 may be sexually able to reproduce, but mental they aren't ready for the consequences of what comes with the mating process. Because we don't teach them what they need to know. Child-rearing, home-making, relationship-building, money-management, nutrition-based cooking, appliance repair and minor home repairs. And that's what we should be teaching them from middle school onwards.

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This is the duty of every male relative. The law has utterly failed us. We must end these predators ourselves. FBI get fucked. Don't tell anyone you're going to do it. Just do it. If you need to research the job use a public library or give a homeless guy $50 to borrow his phone.

I am not a male and I am still going to do it…I won't tell anyone how and I have a lot of time on my hands to plan it, but it IS GOING TO HAPPEN. The criminal in question MUST NOT BE RELEASED INTO SOCIETY TO COMMIT THESE CRIMES AGAINST ANOTHER CHILD. It is not just for my own that I will kill him…it is to protect all the other girls, teens and women that he must be terminated. We cannot allow this type of FILTH to run rampant in our society PREYING UPON OUR PEOPLE and then wonder WHY our society is a reflection of letting FILTH run rampant in it.

All pedophiles must either die or be locked away for eternity.
But it's also a fact that the church has been compromised by marxists in order to gain control over one of the most powerful pillars of western society.
Those priests who molest children are definitely mostly marxists within the church.

a small one. we need to keep working towards the big victory

How the fuck are the Italians the only ones with balls?

Good news if the guy was actually a pedo, but chances are that he was actually a decent guy trying to expose a pedo network and was framed. Call me pessimistic.

How do you figure that? If you have any info it would be appreciated.

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No info. Just my lack of faith in justice.

And THIS is why real justice should only be administered by the FAMILY of the victim. Because they aren't going to run around killing people 'seeking justice'…but sure as shit they are going to kill someone who attacked and brutalized their child at knifepoint.

There is effectively NO JUSTICE in the world or in any western country because the people who should be seeking justice for their kin are sidelined and the state, whose only job it to UTTERLY PREVENT any sort of real justice from taking place, coddles the GUILTY and protects them FROM THOSE WHO DESERVE JUSTICE. Does anyone here think that free room and board and a fantastic education from OTHER CRIMINALS, so that they learn how to perfect their crimes on society is the way to handle the dispensing of 'justice'? And all the while I/we are PAYING the room and board of the very person who committed the crime against us?

This whole system is set up to prevent any justice from reaching people with powerful connections…they see no trial at all or are given a 'mock trial' and released. Those who have less connections are given shelter (because SOCIETY HAS TO ESTABLISH THE PROTECTION OF CRIMINALS IN YOUR MINDS IN ORDER TO FUNCTION AS A CRIMINAL MAFIA PARADISE where the NORMALIZATION of the (((Criminal mafia))) like the (((catholic homosexual pedophile priesthood))) is the 'rule of law' ←-what a fucking JOKE.


SMH this is just another way for them to MOCK you all and enjoy their 'babylonian shitstain civilization'

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Hmmm, I understand, but user, we MUST NEVER give in to defeatism!!

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the only religious group with a pedo problem are catholics, goy, now eat your cheerios and watch fox and friends

10 billion Lire that the girl was Sicilian. They'll never catch the killer(s), though I'll bet the whole village back home knows their names.

What part of "don't tell anyone what you're going to do" do you not understand? Just dummy up and practice with a rope.

Also, tits or GTFO, whore.


There isn't a 'religious group' that doesn't have a problem with pedos. They are all pedos and faggots. That is the nature of the 'religions of the world'…based on my research tall these 'organized religions' are completely sexually perverse, even things that people think of as immune like Buddhism…it seems like that is some sort of requirement for joining organized 'religion'…you MUST be a pedophile to join.

I was on reddit (and yes you guys can all fuck off about the reddit shit) when I ran across a young girl who was struggling to make sense of being raped by a 'guru'…and that led to some fascinating discoveries for me about the structure of 'sacraments' and 'ascension' worldwide in terms of the homosexual ass rape of people who were trying to reach 'guru' status…apparently being homosexually raped by your 'guru' is the last step in your education before you become a homosexual ass raping 'guru' yourself.

Anyway, this also led to a lot of information on the homosexual priesthoods pedophilia practices and how they class the rape of young girls in terms of its beneficial properties for their 'ascension'. Apparently it has a lot to do with the death of the female light body. Just as the sperm, when it hits the egg causes a burst of light to release into the aether, so also the act of penetration into a young girl (in their mind) causes themselves to gain a hierarchical position in the ascension.

So far from being 'unusual' the practice of pedophilia is incorporated directly into their 'ascension' beliefs…this is compounded by a few more corrupt sects which bleive in snuff pedophila…so in order to obtain the 'maximum ascension' the child has to be murdered while you are ejaculating. Look at the jew pedophile ring that tortured (primarily) little European boys and then had sex with them killing them while they ejaculated…technically they did the same thing to little European girls as well. Oh, that was another thing I discovered while looking into 'organized religion' was that for some reason the most highly valued children to murder where Ethnic European children. I guess these 'ascended masters' travel from all over the world to have a change to pedo rape our kids and kill them in order to 'ascend' to a higher plane of reality. See 'invasion'; also see Italian (((pedo ring perps))) all had traveled to italy EXCLUSIVELY for the purpose of pedo snuff raping European baby boys.

I never told you what I am going to do…when I am finished there will be no way for them to pin it on me…no matter how hard they try…like I said, I have plenty of time to plan and I am using it to my own advantage. If they want to play this game, I will play it.

Also, fuck off KIKE

I'm 30 years old, christians and christian church institutions taught me well to distrust christians, they didn't need the jews help to get me there.

Checked. Nice shooting, Italy.


Consequently, the attempt to create an androgynous being out of a woman means that her own feminine essence becomes subordinated to a masculine principle (the principle of anér). Even when she exhibits the outward sexual characteristics of a woman (breasts and vagina), she mutates, as we know already from Mahayana Buddhism, in terms of energy into a man.

from part 3
But Vajrayana is concerned with more than the performance of a cosmic drama in which the feminine and its qualities are destroyed for metaphysical reasons. The tantric recognizes a majority of the feminine properties as extremely powerful. He therefore has not the slightest intention of destroying them as such. In contrast, he wishes to make the feminine forces his own. What he wants to destroy is solely the physical and mental bearer of gynergy — the real woman. For this reason, the “tantric female sacrifice” is of a different character to the cosmogonic sacrifice of the feminine of early Buddhism. It is based upon the ancient paradigm in which the energies of a creature are transferred to its killer.

Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you have to 'put apostrophes around random phrases.'
Also tits or GTFO, don't use your woman card unless you're willing to prove it


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>the (((catholic homosexual pedophile priesthood)))
Ahmm, ahmm…

This is the case of the rape of a 15 year old girl.

So no homo, no pedo.
now take your medication

Really gives new meaning to the 'destruction of Europa' doesn't it…not to many people understand that the murder of all of us is the faggots priesthoods 'method of ascension'…since Europe and Europeans represent the CREATIVE [Creation] female principle on Earth. This is why our societies are builders, innovators, energetic and full of creation. I don't think that they care who does the raping and murdering as long as it results in the extermination of all of the children of God.

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It is like you can't comprehend English at all…fascinating.

Checked, tho it's still satisfying, he was an abuser, and deserved death. It's one thing in a relationship, marriage specifically, but he was just raping her, which is almost as fucked up as pedophilia.

Good luck (fem?) user, be sure to play it well. If you're gonna play the sick game they started, win it. Dubs will it!

Hunt or be hunted.

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why would jews be upset about a christian priest getting vented for crimes committed?
I always forget

Only death is promised!

By how things are going these days, he probably got shot for not being a pedo.


im too old to be hunted by a pedo …
forever alone :

So he wasn't a pedophile, then.

This and 14 is the legal age in Italy iirc. He is a sexual offender though.

Well, once you have established this can happen among priests, you can push the idea it happens among rabbis and imams too. As long as you know how to make a good point.

Imagine the outcry when Trump and Epstein's parties become news.

14? smh.

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Christians are Shlomo's best goyim.

I wish more victims would kill their attackers. I guess it's so traumatic that their paralyzed with fear or something. But if they have relatives, there's really no excuse. This type of thing fits the, 'over my dead body' criterion. So any anons with little brothers or sisters, do your duty for your family if such tragedy should befall you.

Good riddance.

Now apply this to all muzzies and niggers whoe get out.

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First off, that is a CHILD. Second its BROWN, no not human…

By semantics, they are correct; same rope though, so it doesn't really matter.

Pretty obvious it was his own crew killing him
afraid he would talk

GOOD I hope he pissed himself in terror. Give that man a medal and a fair maiden as a wife, he is a hero.

They literally suck baby dicks. The fucking Jews have so much protection with anti-semitism laws you can't even talk about how they give STDs to kids by sucking their dicks. That needs to change.

Yes it is, it's always cause for celebration.


100% back in the day people used to lynch pedos themselves. Now everyone is left sitting on their hands waiting on incompetent/overworked/understaffed police whenever something goes down and you're not guaranteed justice even if you KNOW what happened. Or the fucker gets a lenient sentence by a corrupt judge.

I second all of this.

Lol. All the Abrahamic religions have a pedo problem. Very telling.

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why are abrahamites so obsessed with ruining children?

This, making normalfags aware of the prevalence of mitzvah b'peh would be a great idea

assmad kike detected

good pizzagate image

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Italian mob doesn't fuck around and have been killing these bastards behind the scenes for awhile now. New PM basically unleashed them recently so I expect a big time blood bath to erupt in Italy.

15yo isn’t a kid, Mary was like 14yo when he conceived Jesus. Is god a pedophile?

Yes, more of this. We should start shooting corrupt politicians more often too!

You being next will be

the shooter should be caught and his whole family raped

Your hebrew God? Yes.

What kind of degenerates believe that a 45 years old priest having sex with a 15 years girl is fine?
In Italy the age of consent is set at 14, but that applies only for people of around the same age.
I believe the rule of thumb is that minors shouldn't have relations with people that have a difference in age greater than 4.

Fuck off, Dan Harmon. You get the bullet you pedo fuck, just you wait.

And here comes the Zig Forums astroturf shills defending his institution.
Daily reminder the (((vatican))) does not represent the teaching of christ nor the true ways of christianity and only subhumans like (((You))) defend them by conflating their cryptokike actions with christianity as a whole.

If only this kind of things could happen in other countries as well…

I didn't know Italy discovered the cure to pedophilia

They're not.

Poland and Hungary just never let the scum in in the first place.


This message can be custom-crafted to every group, too, and be made to destroy (((organized religion))) in general, paving the way for the expansion of natural Folkish pantheons and Memes.

Here's a brainwashed one now. Lurk moar and learn how to use things instead of being offended by them. Kikes are in power, and you will be destroyed if you do not coopt and turn back on them every device they have deployed. There is no "un-deploying" them at the moment.

Their cops have sweet uniforms

I'll wait for photos of scientists examining the bullets in vials before I believe that Italy has truly developed a cure for pedophilia.

Uh… not really. See the first pic. That's the italian "police", you recognize them because they wear blue.
The second one are "carabinieri" from Rome carrying swords, you can again recognize them from the color as they wear black uniforms, and they are "cops" that belong to the army.

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It was Jews actually
Catholics pray to Mary and the saints too. Stop lying, there is no Taqiya in Christendom, faggot.