Africans Commit 128x More Violent Robberies, 68x More House Invasions

"The African “refugee” invaders living in Melbourne Australia are responsible for 128 times more violent robberies and 68 times more house invasions than natives, an Australian newspaper has finally admitted, confirming that the city is fast collapsing into a Third World crime nightmare."

“We can’t pretend - as many politicians keep doing - that importing refugee groups from tribal war-torn Third World areas and from cultures very different to ours does not put Australians here in danger. It is just not fair to those who then become victims of crime,” a report in the Herald Sun, written by well-known correspondent Andrew Bolt, states.

“Then there is this: the now-notorious reluctance of police and many media outlets to describe perpetrators, especially in violent robberies and home invasions, causes many Victorians to lose faith in both.”

source New Observer Online
more -→

Attached: Aus african aus.jpg (500x437, 35.7K)

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Niggers are born criminals. In other news, fishes swim, birds fly, jews steal, and fags die.

Nice to see some honest figures for once.

wanted to get that statistic, but there's a paywall
where's the police report? i want it as a jpg in my folder

what in the fuck
seems there's endless more things i haven't heard about these africans here

Attached: 50yo african rapes impregnates 12girl.png (650x1250, 620.19K)

Should've just been killed outright to spare everyone the financial and mental anguish of keeping him there while he appealed that he shouldn't be deported.

At least she got a fucking abortion.

Attached: fcbf7487b536466633b54e186823a71c7ccd0fa97d99f4143a560bd88a3d7455.jpg (480x740, 28.73K)

Based Andrew Bolt, one of the very few that would actually report this in an Australian newspaper. Unfortunately, the left disregards what he writes for obvious reasons… need to spread this far and wide in Oz.

>number of sub saharan born
This implies they don't include the ones born in Australia in those numbers.

that's the problem with australian statistics, pic related

Attached: race statistics in australia.png (1039x1077, 80.46K)

Well, its a VERY small comfort. She has been defiled, if not permanently damaged from a reproductive standpoint.

It's hilarious to watch politicians and progressives squirm over, I don't know if they're genuinely deluded or simply manipulative but their excuses are incredible.

Trips of truth, they're blatantly manipulating statistics by withholding ethnicity.

So the real figures are certainly even worse..

How such reports are even possible in the Year 2018? Where are PC watchers?

The Australian born africans are the ones in criminal gangs, their crime rates are most definitely higher.

The political center will collapse as things get worse. Since it was the left that advocated for it, and made apologies for, they will be delegitimized. It's a countdown to midnight for niggers, kikes and Muzzies.

Attached: 40c11c960c14a9b67f96ba351eb25bcc65d561c191c46d2c9a096f23da6d15f7.jpg (699x567, 45.32K)

I want these disgusting fucking niggers out off my country fuck sake.

How much money says some kike rat was his lawyer

Left has invincible armor

It certainly is. 457 visas destroying the construction industry.
But in the end, we will keep voting absolute trash into parliament, because both sides are so out of touch with the reality of the situation. Australia is fucked, radical change is the only way to save it.


A lot of Victorians have moved to Qld but Melbournians whines that the qld including Brisbane culture aren’t multiculturalists. What the? Qld government invested a lot of money on multicultural craps and yet Melbournians aren’t happy. Argh! Please deport Melbournians to Africa. Melbournians are different from Victorians so Melbourne should be a state to contain the poison.

There does come a time when you have to vote for those that will do less damage than the other. Look at Trump v Hillary.
Instead we got retards thinking the "Liberal national party" would save us from the evil Rudd /Gillard. From that train of thought, we ended up with half the country in recession. Reduction in working hours for full time workers. A terrible new NBN system. And a telecommunications company that got paid billions for it all, only to start closing up shop.
In short, I guess I'm saying, it doesn't matter what side of politics you think you're on, find the values that you hold dear and fight for them.

Also my dear "summer child" I have been here for many years, I have seen the constant mistakes being repeated and remade. Once again we are back into the divide and conquer phase. (Who am I kidding we never left). Maybe one day it will become common sense.

this unfortunately
I don't want to think about what is going to happen when Dutton gets replaced by a full neocon/neolib

False equivalence, Trump is not a politician and a complete outlier whose only interest is to make his country great again. We have no such option in Straya.

Those retards do the same thing every election, it doesn't matter who's in power. And it doesn't matter who they vote for.

Easy to say when your government is completely kiked and the populace so weak and apathetic they allow themselves to be fucked in the arse without lube on a daily basis. I mean we could start and armed insurrection, except we gave up our guns…

For such an alleged oldfag you sure are naive. We are governed by kikes, so you can vote for whoever you like, ultimately they control both sides of the aisle so your vote is useless. The only thing that will save us is cunts standing up for what's right and garnering massive support while doing so. I'm doing my bit, what are you doing?

Hasn't Melbourne always been a crime shitholes? Back in the 90s and before I was born there was all those wog gangs and shit bikey cunts

Agreed, alas Melbournians think they are Victoria and the rest of us don't exist, then we get given shit for what happens in Melbourne by other states.

Andrew Bolt is a civcuck, boomer nigger lover but at least he has a large viewership that can be pushed to further and further extremes and that's where the work falls into other hands. There should be a sticky that lists all the biological, genetic reasons why communities of niggers can not function in high trust societies so that when people come here they can read that. Then they can be shown how the jew has orchestrated it all.

Ok. And? Will Australia nut up, reinstitute White Australia, kick out the non whites, and include the jews in that expulsion? Does Australia have ICBM tech and nukes to effectively tell the US the fuck off?

Well? No? What about rearming the white populace?


Otherwiss, wooptey do, guess whose getting fired.

Knew elections & democracy was a crock of shit since when I was 18 and got a job working at an election.

Apart from getting an insane amount of money to just stand there and cross names off. I got to see the dregs of society, in not even a bad neighborhood come in and vote.
Got to see the degenerate parties and their spruikers first hand.
But by far the worst, was this election booth was at a hospital, they wheeled full blown retards in who had trouble drooling let alone speaking or voting. These guys got a vote. And then they made us go around to the hospital beds to force invalid retards to vote. I thought, what a fucking joke, my vote counts exactly the same as these guys and haven't taken part since.

Voting is a skill. Most people don't have the ethics, intelligence or talent for it. Many don't even have the DNA.

Attached: rarre pepe.jpg (550x437, 35.62K)

Western honour cultures vs. African and goatfucker honour cultures. It's kind of like how American southerners don't like eating shit, there are certain lines you don't cross with bogans.

Pajeets and Gooks cause a lot of problems. Have for a long time. Particularly in drug trafficking. Not defending the Sudanese, but the Vietnamese sure love their pills and heroin and everyone knows the pigs are on the take.

Bring in Africans, surprised they act like Africans

I am not surprised. Most of the people would rather to pay the fine or write from 1 to 5 without a thought and leave soon as it is done. It’s ridiculous. Why force the people to vote if they are not interested in politics? It will make them more cynical toward the pollies.

Damn that’s cruel and unethical.

Attached: 2016-05-20-tall-african-man.png (653x642 44.75 KB, 41.92K)

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They take ballots to nursing homes for the nurses to fill in on behalf of the residents. Had an OT girlfriend that told me all about it.

I will vote for the one party out of the major two that most upsets niggers, faggots, hippies, unions, and other assorted trash in every single election. I will do this to contribute to their lives being as uncomfortable as the situation permits. I will gladly support those chink ass kissing globalist kike puppet fucks up until the point that I am lined up against the wall, as long as you and the rest of the undesirables are right beside me. I understand exactly what I'm doing, you just can't comprehend the hatred I have for you.

what is your major malfunction cunt

Now that is interesting.

This guy isn't getting a good rep on social media btw. Most of the viewers tend to be utter mouth breathers.

You would have vote them to the bottom because it will reduce their power. I do this every election and will keep doing this until I die'.

I've seen reports of people literally removing race from birth certificates too.

Get a 3D printer and print guns.

The amount of dumb women on facebook that have literally posted things denying this shit grinds my fucking gears.

nah, make a lathe + mill and produce real fucking guns
3d printed bullshit can't compete in a real SHTF situation
you'd be better off with a knife and a sharpened hammer

But the easy manufacture of them would mean that the ability to arm a force is increased.
Plus there's less possibility of alerting authorities.

Its not invincible.

That's more of a flaw than armor.

Lathe and mill can be produced from scrap aluminium such as hard drive casings (computer repair places throw out thousands of those things) and steel stock. Guns can be made from more steel stock and aluminium castings. Is steel stock going to become a (((restricted item))) anytime soon? I don't really think so.
3D printers are more complex devices which are difficult for most people to completely understand, especially the often proprietary software on the controllers. It would theoretically be possible for the printers to (if connected to the internet) send identifying information to the (((police))), or to add unnoticeable patterns to the printed items to make the owner easy to identify.
I don't really think that kind of botnet is included in most 3D printers, but it's always a possibility - one which will become more likely as LE 3D PRINTED GUNZ MEEM becomes propagated through the (((media))). Especially considering a lot of programmers are soyboy liberals.

Here are relevant /pdfs/. There are other books in the series if someone wants them.

>Is steel stock going to become a (((restricted item))) anytime soon?
Mate, they're thinking about chipping all products in Aus for coordinates and temperature, etc.
Shit's fucked.

How do (((they))) plan to do that? It's a fucking piece of steel. You could always heat it up to 500C to burn the botnet out of it.
Also sauce for the claim?

These are useful for more than guns tbh. Please post if you have more.

I was just thinking how impractical that sounded… but it was on channel 7.

Of course. Caught an ABC report on a survey Triple Gay did for their listeners, fucken howled with laughter. 42% living with their parents! 54% have less than 5k in savings! Degenerates getting theirs. They trotted out some urban youth whale to talk about the hard times the "younger generation" (read: human garbage that listens to TripGay) face. Bitch doesn't look like she's starving just yet!

Every drug money laundered/fraudulent loan Chinese bought piece of real estate is another slit Leftist wrist. Enjoy your global cities and multiculturalism, here's hoping Tyrone stabs you on your way back from your inner city barista gig.

obviously they would have meant the packaging or shipping vehicle itself, at max electronic devices
retarded scaremongering along the lines of mandatory microchipping transhumanism

You see, faggots like you is why these lefties exist in the first place.
They consider you the reason why they aren't inheriting their rightful clay.

I'm not sure you've fully grasped the point of automated, precision, downloadable 3D home printing.

Attached: Laser cut denim-By Golden LaserYT.mp4 (480x480, 2.33M)

They do statistics based on citizenship. So a Sudanese 'Australian citizen' is logged as Australian in the stats. These are just the stats of Sudanese born immigrants.

This is the complete series (except for the last book which is some useless recap which doesn't contain any useless content). Most of the files are too big to upload, so I'm gonna post a catbox link (132MiB):

If it's possible to print a semi-auto firearm that can withstand 100 shots, sure. But otherwise, it's just a gimmick. I support the development of this technology; I'm just saying it's not something my life should depend on at the moment.

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I'm glad that Bolt has spoken up about the nigger problem but the left are unlikely to change their policies in any major way. Things will only change if it impacts the federal government.

Attached: 14.png (760x965, 369.7K)

Regarding your cartoon… that's not the way you do it if you want to make children.

I don't think that's a depiction of a female.

Yes, does anyone have a copy of the stats I can save for later?
Surely someone's boomer relative has a subscription

Melbourne is no longer part of Australia

That's just the warm-up

The nigger problem is getting too hard to ignore. if you watch the TV news basically ever second story is a nigger crime. they try to gloss over it, but sometimes they can't.

Andrew Bolt is a right wing shock jock. He dosen't get much of an audience with a leftist young population, hes the kind of person boomers listen to and kvetch about everything.

Well at least the niggers will destroy Melbourne and we can start again one all the leftists have been murdered by their nigger pets.

Austlai did takea some nigger women in the late 90's so some of the nigger gang problem is home grown. those domestic niggers never knew any war torn area they didn't make them selves, they were never slaves and they had generous welfare and schooling was free. There are no excuses and that's why this is being so heavily swept under the carpet.

Anecdote Some kids were in their final year of hight school as were being asked their plans for the future. some kids said university, some trade school, some wanted to travel. one Nigger said his dream was to get on welfare.

Can you imagine the tears of joy running down his face as he completed the last box on the welfare application form. Yes this nigger just conquered his Everest, he finished the Centerlink form and his payments are starting in 21 days. So young and such a massive accomplishment for a fucking waste of oxygen.

the votes are written in pencil, so they can be erased and over written.
Take a pen if you think your vote matters, it probably doesn't.

somewhat like this pic.

Attached: nigs Afric- DS.jpg (625x416, 269.82K)

They'll just blame it on raycis ghettos in a rigged system against them. No point in discussing what everyone on the planet knows to be true. Nogs are the truest form of savage the world has ever produced.

Melbourne's Jews want Australia to take more of these murderous fake refugees.
pic related

Attached: Aus melbourne jews refugees dou.jpg (700x768, 80.92K)

Attached: africa australia.png (592x542, 26.69K)

oh god
imagine what the real percentage of non-whites is by now

If you buy clothing, or other non-metallic small items, microwave on high for 10 secs. Chip destroyed. For tires, build a portable microwave gun (dangerous) with a magnetron out of a microwave and a waveguide, scan it across the tire while powered. Avoid metal obviously. Get a cheap RFID reader off of ebay (make sure it can read all the dif types of tags, there are at least 3 freq bands for them) to check your work. Here in burgerland, border checkpoints have been quietly reading tire serial numbers for the last 20 years or so, it was briefly revealed to the press about 15 years back, then quickly (((forgotten))).

Ugh, more hate facts. This just proves Shitpostland needs more diversity.

Making guns is stupid easy.

Its making the ammo in industrial quantities thats the challenge.

They're calling them "African-Australians" now. I nearly lost my shit when I heard that. It's a newly invented term, I've never heard it before this year.

He also loves the kike that is responsible for this invasion.

The bullet itself isn't that hard to make. As are casings etc.
The real issue is propellant. Matches make for reasonable propellant and it's piss easy to do. In bunnings (hardware store) they sell big boxes of matches. The problem with that is that large quantities require a lot of labor to extract.
I'm pretty sure that making potassium nitrate for black powder isn't that hard theoretically, but it requires a lot of preparation beforehand if I'm not mistaken.

Hasn't been used in centuries. Learn how to make:
There should be some tutorials on youtube

Also you can buy blanks and repurpose them to actual ammo.

You are a part of the problem that keep them in power. Any sane people will vote them to the bottom and vote right wing minority parties to the top. We don’t needed keep Lib/Lab/Green because it is well known that they are traitors.

Words do not protect against lead.

This is a photo of some of the Muslim Africans in Melbourne when they rioted and walked the streets in holiday season killing Christmas cheer.

Attached: Australia Melbourne nigs riot.jpg (800x479, 57.36K)

Haha. Yep sounds about right

Depression is rife among these hipster uni student faggots.

Making coffees to pay exorbitant rents to their inner city chink landlords… Catching public transport filled with diversity… Balls deep in HECS debt.

They were so smug about gay marriage last year. Their time in the sun is over.

This is what they took from you

I strongly fucking.advise you not to.delete RAM

Well, then, you would have to find a way to make nitric acid. Either you use nitrates + sulfuric acid (drain cleaner) or you make it from air, which consumes a lot of electricity and takes a very long time - ergo, you have to do it on a large scale anyway.
Does anyone know of a way (other than matchpowder) to produce usable propellant on a relatively small scale?
requires a (((license))) in australia because they contain "explosives"

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Even the cops like to tell it like it is, but sometimes leftards shut down these efforts as being raycass:

It would appear Bolt's interview with Molyjew influenced him for the better.

Pigs distribute lead. And absolute majority of them are bootlickers (who support everything liberal asks if its written on the piece of stamped paper).

What follows is taken from a shrill hit-piece, but people residing in the Earth's Northern Hemisphere - like me - find it quite informative.

The far-right’s (growing) influence on Australian politics
"Far-right political groupings are a constant feature on the fringes of Australian politics. In the 1950s and 1960s, they included the League of Rights and minuscule neo-Nazi parties. In the 1980s, there was National Action, the Australian Nationalist Movement, Australians Against Further Immigration and the Citizens Electoral Council.

In recent years, we have witnessed the emergence of a number of groups that combine online organisation with intimidating street activity: Reclaim Australia, Rise Up Australia, the Australian Defence League, the United Patriots Front, True Blue Crew and Antipodean Resistance.

"While hostility between - and within - far-right groups is typical, they are united by their nationalism, racism, opposition to “alien” immigration and disdain for democracy."

Attached: Aus salute dou.jpg (1023x576 17.74 KB, 54.84K)

Well would you look at that… niggers are even more overrepresented in violent crime when the private ownership of guns and self defense in general is made illegal

In a pinch black powder works just fine. You gotta keep in mind that "black powder" is a bit of a catchall term. There are varying levels of sophistication that can be put into the process. At its simplest all it is is charcoal and saltpeter mixed at a specific ratio, this would work fine for a canon or some shit in a pinch but is not desirable at all. If you add a small amount of sulfur to the mix you will have a rudimentary (and very dirty burning) gun powder. It works just fine but will foul your weapon pretty fast. There is (was) a video on youtube of some fag sourcing all of the material himself (including prospecting around for minerals).

In reality, all you need to make high quality propellant is live wood to incinerate and the trimmings from supper and you will have a steady supply of soap and explosives.

check 'em

Thanks for the PDF's user.

Attached: niggersarethelowestformoflife.jpg (824x695, 133.38K)

You can't spell apex without ape

Women have been prime collaborators, willingly and inadvertently, with the Jews in the destruction of Western civilization. Their diminished logic and reliance on emotion make them easily brainwashed to shill for 'progressive' causes.

stop pushing this stale disinfo
gun ownership rates in the country are higher than they were pre NFA.

Self defense is still illegal if a firearm is used. And it doesn't matter how many people own firearms, the retarded locking system requirements mean you can't actually use them even for home self defense. And semi-auto firearms are practically banned.

it requires the DPP to proceed with charges, more often than not, they don't. There was a recent case where a guy shot a couple of niggers breaking into his industrial shed, was bought up on charges that were dropped by the DPP.
the fuck does this even mean, yes they are kept in safes but you are allowed to have your firearm out and even on you when you are around the house. I have a Springfield xdm on the desk next to me right now, I own half a dozen pistols that are semi automatic, 2 shotguns and a couple of different cal rifles.

admittedly the rules are different from state to state but its not my fault if you live in one of the shit ones and even then you can still get them, it's just more hoops to jump through.

stop spreading fake news


Link, Shlomo?
I suspect you don't have one to verify your claim. Amirite?

Kane Robert Cook
Charged with manslaughter for killing an intruder in his home with a firearm
charges were dropped

Girandoni rifle.

Make a .50cal PCP. That'll be plenty adequate.