Girls in polygamous Kingston Group continue to marry as young as 15, records show...

Girls in polygamous Kingston Group continue to marry as young as 15, records show, sometimes leaving Utah to marry cousins
Jessica Kingston didn’t want to be a polygamist.
Not desiring to be a plural wife doesn’t necessarily mean she hoped to leave the Davis County Cooperative Society, also known as the Kingston Group. But Jessica knew the longer she waited to wed, the more likely she would have to become a polygamist and the more likely her husband would be far older than she was.
So, at age 16, she married.
“You’re just supposed to get married as young as you can,” said the now-26-year-old.
Jessica is hardly the only girl to make such a choice. In a search of public records created since the start of 1997, The Salt Lake Tribune found 65 marriages among members of the Kingston Group in which the bride was 15, 16 or 17. The two most recent of those marriages, according to wedding certificates, occurred in April.

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keep sliding, kike

wow reading this gave me a huge boner. Those young girls are some ripe and ready fruit

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I know I'll have lived a successful life if I can add this many children to the white warrior fold in the race wars to come.

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who would want to escape polygamy?
the more white kids the merrier.

2 wives and nine kids before the age of 35!

Fuck yeah!!
this is the America we should be fighting for

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Polygamy is for shitskins and bugmen, fuck off.

says the divorced lawman with 2 kids who hate him

Most forms of polygamy are degenerate, yes. That, or just plain bad for whites.

Ideally, marriage should be one (white) man, one (white) woman. However, given the declining white birth rate in Western nations, the increasing number of shitskins, and the increasing population gap between women and men (favoring women), I would propose temporary measures to increase white reproduction.
Those men willing would take between to to three wives and attempt to beget as many children as they can support.
After… call it fifty, maybe a hundred years of this in order to increase our population and get the M:F ratio closer to 1:1, revert marriage rules back to one man, one woman.
This is, of course, all assuming that at the same time you're either deporting the shitskins, kikes, etc or have gone DotR.

However, for those of you looking to try it, remember:
Ancient Chinese symbol for trouble, two women under one roof.

If a man has to pay wife/child support to his now remarried ex-wife, does that mean the ex essentially has two husbands?

Paki cunt

Polygamy creates high-violence societies because there aren't enough women to go around, precluding most men from reproductive and therefore life success. Find a way to skew sex birth rates like 4:1 in favor of women and we'll talk.

how very white of you, the situation is so dire that young white men should simply fuck and get pregnant as many young white girls as they can, beginning as young as possible, don't list a father on the birth certificate and let the state pay for it. While you way may be ideal strength is in numbers, quantity over quality

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Terrible larp

The Kingston group also practices incest, marrying half-sisters, cousins, and nieces/nephews. Nice example of white pride you got there, a bunch of cousin-fucking inbreds.

Einstein married his cousin, his first cousin no less. Don't you want to be Einstein, goy? And the chosen are the most inbred of all population groups. Don't you want to be inbred as Jews, goyim? It's the chosen choice!

Just in case you missed it, pedos are 100% ok with having sex with kids



Don't forget to fuck your own daughters in a cave like a certain jew in a cave in the torah!

Polygamy does not increase average birthrate. The limiting factor for white birthrate is the ratio of male wealth to female wealth. If you want to increase white birthrate focus on helping other white men to become more wealthy.

so the jew media has said and the zogbots back it up

I would marry a 10 years old girl and fuck her ass hole

The limiting factor in the white birthrate is IQ. When you've got someone intelligent enough who realizes that:

Bullshit. All of your children see you as a horny, disloyal loser on par with a standard street nigger and are embarrassed by your failure as a man. Someday you will be broke and all alone in a shitty state nursing home being womped by fat, ugly wetback nurses who laugh at your pain, wishing one of the children you betrayed will come and visit you just once.

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How dare those traditionalists white date young woman who aren't cum dumpster thots! Quick, gas the pedos my based and fashy fellow goys!

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It's impossible to be in your 30s today and a boomer, because the "booming age" was decades earlier.
You cannot be in your 30s today and get a part time summer job that buys you a used corvette.
You cannot be in your 30s today and walk into any high paying job straight from the street after high school graduation.
You cannot be in your 30s today and easily buy land and a house and have a family with about three children, two cars, pets a pool, etc without doing something incredibly exceptional, unlike back then where pretty much anyone had the chance on that.
You cannot be in your 30s today and routinely go on vacation without getting into precarious job situations.
You cannot be in your 30s today and retire early unless you're doing something exceptional and nonstandard to regular people.

But you can be a language poisoning bastard who tries to muddy the linguistic waters of "boomers" and the devastating effects they had on the current generation, as demonstrated by you.

(double dubs checked)
What is wrong with ladies getting married at a young and beautiful age? I hope they do well and that they are taken care of and treated well. I don't think that forcing them into anything is good, but they need to pick a man and stay loyal. We must expect responsibility from both our men and our ladies.
It should. Men are being robbed of what is theirs wholesale.

Traditionally, rulers were allowed three concubines in addition to a wife. A ruler must be landed and able to take care of his ladies. Nowadays, out of practical necessity, I think warfare is necessary to cull excess men (and it's necessary anyway, so it's not a bad thing to go with) for this to be possible.

I personally could not keep up with more than two. I like ladies, but fuck that shit.
3+=Not for me
5+=Automatic death penalty even for an emperor
Also, no fucking cheating. Death penalty for that shit. And I have a strong dislike of whoredom, although I have heard some arguments in favor of it that weren't complete shit. I just think it's disgusting and would never mess with that.

Kind of a shit thread, OP, but it is sparking some conversation.

No. Truly intelligent people are not selfish faggots, faggot. Go listen to your Peterstein, bucko.

>reproducing is dumb, goy! :^)

The Supreme Court, in Reynolds v. United States (1878):

Polygamy has always been odious among the northern and western nations of Europe, and, until the establishment of the Mormon Church, was almost exclusively a feature of the life of Asiatic and of African people.

"The whole of human history does not contain a single instance of a group becoming civilized unless it has been absolutely monogamous, nor is there any example of a group retaining its culture after it has adopted less rigorous customs."

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That is quite admirable.

it's fucking comical, seeing how, high ideals, moral values, and expectations mold people into all kinds of mental gymnastics. It's so very "BOMMERish" retrospectively speaking, in a life that is completely rigged against you by (((everyone))). Whites are being over run in every single town in the United States and yet, a white guy, can't screw a girl in his community and get her pregnant. I think Jew porn has really done a number on people, (((the money shot))) combined with sexual aversion education (((fear & disease))) in middle school.

Bullshit Ceaser wrote that the Germanic people fucked like animalistic brutes and had children everywhere, same with the Vikings. You're a fucking moral faggot jew infused cuck boy

and now, pedowood, and #MeToo

you can't even look at a woman's ass as she walks by, and not be judged by society…… how fucking cucked is that??? Does any of what you experience nowadays even remotely resemble FREEDOM????

We don't have to fight for it. these nutcases are self-selecting. their religion and beliefs are retarded, but their reproductive strategy is respectable. Now if you can meme large families among nationalist stoics/atheists then you will have won the culture war.

I like you. You may have just cleared up some stuff I'd been thinking about for a while.

fake news, yid.

Commentāriī dē Bellō Gallicō (English: Commentaries on the Gallic War), also Bellum Gallicum (English: Gallic War), is Julius Caesar's firsthand account of the Gallic Wars, written as a third-person narrative. In it Caesar describes the battles and intrigues that took place in the nine years he spent fighting the Germanic peoples and Celtic peoples in Gaul that opposed Roman conquest.

The Germans differ much from these usages, for they have neither Druids to preside over sacred offices, nor do they pay great regard to sacrifices. They rank in the number of the gods those alone whom they behold, and by whose instrumentality they are obviously benefited, namely, the sun, fire, and the moon; they have not heard of the other deities even by report. Their whole life is occupied in hunting and in the pursuits of the military art; from childhood they devote themselves to fatigue and hardships. Those who have remained chaste for the longest time, receive the greatest commendation among their people; they think that by this the growth is promoted, by this the physical powers are increased and the sinews are strengthened. And to have had knowledge of a woman before the twentieth year they reckon among the most disgraceful acts; of which matter there is no concealment, because they bathe promiscuously in the rivers and [only] use skins or small cloaks of deer's hides, a large portion of the body being in consequence naked.

The Germania, written by the Roman historian Publius Cornelius Tacitus around 98 AD and originally entitled On the Origin and Situation of the Germans (Latin: De Origine et situ Germanorum), was a historical and ethnographic work on the Germanic tribes outside the Roman Empire.

Tacitus' descriptions of the Germanic character are at times favorable in contrast to the opinions of the Romans of his day. He holds the strict monogamy and chastity of Germanic marriage customs worthy of the highest praise, in contrast to what he saw as the vice and immorality rampant in Roman society of his day

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I am not going to get into a debate with about how Ceaser did not walk amongst the germanic people and observe their lifestyles, Ceaser didn't have a single positive thing to say about the German people, and Rome was already heavily Jewed, look how it turned out for the Germanic people, and the Romans, the USA is on the same trajectory, change is progress.

Take your kike calling kike bullshit elsewhere. This is about white families, white ideals, and how for the last 2,000 years they have been heavily jewed. if you look at this picture, think to yourself, that guy was going to work and coming home everyday, and often both of his women were pregnant at the same time to have that many children in such a short period of time. All the while for the past 75 years being harassed by this (((Utah investigated the polygamous Kingston Group))) See picture:

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Utah investigated the polygamous Kingston Group for welfare fraud 2 years ago. It didn’t find any.
The state of Utah in 2016 helped federal law enforcement investigate members of a polygamous sect suspected of misreporting their income, an administrator at the Utah Department of Workforce Services acknowledged last week.
State investigators found no wrongdoing among members of the Davis County Cooperative Society, also known as the Kingston Group. No criminal charges were filed and no one from the sect was asked to repay any government benefits they received, said Dale Ownby, director of the eligibility services division at DWS.
“It was a specific investigation that we were approached by the feds to participate in,” Ownby said in an interview Friday.

And yet, think of all the shit skins living on your street, that you see when you go grocery shopping or to the DMV have been on benefits for the last 25 years.

I wish I had a harem with young little girls and fuck all of them

You fucking shill faggot.

Are you a nigger user? Because you sound like one.

Nothing wrong with that

I was in real estate, somewhat detached from it by 2007-08 but knew the writing was on the wall for a collapse following hurricane Wilma. I used to go into $300k homes and see plastic lawn furniture, the newly wed couple spent $25k on a wedding, 110% on a mortgage, both of their brand new cars financed 100% and often they were listing the home for sale due the a 2nd year martial separation pending divorce. It was a running joke to look at the torn pictures or folded pictures missing someone on a fireplace mantle. A seriously bad joke.

I don't know what there is much to like about me having become redpilled hard and seeing how substantial the deck has been stacked against me/us with Boomer parents that are just fucked in the head by jews. They've voted for every (((US President))) and waved the flag the whole time they were in office except Obama and look at the state of affairs in this country. I did this when I was 25, I picked up the criminal code for the state I lived in and learned every law so as not to break them and know right from wrong legally. I've often done it nowadays and I see so many new laws, and so many new criminal acts that the unwitting can so easily commit due to ignorance. I take comfort in the fact that here I engage in political speech, supposedly the highest form of protected free speech enshrined in the US Constitution, and yet in nearly every thread there are posts with the (((FBI meme, hey kid want to blow up a federal building))). I think when a person hits the age of 60 the most important thing they are going to have when youth is gone are their children, and the more the better, as long as they were raised as good ones, with intelligence. And yet since I was about the age of 14 I learned about sex in school, it was bad, and morally wrong, and then as I aged I learned that it's best to wait until the age of 34 to have kids, and by the time I hit 34 I was on my 5th thot relationship and didn't really want to have kids. And at 34 you don't go hunting for 16 year olds, when you really fall in love hard. So the system is really fucked up, this country is really fucked up, and it's fucked up because the jews have been destroying it purposefully for the last 100 years.

you sound like a kiked up intellectual with lofty ideals that do not mean shit when the rubber hits the road. And you keep derailing the thread, faggot hew

But seriously, there needs to be some real articles out there telling these cunts to take a hike instead of just postings on imageboards.

So the polygamous families have to rely on welfare to keep up with their degeneracy, who could have guessed?

You're going to have to rethink this. Women have been thotted up so badly these days that if you want a decent girl, going young is your only option. Guys aren't going to accept a thot just because they were told not to go for the only decent girls out there by some random faggot.

actually no as the “22 individual investigations were conducted” and results released on Kingston members in February 2016.

Now they are looking into the private sexual practices that go on behind closed doors, and while hasidic yids in Jew York and Jew Jersey feast on the government tit unmolested by the feds, nice try kike.

Orgies appear to be legal in Utah, and other notes from polygamy bill hearing
"If they're simply people having, for lack of a better word, an orgy," Parker told the House Judiciary Committee, "that's not illegal."

It's jewed political theater, just like those congressional hearings that everyone has forgot about last month, and this is why the jews need the gas, they will never ever fucking stop until they rule every aspect of everyones lives.

Better they get benefits than brownies and semites.

What about the

This isn't about me jackass, it's about how the american dream has been totally fucking derailed for white americans, now the term american means jewed mystery meat. This topic is for other whites to get off the derailed train and produce children while they still can, the younger the better, the more the better. Having kids should be something to be proud of, not ashamed. Fucking heebs

because you have zero proof to back up that assertion.

It is the greatest glory to the several [German] states to have as wide deserts as possible around them, their frontiers having been laid waste. They consider this the real evidence of their prowess, that their neighbors shall be driven out of their lands and abandon them, and that no one dare settle near them; at the same time they think that they shall be on that account the more secure, because they have removed the apprehension of a sudden incursion.

It also asserts the uniqueness of European civilization—that its culture and traditions are quite separate from those of Asia and Africa and that monogamy is a defining feature of the West. In this the court is quite right. … European culture is the only civilization where monogamy is the norm

Atheists have no culture and do not breed. The NSDAP didn't tolerate atheists in their ranks, and for good reason. Keep your Pierceposting in the containment thread.

The irony of monogomy is that it's not a Christian concept, it's a pagan one, which is why the occasionally resurgent screeching about how "xtian" Puritanism is killing the white race is so funny. Europeans and Japanese are the only people who ever gave half a shit about monogamy. It's an extremophile morality. Nigger-tier races who don't invest in their own long-term stability and social structure have never had a problem with multiple wives and concubines. Rome admired Germanic chastity.

People who advocate for abandoning European folkways because they're a bunch of closet porn addicts who masturbate to the idea of harems like a fifteen year old boy are scum. Adopt nigger lifestyles, become no better than niggers. Look at any wigger and dare to tell me otherwise.

We have never, and will never, hold greater numbers over the unwashed and muddy hordes. By the Grace of God, we do not have to. A billion niggers against a million white men is fair odds.


The greatest part of this thread is the history of Germanic tribes and monogamy among Eurpoeans

Exactly. Dubs confirm tbh

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Monster's "M" logo is really Hebrew numerals 666. Unleash the beast is their shitty satanic slogan. You can meme better than that fellow National Socialist. Picture unrelated.

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National Socialists loved Kabbalism

A 15-year-old isn't a kid, femicunt.

how horrible.

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that is why the soviet union had no culture and no childbirths, right?

this polyamory shit is all a part of the slippery slope.
the kikes package polyamory in a more acceptable way for men, showing a man with a bunch of women, implying that it will be the norm.
But we already see how modern women behave. The majority of them want a harem of men.
It's like how the kikes pushed homosexuality acceptance in the early days. they would frequently show hot lipstick lesbians, because they knew it would appeal more to men, and over time that would soften them, and it did.
Don't buy into this jewish shit. It's just another way of weakening Europeans.




Nah. Polyamory is civilizational genocide.

raise your children like a k, not an r user. that's the argument.
by knocking up as many women as possible, you're just creating a bunch of nigger-tier whites with no guidance. and don't fucking tell me that regular guys are going to be in situations with a bunch of wives around them. that shit just doesn't happen.
what actually happens, is a bunch of women have a bunch of men, as we can already see today.

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Absolutly based

Yeah, you must be "stupid" to not marry before 30's because we all know that marrying a girl is just easy like spitting in current year.

What's wrong with more wifes to handle things you don't or can't do as long as you give a suitable impact onto your children, thus making them k?

it be handy for National Socialist youth groups to form if there were more of whites around. Fuck off with your r/k selection cherrypicking. If you haven't noticed, our race is dying off because of stupid beliefs like this.

get BTFO, they didn't care, neither will I.

All the talk about incest sounds like fake news, I've never seen a polygamist with ugly or retarded kids. I'm jealous af that it's not me banging multiple women and raising 20 kids tbh.

>"Polygamy is white!" :^)

polygamy really worked out well for the middle east, right?

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I envy this. There is no incest here, only a Jew derives a tree of thought like that. Look at all those white kids. My goal is 20. Fucking based. you could defeat a thousand niggers with a family that size.

Polygamy has nothing to do with incest, you fucking lunatic. Incest IS going to be pushed by the media, and they're probably going to use faggotry as the avenue through which to bring it to straight people (using, then, Game of Thrones).


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Monogamy is already dead. 60-70% divorce rate and your wife won't be a virgin, which is the basis of monogamy. Wake the fuck up.

Kike Projection.

Sure, TORpedo, and niggers don't commit any crime
If you want to add to a healthy white population why are you waiting until 30s to get married?

Go back to

Is it not possible that different strategies are appropriate for different situations? I would argue that trying to match up every man with a woman when we're neck deep in decades of dysgenic practices is merely a continuation of the dysgenics. What we want is for the best among us to have the most children, and for the worst (a much larger portion) to either get better or be weeded out.

A lot of you sound like cuckservatives with your principles that get in the way of winning.

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Getting multiple women pregnant isn't incel. But you know that. The rules of the game are all fucked right now. Western civilization won't be saved without some kind of a reset button say by a National Socialist government, because nothing else will be able to institute monogamy again. If you can make a bunch of white children with one woman that's great. But if your options are limited and you have to compromise somehow, or take a second wife in order to keep making kids because she's too old, or if you're chad enough to get multiple women while young then fuck it why not. It's not like we have some shortage of women to impregnate right now. The problem is that women are wasting their wombs. And so many men have dropped out of the game that they've leaving all these unused white wombs on the table. So take what is yours, if you can. is right even though he's a samefag. Too many men caught in analysis by paralysis. But now we have to pick a path from the options we have and work with it. If you can get your girl to let you impregnate other girls and you make enough money and have the skills to make it then pull the trigger. Or do whatever but don't think that playing by the rules within the boundaries of a system that's already dead while the kikes are stacking the deck against us with every card is going to have you come out on top. You're going to have to bend the rules one way or another unless you hit the jackpot. Make white children. Be a good father to them all. Enjoy life, and enjoy your wife (wives?) while your dick still works.

I hope you actually kill yourself.

Reported. Holy fucking Christ, kill yourself.

This kills the OP

lol no one believes you


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Look at this picture and tell me the marriage to divorce rate is healthy. Then consider that those marriages aren't even to virgins anymore Monogamy is dead. This is what the end of a civilization looks like. When you're old you're going to wish you had children no matter what. So do that. And if you can and want to do that with only one woman, great. No matter what don't be a childfree faggot and regret it on your deathbed. But in the meantime some men are going to play by their own rules while we "Ride the Tiger" and wait for this current downward phase of civilization to run its course and take the reigns to usher in a new era.

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You make a really good point about having options. I was with my girlfriend for 4 years, and then she told me she was pregnant, and I said that's fucking great let's tell everyone, and then she said she's not ready, it's not you, I'm too young to settle down, her body her choice. Huge waste of my fucking time, even wanted me to pay for the abortion, I told her to go fuck herself. Had I been fucking three or four different girls, maybe the one I got pregnant would have wanted to keep the baby, even get married as a means to keep me since the power dynamics would have been completely different. Imagine I got two of them pregnant, even more options.

That was a pretty quick 180 you made there, user. You're mostly correct, but if you're gonna bring the high divorce rates in monogamy, do you really think those numbers will be any better in a polygamous relationship? High divorce statistics are in large part due to sheboons. Unless you're a racemixer, your chances of divorce are in the 40% range, if you earn 50k a year that number goes down a great deal.

This thread died with the posts about European monogamy and Germanic tribes

Do you have a good source on divorce rates broken down by race and income level? I wasn't able to find anything like that when I last looked.

I also agree with you that polygamous marriage will not be easier than monogamous in most respects, it will certainly be harder. Not for the faint of heart or resolve. The one thing that will help is having multiple women keeping each other in check. When you settle down with a single woman especially in this day, when incentivized by potential alimony, and she sees you as comfortable she also starts to think you don't have that spark anymore, you don't have options. So you look less desirable, and the laws aren't in place anymore to keep her in line. So she looks elsewhere and in comparison you will be found wanting unless you have her very isolated. But if you have two women then you always have options, guaranteed. And that will keep in her line somewhat, at least in theory.

Girls have been marrying young for centuries, in fact with mutual engagement. It is this hypocritical, religion wrapped, two faced world of business that has blinded the zealots that would oppose their natural sexual needs from being permitted, under the guise of legalities and religious law that need to be exterminated.
Anyone who thinks that restricting the human body from following it's own natural path is the correct path needs to look at their own falsehoods and realize the number of fingers pointing back at them.
Making love with a mutually willing 15 year old is nothing to be ashamed of. It's beautiful if done with respect and unselfish giving.
However, any man that thinks he can just use her to his own selfish desires I would gladly terminate.

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You perverted fucktards are amazingly niggered. Hurr durr lets just breed like niggers and wetbacks. Our offspring surely won't turn out to be the exact kind of single mother-reared filth that niggers and wetbacks churn out with the same strategies durr durr durr
No, you kikewits. Zerg rushing the earth with your garbage spawn is not ever a white strategy, and it never will be.
This is what it looks like when your moronic idea of race is skin-deep and has no appreciation of culture or quality.


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I assume you'll be marrying a virgin wife, since that's what monogamy is, right?

Tbh polygamy may be the only way to keep our race alive. And, if we just leave it alone for now and not form any connection to it, its likely to be ushered in soon enough. How much longer can "these hypocrites keep preventing a bisexual woman to not have a partner of each type"? You know its next. The difference is Whites do it to have huge families, degenerates and shitskins will just do it for appearances "muh black dik im a sex machine" but will abort all the babies. Win win.

not sure of you\re man or woman but you best refer to a dictionary prior to making such a comment..
it's good to become engaged in conversation but if you are unsure always refer to sources .. just trying to help :)

I already did, you fucking malformed nigger. I'm having children with her and not dreaming about a harem of child brides like a goat rape mudshit, you gross bumbleshit.

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I only made two posts and they don't contradict each other.
Don't care, really. The goal reproduction of the best genes.

Monogamy loses its value without it being the norm for the woman to be a virgin.

That's great. It's the ideal. Do you think that ideal is attainable for most men? Or is this just a fuck you've I've got mine thing? You have to have empathy for other men's situations. There are not enough virgin women to go around. Also if you looked at my ID you'd see I'm arguing against child brides, based on historical evidence of later marriage in western Europe. Back when virgin monogamy was the norm.

Virgin monogamy is dead. But making white babies is more important than living a fairy tale story.

Of course they are. The intelligent man tricks the unintelligent man to make sacrifices so that he may reap the rewards. This has always been the case, and is why nations send their surplus low IQ male population off to die in wars while the educated, high IQ men are given exemptions.

It is by definition "dumb", as it requires no intelligence whatsoever and the most prolific human breeders are the least intelligent. Can you give me a rational argument for why it is in the interest of white men to breed, rather than focusing on creating the most pleasurable life possible for the relatively short time they're alive and healthy?

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If you're going to have children with multiple women I have to think it would be in your and your childrens' best interest to stay on good terms with them and work together rather than marriage. Worth the effort because if you don't father your children effectively the genetics will have diminished returns. They will be prime targets to be victimized by the kiked society at large.