Laura Ingraham: America as we know it doesn’t exist anymore due to ‘demographic changes

Laura Ingraham: America as we know it doesn’t exist anymore due to ‘demographic changes’t-exist-anymore-due-to-‘demographic-changes’/ar-BBLHqCa?ocid=st

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Ann Coulter commenting:


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Fuck off back to cuckchan shill
Go take your shitty thread somewhere else

It's noteworthy that this line of thinking is getting mainstream attention, is it not?

God damn, sure is summer in here. Here, let me help you out:

Iron Ann does it again.

She is not wrong.
Yes and.

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GTFO and take your Jewess with you

Who in fucks name thinks this is OT?

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you have to go back

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I'd still fuck her I guess

I'd call her /ourgal/, but as I recall it last time her name was in the news, Ingraham cucked hard.

Shills who don't want to see views like this spread further into the mainstream.

A perfect example of how we (ingraham) have to apologize and hide our power while the degenerates tag team.

She cucked out. Oh well.

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Just waiting for the purity police to explain to me why I should hate her
Look she is barely listenable. She hots the right points but always come's across as a bitter feminist that was raised right. Still she ought shut her mouth and open her cunt and be a proper republican mother.

It happened again. What a surprise. Never hold out hope for Fox Jews thots. They will do any mental gymnastics to avoid reaching any actionable conclusion.

Cunts can never hold the line, they always bow to peer pressure.

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Tucker continually suprises me at a reasoned middle of the road con. She can't learn the lesson of trump, call me a racist and I'll be martyer. (At least on twitter )

Holy shit, she mentioned demographics directly?

The United States was 80-90% White until the 1980s, which was a direct consequence of the Hart-Cellar Act of 1965. Its important to note that the people in the 1960's WOULD NOT have supported that legislation - and they weren't given a choice. But if they were, if there had been a referendum, they would have voted it down, doubly so if they knew what the US would look like today as a result.

And that's the real kicker: The people who pushed through the Hart-Cellar act EXPLICITLY stated that none of these things - demographic displacement most of all - would happen. They said it explicitly, "This will not happen". They said that if you said it WOULD happen, you were just doing that because you are a racist.

Take it from LBJ, in Jew York City, 1965.
"Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Ambassador Goldberg, distinguished members of the leadership of the Congress, distinguished Governors and Mayors, my fellow countrymen.

… This bill that we will sign today is not a revolutionary bill, it does not effect the lives of millions, it will not reshape the structure of our daily lives or really add importantly to either our wealth or our power.
Yet it is still one of the most important acts of this Congress, and of this Administration, for it does repair a very deep and painful flaw in the fabric of American justice. It corrects a cruel and enduring flaw in the conduct of the American nation.

… And this measure that we will sign today will really make us truer to ourselves, both as a country and as a people.
It will strengthen us in a hundred unseen ways.

She makes a good point.

Ingraham has nigger adopted kids, is a stooge for pissrael, and supports the same discredited capitalist nonsense that has brought us the spic-nig consumption cycle. She's a worthless parasite.

… In the final days of consideration, this bill had no finer champion than the present Attorny General, Nicholas Katzenbach, who with New York's own Emmanuel Cellar, and Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, and Congressman Feighan of Ohio, and Senator Mansfield and Senator Dirksen constituting the leadership of the Senate, and Senator Javitz, helped to guide this bill to passage…

… This bill says simply, that from this day forth, those wishing to immigrate to America shall be admitted based on their skills and their close relationships to those already here. This is a simple test, and it is a fair test.

Those who can contribute most to this country, to its growth, to its strength, to its spirit, will be the first to be admitted to this land. The fairness of this standard is so self-evident that we may well wonder that it has not always been applied. Yet the fact is that for over four decades the immigration policy of the United States has been twisted and has been distorted by the harsh injustice of the national origins quota system.

Under that system the ability of new immigrants to come to America depended upon the country of their birth. Only 3 countries were allowed to supply 70 percent of all the immigrants. Families were kept apart because a husband or a wife or a child had been born in the wrong place. Men of needed skill and talent were denied entrance because they came from southern or eastern Europe or from one of the developing continents.

This system violated the basic principle of American democracy–the principle that values and rewards each man on the basis of his merit as a man.
It has been un-American in the highest sense, because it has been untrue to the faith that brought thousands to these shores even before we were a country.

Today, with my signature, this system is abolished.
We can now believe that it will never again shadow the gate to the American Nation with the twin barriers of prejudice and privilege.

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Our beautiful America was built by a nation of strangers.
From a hundred different places or more they have poured forth into an empty land, joining and blending in one mighty and irresistible tide.
The land flourished because it was fed from so many sources–because it was nourished by so many cultures and traditions and peoples.

And from this experience, almost unique in the history of nations, has come America's attitude toward the rest of the world. We, because of what we are, feel safer and stronger in a world as varied as the people who make it up–a world where no country rules another and all countries can deal with the basic problems of human dignity and deal with those problems in their own way.
Now, under the monument which has welcomed so many to our shores, the American Nation returns to the finest of its traditions today.

The days of unlimited immigration are past.
But those who do come will come because of what they are, and not because of the land from which they sprung.

When the earliest settlers poured into a wild continent there was no one to ask them where they came from. The only question was: Were they sturdy enough to make the journey, were they strong enough to clear the land, were they enduring enough to make a home for freedom, and were they brave enough to die for liberty if it became necessary to do so?
And so it has been through all the great and testing moments of American history.

Our history this year we see in Viet-Nam. Men there are dying–men named Fernandez and Zajac and Zelinko and Mariano and McCormick.

Neither the enemy who killed them nor the people whose independence they have fought to save ever asked them where they or their parents came from. They were all Americans. It was for free men and for America that they gave their all, they gave their lives and selves.

By eliminating that same question as a test for immigration the Congress proves ourselves worthy of those men and worthy of our own traditions as a Nation."

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Tucker is a 9-11 shill and heir to the Swanson TV dinner fortune. Enjoy your hydrogenated oils.

We failed to hold the line, what sorta man blames his women for that?

… Funny how the President forgets to mention that there WERE laws restricting immigration to the US even before it was a country, and that after it WAS a country, one of the first things they did was state that only 'free White people of upstanding moral character' could become citizens. But I digree…

Now, post-1980's, after the consequences of those policies began to be felt, the response has changed. Now, when its pointed out that all these things HAVE HAPPENED, ARE HAPPENING, the answer now is, "Well, if you CARE, you're a racist".

Its also worth noting that American values prior to 1965 were very ethnocentric - Whites didn't espouse a mentality of opening their country to the world in majority. But effectively, that culture was changed with the 1965 act, and in the 2 decades that followed before serious effect ws felt, great effort was put into arguing that this new state of affairs was American values as they'd always been.
Now, whenever someone attempts to levy opposition to demographic displacement - the same sort of opposition which was offered, and would have been offered more greatly with foresight, by White Americans - its thrown in their face that these new values are America's values.

Basically, we were lied to, and when you try to call someone out on the lie, they call you a racist and tell you those lies are America's values and always have been.

… In case you were wondering, the 'ambassador' that LBJ mentioned?
This is a reference to Arthur Goldberg, Chicago-born Jewish US Ambassador the UN. From the WikiJew:
During World War II, Goldberg served in an espionage group operated by the Office of Strategic Services, the precursor to the CIA,[4] serving as chief of the Labor Desk, an autonomous division of the American intelligence agency that was charged with the task of cultivating contacts and networks within the European underground labor movement during World War II. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency stated, 'Goldberg's file notes that as both a civilian and a member of the Army, he supervised a section in the Secret Intelligence Branch of OSS to maintain contact with labor groups and organizations regarded as potential resistance elements in enemy-occupied and enemy countries. He organized anti-Nazi European transportation workers into an extensive intelligence network.'

Under Kennedy, Golberg served as Secretary of Labor and later as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.

In 1967, Goldberg was a key drafter of Resolution 242, which followed the 1967 Six-Day War between Israel and the Arab states. While interpretation of that resolution has subsequently become controversial, Goldberg was very clear that the resolution does not obligate Israel to withdraw from all of the captured territories.
Goldberg's role as the UN ambassador during the Six-Day War may have been the reason why Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of Robert F. Kennedy, also wanted to assassinate Goldberg.

Goldberg was a member of the Council on Foreign relations in the early 60's, and then again from 1966 to 1989, and served as the President of the American Jewish Committee.

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That graph shows how it goes every time. Whitey comes, braves the wilderness, build a functioning society. Then the hordes come and eat all the fruit of their labor.

Checked for gay.

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Yes. That's why I created this thread. It's incredible that a Fox News host made that statements, and I believe it's a sign that this type of politics is becoming mainstream.

She is not my woman, but depending on a woman for it is folly, especially in this climate.

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Only solution is to go broKen Arrow at this point.

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EyupThen Whitey runs for the hills, because his hairy buddy Jewbacca says its evil to judge the mudfolk harshly (else Jewwy face such judgement in turn) and better to run away (so Jewwy can run things).

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user, they've been mainstream, Faux Jews just espouses the kosher cuckservative position for Zion. I think this represents more of a slip-up, but i like your enthusiasm.


This is a perfect example of what will happen en mass when the millennial cat ladies, come to terms that the only way for them to experience motherhood will be adoption. It's going to be big business in a decade or so.

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You gonna start the real holocaust buddy? I'll be sure to name a kid after you. Meanwhile in reality land we can't even have a single elected politician say it's white genocide. Fleeing to the hills is the only option. It's not the muds that we can't overcome it's the cucks who are 95% slave 5 % Patrick henry

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What a salty jew

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Don't forget sperm banks. I used to think that was a joke. These cunts will never change their ideal's of no man is their equal.

Don't tempt me.

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Went to Seattle last year, first time going to the West Coast. Legitimately felt more like I was in Asia than America. Was really disheartening.

They're content with a cheaper option that requires less frequent attention.

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Dot Indians have absolutely flooded that city thanks to the tech sector. Even the current CEO of Microsoft is a poo.

sage for I don't even know if this is a useful or interesting post

Love the enthusiasm, but dead patriots do us no good. We need legions not superheros

fuck off kike, this interest me and I've been here forever and on the internet since the early 90's

She's either autistic or a nazi and I'm not sure which one I like more
It's ok there are other women like there out there. In my opinion she makes a great template to look for she's amazing.

Insightful, I would call it.

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Sage could you correct that and resubmit. It looks retarded

Those pictures gave me a UTI.

Men don't want to follow politicians or wankers of their ilk, they want larger than life heroes, they want to BE larger than life heroes.
The LARP narrative is stiffling and only impedes the utilization of theatricality to its fullest potential.

Shit dad let that bimbo and her teacup poodle manbitch run the white house. Fine, give me a few years and I'll figure how to get us out of trouble.


With all this cape shit in the plebian mind, no use espoused? Shameful.

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I don't like her, or foxjews but it's a shift of the overton window and she is bringing a lot of trump/boomer red hat voters along with her, more and more whites are so frustrated they don't even give a shit anymore when cops are killed. No one wanted Andy Griffith to be killed but were ions beyond anything close to when cops were good, policing spics and niggers in a white civilized society.

I already know how, it just a matter of being fit to do it. It takes a lot to be larger than life and survive as a mere mortal.

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Hitler failed his people. We need winners who will do anything for their people.

You may be the second coming. But the best leader still needs followers. Allot of followers


I want a Leonidas

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That is a man who knew how to get it done.

No he didn't. His words and deeds echo across time and take hold in young hearts even today, especially today.
Germany fell, but the German people live on, there are more now than ever before, and those words gain hold of hearts once more.

And every great tree comes from but a tiny seed, reaching to the Heavens with time.
In 1924 Adolf Hitler was in prison, in 1934 he was Chancellor of Germany. Imagine who you'll be in 2028.

The entire fucking planet was required to defeat Hitler and ONLY after they started actively attacking civilians and committing genocide against Germans who weren't in German territory.
Then and ONLY THEN did Hitler lose. The two front battle didn't lose the war. It was his country and his people being systematically murdered.

OK, yeah sure tell that to the millions of dead Germans who died in futility , but still better than their daughters and wives who were brutally raped by the hordes. Or the great grandchildren who will be a minority before they die. Hitler failed. Horribly, he didn't gas the Jews or the slavs on the eastern front.

King Leonidas I lost or at least didn't get to live to see victory.

I just searched that and I got
Are they wrong? Whites worship corporations as those corporations sell them out to foreign workers. INB4 muh alternet prove the argument wrong instead of attacking the source. Socialism is shit but to defend the evils of capitalism is to say it's ok to export our jobs even defense related jobs like the steel industry because shekels are more important then safety.

stop, a lot of it was based on yellow journalism, look at WWII newsreel footage, it's looks comical nowdays, how it was hyped to a trusting population.

Yes and he died, but he didn't have to contend with a global subversive jewish zionist secret agenda either. And he had honor, look at the antifa protests, sticks, stinkbombs, pepper spary, all banned weapons, and rocks like cavemen, nothing at at all like the battle of Lexington and Concord, but that happened and what we ended up with was the battle of Yorktown.

and that is ok, he is remember forever. he was a man of honor and determination.

He didn't die knowing he had weapons he wouldn't use or sucking on a chrome dick. He went down fighting for a cause and the reasoned hope that his sacrifice would not be in vain.

And there are more Germans than ever before, all the same. Hitler didn't fail, he even said at the time what might happen, and it did come to pass, and once again his words have taken hold of the hearts of young German men and women. Died in futility? None of them died in futility, they died for their beliefs and their people, who continue in the wake of their death, who look upon it now and learn from it even today. The women who were raped likewise stand in memory, perhaps moreso as a reminder of what we are dealing with.With any luck, the great grandchildren will not become a minority afterall, and the great grandchildren will live to see a new Germany of blonde and blue instead of brown and black.
Alot can happen in a decade, for good or ill.
You seem very demoralized. You need to be more hopeful.

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He was a glorified school shooter. Kliebold and Harris will equally live on in suicidal shame.

Ah, you're one of those types. Nevermind. I thought you were an ally who was demoralized, not an enemy in disguise attempting to demoralize others.

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only a fucking jew trained ADL sponsored SPLC graduate with a background in criminal justice would try to troll so hard, no promotion to be found here FBI, create a new Timothy McVeigh if you're so desperate for a boogeyman….. make onbe yourself, as you've always done.

We need a time machine. This is the wrong timeline.

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Not demoralized, I share your hope. But hope is an opiate not a plan. And a people that have no will to fight will always fall to those with one. I'm sure 90% of pol would boot up and ride to the sound of the guns tonight. But when all 6 of us got there it would be a lonely fight against armies of blond 95 iq zogbots.

I highly recommend burgeranons in this thread to look up the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 if you want to learn how Boomers and the kikes who rule over them helped start to ruin this country. Basically Lydon B Johnson got rid of laws that set quotas for European immigration into the country

Basically we had laws in America that brought in intelligent European immigrants and they were taken away because DAS RACISSS so instead of Hans from Germany coming here to work we get Pedro the 85 IQ spic. It's a major blackpill

No I am someone who doesn't worship false gods or prophet's who died enabling the Zog. I will not excuse a failure to use chemical weapons against the slavs. I find incompetent someone who would ally with the nips and declare war agaisnt a 90% white nation

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Checked for truth.

Checked for lies.

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This should get me banned. But I can't help but wonder if Trump was the opposite of what we needed. Would Hillary have been the Lincoln we needed to declare full out secession? If trump keeps us fat dumb and happy, whIle the browning keeps on keeping on. Are we not more fucked than less? We all think the leftists are rolling too fast, what if they and their sick death cult areally exactly on schedule.

Weird to hear the left saying that nowadays when they are nothing but lapdogs for globalist interests which is why they went with race bullshit over the old left class issues which while dumb were not as retarded as the current left's topics are

It is sick as hell…I am appalled that she cucked like that. I would stand up to the whole USA for my political views.

Honestly, shouldn't we start bashing their heads in for this ALONE?

My family was here long before 'your beautiful america'. Nor do I believe that these are the real figures at all. They have literally lied to us about EVERYTHING…and now it is time for them to die.

ETHNO-GLOBE NOW, no other races…it is the only way to a peaceful future for OUR OWN people.

You might be misunderstanding the whole purpose of our life. We do not live to savor the victory which can so easily be wrested from our grasp, we live to prove that we are not dead, that we will not go quietly into that good night, we live to burn brightly and to rage against the coming night. It is better to live one day as a free man than a lifetime as a slave.
Death is not our enemy, our enemy is never having lived.
No man can fear death when he has truly lived and fulfilled his purpose.

Bitches gonna bitch

Retard have you learned nothing? Communism could work just as well as Capitalism assuming you don't have (((merchants))) running the show. Start a National Socialist country but let Gods Chosen run it for you. See how long it lasts.

Maybe we will both get banned then because I worry about this ALL THE TIME.

The sort of man who gave women voting rights.

Try putting your glasses on gramps. That wasn't a pro vag statement


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Capitalism is just part of the Liberal power structure that undermines anything good about humanity.

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Don't piss on McViegh unlike you he took action. (Assuming he wasn't a plant)

he was an agent himself

She drops 4 references to "her kids" every radio program, it's galling. No bitch, you were too busy chasing a career. Instead of having a son who might have led us out of the darkness that you bore to a reak man, you import prostitute dna.

no only 203,000 people voted in the last Ohio election, these polls are always based on only those who are politically motivated. Hillary was not a viable option, look at what 8 years of Obama have wrought, it's brought us to this point, Hillary it would have been even dissatisfaction, but an additional 25,000,000 more browns, would that have been a good thing compared to Trump?
Here's my point, it's not how you or I feel but it's how the younger people feel, and they are pissed off, really pissed off. I foresee it getting much more politically divided, and more insane. It hasn't reached that point, but if it ever does, and I think it will. When people are willing to die for what they believe in, shit is really going to hit the fan and the kikes are going to keep pushing it as they always have. Kicked out of 109 countries…. they are trying to bring about the Apocalypse of John. And then they wish to rule. These are the times we are living in and where it is heading.

I could be convinced either way. The pulled over for no license plates story was powerful enough to melt structural steel.

The youngins have no fathers, no dreams, no skills and are addicted to either skanks, vidyah, or drugs. If they go greatest generation it will take a something special. Sure there are exceptions, but they see the futility of a people who won't save themselves. Look at SA and how royally ducked they are there. And they still won't pull the trigger.

McViegh was all part of the attack on white american, and those people who didn't like the direction they saw it heading.

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I would argue that even by that standard Trump was the better candidate. If Hillary had won people who supported Trump would believe they truly were in the minority. They'd glumly mutter to themselves as a nationwide crackdown on free speech and whites getting together would take place. Non-white immigration would step into overdrive, and nobody would do anything about it for fear of being jailed.
Trump being president pushed the spoiled left to reveal their true feelings. They never wanted democracy, they wanted to get their way every time, and now they're attacking civilians with deadly weapons for not being marxists.

And they call me demoralized? A post like that makes me feel like I just read old yeller