German Doctor STABBED TO DEATH by Shitskin Rapefugee in front of his own 10 yo daughter

A German doctor was stabbed to death in his own surgery in the German town of (((Offenberg))) by an asylum seeker Rocket Scientist, fellow Doctor, or Engineer, with his 10-year-old daughter being forced to watch.

Well that's one less doctor to help save lives in the world but it looks like this guy who stabbed him to death might replace him. Right after he gets out of life in prison anyway.

Man I hate being a shitskin.


It was just a fellow doctor taking out his competition, free market in action.

Kill yourself mud

Yeah? And?

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We hate you too. Don't breed.

Correct term should've been "forced".

german tv (tagesschau) did not report and now had to post a blog as to why.
in theory i understand, they cant talk about every single knife attack, but this now
calls to mind how they didnt report the new years eve incidents.

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serves him right, he should have carried a gun, or a knife or something, its not like migrants stopped raping and killing after 2017

Clearly this future nigger doctor scientist was just practicing his surgical skills. Don't be rayciss

tell his daughter to thanks merkel for that

they can however talk about every perceived slight delt to the invaders.

Fake news. A shitskin would've raped the 10 year old.

>town of (((Offenberg)))
How perceptive
OP you're a faggot, kill yourself and don't wait for a Somali to put you out of your misery.

Did he look like this?

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>town of (((Offenberg)))
How perceptive
OP you're a faggot, kill yourself and don't wait for a Somali to put you out of your misery.

If it would have been the reverse, I guarantee you they would not only have reported it, but would make big scandal for weeks.
Merkel would make a statement how that would unacceptable and we need to increase the fight against bigotry and hatred, blah blah…

So, it was just a no name potato. Why care? Germany is "still to white" to cite a newspaper header of the last week.

The girl will hate niggers more than any of us can imagine her entire life.

I wish muds looked like that.

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Good taste OP

Mongrel myself. Just live a good life, if you want kids, adopt.

Otherwise go out in a blaze

Nah I'm thinking of not having kids. My subspecies is retarded.


Mcfucking kys

It's haram for people outside (((elite)))

Stay in your countries, use your introspection skills to make them better places so that less shitskins will come to ours.

Try this: Kill yourself and hope to respawn as a white man in the next life.

Every fucking kike must pay.

We hate you too, but there's something you can do about it:
Get a vasectomy asap

Get fit. Arm yourself. Join the coming Imperium.
There is purpose to any life, given the right motivations and justifications. Fight for the natural order, and it will reward you.

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This wouldn't have happened if Offenburg still resembled pic related.

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Its not just that they don't report it, but the occupational police actually goes after people who film these vicious attacks.

This isn't the States where it's largely legal to do so.

Whatever. Germany is a democracy, and thus, anyone that has the right to vote is not a civilian.

That's exactly the problem. Democracy needs to be eliminated.

odds are he supported refugees so fuck him

Spot the shill.

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(((Edith Schreiner)))

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niggers cant even get pillaging right


I'm German but I think I have passed the point of no return, where stories like these don't enrage me anymore. His whole social circle will be redpilled at least. It's just another step towards a correcting, reactionary movement of Europeans. It is the blood which has to be spoiled to free ourselves from this humanitarian, egalitarian mind virus, which plagues our people since the age of enlightenment. Nature will ruthlessly self-correct when the time has come. I find complacency in that conviction.

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Thank you.

As long as you can redpill as many people as possible, you'll have support to fall back to when cornered in no time.

Just a daily reminder… Never forget that jews such as Josef Schuster, Gregor Gysi and Annetta Kahane are doing their evil worst in Germany.

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Germany actually has 7 parties in the current 19th Bundestag. More parties that the Jews use to distract the goyim with, all controlled by (((them))).

Most doctors I know are apolitical.

Every life can have good meaning, any man who fights for Whites or at least for natural order, is honourable of spirit.

spot the shill
Doctors are hard working, intelligent people who are highly valuable beyond whatever political opinion they may hold. Intelligence is linked with racist tendencies since their minds are more rational over the brainlets who think equality is natural.

Western Europe went past the event horizon 3 years ago, opening your borders to a group of people who are uneducated, unwilling to assimilate, and are openly hostile to your culture is fucking retarded. These "people" have no reverence for our ancestors accomplishments. Our birthright. But, france has fallen, germany has fallen, england has fallen. The us is next and there will come a time in the next 5 years where we will have to prove that we belong

I don’t hate you particularly but I hate the majority of whichever you belong to, justifiably of course. In a national socialist world we could have even been friends (on visit from our respective nations) but that’s not the way the die has been cast unfortunately.

ignore the permavrigin lard ass autist. we need people like you, just dont mix with white women.

Germany is not a democracy. No one in Germany was asked whether they wanted this…Germany is just like all of the rest of Western Europe…it is a totalitarian corporatocracy where the citizens have no say in anything that happens to them or to their nations.


That's the whole point. (((Democracy))) is nothing more than a dictatorship of Jewish capital, you only get the choice of who you would like to administer this Jewish dictatorship, nothing more.

Keep pushing the Germans.
Keep pushing them niglet, see what happens.

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I just don't see how a totalitarian or any of the other jew invented political movements are supposed to improve things, if you had suggested a monarchy (OF EUROPEANS for Europeans I might have bitten)…honestly the entire system is absolute dogshit there is absolutely nothing worthy of redeeming in this entire 'civilization'.


If only we had public ownership of capital.

Don’t hate yourself because it won’t help you. You can help the white people by don’t breed and become a /fit/izen It is the easiest thing to do that you can help.

Guy was known for taking on rapefugees as patients and doctors in general are either Green or CDU voters. Tough fucking luck.

Learn to use parantheses correctly you goddamn T_D Newfag niggers

This. Can't help but smirk at the tragedy which might as well had not been one and the victims were full blown boomers.

No one said to carry legally.

Killing is illegal and look what happened

no worries
more doctors, lawyers, and engineers on their way! just look at this video
so diverse and progressive i hope every superior progressive leftist is forced to house them personally.

At least he didn't rape the 10 year old daughter
I don't want to read if he did since I doubt anyone will kill the guy. Hopefully the mother doesn't remarry/date a rapefugee and the daughter grows up to hate them.

Why? You've "won".

Well, I'm angry that Germany is not manning itself up against people who choose to harm them.