You are not "lucky" to have been born in the west, you were brought into being by design. Every last sacrifice and decision made through the ages, were made by your ancestors; now distorted by (((forces))). You would not have been born anywhere else, regardless of what (((science fiction))) pontification would have you believe.

Genetic > culture > result

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Other urls found in this thread:

The truth unsubvertable, reality unwrinkled. The karma incarnate.

Thank you captain obvious.


That, just, like, your opinion, man. Conquering tribes raped the women of the vanquished, no? Consent or conquest, what does it matter?

wew lad they really did a number on the family unit, huh?

Oh man if you only knew
Praise Kek

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So is every other living thing, that's not special.

OP's right, ya' know. We live at a time where even our language has been appropriated and moved from transliteration to euphemisms, and it was easily accomplished by a group of people which are nothing more than superb word-smiths


I doubt anyone on 4chan is masterrace. Ironically, they're probably of jewish ancestry.

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Take your meds.

Extend yourself beyond


It's just some fag's motivational thread. Needs more space marines tbh.

You are not your lineage, you psychotic dirtbag. Wake up and join the world.

Except if you are a good product.

Well if you are of European ancestry. You are also a direct of the fiercest warriors and the most clever of nobles. You are a descendants of the most creative and brilliant minds. The direct descendant of the worlds longest ruling civilizations. Whites have ruled the world since their inception.

Whites have always been the creators of human advancement and protectors of the world and always will be.

Says the genetic trash kike posting psycho babble its time for you to kill yourself and do the world a favor.

Overall I think every race has a lineage to be proud of

Except for Sub-Saharan blacks. Thank fuck I'm not a nig


Does anyone ever wonder if Jews pulling their shit is actually creating an advantageous evolutionary stimulus for whites?

If everything we say is true and entire educational systems, entertainment, acadamia, etc have all been compromised for a genocidal agenda. And if this does have an effect on white reproductive rates, then doesn't this mean that individuals who are resistant to this and have children anyways become positively selected?

Yes user we are developing an evolutionary strategy to counter them and thereby self improving.

of course, never forget what your ancestors were.
emulate them, aim greater than them

We are the physical and cultural embodiment of our people.
There are other factors that can muddy the waters but in the end the great river of our people flows through us into the future via the children of our blood.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

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Damage control?

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It's not by design because no human can control for all factors. Such design to be true would have to be God"s design. However if God was designing the path then Germany would have won WWII. So either there is no God or God doesn't like Hitler. So this design claim falls apart. It really is random in that anything within the laws of the universe were always possible so from a human view it is random even though potential outcomes are always limited to some degree.

Gods are what you make of them, the embodiment of the spirit of the people that serve it. Germany wasn't perfect, yet like christ they were sacrificed by the jews. The redeemer is the embodiment of the spirit and the generation of revenge.


Ironically true. Right wing whites have more children than the left wing, which is why the left wing is falls over itself to appeal to migrants. Eventually though the white right wing which breeds at above replacement levels will significantly outnumber leftard opponents. Exciting times.

This is postmodernist degeneracy.

It is their parasitic predation that has made us what we are today

And yet evry living thing tries t perpetuaate that, all human races should do it too although consciously so to create good, you should be proud of your heritage and if you are not you should make your descendants proud

sorry for the typos i just woke up

rolls over and begins typing. :)

It's good i forgive you

Interesting you mention that. The christ-sacrifice is a renewable sacrifice which is why jews designed the christ story to center around that aspect so they don't have to make any offerings for the forgiveness of sins. Jewish religions are distinct in how they monetize faults, sin is a moral debt you owe and must be paid in blood. Instead of chickens or lambs, the use of christ's sacrifice is to pray to him and have your sin-debt forgiven.

Take notice that children is a different type of sacrifice altogether.

I became natsoc immediately after realising this.

Hi goons.

Are you perhaps a mixed race mutt who feels empty and listless? I think probably so. Sad.

Women have the combined X-Chromosomes of their maternal ancestors passed down from mother to daughter and mother to son for thousands of years.

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What? I thought only the Mitochondrial DNA survives multiple generations of time. I am not sure about either though.

Who cares what Jews think?

In human females one X chromosome is from father and one from mother. There is crosing-over (recombination) when the gametes are created. mDNA is never recombined. It is passed from mother to child and cannot be passed by males.

When a woman has sons or daughters, her x-dna is passed to both.

When a man has only sons, his mother's x-dna dies with him. When a man has only daughters, his father's y-dna dies with him.

Genetic "recombination" is when a chromosome combines with another of it's kind. Women's x-chromosomes "recombine" every generation as their mother's and their father's mother's x-chromosomes mix in varying proportions.

Men have the same y-chromosome that is never recombined with another man's since there are never two y-chromosomes in one person.

No man, God was waiting for me. Hitler would have let the other races live on in peace, but I am an ETHNO-GLOBALIST and we are going to live in a world without other races because you all know that this is the only way to secure peace for our people. I always tell you that we are the only thing of value that this planet has ever produced and we are the only ones who should inherit the planet by right. It was our destiny ordained from the beginning of time. This is our 'space ship earth' nobody else's.

Yes. The moral breakdown of society and the forgetting of principles like truth, honor, and humility is also good for us.

The European empires of the last few centuries had a fatal flaw; they were under the moral authority of a top-down religion. This enabled the co-operation needed to build the empires, but also allowed the genes for being a stupid, degenerate leftist to be hidden by forced moral conformity, and thus carried through to today, gradually rearing their heads as the authority of the state religion and uniformity of behaviour lessened.

Today being a stupid, degenerate leftist is allowed, and therefore, their maladaptive genes will fully express themselves and result in a mass die-off of the dead weight of our gene pool.

You’re digits say you’re a fag

Unless you have XYY chromosomes, and then you get a tall mutant with sperg attributes and a decided bent towards criminality

no surprise.

How advance is your genetic ?

Could you have the sun in your hand just by thinking about it ?

If so, then you can call yourself masterRace and the planet is entirely yours……

Told you we are better

Have you met any of the top dudes in Special Forces? Because that’s where those dudes usually end up at. They can look completely sloppy and weak and still be brutally strong. Like bean poles that can run all day and still go and do max weight deadlifts after.

I will pass on the degenerate codes that password spewed off. Sometimes your gets happen to coincide with what I was already doing.

That's why half-nogs with white fathers are smarter than half-nogs with nigger fathers. They are still inferior, but less so

where is the lie, fren

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That's nice, now put that high white IQ to good usage and engineer something that adds long-term value to humanity, or else it won't have been worth much.

Your spelling says you're 12


Ah but do you have doubts in your (((own))) ancestry my slightly ugly and retarded (((friend)))?

God was not waiting for you. God is not waiting for anyone, God is not here anymore. He entrusted us with this planet so that he might come back some day and find a great people here. Strife is what made us and strife is what will make our future generations, and if we fail then God will come back some day to find his children dead on a barren earth, in which case he will start over. God is not your bitch, he is not here to give you handouts. God is waiting for us to earn our place in the stars beside him.

And then elaborated further!!

This Fucker is on point!!!
Why doesnt he have more exposure?
Now all that crossed with posidan style news and music.

Live 1/2

Live 2/2

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kind how like hitler was a rothschild agent and jewish himself? :^)

If you shroud trees in mistcatchers, can you push anti-desertification efforts deeper into arid regions? If you really want to change the world for centuries, plant trees. Do you really want to damn your descendants to deserts?

You still aren't your lineage. You don't get to be there for any of those gains unless you push tech forward in ways nobody reading this is likely to have the capacity to do. Not that nobody has it; we live in a changing era indeed.


God is our heavenly Father. If you do not know Him, then do not speak of Him.

Nice dis info kike… This was already been debunked.


Yeah you're right tthese two are totally equal in every way.

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Also ever notice there are never any hidden tribes of purely caucasian looking people?

A sun that never sets burns on.
New light is this river's dawn.

When to speak of a word so old
is to relearn what is known.
A time to think back and move on.
Rebuild the loves of lives long gone.

The blood that flows through me is not my own.
The blood is from the past, not my own.
The blood that leads my life is not my own.
The blood is strength, I'm not alone.

Beautiful poem user. Is that OC or do you have sauce?

Nevermind. My fault. I thought the embed was a jpg

There were once.

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every time I see a walking soy product I think WTF happened your ancestors survived war, famine, pestilence and death only to end with you

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the islanders on the azores were old atlantians who had become feral like robert E howard's king kull. the dagos killed them all

Genetics = Culture
Muslims that become atheist do not act like atheist whites (even sjws differ vastly from other sjws)

Is it just me or does 'daisy' have a striking resemblance to BLS?

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Not to mention this fuckface

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Not to mention? Daisy Hogg is literally a shop/face app of David Hogg.

I had this idea for what the drug war is about. It's a eugenics program for poor people. The ones who are sufficiently talented ()s willing to hurt others for their own gain get to earn the big bucks pentesting society and the relationships around them, while the others prove themselves not smart enough for their antisocial tendencies to be worth tolerating, getting thus relegated to the butt buddy brigades aka prisons. People who are good to others can go about life without having to be geniuses about it, but the antisocials have to be worth everything before they're worth anything.

So why are they at the same time exploding the third world population through food aid and importing niggers by the boatload while this "eugenics program" is being done?

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God fucking damnit

Checked for 'Ello.
Technically its:

Physiology -> Psychology -> Behavior -> Culture -> Society -> Civilization

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What a livejournal-tier trash thread. I knew that already, faggot.


How do?

Then why are predomantly white countries like USA and Australia so cultureless? Why are white american so barbarian, so dumb and useless? The less they know about something, the more they talk about it. Just retardation beyond believe.
I'm yet to see an american, white or other race saying something even remotely intelligent.
They have no culture, they speak a language developped in the UK, they copy roman and greek architechture to built their capital. They have nothing…just retardation. And worst! They want the whole planet to be as retarded as they are.

If one really wants to know they would intertwine science and spirituality.

Because we are THE UNIVERSAL CULTURE…you think that we are without culture when they whole Earth and its culture is actually ours. All its inventions, science technology music ideas food EVERYTHING on the planet belongs to OUR CULTURE. The subhumans simply adapt it and pervert it to develop 'their own degraded and worthless representation' of our superior culture. You have really been fucked in the head by the jew there son.


The elongated skull mumies in South America, who belong to the ruling class there back in the day of Quetzalcoatl (Feathered serpent, white and bearded god) have proto-germanic DNA!


"DNA testing of the baby Paracas was conducted in the Lakehead University lab in Canada, as well as two other labs in the United States. The results that came back showed only one discernible haplogroup present, that of U2e1. This haplogroup is not associated with Native Americans, but WITH proto-Germanic and proto-Balto-Slavic speakers! Contamination has been ruled out.

This would indicate that the Paracas ancestors that had the haplogroup U2e1 haplogroup did not cross the Bering land bridge with the Native Americans, but likely sailed to the coast of Peru from Europe, the Middle East or possibly India, at least 3000 years ago."

By the way: Jews even stole the aryan Shatkona/Star of Vishnu, which is now known as (((star of david)))

Not to mention that clone of Spectre Learner…honestly I would be more disturbed by that…but I can see why fapping to David Hogg and tying your loyalty to him sexually would be a problem for an user. Can you image all the spiritual power he achieves by having so many men fapp to his image…I mean that is crazy scarry…makes you think we should examine all the 'faces' of the bigtime porn stars to see how much spiritual energy and loyalty is being given away to the enemy.
Porn is a trap for Europeans on so many levels. I am so glad that I don't use it or have anything to do with it. Someone should look into that roastie nigger cum receptacle and see whose clone she is as well.

Chosen by themselves to be fucking slaves. All they do is sit online and bitch bitch bitch about their slavery. (I am annoyed with you guys right now, but hopefully I will get over it).

in that case could be almost understandable.

a muslim that decides to become something that is not a muslim is someone with a deathwish. and he's not the kkk he's afraid of.