This fasco-communist central planner thinks mass transit should be free


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It could work if the population in the city were human. Not with niggers around, though. Nothing can ever work if you have niggers.

Sage for total lack of comprehension of politics.

Mass transit should be "free", especially in dense cities.

The free market is always more efficient than government central planning. Mass transit should be 100% private and without any ties or entanglements with the state.

Amtrack comes to mind


no one's gonna pay for it, everyone is gonna construct it, work for it, and operate it without payment. sure.

What's wrong with that? Or do think the free market will stop one group from monopolizing the transit system in a city? What would competition look like, in the mass transit market?

Monopolies in the free market cannot send enforcers to extort the population like the state does. If a corporation becomes a monopoly, it does so because it is exceptionally good at satisfying the needs and wants of the people. It can remain a monopoly until it is disrupted by more efficient or innovative competitors. It is only meaningful to speak of monopolies in a leftist society, where monopolies can use the power of the state to suppress competition.

you forget the biggest issue
It's why public transport is so shitty in St Louis; we don't want 'criminals' dindus to easily get to good neighborhoods.

But if they own the mass transit system, how can they be disrupted by a better competitor? What do competing mass transit companies look like? Do they have some kind of infrastructure sharing arrangement? How does it work?

Draw me a diagram or something, I'm obviously too retarded to understand. Explain it like you would to a child.

This is what the liberals want.

This is what this central planner would have tax payers pay for so that niggers and other undesirables would ride for free.

according to lefties we need to give everyone taxpayer money due to automation, yet the same people also say that we should allow unskilled labor migration to continue along with paying unskilled people to breed.

Are people actually retarded enough to believe this? You can look no further than the game industry to see why monopolies and big corporations ruin everything.
You guys are delusional as fucking communists.

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–But the other guy is right, you know.

Consider the following:
1) mass transit is supposed to help poor people, ease road congestion and lower air pollution.
2) The cost of buying the machinery is paid for with tax money.
3) A lot of people think that the fares offset the cost, and they do. But usually not by much. And they run the buses/trains in circles anyway, even if nobody is on them. So it makes little sense to argue that the fares are really critical.
4) If govt wanted to encourage people to use mass transit, charging fares is the worst thing to do. And the fares hurt poor people the most, who are least likely to afford them.

If the govt wanted to track ridership, they could just scan your ID card or something. That would be a better way to track riders than asking for a wrinkled couple dollars.

And by the by–mass transit, like many government services, is not really supposed to turn a profit. It is supposed to lose money, or, at the very worst, break even.
The reason is that any "profit" collected by a government-run entity is basically pulling money out of the economy, and that isn't the point. The whole point of building it in the first place was to provide a less-expensive way for people to get around locally, and leave more money circulating in the economy for other things.

It is quite simple, so no need for a diagram. In case of buses, the competitor would just buy and use their own buses. New York City had a quickly expanding network of competing subway systems until they were taken over by the city, and that is when the expansion stalled (imagine my shock!).

Nothing prevents competing mass transit companies from sharing infrastructure such as railroad lines. This works well in case of cable companies, for example, where the last mile of cable to your house is not redundant. However, it is not necessary to share mass transit–specific infrastructure for vigorous competition to exist or be possible because it is always possible to build new infrastructure.

Im not the guy you are replying to but say somebody builds a road from point A to point B, they charge a dollar for driving on it.
Then someone else builds a different road which they charge 50 cents.
Then people can choose which road to drive on.

Its not perfect but its better than the current system where big corporations take members of the government to dinner, buy them certain gifts, give them promises of jobs on the board of executives after they retire. And in return the government gives them a road contract. Which they end up winning over better companies who didnt have the right government connections.
And everyone has to pay for all that through taxes. But most of the taxes dont actually get spent on the roads they get wasted on expensive first class flights to Malibu to discuss climate change, or marble floors for government offices.
And the roads themselves collapse through lack of funding like that bridge in Italy.

Quite spot on, Satan. Whenever anyone starts hearing libertarian arguments of a free market, point them towards the game industry as an example of any kind of competition and creativity being stifled by pseudo-monopolies. If they say they like those kind of games and console, they're probably just a normalfag with shit taste.

IP rights don't exist in the free market, so EA would't be able to file these frivolous lawsuits.

But then they're dependent on the state funded transit system in order to function. That's not a free market solution.
But who owns it? What if they both want to use it at the same time? How are disputes settled? Who pays for the ongoing costs of said infrastructure?

We're talking about mass transit in an existing city. You're talking about laying down new roads in a fictional environment. That fine if you're designing a new city, but it's not a practical solution for moving people about, right now.

Can't wait for a world full of these.

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When things get that overcrowded I would suggest making a new city.
I will never understand people who spend 3 or 4 hours per day commuting.

No, that is fasco-communist gobbledygook. Mass transit is supposed to offer mass transit services to the people.

Tax money is how the military ends up buying $100 hammers that are sold at Home Depot for $10. The point is not that something is paid for but how efficient is the transaction, whether it is proportionally responsive to demand, and what motivates the choices.

Just because there is already a lot of extortion and inefficiency doesn't justify more of the same.

The use of force to interfere in the economy and private choices is not encouragement but organized crime. People act according to their interests, and if they don't, then they cannot possibly elect a government to act in their interest.

The government cannot provide any services because it does not have anything to offer that was legitimately obtained.

If an activity is losing money, then it does not contribute any value to the society. I realize that this can be hard for a leftist to understand, but consider a daily commute to the moon, which would lose a lot of money if artificially sustained by the state. That would be an enormous waste, but if not for the subsidy, nobody would think of moving to the moon and commuting daily to Earth in the first place.

You are completely wrong. Taxes are pulling out money out of the economy, but profits are economic signals that (1) value is created and (2) there is a shortage of the respective goods or services, so more resources should be invested in this activity.

Spot on Satan, spot on

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What is the importance of 'profit' and 'value' to society? Seems pretty abstract.

No problem. Keep it on your side of the country please.

I dont even think we are from the same country to begin with.

Try not to cluster too many of these cities on one side of your continent, it might flip over. Also, be wary of Mongols moving in.

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There are plenty of bus companies that don't receive any state funding. For example, there are so-called Chinese buses that are cheaper than Greyhound, provide a better customer experience, and are faster than Greyhound buses. In other countries, there are plenty of bus companies that provide intra-city services, so it is known that city buses can be profitable in principle. Why completely private city buses are not widespread in the U.S. is a question of taxation and regulation.

(1) Most infrastructure (roads and highways) would be owned by a third party. (2) If mass transit company A wants to use some infrastructure of mass transit company B, it can make an agreement to do so, similarly to how cell phone companies realize it makes economic sense to provide roaming services to each other. Sharing infrastructure between each other is not necessary for competing mass transit companies, so it is not really a concern. (3) Disputes are settled the same way any other dispute in the free market is settled: through negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or court proceedings. (4) Unlike government corporations, private companies have material incentives to keep their capital properly maintained and updated. The private mass transit companies will maintain their infrastructure from their revenues.

In existing cities, the government mass transit systems just can't keep up. They are failing. This is what happens in every industry that is taken over by the state.

I would genuinely enjoy commuting if I lived there.

I wouldn't trust Chink buildings

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What happens is this:

Same thing is done for hiring. If you see a publicly announced job ad, it's there for show only.

I rode the bus for awhile.
It's as expensive as gas and car insurance.
It passed through the negro part of town, and I was the only white on the bus. Yeah, I know, you all would have killed them all with your left hand behind your back, but I was more of a sit down and put up with some bullshit rap music.
Didn't get robbed, but it happens all the time on the bus.
You'd have to pay me to do it again.
I can't wait for self driving cars that are so good that I can read a book on my commute.

For who? Ahhh, yes…

Yes, and here you are using JewTube telling us not to fall for the Petro Jew meme.

Actually, both are of direct relevance to every individual and, as a consequence, to the society.

Everything has some subjective value to every individual. These subjective values are different: for example, if a person prefers to eat apples over oranges, that means their subjective valuation of apples is higher in this context.

For every good or service there is a giant stack of subjective values that this good or service has in the eyes of an individual. One person might trade two oranges for one apple, while another would trade just one orange for an apple. Market prices are also subjective and reflect the statistics of subjective values.

Contribution of value to the society occurs when the society intersubjectively values the output of an economic activity more than its inputs.

Profits reflect the contribution of value, while losses represent the destruction of value. In the free market, profits indicate that there is a shortage in production of the good or service. Losses indicate that there is an overproduction of the good or service.

When I was in Engineering school, I noticed the Chinese, like the Iranians, cheated every chance they got.
I noticed in the IEEE journals, they just regurgitate someone else's paper.
I noticed in physics Grad school, the Chinese students not only cheated, but played the race card to get out of cheating and corruption that would have gotten a white man expelled.
yeah… your picture is the result. Non whites can cargo cult us, but they don't grasp the concept of principles and ethics.
Fucking baby eaters.


Most mass transit is essentially free. The average fare price in America is $2.50 however the average cost to actually transport that person is $8.00 add to the fact that all cities give away free passes to the elderly, handicapped and poor. Most of the operation exists to collect federal funding since, outside of NYC, public transportation is not an effective way to get people around cities built for cars.

t. I work in mass transit

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Without the pork and deliberate inefficiency of the current government things would not be nearly as fucked as they are. Just look at the fucking railroads; the government said "we'll pay you however much it takes to get this done" and as a result of that the railroad companies deliberately started working as inefficiently as possible to stay on the government gravy train and our infrastructure is still fucked up a hundred and fifty goddamn years later. This kind of shit happens everywhere, all the fucking time, and is the reason America gets a worse return on its infrastructure spending than virtually anywhere else in the first world.

I'm not going to webm an hour long video for you, twit.

socialism is not a bad idea in a pure ethnic nordic society

Nazbol pls leave

I don't think abstracts are important to society. They're certainly lower in importance than purely biological and ecological considerations.

Pajeets do the same, which is why you now have pajeet doctors in the West who don't wash their hands and reuse needles. Diversity is our strength.

Interstate hwy system?

Mass public transportation could never work in the USA because it's a shitskin magnet. It's better isolated at best in regions or highly ethnic homogeneous places like Japan and even in Japan I witnessed personally our own whites causing trouble and being outright embarrassments on the train system. You can look up the videos on jewtube if you don't believe me, they're not violent subhumans like niggers but fuck that shit is cringe why do they do what they do. Why can't people just act civilised in public anymore? Clown world.

Doesn't address mega-corporations drowning out their competition with massive marketing budgets or flat out buying their competition out. Doesn't address corporations pressuring others to do what they want.

What are you going to do? Ban companies from buying others out? Put a cap on marketing budget? Force businesses to do business together?

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The cost of rail travel in the UK has gone up rapidly ever since it went private and taxes are every bit as high as ever, same with Royal Mail, how has the free market helped the public in any way there?

We need something like this, it's ridiculous to see tens of thousands of cars all lined up at the same destination. We just need to deal with the subhumans like the homeless and non-whites to make it usable for humans.

Filter and report libtards.

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That's basically how things are in parts of Europe that aren't full of multikulti. Even rusted out Soviet buses and microscopic pajeet Tata buses in Ukraine are more pleasant than American public transportation for this reason.

Do they have any idea how much it costs to maintain public transportation in part n' parcel cities? They get trashed and vandalized to shit daily and require a tax payer funded army of maintenance workers to keep it clean.

A very large chunk of the "whites" in East Asia are jewish, so it seems, especially in Japan (ZOG armed forces notwithstanding).

it could be done, and maybe have some good results, in a big city…if you do your homework and see if you can allocate the necessary money out of your budget and make sure vandals and loiterers are mercilessly buttraped when they do what they do.

these people are unbelievable.

Honestly in florida we have the tri-rail and it costs like $7 per trip and it runs on time and everything is pretty well maintained. Making it free sounds retarded but having it be as expensive as amtrak is equally retarded.
Cars are important to maintain independence which is why banning them or similar is dumb. The problem is being 100% reliant on them is even dumber. One of America's biggest issues is urban sprawl and poor planning which is almost always a result of the reliance on cars that people have, in cities at least it makes a lot of sense to have buses and train that can eliminate traffic and planning cities around that would make getting around a lot easier plus be better on the environment.
The reason this will never work in the US is because of multi-culturalism making it entirely undesirable to actually use those transportation systems. That, combined with corporate control over everything (see national city lines for that) makes this impossible.

Here in Chicago the it's a paid system and the infrastructure is ancient and broken and every train car is full of bum piss or worse. Go watch some more (((Libertarian))) free market videos. Or lurk more and learn something. Seriously, I thought these retarded posts would end when school started back up?

Making mass transit free is bad idea there are already drug addicts and homeless begging for bus money at the stops, this will decrease ridership because there no mechanism stopping them from getting on the bus

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send him this

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Oy, someone has to pay for it!

We're not talking about inter-city Greyhound.

Haha you mad nigger?

May be off-topic but I have an idea. In the future white-only ethnostate utopia we need a themed bus where a hologram of a pack of niggers get on the bus with you and take over part of it. Children will point and laugh at the hideous representation of a giant alpha turbonigger shouting nonsense while surrounded by betas grunting in response. Near the end of the presentation a 300 pound she-boon will spontaneously get up and twerk her enormous ass, providing much comedy for the entire family.

In other news, Switzerland's installed public transport system is mostly funded by taxes. Operational costs are covered by tickets. Construction of public transport access (stations, lines, rails) are covered by either the federal level on public credit (and never paid back, hello and thanks to foreign-fags who buy swiss bonds) or paid directly by Cantons (taxes, credits) or communes (mostly direct cash flow, in that road renovation includes adaption to public transit.) Yearly fare tickets are subsidized in some regions to lower costs, but also to ensure their renewal. Most who have one renew every year, thus securing cash flow for the whole system. The most fucked are business travelers and idiotic tourists who buy per "official" channels. They pay for each tiny piece of communal share of what is being subsidized, i.e. from Geneva to Zürich one way 200 Swiss Francs, while those with yearly tickets pay 11-something per day for the whole country.
Tickets keep the riff raff out. There are many very high earners commuting first class city to city (a one hour-ish commute). They would not accept a nigga quota of 20% - which this would mean in a few years - constantly ruining trains and buses and they would switch to cars, which would congest roads to a standstill. This is the first problem. Another is cash flow. Non-state income can give the system some leeway to postpone investment or vice versa, if nothing has to be fixed they can make provisions for years when the state can't invest, because a huge share of funding happens yearly by commuters. Free transport means the city will cut reinvestment exactly when it is mostly needed. They - especially leftist governments - always deny this, but when push comes to shove they all do this. I am not arguing Keynesian economics but the exact opposite. In a slump, those public transport provisions have a bigger buying power because labor is priced lower. When there is an upturn those investments pay off instantly, because commuters will use those lines - after all at first they are empty during the slump. Because it is financed with income, it isn't surtaxed with interests and because it flows into labor, it mostly remains for a while within the area where the transport is being built.
What bothers me the most: Every metropolitan system on this planet can do this. You can begin with buses which fucking travel on time and extent the system slowly and some day you have a London style tube. Well, any city with a population above IQ89…

Basically this. But you can lay trams in a manner which hinders them to even consider going there. Many Swiss cities have a curious transportation map. That was against workers quarters, but it will also serve against them. Look it up.

You pay for the rest. And gender studies majors in public offices.

I shat brick.

No. What on Earth!!

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Oy vey, Rabbi. Good job in making Zig Forums look retarded.

Then they play their loud rape the white boi music, pull hair, and when you call 'em "niggers", they beat you to a holographic pulp and brag how they did a good thing.
Because that is what Negroes really do.

A swiss system would work if we had swiss people and not Negroes and Mesoamerican primitives, user.
What works in the parts of Europe that have not been colonized by Islam will not work in the United States.
Otherwise, yes, the Swiss system may be a good example.

It's funny, some libtards try to use Switzerland as an example that "muliculturalism works!". Yeah sorry but there's a vast difference in compatibility here in peoples. And even then in Switzerland it's common to see say German and French speaking groups in towns segregate themselves and live across a river or something.

If you're selfish and don't know economics, you may not necessarily care that everybody gets what they want (through the free market). But you certainly care that you get what you want, including what you consider "purely biological" considerations, right? So getting what you want is kind of important if you're not hypocritical, and it happens that needs and wants of the people drive the society's socio-economic, scientific, and technological progress. I'm sure you enjoy your toilet, microwave, and air conditioner, right?

yet another civnat cuckold trying to promote fuckery here by associating fascism with communism

fuck off

I am an anarcho-capitalist, not a Nazlbol. Sorry if it wasn't clear enough, but the fasco-communist I was referring to is the author of the YouTube video.

The thing about private highways is that, on the one hand, there is that fasco-communist screeching about who will build the roads, and on the other, the government slow-walks, excessively scrutinizes, and tries to deny private companies the right to build highways.

Can't buy a company out if its majority shareholders won't sell. If you don't want your company to be taken over, don't sell the majority of your shares to people you don't trust.

I'm sorry but there has to be some kind of balance, a completely free market is as trustworthy as a government with complete control
you put undue trust in the hands of either extreme with the assumption that they'll have your best interest at heart

So you’re mentally disabled.

Capitalism requires the government to protect the right of the individual to keep his property against theft.
Anarchy rejects the hierarchy of government.
Your claiming to belong to an oxymoron philosophy that contradicts itself.
Very edgy, but just too needed. It screams "I'm saying something stupid so you'll talk to me".

OP is a faggot.

Nationalise mass transit companies, meaning that they get their money from taxes and not by tickets making them 'free'.

At the same time privatise the highways and streets.

This will mean that the people will stop driving cars and go on to use mass transit: trains and busses.

Without cars, oil demand goes down ruining the Saudis and the USA since the US-Dollar is only worth what the Saudis sell in oil.

(This will only work in Europe)

Sorry, but people that try to disassociate the twin leftist ideologies are some of the few people that aren't making any arguments here. It's like if your a Sunni Muslim and you screech at the idea that Shia Muslims are Muslims too.

Good in theory, but nobody has put it to practice. Not even the fags behind DICE, who keep starting up new companies just to sell them to EA. And you didn't address

I didn't even mention the SJW lynchmob acting completely out of ideology, slowly infiltrating companies then taking them over until you have a fucking cult with tons of power labeling anyone who stands against them as Nazis and blacklisting them from events + other underhanded measures. Try starting a game studio. If you aren't able to manipulate SJWs (and they'll know you're not one of them), then you will be starved of any networking/exposure harder than Ron Paul in the 2012 election.

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That wasn't even the picture I wanted to post.

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Stop linking to Jewtube you stupid cunts.

its what the japs did and now half their traffic is trains
imagine that, only having enough cars that the roads can actually hold instead of flooding the streets with v8 mobility scooters so everyone can be free to sit in traffic everyday

I think they're making buildings out of compressed dirt.

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looks like a poor concrete mix meant to be used as a cold joint, cold joints should be avoided when dealing with structural designs, they will most likely patch it with some concrete filler and a spade, lazy bastards

These are not metaphors.
Actual high rises made of compressed sand with a thin skin of plaster or concrete.
Actual bridges and buildings made using actual trash including painted styrofoam for rock and garbage bags of paper for filler.
Portland cement is expensive, so how do you cut costs to maximize profits? Eliminate Portland cement!

Laissez-faire fags are unable to acknowledge that Chinese quality is their end game along with it's customary levels of corruption.

I would redump all my chink webms, but that would be boring.

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Get the fuck out of here, Republican.

Stop right here, capitalism is all good and dandym until you get monopolies. A monopoly is the worst thing for a free market, it has no competition, thus no inventive to improve their products and you get stagnation in development, decrease in quality and unreasonable prices. Monopolies also usually have enough influence to meddle in politics, further decreasing consumer rights, safety standards and, in case of food producers, health standards. Capitalism is like freedom, you need rules and regulation, otherwise its just anarchy.
Therefore I am for government regulation of water, energy and transit infrastructure. It can be, and possibly should be privately owned, but it has to follow government regulation and oversight to prevent abuse to the detriment of the population.

Using some styrofoam concrete is actually a legit way of making insulating walls, it was invented in Serbia (or Bulgaria?) and works pretty well as long as you don't use it for structural members and make the wall with the same amount of concrete. For example, if a wall needs 1 ton of concrete, you add 5% styrofoam to it, and still use 1 tons of concrete to make it… it should be structurally sound. The walls will be thicker in volume, because styrofoam takes up space, but it shouldn't be weaker.

I think the Chinese heard about this method, and then just decided they could use 100% styrofoam to make a bridge.

That's insane.

Maybe my POV is too much shaped by living in krautland but nonetheless
I'd say make it free and crash the fucker with no survivors.

Kek, Leon Degrelle wrote about this during WW2 in Russia. This must be some commie shit

you can't privatise it.

Read about it - inadequate funding etc happens when they turn private.

Gypsies move into the trains and have 16 children per woman, no room for passenger, try to get on and get your self a 9mm gypsy curse
Niggers move into the trains, create drugdens. 20-25 'customers' on location per. drug dealer. Try to use it for transportation, get a .50 cal nigger reply - dual wielded.
People only use it for the intended purpose, travel to and from work. Bring their kids for a trip in the park. And the city prospers and flourish.
(((One of these is true, happens every time. Right fellow white people?))). That'll teach those goyim rail road barons what happens if they keep Gods Chosen People out of a lucrative business*

Because it just lets politicians build roads to buy favors. Whether it's a small-time politician trying to get a few more vote sin his congressionalo distric by building/repaving a road that only 50 people use, or it's Gary Johnson building a massive highway out in the desert that no one uses just so he can give the contract bid to a construction company owned by his friends and pay for it all with taxes.
Roads cost a massive amount of money to maintain, and the only reason (poor) people drive so needlessly and frequently is that to them, it's free. THey don't have to pay for the service they sue, so they never stop using it, so we get more congested roads, less safe roads, and eventually just more roads to try and compensate. of course the over-building of roads causes great environmental damage and isolates/chokes out ecosystems.

That would be fine. Just need to get rid of the subhumans, and maintain a homogeneous white population that cares about maintaining its living space and standards.

Doesn't look that much different than all the rest of the communist programs. Look at the free starbucks bathroom policy…sure its free but nobody wants to use them anymore because there are homeless people all over them and in them now.


For some fucking reason they only put the rail line in East Houston (nigville)!! Guess what its already dirty and none of them even pay for a ticket. So guess what soy commie faggot we do have free mass transit and its fucking intolerable because of the feral animals