Tired of seeing Mexicans standing around, waiting to get work? Report them to ICE

The same way you know a woman dressed in a pink miniskirt standing on a street corner at 3am is a hooker. Find guys who have truckloads of them and get their info. Find their license plate, then do some digging, find their name and address, and look into their business.

Quit being so passive. Attack back.
You even see these little parasites standing around on corners in HAWAII, for God's sake. They are EVERYWHERE. So, it's time to make it so they are NOWHERE.
Execute a Deport Report. Set yourself a quota every day/week/month.

And you better believe, like all brown-skinned races that the little rats are intent on squirting out thousands of little brown wrigglers to parasitically feed off of you until the country is in ruins.

If you want o avoid being doxed, use burner phones. Use pay phones. Heck, use snail mail. Run ads on TV with the sightings. Do all that you can.

Only an illegal spic would delete this thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:


And you are correct in having these reservations. However, the "law" will jail and/or kill you if you do what your ancestors would have done and remove piñata yourself. You are left with the option of informing the group that the poeople have collectively decided will do the removing; ICE.

I live in a county near Canada but, other than the faggot leafs speeding through my highways, I never see any Canadians, only Mexicans. There are busses full of them at Walmart right now. One action to take is to record and report the license plate number and description of the busses. A better action to take is to follow the busses to the farm they are stealing jobs from teenagers at, use the county plot map to discover the identity of the land owners, and report the traitors that are employing them. The worst that can happen is that they are here legally and nothing happens. I doubt anctual Americans use busses to get around in large groups like tourists and these niggers are fucking here illegally.

Are you a nigger? You must be a nigger because you don't learn.

If you are the one deleted the other thread please explain why. I didn't make the first thread but was commenting in it when it was kill.

Go to your local Lowes or Home Depot early in the day, you'll find plenty.

What information do I need on the illegals to report to ice? Just the person whos employing them or that they're hanging out back of lowes?

I am wondering this too

Implying I haven't been doing this for years. It's not like I expect ICE to call me up and let me know how it went, but a lot of these fuckers are still around. The problem is the fucking Jews who come in and tell Pedro how to use free legal help to gum up the farcical court system for 10 years while he gets Conchita pregnant eleven fucking times with new US citizens.

Not saying it's bad to report the fuckers. You never know, you could get lucky and report one they happen to catch in the act of decapitating a white girl. I do think, however, that the real fixes bear amplification here. We want demand:
1. A legal mechanism to bypass court when an illegal's immigration status is not in doubt. No free lawyers for freeloaders!
2. End birthright citizenship, which should never have existed and is a result of kikes in the courts interpreting an Amendment that was "ratified" at gunpoint by occupation forces. Make this retroactive, so we can round up all of mamacita's little miracles and send them to Mexico with the rest of the family. Reminder that Mexico automatically grants dual-citizenship to spics born here.
3. Declare California and the other miserable virtue signalers to be in a state of rebellion and seal the border by force. House-to-house sweeps to nab the illegals, plus as many legals as we can "accidentally" deport, and suspend habeas corpus for both the spics and Democrats.
4. Purge this country of the swine who took the 1986 amnesty. If you were ever illegal, you're a member of an invading army. You're lucky to escape with your life.
5. Restore whites-only immigration. Period. Fuck the propaganda, America is for whites who speak English and don't have last names that end in Z.
6. Bring pressure on the EU and other cuck centers to do likewise. Consider invading Canada to get rid of eggroll.

good luck you losers, they;ll never catch me

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Can we report niggers to ice, too?
Of course they are probably legal residents, but since they're always doing something illegal, they will get in trouble, no?

Just be careful. The left has recently ramped up propaganda that demonizes white people who call the police on black (only black) lawbreakers.

Can someone get me a model number on those glasses?
I've got an idea!

Oh no, are they going to say I'm a racist?

Well you'll be doxxed and your face will be unhireable. I get the whole "they'll just call you racist", and if you don't care, then fine. But it's typically more than that. That was the same misguided logic used prior to Charlottesville. If you value your life and you don't have room to be branded a KKK member for life, however, then just be careful.

I sure hope I don't get demonized.

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I give absolutely no fucks about being called a racist. Although I'm more like Hitler on that note, a separatist and not a racist, it really doesn't matter at all to me.
Anti-Semite is a badge I wear with pride. To be anything but, you're seen as an idiot.
I make my own work as every self-respecting white person with an IQ over 110 should. There's no reason not to. Those with lower than 110 IQ's should seek out white employers.
We're still the majority and we could literally shut down the system if 1 in 10 of us (about 20 million) would just abide by my common standard.
I can only be the change I want to see in the world. However, I'm working on making a change, as I think all whites with an IQ over 140 should. We owe it to our people to put our strength forward for the preservation of our way of life.

That's the long answer to the question of what every shall we do?

been thinking about this a lot lately and I want beans gone however there are a lot of hard labor jobs most whites won't do like bridge construction or anything where you bust your ass 12-16 hours a day all week.The beans will do this type of shit gladly considering where they come from.

am in no way defending invaders or shitskins in general I hate them all however when a job needs to get done through hard fucking manual labor the bean is the only one willing because these fucking wiggers,drunks,and faggoty ass liberals can't hang when it comes to actually working hard labor because of their jew conditioning.


Meh, more or less, depends on the culture of country. Whites are harder working where I'm from (deep south). I'm sure it's different though, in say, San Francisco.

yea and whites ALWAYS do a better job too with beans you have to literally stand over their shoulder so they don't fuck shit up.I know some areas have a decent white workforce but other areas man its hard to find.

You'd be surprised at the passion a white man will put into manual labor if given the opportunity to feed his family on the wage.

I'm sick of hearing this shit. Construction was invented by the white man. You need to quit sucking jewish dick if you think whites aren't willing to work hard. either that or you live in the wrong part of the country because where im from, it is a point of pride to put your boots on in the morning and get home in the dark exhausted.

I long for the day to go to a job site and see nothing but hard working white men who are doing exactly that.

when we are talking a few million shekels to get shit done on a time deadline can you really wait for an all white workforce and go underwater. These fuckers seem to be the only way to get some jobs done and fucking hate it hate seeing their stupid brown faces and hearing their stupid spic language even though the job gets done a lot of times sub par unless you stand over them it still feels like money done they drain supporting spics

You'll thank me later.

Yeah, why cant those spics work in THEIR country?

triggered spic detected. whats the matter paco, you cousin get deported hahahah

how about we just don't build that shit? we don't "need" it, we are (((being told))) we need it. fuck the spics, kill them and their families

fucking kike eat a fermented yid dick

whites will totally build that shit. do you really want to cross a bridge built by spics user?

do you have any guides on how to report spics to ICE? is there any online form to fill out that you can link to?

You sound like a faggot Marxist and should kill yourself.

It's on the DHS.gov website. You can do the rest.

Fuck off bean


Listen to Obama, anons.


Why doesn't ICE just constantly raid Home Depot parking lots? Almost every time I go there - no matter which city I'm in - there are 10-20 dark brown, 5'4" mustached men in LA Dodgers caps and stained blue jeans hanging around near the entrance speaking Spanish.


this. their offices should be next to them tbh

Like ice gives a shit. Stop pretending we arent overrun. Time to fight or flee.

Ice exists to fuck with you. Not deport them

Fuck beaners they are the biggest threat to White America physically and the mutt shitskin race. They invade all the nice White rural areas nigger won't go to steal jobs while being lazy, terrible drivers known for road rage along with DUIS and crimes always skyrockets in the small White communities mexicans now invade. Beaners try to marry in to White families more then any other race and their beaner culture takes over for the kids they end up creating more mutts. Mexicans murder and steal from White people in the USA more then any other ethnic group. Send all the mexicans back.

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For anyone interested in doing this, ICE will NOT do anything without the following information:

1. Illegal's Name
2. Illegal's Address
3. Proof they are here illegally

I tried to report all the illegals loitering near my Home Depot, and ICE wouldn't do a thing because I didn't have this information. It's possible they are bound by additional (((California laws))) here. I was so disappointed…the illegals are right there, day after day. They don't speak English, they always pay in cash, they told a Spanish-speaking acquaintance of mine that they came from Guatemala/El Salvador.

If any anons decide to covertly follow the illegals to their residence, be very careful. They are probably overcrowding a house owned by their traffickers, and there is big money at stake for them. If you can find this, try calling the fire department for an inspection of the residence because you saw something unsafe.



This. Everybody knows who and where the trespassing illegal aliens are.

Still no wall, the border is still not closed, the laws still allow catch and release with a future court date nonsense, they still don't stop them from being employed, don't fine or jail their employers, don't stop welfare/healthcare fraud, and they come right back even if deported multiple times. Oh yeah, and anchor babies, and the post 1965 immigration fiasco is another issue…

It'll be the death of this country, and that has been the plan the whole time. We need to stop it.

How the fuck does any random leftist faggot get info on who calls the police on who…. and then to the extent that a demographic pattern can be concluded?

You sound like a fucking moron.

Illegal Invaders Spic Mexicans Guatemalans etc in my area at least don't hang out at Home Depot, Lowes as much as they hangout now at U-Haul rent a truck center. Make sure to call in these locations. Take note of wherever you see a large congregation of beaners. There is also probably a beaner bar in your area where the spics goto for their local watering hole. Another local beaner business is these little "party shops" they have for selling pinatas and other beaner like festivities. Make sure to report the local spic bars too! Leave no stone un-turned when getting these illegal invaders out of this White Nation!

Los Angeles RWDS

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I'll never forget the day I go into the men's bathroom and standing at the sink was some spic. I do my business and head to the sink, the faucet had a motion sensor so I put my hand underneath to release water. The spic looks in my direction, and then puts it's hand under the faucet to release the water and rub some water on it's face. It was too stupid to know how a motion sensor faucet works, it likely had not showered in weeks and it was probably it's only access to warm water in months. Not sure what you should do with this information but this was a real event.

They’re just people trying to work to support their families. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Look, I’m all for LEGAL immigration, but let’s face facts, they do the jobs that nobody else wants. If it wasn’t for them picking produce a head of lettuce would cost 16.99$, and we’d have to rely on the city for gardening our properties. The free market is basically in effect at this point, and has taken care of the problem for us.

Let me guess, you two are shills here to poison the well with your vile, sub-human depictions of trespassers in order to make deportation unpalatable to normies. It's enough that they're here illegally and doing a great deal of damage to Americans in general.

And we're trying to support ours. They can support their families back in their own country. If you want to help them, YOU GO THERE AND DO IT.

what families? all i see is hoards of 25+ male beaners

Holy shit how much of a newfag are you?

And another newfag too. Jesus christ is the JIDF working extra hard today?

Lies. You guys act like this country never could have existed without Mexicans and other illegals. We were better off -before- they came here.

Does he at least speak proper English? I mean he has to go back but the Mexicans I've met NEVER speak English.

Agreed. Most Hispanics are also very right wing, and traditional. They’ll also continue to get whiter as time goes on as they are absorbed genetically, basically becoming the next “Italians” so to speak. We should be doing everything possible to speed up this process.

More lies. They come from socialist backgrounds, and even Pew research data shows it.

…some 31% identify as Democrats and just 4% as Republicans….


You realize the democrats are just using them for votes, and they fully intend on discarding people of color after they’ve used up all their “usefulness”, right? Last time I checked, the democrats were the party of the KKK. That’s what sets the right apart from the left, the right doesn’t want to destroy families.

I know. LBJ set up the 'Great Society' welfare gravy train.

What does that mean? Blacks are still voting democrat after all these years.

What the X-Files never told you….

You're a cuck.

Whites already account for over 90% of those employed in agriculture, manufacturing, and resource extraction. They already do all the hard and dangerous working such as mining or logging.The spics are poor workers who are only viable because they can be paid shit for their shit work.

When they exiled spics from South Carolina in 2009 the liberals laughed and said that the crops would rot on the vine because nobody would pick them, then they just hired some Manpower corporations and the crops were done in half the time it took the spics.

They run the court system, all that happens if you abolish legal aid is you punish your own poor. Meanwhile you will find plenty of jewish lawyers being "charitable" and giving their time for "free" to the immigrants (obviously they are being paid handsomely in the background by the NGOs holding the doors open for the invaders)
You will have to purge the real problem before any change can come, it's the same everywhere, they know this, which is why they use holocaustianity and d&c to protect themselves.

Agree with OP entirely.
We all need to be the eyes and ears of ICE, and we need to be especially attentive before elections, to lower the illegal vote numbers.

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I'm fairly confident an old job I used to work at when I was a teen(you know the usual minimum wage grocery store crap) is employing at least 2 dozen illegals in the back rooms. It's an Italian Specialty / Grocery store, the reason I always suspected they were illegal is because the bosses make it a point to keep them working in the back rooms, hidden from customers and would never let them work in the isles. I assume the few beans that were allowed to work in the isles were the actual legals. The final point that makes me suspicious is many times when I would get off work, I would see like 10 of them all stuff into a single station wagon to go home after work, that's very stereotypical illegal-bean behavior.

What do you anons think? I have no proof, only suspicions because of what I explained above, but would it be worth giving a report to ICE? If I ending up being wrong and they were all legal would I get into trouble with the law? I haven't worked there in a long time for obvious reasons, it was just a shitty minimum wage teenager job/still in school job, so I'm not worried about being fired. The store is located in Long Island, NY, so if I were to call would I use the southern NY phone number?

MFW you learn the KKK lynched more whites than anything. Stop falling for kikery user. The KKK is just more D&C bullshit.

Just drive by Home Depot, dunn & edwards, Lowe's, the US post office, DMV etc. early on a weekday, or apartments in van nuys, encino, on an afternoon, when people are picking up their kids from illegally run day-cares, and food trucks are everywhere, or fast food with playgrounds…
Seems Google street view collusion of only filming on early sunday morning holds true, SFV looks like a scene from Omega man… PIC RELATED

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proof or you're a shill

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He probably means coal burners, to which I say, "Good."

Ah, that makes more sense. Also to be clear, the KKK only lynched blacks that committed crimes right?

They were big when segregation was going on, so they mainly lynched blacks that were caught in white areas trying to steal or rape or do other niggers shit.
They were an absolute necessity at the time because abolition literally released 10's of 1000's of ape-creatures onto the streets of America with no real plan for what to do with them.
The most humane and cheapest thing would have been to ship them back to Africa or fill ditches with them if we're going for the cheapest route only.

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send them beaners back.