TODD'S TOMATOES: Air force OSI and DHS raid with sealed warrant

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Spic raid or childfucker raid. Not that hard to figure out.

OH yeah. That’s a childfucker company.

why is it always florida fucking up

I agree. now let's find out who they are connected to.

Is USAF OSI POTUS' pedo busting agency or they destroying evidence to keep it out of the hands of good guys?
OSI answers directly to pic related. ran child welfare services for new Mexico in the 90s

let's figure it out anons

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Anything involving the Air Force is suspect for me, so I lean towards your second supposition. Trump is tight with Epstein.

FL is infamous for employing mexican tomato pickers. They made a documentary - - about how Publix refused to pay an extra penny or something, so the mexicans started protesting. My guess is that. illegals.

not true but nice to have you here friendo

Alan Dershowitz, Epstein's lawyer, is one of Trump's chief media defenders. Trump appointed the crooked prosecutor who gave Epstein a slap on the wrist to a cabinet position [labor]. Tight is most certainly the right word. Real world actions mean much more than anecdotal, after-the-fact stories about pool ejections and eating with the help.

ICE made a statement to local news that they aren't involved
pic related.

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two types of people cut people off and weave in and out of traffic
-high speed chases
-and people that have a deadline to get an organ to a hospital

Wew those digits and the years its been operating

Not necessarily.
The DoD has jurisdiction under certain circumstances.

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F R E S H   F R U I T S


Trumps taking out the competition for his tribal friends in pissrael.
nothing to see here, folks

todd's kush farm

Why bother? They'll all be dead soon anyway.

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Israel makes the best water desalination equipment…so they'll probably need a nuclear reactor to run them.

is that temperature C or F?
Looks too cold for F, and positively balmy if C

The Florida phenomenon is actually just a case of extremely open transparency laws in Florida.

Florida thinks that all government business is public business, and journalists take advantage of that and report on the most hilarious crimes.

and all the latinos and jews that make it a shithole


Need to Raid these next… Hilly's favorite…
New York Apple Association
Raid Co-Ops

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