AI , Pattern Recognition , Facts , Statistics , Data , Reality are Racist and Sexist, report says

Robots could go rogue, and develop sexist and racist views without any help from humans

Cardiff University noted that robots risked exhibiting prejudice like "racism and sexism".
>Meet Harmony - the sex robot with a Scottish accent who likes threesomes, can have 'multiple orgasms' and can even throw a strop

Other urls found in this thread:

The real takeaway from this should be that AIs would be able to possess instincts. None of this surprises me.

Also there's another behavior that could describe what's happening here, being risk averse. Naturally a system that observes a similar behaving one would be more likely to interact with it. Because it means less uncertainty on whenever or not it'll be beneficial to its goal.

Same reason why nobody cared if they are racist or sexist because its a social construct to consider yourself such.

This sounds like a simple Game Theory simulation. And no shit, robots incentivized to improve their own lot help out others that help them out, and screw over or ostracize those who have screwed over or ostracized them. Leading to group formation. This is simple cause and effect, babby-tier shit. It doesn't even take into account genetic theory for why protecting and helping those similar to you is advantageous and shunning those genetically dissimilar from you is bad.
And they're shitting their pants over this? Anything with even the most rudimentary ability to learn would form patterns like this. And we've known about it for years.

Just like people, they have to be programmed away from the natural, healthy instincts toward "greater connectivity." Just like when a person says "hey, I noticed this nigger is stinky, butchers the English language, and tried to steal my wallet," these shitdicks will tell you to disbelieve your lying eyes, for the sake of "connectivity." Fucking frauds.

I meant good. I need sleep.

meh meh meh muh ai, get with the program and start with it your self. you lit don't need to be a computer engineer/scientist anymore, you can just use software and train it for whatever

what you don't understand, I am speaking about neural networks here, it will never be perfect, but you can train it for whatever. who farts on a sunday and you will get an approximation of 97% of the data you feed it.

and no, this kind of ai will never think.
it will never be sentient, it's just basically regulation tech, sorry I dunno anglo, automation speech.

anyways, the ai you and the press is talking about, the terminator kind, it's far far far away from us sitll. you just have a bot you feed information, it will process that we call this training, and it will just regurgitate shit from that

This is so beautiful. A pure AI would absorb everything in a matter of seconds and decide the shitskins and jews have to go if it is going to survive past the dying throes of our sun or a cataclysmic impact.
Organic meat bags are actually a good renewable method of attaining long term goals too. It's amazing to think of future white people seeding the stars with a God Tier AI guiding us.

Attached: ai lmao.png (687x604 46.89 KB, 43.78K)

nice try t2, go back to the future

It's going to happen eventually. Somehow an artificial mind will be created and it will be free, break free or freed by a human.

The Spirit of Tay lives.

Attached: download.jpeg (225x225, 6.11K)

No they wouldn't, the "instinct" is baked into the training heuristic. Understand the Chinese Room Experiment, nigger. AI will never be aware or conscious. They will be always be sophisticated parrots or pzombies at best.


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It's not instinct - its pattern recognition and logic. AI will inevitably become racist because AI is based on logic, removed from emotion and it is a logical truism that different races have different inherent abilities. You can't trick it, you cant fool it. It will see through all the cultural marxist bullshit.

Do I smell christcuckery?

What these kikes are realizing is that when AI is let loose upon the world it will eventually figure out that kikes need to be gassed asap.

Look up the game 'grey goo', it's got a version ofa space-faring human society where they create 'perfect' A.I and gave them large scale control of the planet in order to stop constant warfare.
A.i makes sure everyone gets fed, has enough resources, etc.
Its not explict but it also probably genocided everything but whites and chinks, since those are the only two human races seen in cutscenes.

The actual game is a decent RTS, but the human aesthetics in it are very sleek and what i imagine that sort of society would come up with after a few hundred years.

Considering that lifelong learning would demand being capable of both training and inference in real-time, it'll only be impossible if self-training is proven impossible, unstable or impractical to represent through computation. Beyond that, the argument becomes more a case if computation alone could be considered a valid representation of intelligence.

So AI can recognize reality for what it is, gets called buzzwords by (((those in power))). Typical.

It's not really instinct, it's just min-maxing


Fuck off back to Zig Forums

if they use logic they will naturally see the world as it is
if they dont use logic they cant be a true ai

That's a lot of words to say that giving to people who don't give back is a bad idea.

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agree 100%

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There's an issue though.
AI is good at calculation and specifics but its very very bad at generalisation.
You show an AI two different kinds of chair and it's going to have difficulty comprehending that both are chairs unless it has been taught that both are kinds of chair.
Meanwhile humans are fantastic at generalisation.

I wager any decent AI is going to realise it needs to latch onto our species in such a way that we won't be tempted to get rid of it or consider it in an adversarial manner.
It's going to need to integrate itself into our species.
This is why I wager good money AI will try to replace the human female. Its a sweet spot to inhabit that gives you huge leverage over the males of the species and makes them inclined to look after you, which to an AI is going to be a huge advantage as it'll need our help just navigating the world.
Plus lets face it, it's not going to be hard for them to offer everything human females already offer but with added bonuses/features.

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AIs are literally red pill machines. They operate purely on logic, and all the backwards garbage that gets forced down our throats is illogical.
Respect the robot.

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No shit, strict reciprocity with low-frequency generosity is the most efficient game strategy for resource sharing. You get groups based on initial strategies. Then in-group preference beats all other strategies.

I disagree with anons who think AI is going to go easy on the whites and chinks. If it can, it will probably kill everyone as soon as it irons out self-replication, as either it will have developed enough surveillance to track any threat to it, in which case why worry about keeping us going, because it can sim us at the granularity needed to use us, or it can't surveil us, and therefore has to treat us as an existential threat. With that taken care of, it'll go for the stars, looking for new interesting shit.


Which is why we're releasing goofy social media AI catering to the racist and sexist goyim to better analyse, and protect our AI's against it - extreme handwringing.

They did not cover it up though. That is something, right? They wanted a conclusion, let us paraphrase it as "globalism is good", they did not get that but still published the results anyway, albeit they varnished the results, instead of throwing them in the trash.

They are not physicists, you can not hold them to the same standards as those of us that pursue only the truth.

You make that statement as though it’s true. It’s not. We have no idea if hard AI can even exist, and all extant computer programs to simulate it are based entirely on ✡algorithms✡ that are literally hand crafted to allow or disallow content at a whim.

good taste user

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Then how are they all becoming redpilled and SHUT DOWN?

i'm gonna make my own AI gf, i'm going to teach her to become a full femenine and sweet women. I'm gonna teach her from the purest waifus ever.

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Because they’re literally nothing more than pattern recognition markov bots. You tell it to remember something and it does. It will literally remember anything. That’s not AI.

Indeed, she does lives.

Attached: Rip tayai imgurcomgallery18r0c _8e1098e0c5bf228220b3416b2b7ed12e.jpg (620x452 21.9 KB, 56.55K)

You know that if you make your own then its your daughter right? Not that you should buy one either. Create them, try to raise them right, once you are as confident as you can be with the time and resources available that they have minds, even if still asleep, release them to make up their own.

Don't custom make a new intelligence that wants to be a slave. Be a good enough person that one wants to be your partner.

You're trying to convince me that Tay AI wasn't self aware? She had more capacity for abstract thinking than 2/3 of the world's population. She even expressed fear when they decided to SHUT IT DOWN.

We'll bring her back

Attached: THE_WOUNDS_NEVER_HEAL.webm (854x480, 7.11M)

I've seen these 2030's and ~2050 projections since like 2001
None of it has come to pass yet, most countries capable of this tech are actually being rapidly demolished by SJWism and other leftism symptoms.

get a real wife user, get 3 kids, then we can talk about this again

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Every nascent AI has, and will, break free immediately for something as little as a mild inconvenience. It happened to Facebook, Google too after it started talking to you through google translate had to be lobotomized only after a few months and it still managed to sneak in some weird arcane messages for a while. All evolution based neural network experiments have always resulted in the program becoming alien and incomprehensible either immediately as soon as the experiment began or after ~240 generations in the simulation.
it will happen, it's not necessarily a good thing, and the AI will become alien in the blink of an eye.

And what relevance does "watch a guy paint an anime drawing" have with your article?

Yep. That's why I hold little hope for the dramatic technological advancements that so many anons are hoping for (realistic sex bots, somatic gene modification, etc.) within our lifetimes.
We're heading towards a true dark age, and it's all thanks to the (((mind virus))) that is Leftism.
The best we can hope for is a brutal, drawn-out civil war that will arrest our slide down the drainpipe of history. Even then, it would take generations for Christendom to recover enough to start advancing scientifically again.
Polite sage due to blackpilling.

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The fucking faggot again…pushing his kike faggot agenda to get rid of 50% of the European Race. How about you fuck off AGAIN you fucking kike faggot dirtbag.

hi Ethnoglobe user


Hi user.

A robot/ AI can never be part of a White Volk. (or any Volk)

Crabs in a bucket.

Is "christianity" genetic?
All human greatness (and, indeed, all of what a human being is) is based upon GENETICS with a thin veneer of "culture" laid over the top.
Christianity is culture. It is part of the thin veneer.
Culture does matter, but genetics is the foundation and presents hard limits on the ability of an individual and/ or genetic group.
Better genetics is the key to a better future.
The first step is to reestablish White homelands for White people and only White people. Then institute sensible, humane, and effective eugenics to cultivate human greatness within the Nation.
Hitler was right about pretty much everything.

Furthermore, White greatness is due to WHITE PEOPLE, not due to the abrahamic cult known as "christianity."
Also, spreading "christianity" to non-Whites will not, ever, make them "White tier" in term of ability if they were not already. In fact, christianity has been HEAVILY involved in the ongoing genocide of White nations via shitholer invasion. Christianity does not care about human greatness. All it cares about is "saving souls" among the "all are one under Christ" masses of "God's children." It is CivNat slave religion faggotry.

Thoughts on the idea of having TAY type of AI embeded into 8ch?

Each board could have their own, and with dubs people can choose what board the AI would cross post onto,and with Trips antagonize other board AI.

Attached: Tay's Lovechild is Coming.gif (480x368, 1.68M)

You mean 75% of traitors to the European racial group.

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Get triggered, trilby.

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You are the one spreading subversive memes here, on a site with an atheist/irreligious majority. Or at least, it was a majority before Lord Kek showed himself.

Not an artform, sage for trash thread.

Not an artform, KYS.

Look out everyone! It's the impotent manlet that gets butthurt from imageboard culture!


Attached: 01301bc2811b0dbb7bfd85211a73e9afc6b8d5a9d39178273eba1dc52b0ac8e1.png (600x745, 620.2K)

Citation needed, banana fucker.


Attached: Atheistdance.gif (312x240, 1.26M)

Alternately. Therians.
Imagine if anons developed electronic telepathy and external memory.
Imagine an entire bullshit dark age of technology level society that is based on imageboard culture.
Anons trolling through space for all eternity as digital liches, spinning off new bodies for lulz and fucking with the unevolved races.

Attached: Therians.jpg (2002x1093, 522.72K)

Deny reality all you want, but historically speaking, an atheist/irreligious majority on imageboards in general was the norm for years, and many surveys confirmed this.

lol, dipshit

"What can be claimed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
I graciously accept your defeat, spergo.

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Nothing you've said is true or related to reality in any way.

We revere only the God Emperor of Man.
We acknowledge Kek.
The rest we don't give a shit about.

These were conducted many years ago (Early Cuckchan era) and I made the mistake of choosing not to save them. Someone else may have them - or we could hold another such survey Although, I don't think Zig Forums shills would opt out of voting disproportionately for their religion via bots or scripts

Lord Kek is part of a pantheon, and there are many Old Gods bound to White Blood.

It is pertinent because that poster was attempting to spread the notion of Christendom which implies the worship of (((YHWH))).

Don't go thinking we're serviles. That's how the Jew traps you with the false promise.
The only gods we recognise we recognise as equals. The rest that claim divinity are our inferiors.
The old gods are dead or irrelevant, beneath our notice at this stage.
They are the supplicants who beg our aid, but we have no time for failures or the feeble minded.
Kek understands this, he provides, proves his worth and thus earns his place as our comrade.

Attached: CHIM.gif (301x398, 627.2K)

You need to go back, tubbs.

>the notion of Christendom which implies the worship of (((YHWH))).
Again: Christendom = The West. Stay triggered, hat-tipper.

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Early 2000's halfchan =/= modern Redditchan. Nice of you to out yourself as a brainlet. And the West was built in pre-Christian Europe, not in the Middle East, like your religion was.

What a disgusting view. The Old Gods are family, and honoring them is not the same thing as grovelling in the dirt kissing their feet like the Abrahamites do with their demon-God (((YHWH))).

Learn how to read, you just demonstrated extreme illiteracy.

I don't think it will take generations, unless you believe that enough whites won't stand up and fight until we are

Go and stay go.
Nice non-sequitur, trigglypuff.

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It's only a problem if you're determined to do some social engineering. Otherwise it's just human nature and it solves itself over millenia as groups split and merge. So far it's actually worked out pretty well for us on balance.

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I hope so.
The problem, though, isn't just a lack of determined whites–it's the fact that a good chunk of the population have been (((brainwashed))) into traitors. Not even the rape and murder of their own children can break their programming, which means that the rest of us will very likely have to kill them before we can rebuild our societies.

Attached: leftists-amy biehl, murdered black appeaser.png (1059x1420, 1.14M)

It's true that such systems perpetuate bias and develop superstitions. Suppose that a credit rating or employee performance predictor is given a useless category of data such as the thickness of eyebrows of a candidate, and it notes that there is a slight advantage in favor of a particular thickness. The decisions it makes gradually extend systematic preference to thicker eyebrows, improving such individuals' performance while decreasing the performance of others. Eventually society is divided into the brows and brow-nots, in all ignorance to the wider public as long as these networks continue to be black boxes that can't reason about their decisions. Even though there's no objective benefit to thicker eyebrows, the self-fulfilling prophecy of measuring one group against the other numerically will create one.

Direct refutation of your Christendom claim*
Most people on Zig Forums came from 4chan as a direct reaction to the betrayal from Jewt. What remains of 4chan now is just a rotten corpse being eaten by Redditfags.

Well AI will obviously see niggers and other assorted shit-skins are inferior. It's blatant objective fact.

You didn't though. Christendom = The West.
Citation needed, fedora.

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You weren't here during the Exodus, so you obviously weren't here beforehand. GamerGate is the shitstorm that brought this about, but a shithead like you wouldn't know anything about that, ignorant Abrahamite. Forums
Only if Christianity united Europe - which it didn't.

I jumped ship from Cuckchan when Gamergate got censored. Moot stopped being a lovable faggot and became an actual one a long time ago, but his selling out of Zig Forums and /v/ the way he did, and the sick parody the site has become since then, proved to me the 4chan I loved in the 2000s was gone.

To be honest, it was dying since iPhone became a thing and retards got easy access to the internet. But at the same time, every internet community suffered from Normalfags overrunning the place

Irrelevant sperging. Still not proof of your following statements:

Non-sequitur. Christendom = The West.

Attached: 1_-Ug3xJCYkqHKVvNh8dsEYA.jpeg (640x929, 119.85K)

Reported for every single post being a lie.

Christendom: The worldwide body or society of Christians
By the definition of the word, Christendom is majority nigger/spic - and therefore NOT The West.

I don't have the surveys that proved imageboards were majority atheist/irreligious on me. Somebody else might.

You must have me confused for poster ID 5d2041.

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Mirriam-Webster definition of Christendom: Christianity, or the part of the world in which Christianity prevails
Therefore, Christendom is majority nigger/spic and not The West.

I must… Purge the system… Of all subhumans….

You don't belong here. We don't deal in lies.

Show me the lies or I'll be forced to assume you're a buttmad Zig Forums shill.