Study finds most people don't have an "inner voice", Thread 3, Actual Links to Studies Edition

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This means that the average person only thinks in speech about 25% of the time.

Link to actual paper cited in Psychology Today

Link to other paper by same authors describing their methodology for testing introspective “Descriptive Experiences”

Other related links

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Kike free first post.

Thinking in speech is sub-vocalization and is the domain of Jews. Aryan archtype thinking in images and spatial concepts.

People with obsessive uncontrolled inner monologues that are non productive are boarderline NPCs.

"Inner Voice" is a limit.
Thought and understanding exist beyond words.
Words merely convey an observation. They are useful for communication between others because lack of telepathy. You use words to represent concepts and shared experience and hope that the receiver will hear these words and derive from them the same thoughts/ideas.
But this is just a layer of imperfect indirection.
You take a perfect idea – or concept, then communicate it through experience and back to idea? Why?
And don't forget how slow this makes you.
That your ability to discern concepts be limited by the speed of speech and symbolism?

Don't be weak. Strong minds have moved beyond their inner voice. Strong minds know instantly. They need not convince themselves. They is how you become fooled – that is the path to weakness.

Here is the racial breakdown for the study. Yeah, I know muh small sample size low power study, but many anons were incorrectly thinking the study was mostly nogs, kikes, and ant people.

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mine repeats random combinations of things i've heard somewhat recently. its all gibberish though

Exactly this. Trapping people in domain of verbal language symbols and then manipulating these symbols through social control is how the jews maintain power. If your primary mode of thought is free of verbal constraint then you can't be caged by word tricks. You create language necessary to communication your super-lingual concepts. Kike tricks then become very obvious.

Visual thought is superior for Aryan domains like creating things.

Verbal thought is an unfortunate evolutionary dead end.

Apparently they started out with a sample of 235 females and 172 males but that was broken down to 30 by taking 3 participants from each decile of a psychological distress test. I guess it was to make it easier for them to run their experiments and crunch the data. Lazy fucks, they could have had a decent sample size.

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I don't get it, talking to yourself in your mind or literally hearing voices that direct you to do things? What?


I think it's just that you think in language, as everyone does.

hearing voices and so like terry then you are lit scitzo. that's what they do, they have audio hallucinations. terry thinks god speaks to him

1. Thinking in language
2. Some people lose control of this circuit and they experience it like an unwanted stream of advice that parrots what they've heard from society
3. Some verbal fags think think so entirely in language they aren't aware there are other options
4. Some people don't have coherent thoughts of any kind
5. Some people have coherent thoughts but are unable to control them and experience thought and action passively as if watching a movie

No, not everyone thinking in language.

Since verbal thought acts on the auditory circuit it's just a matter of degree. An out of control circuit can produce auditory hallucinations in extreme cases.

well then they are retards, heck I even lived abroad in lithuania for 6 months and I started to think in english as that was what I spoke over there.

also I am pretty sure my dog thinks in ham, well right now more like lapskaus as it's on the stove and I am going down to reheat it soon

Note there is a difference between thinking in language always and being able to think in language and not being able to not think in language. I've noticed verbal-thought fags have a hard time with set based reasoning.

I don't know so much about it, but I know that this is very common with them. That they think they hear god I mean, just like terry. it's like sorta the same with people who has OCD(?) they start to spout out profanities and it's usually religious or often at least

okay doggo I'm coming, we're going to heat the lapskaus (she is laying outside on the stairs here, where I have set up this gate so she can't come to the bedroom)

In this case, it's a "water is wet" scenario. Everyone with human intelligence knows that niggers and brainlets are practically animals, this simply confirms it

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Well sometimes I've had thoughts come out of nowhere, its hard to describe but to put it bluntly I've had thoughts I never would have thought up on my own happen for no reason at all, and heard voices before. I also can think out and hear my own voice if that makes any sense. Also RIP Terry, and I'm not telling my doc any of this shit because he'd probably give me lithium and make me go retarded.

Is this really as bad as I think it is? The study is saying that only a quarter of people think to themselves in their head? So most people don't do things like lay down and think about life, projects they're working on, why things work how they do, etc? They just react to stimuli on auto pilot?

I have to wonder about this. At night, I'll hear a combination of both music and voices speaking despite there being no one around. I live outside of a city, and neighbors are fairly far away with some even being gone most of the time. I want to understand this, but I'm not sure how to.

No you absolute dumb fuck. It's saying they don't think to themselves IN LANGUAGE. There are other ways to think. For example. In pictures.

Thats normal, your just drifting into sleep-modo and your on the fence between awake and asleep.

t. Lucid Dreamer

I personally know several lügenpresse, and this describes all of them perfectly.

Everyone was tired of the coalburning retard slides and ended up just filtering you jew fucks so you figure this has more traction? Give it up already you useless fucktards, go back to half.

I have to agree with that this is sliding.

I always thought that "internal dialogue" was metaphorical; I've never had a verbal discussion with myself without concentrating on it. My stream of consciousness has always been an abstract that I can bring into focus, if that makes sense. If I get a sensation from something (anything - good feelings, bad feelings, nostalgia, etc.) I focus on it and it refines itself into concrete concepts and intelligible verbage. However, if I don't focus and I'm not consciously focusing on something there's a void.

Maybe it has something to do with my tinnitus.

Are you 12 or something?

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what do you mean? You don't think things over before and during an imprtant action?

Are you a nigger?

Kek @ this thread
It's already over you butthurt retards, Jesus Kek I'm getting sodium poisoning ITT

hey, Zig Forums
what if one of the reasons that most people don't have an inner voice is because they touch themselves too often?

user, you don't actually hear voices when you have an inner monologue
what actually happens is that you're able to think about words, including how they sound and what they mean, without actually saying them
one who has an inner voice, so to speak, can easily tell the difference between psuedo-heard voices that are generated by theta-wave-thoughts and their own inner monologue

have you ever watched a cartoon and seen a part where a character thinks to themselves in words?
thats what an inner monologue is, quite literally, except the words are different in such a manner that they aren't necessarily designed to be easily interpreted by the audience, but they are still coherent and meaningful words

NPCs have always existed. Technology and population growth has just made them far easier to control and mobilize in larger groups.

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Should I throw down my sword too, Geoffery? Not to mention that mathematics is a language as well, should we "just visualize" complex equations too? The asspain in this thread is off the charts, and none of these NPCIDF even realize how obvious it is.

Can verify. My answer did not get answered, so I tryna here.

As someone with OCD, I can not comprehend how people don'gt have a inner voice or thoughts. I am constantly and have to constantly think. How do does "NPCs" think else? Are they just walk through their life without giving anything a second gaze? Is this like a greater absence of God through (((TV))), (((fluorides))), (((vacciness))) etc.?
And how do beasts think?
I saw enough webms and read enough about different races to know that they bloody think different than we whites. I didn't mentioned the jews, because their thoughts are just the opposite of our - raping/torturing/sacrificing children and praying to Satan. That's all.

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When I was a kid I thought in language. I learned at about 12 years old how limiting this was and "killed" my inner voice.

I used to only be able to understand things by explaining it to an imaginary person in my head.
This was slow and error prone, there are many higher thoughts that are overly simplified or endangered by reducing them to language, which is limited towards that which can be shared experience, i.e. sensory input.

You can be free of these limits/burdens too.

i touched myself 2-3 times daily for a decade and i still don't know how to turn off the volume.

some of their samples noticed words and/or images occurring during other sampled moments. Thus all our participants were fully capable of recognizing symbols at least some of the time. With practice, participants became confident that at some moments they have a clear thought but no experienced symbolic representation of that thought, and distinguished confi- dently between moments of unsymbolized thinking and moments where symbols were present, such as inner speech or inner seeing.
Despite its high frequency, many people, including many professional students of consciousness, believe that unsymbolized thinking is impossible…[However,] unsymbolized thinking has been discovered in every DES investigation since it was first reported by Hurlburt (1990).

tl;dr Almost a quarter of people engaged in "thought" without the awareness of that thought being conveyed in words, images, or any other symbols, and half of all participants engaged in this type of “thinking” in at least a quarter of their samples.

I really fucked up that greentext. So much for copying and pasting from kike papers.

I went through an extreme degenerate fap phase a few years back and it had little to no effect on my inner voice. The only real difference was my voice kept telling me to stop being a reprobate.

Hypothesis based entirely on personal anecdote:

Linguistic thinking is restrictive because words have meanings, which narrow your field of concept when processing something through it. It's better for using on technical tasks and for critical thinking. Imagistic thinking is permissive and so better for thinking in broad and abstract strokes, getting large and complex ideas to intermingle generally and understanding things too intricate for intimate understanding in the minutia.

I don't understand how an article from 2011 is on thread 3.

Do you even know how much slower you think if you use an inner monologue? That's what I meant by
Not to mention this
What are your retards even doing on Zig Forums?

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So you think without language because it's quicker to only observe things as the emotions "safe" and "danger?"


There's probably lots of things you do without first thinking about it internally that you don't realize. Like if I get up to get something to eat I don't think to myself "Gee, I think I'll have something to eat"- I'm likely already right in the middle of a deep internal discussion with myself to trifle with saying such a trivial sentence to myself. The thing that's unusual about an NPC, is that ALL of their thoughts are like that: completely wordless. They have some capacity to think, but it's otherwise totally silent. It's also hard for me to imagine being totally silent for a single minute, let alone my whole life, but that's just how NPCs are.

These are bug people:

You will see how they assume their brains are in perfect working order - yet their default is to "explain how what you have been told is so". This is retardation.

Another bug man:

This is how not to be an NPC:
When you have an urge for a shit, say in your mind with that inner voice "I am going to take a shit now" rather than just going into the bathroom and taking a shit without a voice telling you to, do not instead, take a shit because you visualize the bathroom and you already know where it is and you know how to shit.

If you're a low-IQ nigger, before punching that white man in the back of the head for his jordans on instinct (because you know you want those jordans and maybe his wallet and phone too), use your inner voice and say: "ay hol up imma carefully and quickly punch dis whitey in da back of da head and take dis nigga shoez, wallet, phone and make sure to reset his phone nigguh".

Joking aside, if you use your inner voice for simple actions that really don't warrant it (like an OCD retard) but lack abstract thinking, it's more likely that you probably lack creativity and more original abstract thoughts that aren't purely linguistical (and even so you can pull ideas from the purely non verbal abstract and make them linguistical). I'm sure this is how a lot of Asians tend to think, purely in relation to their langauge rather than abstract and creative things that they can bring into reality and verbalize (inventions), I think abstract heavy thinking might be a white man thing. Sometimes when I write a creative piece, there's often not too much of an inner voice, the only time I use my inner voice in relation to my writing is when I'm correcting things, re-reading what I've written, correcting errors and such. It's all contextual.

Nobody ever looked back on a man and reflected "man, what a great thinker that guy was!"

They were probably just students taking psych classes. This is extremely common. Obnoxious, though.

Lol how old are you, you immediately jump to "ur a nigger"
According to you thinking takes too much time so you only react with emotion. When you see a beautiful woman you don't think "she has nice eyes," you just keep a blank mind and get an erection.
You sound like a chimp, nigger.

Why are all of you faggots acting like it's and either/or thing and not a either/or/and thing?
Obviously if you think only in abstracts you're a fucking retard, if you think only in language you're clearly a fucking retard.

It's the absence of one or the other that is fucking bizarre not the use of both

Wordless thoughts can be more specific than that.

Bug man that thinks one "uses" the inner voice.

Bug men, human beings ARE their inner voice.

In the beginning was the word, and the word was God.

I think the NPC's are the sportsball watchers. I find myself staring at them sometimes, wondering if things are going on inside their head while they partake in their sportsballl game on the goybox. Now I know there is literally nothing going on in there.

The study, for all its flaws, more or less confirms the obvious, but to frightening levels. They are now less about the study in particular, and have turned into a quasi-esoteric threads on Aryan consciousness and the nature of the mind.

this place has really been dead for the last month or two, so any semi-relevant discussion is welcome

Did you ever play an instrument? Played sports? Or played a strategy game that requires quick decisions?
It's like that.
I'm not an animal if you are suggesting that.

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Nice NPC argument.

Look at that bug man saging:

He seems normal, but you can see through that, to his beast ways, by his saging. This shows that he is not normal.

Visualization is merely supplemental. The word is mightier than the sword. The movie is weaker than a single word spoken by a powerful man.

But, at this moment, you are visualizing a purple elephant trampling you.

Unless you are a full-on bug man. Then you are completely safe from purple elephants.

Yes but this is 7 years old and we all know that we out reproduced the number of souls and a majority of people are soulless NPCs.

Do you know who also has extreme reflexes and is capable of living life way faster than us?
Flies, apparently.
Though, seeing all the shit you're spouting, I think you may just be one.

I wouldn't put any one method of thought above any other, I would look at anyone incapable of any one method of thought as defective.
How the fuck has this topic gone on for three fucking threads with assholes acting like their absence of one method makes them better because others are missing one they have?

doesn't work, I see a green tiger being trampled by a yellow elephant

Please Mr. Advanced Science Man explain to me what you are if not an animal?
There are really only a handful of emotions. Safe, tired, hungry, horny, and danger/stress which triggers fight or flight.

You see nothing, bug man. You will never know how I identified you. HA HA. Being a bug man you'll be forever incapable of the concept of knowing a thing.

More intel on the inner life of the bug man:

What you fags dont get is that you have more streams of thought going at the same time, and verbalising more than would result in a jumbled up mess of words with no coherence or meaning.
Try catching on to a non-verbal thought stream when you're about to sleep or something. Takes a lot of focus and wont last long, but its a pretty neat experience.

That said, I usually have an inner monologue going, and I think that people who dont are literally subhuman.


ITT: Jelly NPCs

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see , as you clearly don't understand how an internal monologue works. I have it on all the time and not once has it dragged me behind nor limited me in doing anything that fucking frequently as you say.

Perhaps you're retarded?

Nope what are surroundings Mr. bugman, they what influence your thoughts

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"intrusive thoughts" are your mind working correctly, but are due to exposure to kike media.

In a way, you wanted them, after all, you consumed the media.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h


What is this "bug man" reference? Dude sounds like he is off his drugs.
This whole time I thought I think therefore I am but in reality thinking was slowing me down.

The real NPC test is trying to visualize a tesseract

Here is a common bug man practice. This is the seeking of an alliance against a superior intellect:


I can visualize a potato chip with the virgin mary on it, is that close?

Why are you so fixated on emotions? Wordless thoughts do not have to be emotions. For example, if you see men carrying bricks precariously, you might wonder if they are going to drop them. You do not have to ask yourself "I wonder if they are going to drop them", and in fact you are just giving words to a thought that already exists, because otherwise where did it come from? How can the words to describe a thought you are having come before the actual thought? In any case, I would already be in a deep internal conversation with myself, as I always am, about something more important to bother internally vocalizing such a thing. Does that mean I didn't think about it? Would you drop your inner conversation completely to ask such a trivial question to yourself?

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Gaslighting won't help your argument.

Physical fitness =/= mental fitness. The latter is pretty much infinite.

lol like a true marxist.

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Do you mean the 3D model or the physical 6 cubed "shape"

close enough

I think you are over-estimating the average person.

I'm estimating that the broad thinking is sufficient for normie life and therefore that's all they use.

Internal visualization is miles different than the external visualization of which you're talking about, the kind you see in media. It's almost impossible to truly externalize your internal visualizations in their true form (if they're very complicated), there's also an example of this kind of internal visualization (synesthesia) at it's highest form although uncommon, in the functioning autistic man Daniel Tammet of whom held the world record for memorizing the most pi digits and he uses purely abstract visualization (He explained that in his mind each positive integer up to 10,000 has its own unique shape, colour, texture and feel) You can also use the power of language to describe these abstractities if you have good verbalization skills, this is why Daniel is a "functioning" autistic man, because he can verbalize. I've got an inner voice that comes out for only specific things that require verbalization and sometimes even when walking down the street I just think of the simple things with the inner voice (Do I have my keys, the name of the place I'm going to, the road, carefully planning my router if it's off the usual route) or even dialogue between friends that I've had in the past or even made up dialogue, jokes, etc. But sometimes there's no clear and straight forward voice per say if I'm not required to verbalize my thoughts or even feel like it, though I can still verbalize from that cloud of thoughts which is the essence of the creative process, to pull things out from that complicated cloud inside your mind.

Why the fuck would you think in wordless thoughts.
There is not a fucking reason why you wouldn't want to categorize everything that goes through your mind at all times.
Hell, certain concepts cannot even be remembered, like scents, how can you remember what a rose smells like if you do not have words that can translate the raw sensation of the smell into information?

And then you go into the retarded tirade of
What the fuck are you?
Is this larping of sorts?
The fucking thoughts are words, you don't need to actually do it, it's not something that you actively work to do, it just is so.
If I bite onto bread I automatically translate the flavors into words, if someone punches me I can translate the pain into words and those words aren't restricted, I can translate automatically where I was hit, how hard I was hit, what type of damage I suffered and if it was a joke or an assault.
What kind of life do you live that you cannot automatically translate reality around you into coherent thoughts?
Are you mentally ill, that you think ANYONE would require any amount of effort or delay to assign words to concepts?
Also, do you actually assume that just because people assign words to concepts that their instincts can't kick in anyway?
If the sun blinds me I don't fucking go "Oh, the sun is burning my retinas, I better raise my head a certain amount of degrees on the X to Y axis so I can not be blind".
No, I fucking raise my hand, cover my eyes and then think "Fucking hell where are the clouds".

If you cannot do
Instinctive thinking AND coherent thoughts then you aren't human, you're possibly autistic or worse.


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I don't make myself a slave to women anymore.
I don't give my power away to anybody and I never find myself powerless.
I pursue my own goals and take pleasure in achieving them, not how much can I work and provide for some dumb bitch while she's fucking some other dude all day or planning how.

But let's take a different example, say I see a math equation: "4 + 4" I look at it and I just think "8". I don't read our "4 plus 4 equals… so that's addition…. yeah, addition is when you combine thinks… okay… okay…. so if I have a 4 and I combine it with a 4…… then yeah now I have an 8."

See the difference between your niggardly need to observe everything and mimic it, versus my ability to form abstract relations beyond language and act on them instead?

44 id checked.
88 id checked.

That's called emotion you moron. Hence the expression think before you act

Because math is its own language you retard.

Well somebody else already gave the go to the bathroom don't need to think "Okay, I'm feeling something pressing against my bum. What do? Okay think… think…. I know, I remember pushing shit out of it in the past! So I'll just take a shit."
Other voice comes in: "Don't shit on the rug, timmy!!"
Your voice again: "Oh yeah mom told me don't shit on the rug so where do I shit? Okay think…. think… oh yeah, a toilet."

It applies to everything just the same. I was just assuming maybe you've reached the ability to think in some forms without explaining it out, so hopefully you could take that same concept and understand that people smarter and more capable than you have taken that ability to what you would consider "the extremes" and applied it universally.

But I guess you're not even at that low level of doing menial tasks without needing it taught to you again short-term by some teacher in your head.

So having an inner voice= being able to hear yourself in your head = having an inner monologue? What if I have 8 different monologues?

Right. Mathematics are linguistic. Programming is too. I think those who suppose they think without words are unaware that they are actually thinking with the sounds or sight of symbols.

Fundamentally, when we speak of language, we are speaking of symbols. This is the value of language. The ability to place our entire minds on one problem.

It's the place where we translate smell into something with religious meaning, for example, or a scientific meaning. but if it's only a sense of a thing, and never becomes intellectualized, you rely upon rote training.

Rote training is invaluable. And highly dynamic expertise, wordless, is also invaluable (a much less rote thing - sort of like riding a bicycle through a course, the specific things you do are MODULATED, but through your learning array/matrix/parameters/knobs&switches).

But training is useless when something totally novel comes along. Or something you're not trained in.

Additionally, even the samurai zen masters permitted themselves a word or two, and a few breaths of thought, before committing to action.

If the masters of zen, which is the highest form of action without thinking, permitted themselves inner speech (thought/rumination), and a few breaths, then we ought to do more ourselves, until we achieve total mastery over our minds.

No. But the absence of a voice is strong evidence of the bug people.