The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire (New Documentary)

The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire (New Documentary)

At the demise of empire, (((City of London))) financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance.

Other urls found in this thread: does money come from turner between debt devil huber sovereign money,7340,L-3302296,00.html

Certainly puts Brexit into another perspective.
Farage WAS a commodity trader.
Not to say that it was bad but certainly not about freedom. If EU got it's way they would control London and it's financial dealings.

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The (((crown))) control the EU. Don't be a clown.

Yes and 'the crown' is ultimately responsible for financing and coordinating the invasion of Europe.

>The (((crown))) control the EU.
Bullshit. It's US kikes and comissars.

US Kikes are under the control of the Crown. They are subservient to it.

So who's the crown? Kikes in Israel?

>(((Five Eyes)))

All are Crown property.

(((City of London))) is the Crown

What does that have to do with the documentary in question?
Stop derailing.

Thanks OP, been waiting for these fags to release this shit for months now. Their other stuff is good. Peter Cain - Unused Interview from The Spider’s Web Documentary
They changed their name to "Independent POV" from "Queue Politely" huh. Fits the theme better in fact.
Here's some more essential viewing for those who cuck to the banks: The Cuck is Sexually Attracted To The Bull in Cuckolding Why Your Penis Doesn't Always Work Positive Penis Power Can Help Erectile Dysfunction My Boyfriend Wants To Finish On My Face, Has This Really Become Mainstream? How Do You Feel About Farting In Front Of Your Spouse How To Know If An Open Marriage Is Right For You
It took years but even RATwiki understands economics does money come from oy? turner between debt devil should've been jew huber sovereign money oy vey!!!!
Read the above and gain +6000000 XP immediately, effectively becoming a Turboautist.
It takes effort to remain a normie. Embrace your natural autisms. One can't unlearn this shit.
And remember: banks do not even have to fucking hold any strict reserves: it is amazingly excellent.
Literally multidimensional levels of this jewing. "Fractional reserve" is supposed to be "10% of reserves" (depending on capital requirements) but the jews even jew that.
This is just fucking retarded. (The goyim that is. They want to give all their money to the jews.)
What's even more stupid is that the same thing happens in between jews in Israhell as well.

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Yeah their documentaries are solid.

This one is great as well: How Japan got kiked.

When your average white christian forced their governments to stop military colonialism the kikes and royals simply switched to financial colonialism, and market colonialism to keep the party going.

The whole system, due to overpopulation, is predicated on enslaving people to keep running. Only free energy and robots will fix it.

You've no idea.
Read into the juden that went to engkand and have used it for several hundred years.
Cromwell the traitor invited the juden back in after they had been banned for 300 years.
The queen isn't allowed to enter the (((city of london))) without permission, even now.
The crown has been kept a pet that has been allowed to live as long as they serve purpose.

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London said they wanted to stay in the EU,or at least the Muslim mayor did.

Khant's London is not the City of London, which is what this film is about.
The City of London is largely unaffected by Brussels - unless it wants to be see Remoaning from Mark Carney, Govenor of the Bank of England for example

Bamp for a good documentary. Watch it!

Obvioulsy this thread is only for the elite of Zig Forums as it has only 17 posts behind it.

The documentry is a bit vague and full of normie-level discussion.

But the City of London (not London) is actually the home of the Templars. Which was a huge redpill for me. Look at the symbols.

Same difference. The (((Temple))) is what they want to rebuild, in order to rule the world from it. The Templars are alive and well. And all of these New Age esoteric kike "le satanic" and Freemasonic guilds are in fact tied to these origins. Not the Deists of the Revolutions, but the old and the new Freemasons (new as in post 1850s).
Next time some idiot uses the "Illuminati" meme make sure you tell that that it's not only Jewish but Templars, and that they are alive and well. And that the Illuminated are just ONE coven, not the entirety of the gnostic-kabbalistic traditions.
Reminder that early Christians created gnosticism to battle the neoplatonists, thereby bastardizing and inverting it.

How many more redpills can I take? I dont know.

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Trusts = Templar transfers of wealth

Technically it's still illegal for any Jew to be in England.,7340,L-3302296,00.html

Seconding Princes of Yen, it's a solid doc that's definitely worth watching.

What the fuck dude

Lyndon LaRouche pls go

From kikepedia.

One of those two things is true. One is a lie constantly parroted by people for decades.

London and NYC are roughly 50/50 but murican kikes generally come up with way crazier schemes

fucking kikes ruin everything

No one is taught geography anymore.

That's on purpose.

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Middle Temple
Inner Temple
Gray's Inn
Lincoln's Inn

If you don't know what these are you don't know much about anything.

nobody listened

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Whats your point user?

Thanks for nothing then, douchebag.

That's silly, wiki. An entire armada went to Scotland and fought England to put the Bruce on the Scottish throne. It was a deal they made and the (((gnostic))) teachings are in-bedded in the cult.

King Robert the Bruce of Scotland and the Knights Templar

City of London is 50% of the world's criminal money or "discrepancies" as they call it in tracking the world's wealth. Something like 20 trillion, including material goods are on the offshore islands.
Wealth and currency are not the same thing.

The goal of their fallen collective unconscious mind is to destroy humanity and return it to it's animalistic self. As has happened before. The only question is how many times My guess would be since the start of the Ice Ages. Now count those..
We are not fighting "Templars", "Kikes/Jews/Yids", "Satanists", "Freemasons", "Communists", "Aliens" or whatever label the hydra dons itself.

We are fighting against ourselves.

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Yeah but that will fix it for them, not for us. It will be brutal but we should hope for the collapse.

not gonna happen since she is a kike and her grandchildren are kikes as well.

Read the town names. Look at the flags.

I'm feeling like a retard but I overanalyze everything. I don't see anything unusual about either the town names or the flags…that Turks and Caicos flag has some bizzare octopi looking nipple headed cactus on it. Other than that I am at a loss.

(((international finance)))

I'm actually a member of one of these….it's just a lawyers society. There used to be hundreds of them, but they became defunct over the years. Yes they have their "liberties" and we "beat the bounds" every year to affirm them but they don't really amount to anything these days.

Bump for good video. There was a thread about a documentary exposing kike influence in Britian, US video was shoa'd, did that ever come out?

This one?

London voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU.
They are the equivalent of people in California or New York who actively enjoy being told what to do by someone in another country.
Oop north we voted to leave. Those of us who know our history are aware that many people in the north fought and died to put the power in the peoples hands so we werent prepared to see that all be given away to despots in Brussels.

The town names are named after famous Templars/ orders within the Templars, the flags have specific-crosses/emblems on them that are associated with certain templar families… the islands are also “off-shore” banking hubs much like the Cayman Islands.

If this subject interests you, “Chatzefratz” youtube channel has some good leads. Ya, yeah, (((jewtube))) i know. Fuckin sue me kikes.

Be well brother.

spoiler that shit

There was video at the time of counters amending votes which was shoah'd