Films Containing Wrongthink - Zig Forums Film General

Calcutta is a detective/noir film from 1947. It's not the greatest or highest budget film in the world, it was filmed entirely in Paramount's back lot. Why is it special? It clearly illustrates the superiority through plot and dialogue the superiority of the white man over the lesser races, and the traditional role of women. It isn't done with bombastic language, or even deliberately with plot devices, it's simply assumed that the viewer knows the white man's superiority and this is never questioned. This is high wrongthink, and it shows in the fact that this film is not available for purchase or streaming almost anywhere. The only place I found this film was a poorly seeded TPB torrent, which was slow but it worked.

There have been movie threads in the past that were great, and posting films with right-wing themes always helps, but ITT I'm very interested in films like this, from the 30s, 40s, and 50s, that simply assume white superiority and never question it, without deliberately persuing this as a theme or plot. This is a more subtle and effective form of wrongthing, and it's clearly being suppressed, as many films of the sort are out of print and difficult to find.

Attached: Calcutta_Poster.jpg (255x390, 28.84K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Another film wiith this I've seen is the 1934 version of The Count of Monte Cristo. While not as pervasive throughout the film as it is in Calcutta, there are scenes involving non-whites that simply assume that the viewer is familier with the superiority of whites, and the proper role of women in society.

Attached: 1934_Count_of_Monte_Cristo.jpg (278x359, 33.45K)

Got a link to the torrent?

if you are a christian, you need to read the book before you die

The Italian masterpiece from 1963, The Leopard, actually focuses on some of these themes. The film is actually about a traditional Italiian family's struggle againste encroaching modernity, and the benefits of traditional values. While it may not have as many scenes with non-whites, there are a few which like the prior film assume white superiority without question, and the benefits of traditional family structure and gender roles are a central theme in the film.

Attached: OLeopardo.jpg (232x325, 24.69K)

try this magnet for calcutta. its poorly seeded, but it worked for me a few weeks ago.


Conan the Barbarian movie has all the right wing conservative ideals of a man, it was based of right wing and ancient literature and tropes. John Milius himself is a controversial figure in Hollywood because of his right wing views.

Spirited away, has base identitarian and nationalist meaning. Main character represents a modern japanese youth who lost connection to their culture and mythology. She is thrusted into the weird world of the japanese folk mythology and the movie serves as a rekindling of the connection between modern youth and japanese tradition.

Zulu (1964), a history of the Zulu wars, is certainly viewing less subtle, but required viewing. A film like this could never be made again today.

All these are on TPB btw. I know tpb has been down for a while, but the mirrors still work, as well as the onion site. Try different mirrors, as different mirrors have different copies of the database.

heres the onion address:

Attached: MV5BYzdlYmQ3MWMtMDY3My00MzVmLTg0YmMtYjRlZDUzNjBlMmE0L2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc1NTYyMjg@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,656,1000_AL_.jpg (656x1000, 163.56K)

More recently, vintage Clint Eastwood films have great imagery concerning what it means to be a man, and plenty of dialogue which would be considered wrongthink and never allowed into a film today.

Attached: Dirty_harry.jpg (258x387, 20.93K)

Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier is a decent telling of his story up til his death at the Alamo

Attached: Davy.Crockett.King.of.the.Wild.Frontier.1955.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r[TRAILER-Theatrical Trailer].mp4 (520x786 5.6 MB, 88.24K)

Much more recently, the 2011 version of Coriolanus a gore studded modern retelling of the classic Shakespeare story which remains faithful to the story's traditional themes around masculinity and famiyl.

Attached: Coriolanus_(2011_film).jpg (364x274, 22.34K)

You realize that the "anime was a mistake" guy is a commie, right?

i thought that quote was fake?

any unpozzed movies about National Socialism?

Irrelevant. Why do you think he's among the few jap animators that had their shit aired in Western theatres? He's part of the Hollywood clique.

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I propose an alternative explanation

So it is with lots of jap media. The ones who import it are usually filthy yids who will sometimes edit the content to suit their agenda.

He used to self-identify as an anarchocommunist. That's the VERY reason he got approached by hollykikes, why he snubs anime tiddies and why his shit is pretentious and overrated and most of his characters from ugly to grotesque.

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It's still on my list of things to watch, but the chinks tried to stop the release of Shanghai Express back in 1932 so it can't be all bad

Attached: shanghai-express-movie-poster-1932-1020531069.jpg (520x776, 61.96K)

i dont understand you anime fags. how is constant fanservice better than pic related?

Generally speaking, yes.

Also the pic related is not "artistic" or "sensational", it's simply (((high budget))).

dont you think a constant state of arousal produced by tit and ass anime is bad for you? wont that just make nofap even harder than it already is?

Don't you think that's a false dilemma given the issue at hand is Miyazaki's cultural marxism and the messages he tries to pass through japanese aesthetic?

Princess Mononoke was comparatively aesthetically good but it still was hippy bullshit about empowered wymin protecting the "oppressed" from ebul patriarchy.

you can appreciate nude women without fapping

listen buddy, i'm a masturbation addict too. but the difference between you and me is, i actually try to change my ways while you try to deflect any question regarding them.

Also I rarely ever fap to anime. You don't have to have your dick in hand to appreciate the female form, especially when it's of tertiary importance to the setting or plot.

Taxi Driver, 1976, often pops up on lists of reactionary films, also just being a plain out great movie. Lots of dialogue that would no longer be allowed.

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maybe you're right about that. maybe it's just me who has had my mind in the gutter for 9 years straight. how bad is the fanservice outside of ecci? i also absolutely hate "cute girls being cute" anime and find them extremely annoying

Don't be fooled by the bad (((reviews))). Dirty Dancing, 1987, gives a glimpse into a bygone white culture, and shows that love itself is reactionary.

If you havn't seen it, you're missing out on a great piece of white culture.

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lol fag

lol id never seen it until a few months ago when my gf made me watch it. i grumbled at first, but when it was over i had to admit it waas good.

how is she? is she based?

I know I'll get a lot of shit thrown at me for saying this but does the South Park movie count?

My sister likes Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. The premise seems interesting, but given it's a musical…

I presume they all get married in the end

Even the 50s had feminism, but not nearly the extent we have today.

hah no im single now. dated for 2 years, got dumped a few weeks ago, said i was too "close minded" for her, cited views on race and gay marraige.

really sad, she was based. when i met her her hobbies were guns and camping. unfortunately i live in the center of the kike hellhole, boca raton, and after 2 years living here the local culture corrupted her. ill probably have to wait until i move away from this town to get another one like that.

used to watch this as a kid all the time, how i miss these types of films

fight club

triple 9

brawl in cell block 88

falling down

in the company of men

pic related is from the 1922 film "Giga Adolf kills the jew pigs"
solid film imo

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I saw that movie because many said it had Zig Forums themes to it. But if you compare the promos to the movie itself, it makes Fight Club look like some nihilistic anarchist movie.

Does Zig Forums like prewar Ufa kino?

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metropolis is a luciferian film about the subversion of man and the creation of the jewish a.i. system, it's fucking trash

Yours Mine and Ours 1968 is about two widows with large families coming together for an even larger family. The 2005 one got corrupted with adoption and divorce.

Since the film was released in 1999, people have debated the question of whether the film, or at least the organization depicted in it, is “fascist.” Is Fight Club fascist?


Fight Club and Fight Club are both fascist. Meaning: the film and the organization it depicts (later, Project Mayhem) are both implicitly fascist. Now, to repeat: I don’t care what Chuck Palahniuk or anyone connected with the film has said about it. The organization in the film is clearly fascist, and the film, whatever its makers’ intentions might have been, is as convincing and inspiring a cinematic argument for fascism as I have ever seen. (It’s more effective than Triumph of the Will, which merely shows us how happy and smartly dressed everyone will be after fascism is installed – but gives the uninformed no sense as to why its installation is necessary.)

In the most essential terms, fascism is the idea that the Männerbund should rule. Fight Club is the formation of the Männerbund. Project Mayhem is the inescapable conclusion drawn by the men of the Bund once they are awakened: that it is they who should rule. In real-life fascism, those men have been moved by the desire to use their thumos to protect their people, their land, and their culture.

The problem with Fight Club’s fascism is that it’s not at all clear that the Space Monkeys will channel their thumos in this direction. And the reason for my doubt about this has to do with the one major thing that those of our ilk find distasteful about Fight Club, those who otherwise love the film: Fight Club/Project Mayhem is depicted as “racially diverse.” I can’t remember if this is how it is depicted in the novel or not. (Please don’t clobber me on this, guys: I just haven’t had the time to re-read it.)

The fascism of Fight Club is clearly not racialist or National Socialist (though the soap made from human fat seems to be a rather grisly reference to one of the myths about the Nazis). Fight Club’s fascism is essentially Traditionalist and vaguely anarcho-primitivist. Project Mayhem essentially aims to do three things.

The first is to destroy symbols of American capitalism and cultural degeneracy: blowing up corporate art, trashing a franchise coffee bar, feeding laxatives to pigeons to make them crap on a lot full of luxury cars, etc.

Second, they are out to destroy the means by which Americans distract and anesthetize themselves: blowing up computers, erasing videotapes, smashing satellite dishes, etc.

Third, and most important, they are out to destroy the financial structure of the U.S. (of the world, really) by destroying the headquarters of the credit card companies, and similar targets.

There are also, in addition to these, some rather senseless acts of mischief, like “befouling fountains,” and building an “excrement catapult.”

To what end? Well, Tyler gives us a very clear picture of the future he’s hoping to build, in one of Fight Club’s most famous scenes:

In the world I see — you’re stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You will wear leather clothes that last you the rest of your life. You will climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. You will see tiny figures pounding corn and laying-strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of the ruins of a superhighway.

Again, Tyler’s aim is to re-start history: to destroy capitalism, globalism, technology, consumer culture, class divisions based upon wealth, etc. Is he aware that once we’ve returned to the semi-primitive state he dreams of, divisions will again be drawn along racial and ethnic lines and felt more keenly than ever before? Tyler may be aware of this, but Palahniuk and the filmmakers are almost certainly not.

Yes, Fight Club and Project Mayhem are racially mixed. However, one thing that I don’t think viewers recognize is that they actually get whiter as the film goes along. What I am referring to, specifically, is the racial makeup of the Space Monkeys living in the Paper Street house.

Several things annoy me about Fight Club. One is that animated penguin. But the biggest thing is that long-haired, queer-looking Asian in some of the Fight Club basement scenes who’s constantly posturing and trying to act “macho.” I avert my eyes when he’s on screen (just like I avert my eyes in the scene where Jack disfigures poor Angel Face). There are also some blacks in the Fight Club scenes, one of whom has a brief speaking role. When we get to the house, however, it is overwhelmingly white. It’s one thing to meet a racial variety of guys once or twice a week in somebody’s basement. It’s quite another thing to live with them.

We’re all more comfortable with our own kind. And so what we find in the house is almost entirely a bunch of beefy, white, buzz cut Space Monkeys. A black is glimpsed briefly in a couple scenes. He has no lines and if you blink you’ll miss him. Also on screen for a millisecond is what appears to be that Asian, now with hair shorn. (It might be a different Asian – but hell, I can’t tell the difference.) All the key scenes in the house – especially the scene where Bob’s lifeless body is hauled in – are dominated by white actors. It’s as if the filmmakers realized dimly and subconsciously that a true racial mixture in that house would simply not be plausible. The Paper Street Soap Company is implicitly white.

There’s much in the film that seems to speak directly to whites. When Tyler tells Fight Club that they are “an entire generation pumping gas and waiting tables; or they’re slaves with white collars,” I think of white guys.

I think of all those working class guys out there who can’t find decent jobs because the good jobs have been sent overseas and given to non-white wage slaves. Or, worse yet, all those guys who can’t find jobs because right here at home they’re being given to aliens – invaders whose “rights” are being defended by the same people who feel free to crack jokes about guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks. I think about all those middle class, college-educated white guys who’ve lost a job or a promotion to somebody who says “aks.” And I think about all those smart, eighteen-year-old white guys who’ve been denied admission to Harvard or MIT because some other guy’s great great grandparents owned slaves. We are “the middle children of history,” guys and “we’re very, very pissed off.”

But remember: we are also “the quiet young men who listen until it’s time to decide.”






The House on Telegraph Hill (1951)

Concentration camp survivor Victoria Kowelska finds herself involved in mystery, greed, and murder when she assumes the identity of a dead friend in order to gain passage to America.

Made in 1951 just after the war, not a mention of gas chambers. Just the horrors of typhus and starvation.

Also story involves a jew pretending to be a goy to steal a kid and gets lots of money.

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If anyone wants to sit down and watch a comfy 1950s film, I suggest watching "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"
It's a really fun musical. My gf and I really enjoyed it.
It's sweat and White and best of all, probably would send any feminist degenerate into a coma if they ever watched it.
Unlike modern films, it is centered around OUR history, now New York or Washington. Also, it represents what should be described as America's Folk culture. Square Dancing and Folk costume. This is what we need in order to rebuild our shattered culture. I'll post a clip of the greatest square dance in film next


A childrens classic that is today an essentially banned film for its language and portrayal of race.

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Did you watch this because it was recommended in one of these threads?

As an American, I envy Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Belarusians, and Germans your folk culture. Yours is ancient and represents a direct link with your ancestors.
Well, in America we have our own folk culture and national costumes but we have a far more tenuous link with it. This is what we should seek to rekindle.

The first two Home Alone movies.

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Your girlfriend is this guy's sister?

The villains are white..

i can't remember, i know its popped up in these threads, but i like shakespeare in general. bannons film Titus is pretty good too, but i wasnt going to mention that one since its meh and its always in pol film threads.

Yeah but so was Kevin's family. I mean the surroundings reminded me of a better 90s.


What a coincidence. No. But I'm glad to hear of others who know of this wonderful old film.

Yes, in the end they all get married. After a short fight and hilarious misunderstanding with the townsfolk.

why you ask, researching pol's effect on culture?

I really enjoyed this one too. It was about a man facing his fears.

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It's typical for early 90s. It's a comfy movie. Maybe it could be considered wrong think movie now because Trump appears in one scene

Watch One Hour Photo, the opposite of Jumanji.

Because I was the only one that recommended it.

One major problem with every movie made of this book is that they all seem to flatly ignore the final reference to Mercedes in the book:
I made them one day to calculatethe age of my father, that I might know whether I should find him stillliving, and that of Mercedes, to know if I should find her still free.After finishing that calculation, I had a minute's hope. I did notreckon upon hunger and infidelity!" and a bitter laugh escaped thecount. He saw in fancy the burial of his father, and the marriage ofMercedes.

I could swear that I saw one that was truthful to the story but I've never been able to find it.

The Dam Busters 1955

Story of wartime deeds, and a dog with a great name, never to be seen on tv again.

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It really was a beautiful book. It's one of the best revenge fantasies I've ever read, but its real strength is seeing how revenge slowly corrupts ones character. Polite sage for off topic.

it was near the top of ironmarches movie thread before it went down. fellow ex ironmarcher?

gets me everytime

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btw speaking of 90s and feminism… this was a surprise:

Baby Boom (1987)

It has feminist tones but it's just right, it promotes rural peaceful living in white community.. the woman leaves new york and her jew boyfriend and meets republican alpha male type

No. I saw the movie accidentally.

for the kids

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Dennis the Menace

Jack Frost

forgot about that one

Miracle Mile (1988), but you have to pay close attention to the plot.

On the surface level, it's a movie about a Yuppie trying to find a girl on the night that a nuclear war may or may not be starting as panic slowly spreads in Los Angeles.

However, if you look deeper into the story from glimpses of background information mostly provided by the Denise Crosby character in the diner, it seems like the nuclear war was planned by the elites for mass extermination of the general population, while the elites had already fled to bunkers in the southern hemisphere shortly before the events of the film (using going on vacation as a cover story). She also name-drops the RAND Corporation.

also for the kids.
some 'racism' in that the main lead is extremely insulted when her maid thought she would be a 'native' from India.

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Buffalo '66 by and with /ourguy/ Vincent Gallo

Movie is even more relevant today..

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Christina Ricci looks so fucking hot in that movie. i have the beginning where she is dancing burned into my mind

Redpilling others through their surveillance of you.

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This a film about alphabets watching pol boards? They sure made that movie quick.

I apply it that way. When you watch movies, sometimes you have to reverse the roles.

Its about a nazi officer surveilling a playwrite.

i wish there was creative Zig Forumsacks that would write a story like this in common day without the jewish poz

kill yourself, go back to reddit

Land of Mine (Danish: Under sandet, lit. 'Under the Sand') 2015

Evil Danes force untrained teenage German solders to dig land mines after the end of WW2. Based on true story, never realized the evil in the heart of Danes.

Attached: Land_of_Mine.jpg (220x326, 79.91K)

This film is beautiful, I recommend it


I think I'm going to start a thread about threads like this one that were started by fucking jews or loony left wingers

I rather know this as well any movies that haven't talked shit about natsoc?

Nope, seeing there's pizzaniggery in that one

Further proof leftists cant meme

No, it's about a communist East German Stasi agent surveilling a playwright. How could you watch the movie and think it was Nazi Germany?