Karl of forgeten weapons+inrange fame is a leftist+satanist

fucking lel i knew ian and him gave off weird fucking vibes, now i know why, also forgive me if this was already posted here as i did not see it in the catalog

also ian is blaming 4chins for the information getting out there and is shit talking on all the gun forums, also ian allows trannies from pornhub to "compete" with them in their autistic shooting matches, if you support these fags monetarily (via pay piggy pateron) you could be supporting eyes wide shut tier shit with these satanist church fags

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Proof? I don't keep up with these guys.

this is Zig Forums you drooling retard

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i know, i thought you fags would be interested in these cucks infiltrating a normally conservative area and being pissed that they are exposed

eceleb faggotry goes on /cow/ or reddit.


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You know they're both Antifa bro? John Brown's cuck wagon, if I remember correctly.

honestly though, how could you not tell those two are sissy fruit loops? maybe they've conditioned your radar into "off" mode.

I keep a special bullet for any tranny that tries to cosplay as 2B

Remember these faces boys.

Don't even look the same.

What a stupid edgelord manlet.

Who cares he makes good videos

yeah how about no, the info in his videos can be gather simply with google searches

What a damned shame.

pic related has lost it's place in my Shoah folder.

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user you fucking idiot it's literally him
He gave a speech there and everything

Oh, well fuck, that's undeniable.
How did it take people so long to notice?

This is Karl, not Ian. They both run the channel, but Karl is usually behind the camera.

I knew they were cucks, but a full 40 minute presentation at a Satanic Temple? He's a pure degenerate.

>>Zig Forums610551

Why would you even be a satanist?
If you're a Neo-nazi or a skinhead larper you at least get government subsidies in form of heroin and crack to further drag down public perception of natsoc

Oh well no fucking wonder. TST is 6000000x worse than the regular LaVeyans. The LaVeyans are mostly edgy fedoras and metal fans. TST however is pozzed to hell and back heh and has always been absolutely degenerate. Think rainbow flags, tranny orgies and turning the organization into a cesspit of the worst rejects of commiefornia.

You know I think it's possible to be a Satanist and still be Zig Forums, but considering our numbers are so few and we need help from our christian members it's probably not wise. If you want to be the "accuser" (translation of Satan) of the Jews and the "bad guy that serves an important function" then take up the name of Prometheus. Too many spergs freak out hearing "muh Satan" and besides, there are more degenerate Satanic groups than non-degenerates. Luciferians are a little better, since they're interested in the "light-bearer" aspect, but again you run into the same problems of driving off our christian allies. Ever since Lucifer (meaning "Light Bearer") became conflated with Satan they've been one and the same in the minds of most.
If you need a non-semitic religious tradition with cool aesthetics try Odinism or look into starting your own Promethean school (Prometheus works pretty well, since flame has many fascist and ancestral connotations).

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I'm 12 wat is dis?

Real Satanists are very right-wing, Christianity is not compatible with Zig Forums ideas and Abrahamic religions are a kike poison, so is "satanism" (And a whole plethora of modern judeo-masonic cults) They are two sides of the same shekel, just like communism and capitalism are. Opposite in appearance, but serving the same purpose.

What clowns like this guy are peddling is practically atheistic liberalism, real Satanists would eat them for dinner. Anton Oy Vey and rabbi Jeshohua were both kikes, which is all that you need to know about this type of "satanism" . They are shadow of Christianity. One program leads to another, they are like two opposite points inside a circle. Christians in their rebel phase become "satanists" , "satanists" often repent and become born again Christians. Both are complete degenerates (for different reasons). Genuine Satanism is an entirely different paradigm, different philosophy, different worldview. Satanism as in being opposed to kikes, their religions, philosophies, values and essence. And most importantly, being opposed to their "god" . Not in the sense of being the devil and other childish conceptions. We can be both angels and demons when necessary, as we are beyond good and evil and master-slave morality. We are the forces of the true God, the highest expression of nature. Which makes us naturally opposed to subhumans and their ideologies. NSDAP policies were highly Luciferian.

And to add, it makes me giggle that people who are practically biological waste no different from kikes and niggers think that Satan would have any respect for them whatsoever. This level of ignorance, profanity and stupidity is quintessentially American.

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When God made Man, he made all his angels bow down to him. Satan refused, saying he only serves God, not Man. For this, he was cast out of heaven never to return. Satan was once the greatest servant of God.

He temps Man to show God that his creation lacks faith. Satan, like the jews, wants you to indulge in a hedonistic lifestyle, he wants you to prove himself right to God, whereas our aforementioned maker expects you to show faith and fidelity… Satanism isn't "right wing" because it's liberal in the most literal sense, Satan wants you to cross all boundaries so that you can prove him right.

Purge the heretic!

He's also a furry and so is Skallagrim.

Matt Easton is a gutless anti-racist.

Lindybiege may of learned the truth about the holohoax after being trolled but still can't muster the balls to say anything because Roundheads are cowards.

Fuck ecelebs, fuckem.

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Maybe you can count how many times I have used a certain letter, if it's 66 times you can prove that I'm a literal Satan. Oops, here goes the line break again! I guess those evil anti-semites on Zig Forums should write as illiterate baboons so that we can show it to everyone. At least you are not reddit-spacing goy!

Here is the modern analogy. Kike god (globalists) orders the white man to bow before shitskins, and white man refuses, which gets the kike god really mad and he punishes the white man for being a bigot, nazi antisemite. Meanwhile, good goyim (those whites that accept to serve the shitskins and kikes) get to live in "heaven" as envisioned by kikes/globalists.

Those boundaries being Jewish laws
The type as envisioned by people that OP is about, yes . What I am saying is something completely different.


Satan isn't Lucifer btw

YHWH/Moloech are spirits like Lucifer is a spirit and Satan is as well. I would not recommend the worship of a spirit unless you had extensive communication with said spirit. There are hundreds of thousands of lesser spirits and thousands of greater in the aether; none of them are "Gods/Goddesses." In any case, Arizona is my homestate…thus every (((Mexican))), (((Jew))), and (((Deep-State Supported ANTIFA faggot))) be damned. Arizona still has true Nationalists with a Patriot's heart who are just as well armed as their (((Anti-American Marxist))) counterparts; despite being outnumbered by enemies and strangers. We can fight with surplus bolt-action rifles, survive out in the desert, and destroy the railroads, police, large sections of the highway, and even refurbish and fly mothballed military aircraft if shit gets really heavy. If it means trying to BTFO the kike NAZBOL and (((Police))) for our great State of Arizona, then I consider it pure and just.

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Holy shit that's a bluepilled OP. Try figuring out that it's kike + Saturnian next time.

More like BE an Odinist. It's the only religion that's real and pro-white.

I just made a thread about this on cuckchans Zig Forums and it was deleted in half an hour after a few astroturfers showed up demanding to know if "I was a christcuck" and saying "but you still didn't answer the question xD". I know
but the blueboards are a lot faster there. They have been really bad since all of this stuff with the hollywood pedos and midterms upcoming though. Obvious newfaggots who are just there to scream about MUH Zig Forums!!! (another board on the website) who clearly have no other reason to be there and don't even enjoy the website or using it as they bitch endlessly about it and the boards during their posts.

This has been discussed before, but it's good to post a friendly reminder on occasion.

It's still funny regardless.

Yeah, those belong in the gas. You'd need to read a lot to figure out what I'm talking about, but I'll give you a simple example. Jewish "god" (an ultimate expression of kike's psyche) orders Abraham to sacrifice his son to prove his faith, and then "satan" comes and tells him, hold on, what the fuck are you doing.

But I shouldn't have used that word, to avoid confusion.

He disabled comments on a Rhodesian gun video because "lol politics"

Op has good info, but as usual: weirdo autists show up and ruin everything.

This time we even get a missionary from the church of satan trying to preach to us. This goes above and beyond the usual autist cucking and lefty pol-kike trolling.

Op and all future normal white ops: dont even bother replying to these trolls. Present your info and move on. This place is absolutely infested with degeneracy, so dont let it bother you.

bumping cause you're all hypocritical losers. you're still going to watch Ian, even though he's literally a faggot, who is besties with a satanist, and like's trannies.


You were correct, this is important. Ignore

Whiners all if not outright lying kike shills, this affects the ongoing public discourse and on a vital subject, guns. Thank you for posting OP.

What the fuck lol

You blasphemous idiot. What the shit do you think Ragnarok was? It was the war to annihilate the genetic ancestors of the kike!

And why does satan always lose? And these people think they are not losers by worshipping a loser? What the Fuck :^D