High Level Insider’s proposal for bolstering middle class

Economic Nationalism: the ultimate redpill

Hli.anoninfo.net an Illuminatus appeared on halfchan in 2016 and spoke of the need for anons to creatively imagine alternative futures and by presenting them, subtly redpill the masses and gain a following.

One of his pillars is that space elevators could be financed under Trump’s infrastructure investment plan and loaded up with solar energy harvesting equipment to beam tons of cheap energy back to the US and ostensibly generate wealth for many.

It looks like China has been working on something similar but using satellites. spacejournal.ohio.edu/issue18/cast.html

And perhaps the DoE is working on this as well.energy.gov/articles/space-based-solar-power

If you haven’t checked out his posts, I highly recommend it. I agree wholeheartedly and would love to discuss his analysis of the old world order and the future economic reforms that are possible with anons ITT.

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Other urls found in this thread:



The middle class is garbage. We need to eliminate the middle class so that we can radicalize people.

It's funny. In America and nearly all western nations there is a party and ideology for the poor and rapists (rapefugees, invaders, illegals) and there is a party and ideology for the rich and (((usurious))) but while all leaders generally acknowledge it is the middle class (what Marx was actually referring to when talking about the bourgeois) which holds their nations up, there is no party or ideology for them. The closest party for the middle class would be the one that supports white flight, something even the most "cucked" of the liberal middle class regularly engages in, and that only exists somewhere in the far-right. What is the future for the shrinking middle class?

Can't resist, tried, will power not strong enough, urrrghhhaaa…"just can't do it, captain."

Fuck you so goddamn much.
You have everything you need for sustainable energy in your home right now.

He actually makes quite a compelling case that war on the middle class is manifesting in ways interpreted as white genocide - it’s actually a means of the old world order (read: crown + Masonic front groups + crime syndicates) kicking the ladder out from under one of the only viable threats to their power: stable families with access to technology and leisure time who seem to be demanding justice and reform and are primed to rebel against stagnation. Immigration unfettered allows for the replacement of middle class threats with underclass state-dependent actors who are easily controllable.

The party of the middle class could be Trump’s party, he argues. If meme warfare convinces a desperate American populus that existing technology could provide economic gains that are unrealized by a disinterested (antagonistic) regime, they might start demanding them. This would force Trump to implement reasonable ideas and make America great again.

So passionate, so heated. Bring some material to the table, economic nationalism and energy industry are not controversial topics you retarded faggots. You scared?

Here’s an archived copy of the posts in case it goes down: archive.fo/yKePp

This isn't reddit, faggot.

This will probably get slid by a bunch of distracting bullsit (hey, it’s been that way for months now… new normal, thanks mods!) but I know you real anons are out there scanning and will find this. Trust me, his posts are worth a read. You’re welcome ;)

He even predicted Saudi regime change if trump won

Um sweetie have you seen the reaction to Steve Bannon in the mainstream? Economic nationalism is just as taboo as ethnonationalism.


It’s a trash board now thanks to paid shills like you. Literally no one is saging legitimate topics on a Sunday night you utter piece of trash. Just confirms you’re scared of reasonable and scientifically minded middle class white people making America great again.

Fist yourself bitch

Swallow Somalian cock

Based bannon

Reading now.

Sage goes in all fields

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That is a lot of old shit…they are still talking about election news…hmmm.

user, it’s been so lonely without real people lately

It’s a long read, but it’s fire.

Dude, you are literally bottom bitch to a failed regime that diddles kids. I’ll save you a job shitposting for minimum wage once the space age begins. How does it feel wasting your only life? Literally lower than gutter garbage, and you’re not even skilled at your sad occupation. I cast a meme spell on your entire lineage, your children will be raped by migrants within your lifetime (if you ever procreate)

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Ctrl+f “space elevator”

It’s also the best larp of all time and one of the last quality posts before the great shill freeze of 2017-18 if you care to peruse

It sounds like a pretty good idea. A relatively modest investment that would pay for itself in a short amount of time and uplift mankind in general.

Of course it will never happen, energy is power on this earth and those hoarding the energy will never let go of the power. Environmental concerns are only lip service used to shame and hogtie first world nations. If anyone really cared, they'd be censuring Asia and demanding compliance instead outlawing straws in a nation that's already environmentally aware.

Reminder that there are no insiders and that you need to fuck off with your LARPs.

I read an interesting idea a while ago: the "Middle American Radical"

The basic idea is that a solid number of Americans actually don't care about "conservatism" in the sense that free market isn't actually a winning issue unless it can be packaged as good for the middle class. They're more similar to counterparts on the left that would be described as "blue dogs". the "MARs" are economic agnostic but very pro-America. Any left winger that honestly identifies themselves as a patriot (a dwindling number) is likely a "MAR".

They're generally pro-protectionism, leaning toward the anti-immigration pole of their party (as weak as that may be on the left), anti-bureaucratic, pro-limited welfare, and historically anti-communist

There's a schism in both parties but it's more obvious on the left right now, the #walkaway crowd are the left wing's "MAR". These are the people that are receptive to what we have to say. There are very few actual neo-cons in this country, it's more about the control of the party establishment.

They're nearly all white, often middle/working class and getting wise to the lies they've been told. They're sick to death of the 50% poison of the former establishment and now settling into the 30% poison of Trump.

I say we give them a cleanse. Instead of immediately hopping on the redpill, they probably need some detox and positive rhetoric. But that can only lead to why things are awful right now, which only leads to the JQ.

These people are nationalists and don't even know it yet. I hate the term "MAR" but it was an interesting identifier. There's a couple levels of political affiliation, they just need to be given the courage to stand up for what they believe without the enforced compromise.

If it could ever happen, it would be now, because we have this wild card president who is in the perfect position to turn his back on his handlers and actually make America great again. All we’d have to do is what we do best: meme out a compelling vision of what could be. Dream potential worlds with existing technology, be worldbuilders, sci fi writers for our friends and family. Entrepreneurs even. So. Much. Opportunity.

Also, bonus: “hillary’s Server was state-sanctioned disinformation honeypot, but she was apparently peddling insider info such as blackmail tapes on politicians, selling them to China just like bill sold the nuclear weapons in 96. Sucks to suck.” -says HLI. Y’all think that sounds plausible? I wouldn’t know…

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Mason dubs checked. Existing tech can provide a stable middle class and prosperous America. Why isn’t it being done? Make the case it can be, and the hope will attract the deeper act lemmings, who will realize they’re being manipulated and oppressed without needing you to rant distastefully about conspiracies to them.

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good joke

I have no desire to provide knowledge for a shill who uses more marketing buzzwords than anything else.

Dear mods, thanks for letting me reach at least one user. You can remove this and resume normal broadcasting of recycled race baiting mug blacked doom porn threads now. This was like busting a nut after all these months of slid boards. Do your fucking jobs.

Anons: this is the opportunity of your dreams. The old world order that has prevailed from the shadows for millennia is a rotting corpse, teetering on collapse. The public is about to realize that everyone around them sees the emperor wears no clothes. Our fearless leader is going to realize he stands to go down in history as the next Alexander the Great if he turns on them and invests in commons-subsidizing nationalist infrastructure projects.

Become the priest class your neighbors need. Make money. Build the future. The demoralization is unnecessary, quit doing it to yourself. The kingdom of heaven is inside you. archive.fo/9LIrR

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The hispanic Zig Forumsack I've met in our last Zig Forums meetup told me he was more of a racial nationalist (he considers most hispanics as white).


You can go ahead and tell Carl Icahn to fuck himself Mr. Insider.

Jeez you’re right man. If only someone with authority felt the way we do.

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If I post based threads more often to draw out real anons for you to try to influence, could we strike some kind of affiliate arrangement? Half a shekel for each shekel you earn? I know it’ll take a while since you probably earn minimum wage in some shithole, but considering you guys are cannibalizing your own demand by shitting up all these boards, you basically need me. Fag.

Thanks for finally admitting you're a shill, faggot. Now fuck off. Reported.

gay thread

The picture looks funny. Whatever the fuck it is it still has a night and cant produce energy constantly.
And it reduces the overall energy earth is receiving because of the conversions and dispersal. When it hits the rectum or whatever that antenna is the energy level is like receiving a phonecall. Must be the next solar roadways scam for the idiotic elite.
Did you know that there is energy bound in atoms and chemicals:
Tritium or thorium.

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We all know Jews are going to blow up the Dome of the Rock and start WW3. We all know the EU is moving 300,000,000 Africans into Europe in the next few years. You can larp prosperity all you want but the Jews who rule you aren't playing that game.

Warlord though.

Templars? Because it's the Zionist Community World Order who rules the world now and they're not that old. The Freemasons cucked out bad.

Free energy is good though. I'm all for it. But dont try and Project Blue Beem us, kikes.

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Oh sweetie, I believe the tier of politically incorrect discussion (((you))) came here for us over here

Your emperor wears no clothes

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Please do tell me how you will provide a timestamped picture that verifies you are in any position to order us "real anons" around.

Thorium is interesting! It’s even mentioned in the HLI posts I linked to. You’re now only one crucial step away from contributing a relevant post to the thread - just suggest a way to create prosperity for the middle class with it. You can still fap to Jews with one hand while you do it.

A prosperous America is a bad thing, Mr shill. We want America to die.

Ok, I got you.
I am thinking that if that bit of information were to become common knowledge, then that would eliminate, or at least greatly reduce, the ability of black team and others to keep the illusion of scarcity in place.
So you are referring to entirely different means of power production than are currently in place?
Something that produces results in miniature, or a prototype, that could be easily scaled up for mass use?

I'll illustrate an example using only known, public technology:
Combine an elevator (>ability to run power cables to the ground) with the unlimited real estate in space (>100-1000x concentration power from cheap mirrors) and you can drop power generation costs to about 1/10th of a penny per kWh for something on the order of 18TW of generation (100x reduction in cost of energy supplies) and you have no scaling limitations (until you get several orders of magnitude beyond what we currently use anyway)
All of this can be done with current technology and engineering ability to bring global GDP per capita above $1 million within 10-15 years.

Wow that's half assed
I guess life truly is about finding your way through chaos.
except some are born from the right parents
others are damned to wander forever in search of something to seek.
I want a cause. any cause. Something to give my life for.
The human race is something I would give my life for. We are so full of potential.
I just don't know how. I don't have magic powers. I have my will, and even this thing is terribly draining to maintain without a goal to seek.

Try writing about the potential. I have given you an excellent topic to start with in OP pic. We have the technology to build a space elevator today. Encourage others to see potential in the world like this.
It's fine and useful to be aware of the darkness, but you have to shine a little light too.

2016-07-20 05:04:58
 Link Here
 Source
Well I don't have the pictures from the last two threads so I can't really go off those. Though you have been elaborating on what seems like the importance for us to look at technological developments towards infrastructure and logistics.
Also people say governments have far advanced tech than the public sector. How much merit does that statement have and if it does why not leak the technology faster? Aside from I guess certain sectors not leaking the tech because it helps keep their edge and relevance.
Also what is your preferred drink. Alcoholic or none or both!

As far as technology goes, the gap between what is in the public domain and what is utilized is far more significant than between what is public and private. For example, you can build a space elevator today and completely revolutionize the world with only knowledge in the public domain.
The biggest gap between private sector technology and things in the public domain is in the field of biotech. There are a number of cures for various things that are not public for a variety of reasons.

You need to become agitators in favor of concrete alternatives. No need to upend the whole game on your own. Inspire interest in something that is already technically achievable like a space elevator, putting pressure on the government to create trillions and trillions of novel wealth and thereby relieving pressure on the middle class. Successful agitation of such a project can even preclude a financial crisis by removing all doubts about US solvency, avoids all partisan pitfalls, and so on.

One illusion that will disappear in short order is the idea that free speech exists as a matter of law.
As it stands today, the majority of the population is what you might called purple pilled. They believe in systemic conspiracy but also nonsensical myths like remnants of a free press ("alternative media").
Such notions are immediately debunked by entertaining ideas like being a space elevator. We have and have had the technological capacity to do this for decades and therefore the ability to drive 20%+ annual GDP growth, yet you see no talk of this in any of the vast swaths of "real/alternative" media. One can only conclude that they are truth purveyors but rather mere misdirection.
The existence of forums like this encourages people to believe in nonsense ideas like free speech still exists under the law.

We can pull off a space loop NOW.

The Ford Aircraft Carriers are using technology that was designed to replace the Space Shuttles.

Look at the cross section of this NASA system and what the Carriers will be using.

We don't need exotic materials as well to build a space loop.

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Nice! Is the US investing in this with public funds and will proceeds bolster the middle class?

We have the chance to create actual opportunity. I'm sick of the gloom and doom approach, it's not for me. Let's show people what's on the other side of this, I want to encourage so we can see the beauty on the other side of this ugliness.

The problem is what we're talking about will disenfranchise the extremely wealthy and welfare parasites that run this anarcho-tyranny.

you've made around 20% of all the recent posts on Zig Forums
Nonsensical spam is officially allowed on Zig Forums and the mods will do nothing

100% of the real content, you’re welcome bitch


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Why would you want this?

Umad gayboi? Get outta my thread and go circlejerk about weakness with the rest in another thread

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I would reinvent coal country. Turn it nuclear.

manufacture compact and modular reactors, nuclear medicine, hard nuclear science research, particle colliders(look up wake field particle colliders),nuclear waste reprocessing storage.

I would replace all reactors with state of the art. Have Trump push through the red tape that is designed specifically to kill nuclear energy while keeping it safe.

Open up that closed Nuclear Waste depository out in AZ, and use the "borehole proposal" to extend it's life MASSIVELY

Push for major industry parks of the nation to use nuclear energy.


For space I would Time lunar operations to take place a few months before man lands on Mars.
That way you could over lap the excitement to push for more space funding.

-Use the space force to clean up space trash,R&D for asteroid threat removing, and do regular practice on small harmless asteroids that would burn up.

-First ever Neptune & Uranus orbiters.

-Commercial Hubble referb mission, Hubble replacement, Hubble recapturing so it won't burn up.

-Space mining. Use space force to get fund from the DOD to pay for it. We don't have enough mineral deposits for ww3.

-No more cost plus contracts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FUCK YOU LOCKMART AND BOEING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-LEO,Lunar, and Mars orbital fuel Depots.

-Building a few of the "Overwhelming large telescopes" since the R&D would had been done for the first one.


To survive. And to thrive.


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GDP growth is contrary to these goals.

So… bring back jobs for the disenfranchised coal mining populations of America? Absolutely.

With Trump’s savvy business sense, he will surely seize the opportunity and funnel returns beyond the initial cost of such infrastructure projects aggressively into good jobs for low skill low wealth workers, like FDR’s new deal or hitler’s rebuilding of Germany. He’ll go from being the laughing stock of the dying fake news media to being remembered for resuscitating America in its dying moments and rekindling the flame lit by George Washington when he broke us away from being britcucks. Trump will be remembered as the Master Builder of the first global technological civilization to dominate the face of the earth since the mysterious ancient golden age.

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Coal is obsolete considering what it takes to fuel them. Natural gas is cheaper than coal due to logistics alone.

Not for the environment but I would push for solar and wind turbines on every house/property so that the working class wouldn't have to pay for fuel bills to get to work with Electrics. We could kill off the Saudis that way.

Look up solid state batteries. MUCH better than the types of batteries we use today.

I would push to phase out bunker burning oil ships.

I would push for Hydrogen power ships that could get fuel for almost free in American ports that generate hydrogen fuel with wind,solar,and wave power generators.

Hydrogen is pointless for autos but makes sense for ships.

You seem to know your stuff. Sci-fi fan, or professional engineer?

I’m genuinely convinced that technological prosperity and a solid American middle class is what the globalists are attacking with immigration and shilling. Us becoming great is their greatest fear.

Who are overwhelmingly brown. The Jews thank you for promoting White genocide.
So, he will be remembered for putting the final nail in the coffin of the White race? We do not want to strengthen Judeo-America, you dumb nigger. We want to kill it.

I just look for way people could eliminate costs.

The problem with Democrats is that they don't care about environment and want to use renewable energy to harm republican voters.

I remember hearing some EPA bitch gloating how she's shutting down coal plants,one every week and how it's illegal for the republicans to stop the EPA from doing so.

look at this picture. It's what the liberals have done to coal. Thy pretend it's not attached to the coal plants.

I read that walmart spend 16 billion dollar year on fuel for their trucks. It's not that I hate ICE autos, I don't like how big rigs get 6 miles per gallon which harms business.

Just imagine if a business thay runs big rigs could eliminate their fuel bill. They could hire a lot more people.

It would be a good investment if the US government paid for the replacement of all ICE big rigs with Electrics once the batteries got a ton better.

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These types of people need to be removed from power. The government shouldn't be working hand in hand with Soros to generate coups and stir up tension, so there are public policy positions of this nature that can be changed overnight.
More importantly, Soros is something like Zig Forums in that he is a meme generator in large part. The question is whose meme's will win, and the answer to that lies more in the value of content that is generated as an alternative rather than direct attacks against Soros.
Continuing with a theme present already in this thread, global warming is a meme battle space. Hundreds of millions around the world are prepared to accept reduced economic growth to "save the planet" but you can stifle this by meme'ing a space elevator and sun shade at much lower costs.
In short, your most potent weapon against the likes of Soros is to keep growing your effectiveness in the war of ideas. Attract people to your side not just by pointing to the bad, but to the bright future. Soros can't offer this, and almost everyone wants it, so you have a leg up in the meme war if only you take your advantage and run with it.

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Clever. Got my vote.

You: >Strategy of tension
Me: >Root cause via economic prosperity for middle class intellectuals

It's not an anti-white agenda per se, more like an anti-opposition agenda. An illiterate from the jungles of Africa isn't going to pose a threat, but a gifted intellectual from a middle class western family has the potential.

Economically prosperous middle class intellectuals are overwhelmingly anti-White. Again, the Hebrew race thanks you for your promotion of White genocide.

"Intellectuals" are 120 IQ faggots. Intellect is what we need instead. Kikes are upper middle class to rich. Parasite professionals that need the system itself to grabble more sorosfunbux.

The formerly great middle class was overwhelmingly white but subverted to hell and back by kiked cinema. I want what is best for my people, a prosperous future requires the exposure and expulsion of judaic influences.

I’m talking about the non economically prosperous ones. Not the elite, or its cocksuckers, but the disenfranchised middle and lower class intellectuals. Or do you and your Eglin Airforce base (or are you actually out in London with the big bois now?) buddies consider anyone rich and anti white to be smart?

I would sterilize women who had more than three abortions.If you're currently on welfare for a child you won't receive welfare for additional children. If go ahead to have another child then you would would have them be taken away, and you'll be sterilized.

There's not enough money for old people pensions, and the boomers are going to bankrupt the nation with their medical costs alone.

I would cure aging & reverse it's effects. There's 100 trillion dollars of unfunded liabilities.

Do we really want to spend that money so old people can stretch out their dying years, or should we cure aging and invest the remaining 99 trillion dollars in the economy?

For the price of the post 9/11 wars we could have replaced all ICE big rigs with Electrics,and MUCH MUCH MORE.

I would have High school males install solar panels on roofs to eliminate fuel bills to save money up for STEM or Trade school.

Before the mexicans young males worked in the construction industry.

Then you should want the destruction of America. It is the only way that anything like this will ever happen.

What do you even think "middle class" means? It is, by definition, economically prosperous.

Big picture: History doesn't stop. Regardless if America is put to rest, there has to be a future for our people.

Stable enough to support self improvement and reflection through leisure activities, not struggling to make ends meet as a slave of multiple minimum wage jobs. Normal people. These people are not anti-white, most of them are white. Why are you so afraid to talk about something so innocuous as infrastructure projects to bolster the American middle class? How on earth are you actually thinking anyone could take you seriously by making that about Jews? It’s a pathetic act by now, it doesn’t work on us

In a last ditch effort to make your kvetching relevant, maybe the us could spend on normalization shills to do the exact opposite of what you are doing. It seems to generated value for your employer… somehow. And it is clearly a low bar for employment

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So Fucking discuss the future in concrete terms which is the point of this thread, quit the racial doom porn, it doesn’t get anything done and is a classic sign of a demoralizing shill

It isn't "regardless." Our people will only have a future if America is killed. America = White genocide

Lol you’re an idiot

Yes they are
White people can be anti-White. In fact, they make up a very large percentage of that group.
America is anti-White. It is the engine of anti-White ideology globally. A prosperous America has more power to exert its anti-White influence on the world. Additionally, economically prosperous Whites are more likely to be anti-White or to feel no solidarity to race. Therefore, an economically prosperous America and strong middle class is bad for Whites. Therefore, America must be destroyed.

I appreciate the bump, just letting you know tho that your tactic doesn’t work anymore. Literally every person I talk to sees through this shit so easily. It even backfires because it looks desperate.

Back to the main event:
Nationalist movements by themselves are not necessarily bad for the regime as long as they can be co-opted and pointed in useful directions.
The illusion of xenophobic nationalism is fine as a cover for war mongering, intensifying the police state, etc. Economic nationalism would be fought vigorously.

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My post was 100% truth. Your post is not an argument.

The most important thing from HLI:

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Stoked for the future anons. We got this.

I acted like a retard.
That'll show that white man who's boss.

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you think we could use it for planes too?

It is orbiting in a geostationary orbit. Night is short and only happens twice a year. Also, it does not project a shadow on the earth which means it does not reduce the total energy influx to earth.

The radio energy level at the reciever is about equal to weak sunlight but it is ever present and it is convertible to electricity with a very high effiency. The reciever is very large (~10km in diameter) but the land below is useable since the reciever is basically a net with large holes strung up on poles.

Why are natsocs allergic to anything economic? It's like they know nothing about their idol's crowning achievement or something.

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Jews prove raising a race's IQ too fast cost such insanity as to remind one of Icarus, who thought he never had to pay, until the melted wax and feathers brown covered his body on his way down.

Because under Jewish capitalism there is no real progress, just more revenue. From tech to culture, every avenue is purposely hold back by greed. They rather squeeze the last penny out of a project, out of every project, before they pull out the plans for a better product. Hell in many cases they're so devious as to turn around and drive the quality of the product into the ground.

Jewish capitalism always destroys the past, exploits the present and corrupts the future. All those ideas you're talking about will be slumbering in a safe while the rest of mankind suffers.

Ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha


Hydrogen actually could work very well for cars. It just needs solid state storage.

Now open your pants and weep at the sight of your foreskin mutilation.

No. We can eliminate fuel bills by charging our cars with solar or wind.

There's zero point in adopting hydrogen for cars.


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I’m crying tears of joy. My cock is throbbing at the thought of a great America

This is amazing

as does "diversity" and the "multicultural" lie. When you can have an open, candid conversation with a White man/woman, generally from large cities above 500k people, and specifically in STEM employment/careers, you will hear about 'diversity quotas'; wherein, no matter how qualified the White is nor how perfect they may be for a position, their name is not Pajeet, Kerpal, Wen Ling, Juan or Mkwekwe. Enter the term 'over-qualified' (unique-speak for too White) and sites like
to drive future employment prospects towards specific disciplines using phantom jobs, excluding Whites from the employment pool while simultaneously dog-whistling to Pajeet, Mkwekwe, Wen Ling and Juan as to what jobs they can plan for (not in their neighborhood but in yours) and becoming such a huge tool in social and cultural engineering/de-engineering that it draws the attention of wealthy backers who understand that it is necessary to run just such a business at a constant loss (as does Faceberg, Twitter, various social media platforms, and obviously media print/virtual/TelAvivision) as the user is the product

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Yep bingo. “Perpetual solar noon”

Also, I’m trying to find a concept that surely must already exist but I can’t into the right keywords. It would be like one of those ferries where you park on the deck in your car and it transports you, except a land train, and it takes you 500 miles across the us in minutes. Any ideas anons?

You okay? You seem kinda testy

You guys seen worldbuilding.stackexchange.com? Check this shit out: worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/4809/economic-and-geopolitical-effects-of-building-a-space-elevator

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Leaping as an elite building a new society… spicy

Thread theme:

I’m gonna take some lsd and think about how I can actually make money building the future.


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Kill yourself.

HLI was a honeypot and a distraction by Leftypol and or CIA. Anon5 is legit

Tell me, where did the “Jews” touch you, user?

Why would I kill myself when there’s nothing but blue skies ahead and opportunity to have a space waifu?

Space elevators are a dream. This is a slide thread.
Like Solar highways?