Occult National Socialism

Occult National Socialism

Thread for general discussion and resource sharing.

It should be relatively common knowledge to Zig Forumsacks that the most prominent figures of the upper echelons of the NSDAP were basically all hugely into magic and the occult (and paganism), especially the SS.

Other than Serrano, Devi etc., I personally find it difficult to unearth sources of information on this topic that aren't boomer-tier christian screeching about the New World Order being a production of the NSDAP and SS.

I found Esoteric Nationalists image via: aryanity.com/category/white-nationalist-philosophy-ariosophy-and-aryanism/
I'm yet to read through the site and look into some of the nationalists whose works are currently unbeknownst to me.

Videos, I find, are especially difficult to come across - they're always produced by some screeching Abrahamist.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Sorry about the shit-tier OP I'm tired.

Is passable at the very least user.
BUMP for uncle adolf.

But next time you come here and aren't tied make a high quality post.

In the high North, Summer and Winter fought each other as the forces of light and darkness. The dark Winter
with its harshness and cold seemed to win over the short, barren Summer. And yet Summer arrived year after
year despite the might of the Winter. If its arrival every year hadn't been a certainty, it would have meant the
death of the Nordic Folk. Sad and depressed the Nordic Folk watched the circle of the Sun get smaller and
smaller at the end of the Summer. The Sun became weak, old, pale. Its path got shorter, and during Jul time there
would only be a few hours of daylight and then it would sink into the cold North Sea and was gobbled up, as if
eaten by a monster on Midwinter Day. It was dead and lay in its grave. The question whether the Sun would stay
buried was of equal importance to the question whether mankind would live or die.

On Midwinter Day the miracle happened: The Sun rose from its watery grave. It was born like a child, gathered
strength, and appeared in front of the celebrating and joyous Folk, who felt that life was given back to them. This
happened every year. And every year they celebrated this as their most important festival, their sacred and holy
night festival. They greeted the Sun with lit torches to help free it from the ties of the death of Winter. And they
celebrated as often as possible the ever increasing circles of the Sun. Fires would burn high on the day of spring
on which day and night were of same length, as surely the Sun must have finally won the battle now. And again
on Midsummer Night, when the Sun had won its greatest victory and night lasted for only a few hours. This
celebration eventually became the most important one of all.

The strong Sun made harvest possible, reason for another feast, after which its strength waned fast and it headed
once more towards death, which in turn became new life.

As far back as during the Nordic and Germanic times of the German Folk, people told the tale of the death and
resurrection of the Sun in many different tales. We are fortunate to know more about this early culture of our
Folk than of some periods much later on in our history. This Sun experience is the subject of nearly all of our
prechristian fairytales, which the brothers Grimm have collected, written down more than a hundred years ago
and thereby preserved for all time. The Sunlike princess, killed by a bad, wintry force, resurrected by a young
hero: that is the essence of all these stories, which were wonderfully extended and varied.

Man also saw the same laws of Die and become new all around him in Nature. The yearly cycle of the Sun also
determines the rhythm of all living things, animals as well as plants. Their whole life revolved around youth and
ageing, dying and rebirth. And man's own life followed this rhythm. The Nordic man knew that his own life
came from the loins of a man destined to die. In the knowledge of his own death he handed on life. That was the
essence of his beliefs. What he learned from the Sun he saw in his own forests. That's why he considered trees to
be sacred. He imagined that the whole universe was supported by a gigantic tree. This is the old ash tree which is
described in the old saga Edda. In its eternity the law of die and become provides constant renewal, eternal

Therefore the Nordic man had at his celebrations the fires, the Sun Wheel, and the tree as symbols. In stories we
read about the Tree Of Life, which grows on the grave of the mother and protects the young life through its

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go to irc.rizon.net #magick

learn occult secrets -=- the Keys are waiting

OP samefag self-bumping
that shit is not acceptable here

These spambots have really got to go.

Ignore the jew

Sorry that I was in relief for at least a decent thread that isn't a bait thread.

He gets a shekel every time you reply to him

Also cuckchan hardly talks about national socialism anymore.

Donde esta Pancho Villa?

Needs more occultposting

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I don't give a fuck. Take your cuckchan behavior back to cuckchan, or shape up. There is an epidemic of nigger behavior on this board, and it needs to stop.

Hitler rejected the Occult and mysticism.

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Well, the alt-left is into a cult known as Islam. So are the feminazis.

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hang yourself shill

Perhaps >>>Zig Forums will be more to your liking.

Take your hebrew magicK and fuck off.

Quantum theory isn't magic.

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or polvol 6

Eh just want another decent discussion about national socialism and religion.
Only for you imkikey.

Stop giving the hasbara agent replies

They're likely one of those insane christcucks that actually believe Hitler was a devout christian and not a deist/religious fascist. A question for them, why did Hitler surround himself with occultists and anti-christian rhetorics then? Surely if he was so against mystic/occultist/pagan ideals he would've simply removed the majority of the upper levels of the NDSAP as they were all into that stuff.

Fine with me.

Be careful user, I went down the same path as you almost two years ago and there is a lot of kikery that you must sift through in order to find out anything worthwhile. Just remember that the Truth is simple and you don't need to go very far in order to find it. You just need to have the right pair of eyes to see it.

As a side note, stay away from Theosophy and take Serrano with a grain of salt.

big image of hitler being not christian

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Blavatsky (or whatever she's called) loves kikes and was probably a cryptojew herself.
Got any sauces?

Needs to be bigger.

Oy vey we must censor this, Hitler just has to be a 100% faithful christian or I might have to rethink my worldview! Friendly daily reminder that the National Socialist worldview is incompatable with the christian worldview. The christian scum's loyalty is to their kike master first and foremost, everything else could burn away, their race, their family, their children it's all irrelevant to their kike master. They must all get on their knees and submit to their long nosed god that has a gun to their head otherwise he'll pull the trigger. Never trust a christian.

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I think the initial allure behind Theosophy is that it makes the correct connection between a majority of the ancient religions, but as always is steered into a kike-mulatto direction (as I like to term it). Meaning it draws heavy influences from Jewish mysticism which is basically a bastardization of Aryan knowledge, along with the black magic crap that came out of the tail end of ancient Egypt once it was thoroughly racially mixed. All major ancient religions as well as all ancient civilizations were once Aryan in origin, and as such the essence of their teachings were all the same until they became racially mixed, owing to the uniqueness of our own collective unconscious. Only the exoteric manifestations were different.

As for sauces, I'll get back to you on that. I need to sift through my archives.

If a christcuck were sent back in time he would relish in the slaughter of pagan European women. They would just as quickly stick the knife in our back. They can never be trusted because their worldview is fundamentally traitorous and anti-white.

Fortunately I know my history, and it's taught me that the christian cannot suffer other religions, they might whine and moan about how Pagans and non-christians d&c them by saying things like this, but the real hard fucking truth is that if we did work together with them for victory we are dead the moment it happens. So to me there is zero option for working with them, the ideal way is the way of the Reich, gain power and then wean the masses from the semitic mind virus that infects them all. Their religion is an irrelevancy today fortunately, we can only hope more and more see the truth of the matter before it is too late.

The christian is much like the kike they revere, you can never trust a word out of their slimy mouths. Don't get me wrong there are a great many good Europeans that just happen to be christian, it's just the more rabid ones like you see on this board that are not much better than kikes.

I'll be honest. There's a reason why its called the "esoteric". The secrets from an exoteric view are vast, deep, multi-generational. The chances of knowing anything about anything without going insane is for the few and from just my studies I'm willing to accept that. It's all fascinating but takes a certain person with certain traits to really take it to its full extent. I think it's more about putting in the work than it is about studying.

However you can go down a ton of rabbit holes with very circumstantial evidence. You'll never get more than that in the physical sense I have a feeling. The Green Dragon Society seems to be my current rabbit hole. Also claims that Master Maitreya was Hitler or was Hitler's spiritual advisor, who is just so much claimed to be of the 7th Initiation in Theosophy which puts him as the "Avatar" just as Serrano mentioned.

Gets really fucky, in a good one. I'm sure we have a few Armanen among us.

good job imkikey

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Man the mods are aids ridden faggots, I have a feeling at least one is a butthurt christian that doesn't like it when the mean people say bad things about their kike worship.

Yet bait threads and that race mixed thread stay up for minutes.

I wouldn't take anything coming out of Speers mouth seriously. The guy saved his own ass by legitimizing the Nuremberg Trials. Fuck that guy.


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Hell once the christians are raped out of here it could be a great discussion, I too want to find out more about the occult during the Reich's time.

I just don't think Hitler had time to think about that kind of stuff. He had political and military battles to fight. Goebbels should be your main source in understanding Third Reich occultism.

As for op make a higher quality so mods won't (((shut it down)))

Fuck off newfag, nice esoteric trips btw

It's polvol2, he's been astroturfing christianity for ages. Delets any thread about aryan spirituality, delets any thread with redpills about christianity, bans anyone who criticizes christianity. I think he's learned to be less blatant about it now but he's still a fag. Reason number six gorillion why (((christianity))) is absolutely intolerable. It's probably just kikey or one of his JIDF buddies tbh.

Longer than that, half of the time they don't even get anchored. Look at all of the cancerous shit in the catalog. This place is no better than pre-global.

He came from the Thule society and there's a huge amount on record from personal contacts saying that he considered it a great deal almost his entire life

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For those interested, check this out.

Also, I highly recommend the works of Michael Moynihan, especially The Secret King - myth and reality of Nazi occultism. He was wrong about many things, but offers an interesting perspective.

Most of "Nazi occultism" was a boogieman created by the allies (to troll their christcuck drones into obedience and fighting the "devil" , Hitler) , but it was actually based on real societies that had huge impact on the rise of Hitler and his ideas.

Those societies are what the sionist kike fears the most.

Looks like the kikes have scraped the link

Thanks, seems to be archived too.
Also added to the list, thanks.

I remember seeing propaganda images of the allies to this effect. There sure is a lot of modern comparisons there.

with theosophy, you need to see the movement in 2 waves, the second wave utterly distorting and subverting the first wave. 1st wave=Blavatsky,henry Olcott,william judge, 2nd wave=Charles Leadbeater (Catholic subverter) Annie Besant (UN shill). Second wave were the ones who propped up this messiah like figure who is expected to come in the near future and which denigrated theosophy to a new age egalitarian Christian mongrel doctrine. This Matreya business is second coming of Christ tier nonsense. As for first wave theosophy, I haven't gotten to the bottom of that, as far as it stand concerning someone with a NS constitution…It has an honest evaluation of different races to a degree. calls the jews 'spiritually degenerate' and declares the Aryan race to be broader than just 'Germanic/teutonic' including light brown Indians who she claims are currently the highest spiritual race whereas Germanic Aryans are the most intellectually advanced. Also no emphasis is laid on avoiding race mixing or creating a pure undistorted ethos so that's a troubling aspect.

any merit to theosophy at all (strictly speaking Blavatsky orientated works) ? I believe members of many volkish organisations did have interest in theosophy.

Yeah I concluded that myself just looking at it only recently. Dark Journalist helps sift out the nonsense which someone with a NS mindset can easily see, but the links actually show something more inline with the Thule Society than they show this New Age nonsense which is a distortion of weak pacifistic, liberal, marxist mindset. The earlier stuff can much easier be seen and understood than can be the later garbage where truth is heavily distorted in the 20th century. For instance the softening of Blavatsky with, "Well racism and antisemitism was just the norm back then she didn't mean it in the sense of the tolerance we have today" should be considered absolute blasphemy not just when interpreting history, but esoteric higher thinking. To judge them as not knowing what they're saying being limited to the times is downright heresy. It's like people who don't understand the meaning of Spiritual Race and thus brush off Oswald Spengler out of stupidity for him not acknowledging biological factors, which itself is criminally bastardizing his thoughts on the matter in a much wider perception beyond just the physical.

Alice Bailey is another that's far less known because but shared similar views on both race and the jews. Of course the New Age will always bring up Annie Besant because she appeals to their egalitarian version of Theosophy. Rudolf Steiner is an interesting man but also broke from Theosophy for its later gayness towards the end of the 1900's. Some Serrano folks think he was just a fraud or at least a person with low level understanding but vastly more than a common man when it came to the knowledge, however, he was both a race realist and spoke on the jews heavily.

Personally if it wasn't for Serrano I wouldn't even care or be into this shit. I think he did what he could do by saving its relevance from going down this meditate and pray crap which itself has turned into a religious cult of false "spirituality". I wont comment too much on the subject because frankly its just not worth the wasted time backtracking it all and coming to your own conclusion. Serrano though was one of us and can be understood clearly with what we know during that era and after from both a spiritual and material sense. I put my trust in him for better or worse because it feels more "right".

Threads trying to convince national socialists that faggots are okay get protected, and only deleted later when mods realize they need to do damage control.

Threads on NSDAP dogma, and German societies such as Ahnenerbe and the Vril society are anchored, just like how the Rockerfeller's spent a massive fortune trying to get these topics and societies that existed in the Third Reich scrubbed from history to prevent their influence from resurfacing.


Goebbels was equally busy with propaganda.

Try Himmler and his Ahnenerbe.

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My grandpa raised me on the WorldView of philosophy. He personally advises every man to collect facts and assemble their OWN worldview/religion, however. Religion should be a private matter as it was before big business/organized religion gang raped everything. NatSoc excluded!

Theosophy might be luciferian. The grand narrative my grandpa painted is this: God looked into himself to learn himself. This is how the universe began. As god was, he was unlimited, so he could experience fully, he made himself in limited form. In every conscious cell of the universe is a thought/observation post of the master/God. After a billion trillion trillion years, all that can happen will happen. God will kill himself, love himself, rebuild himself, etc. at the end of time, I think only God can be truly naturally selected for all conditions. Some Purple Ubermensch might give birth to the Dune series Quesadt sadderacht God Children’s/Star Child/Over man..

The goal of life in the worldview of theosophy is to “do why thou wilt, but love (familial Love!) under the will.”

Treatise of cosmic fire– Alice bailey
Secret doctrine—Theospphy
Heart of the master- Alester crowley
Theosophical society– Voice of silence

I’d post about magic, but I don’t want random people practicing it. I’ve practiced it successfully, and achieved otherworldly things. I’ve heard magic epitomized as “arranging coincidences so your desires come easily to you.” Though, with magic, you should NEVER wish harm on anything/anyone. It will backfire. Placebo? I think not.

oy vey.

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Hiter was Christian.

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Jesus hates kikes.

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No he was not a christian. He only supported the religion because part of the German population practiced/supported and he would appealing outlook. And I agree with Hitler on his view of the christian religion, it is nothing more then a perversion of spirituality. This religion is literally all slavery, after all, its all about dedicating your life to a single entity. I dont know about you, but that sure sounds like slavery to me. On a side note, I dont hate christians even though a lot of them are pretty retarded, I just hate the religion as a principle.

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