Make a decision (((mods)))

Make a decision (((mods)))
Sticky /nsg/ and the book thread
Let Zig Forums become another /b/
I don't care anymore

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Say it with me shill,


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Zig Forums is a natsoc board.
/nsg/ divides and conquers.

Kill yourself, nigger.

Remember that these are who you'll be stuck with if you run us off this website

Hey chaim /nsg/ doesn't it redpills people about national socialism, nice try though.

Were never going to leave despite how mods tend to be crappy from time to time, as long as they ban shitty threads and keep the quality I am fine, but sticking /nsg/ or the redpill thread is pretty smart as well.

/nsg/ is a good idea. Zig Forums is natsoc, but it is politics in general. I'd like a lower velocity place as a book and info dump.

Okay we shouldn't abandon /nsg/ entirely it should be a thread where people can ask their questions about national socialism which also includes the myths as well.
Debatable ns is an ideology and it is apart of politics no? It started questioning things and made threads about questioning our history should not be entirely disregarded, not only is Zig Forums a national socialist board as you said, but it is also a truth board.

I agree, we must lift the level of discourse. We should all strive to become the übermensch.

Fucking excelsior.

My observation is that, Before that mod got codemonkied it was mods=fags all day everyday then immediately after everything was calm and shills were even more obvious shills but were fought back because the mods had no power to be assisting the shills. Some hand rubbing and kike fetching must of happened to have these (((mods))) reinstalled because it’s looking like the same ol same ol again.

GTFO newfag

its like you just got here

it already is
one of the most prolific posters right now on Zig Forums is dysnomia, the BO of /b/ and h8/pol/ is full of reddit kiddies. h8/pol/ has literally become the /b/ of political discussion – where ppl from everywhere else go to be edgy fuckwads and shitpost

It was always /b/ technically since a lot of hitler and national socialist posters on /b/ and /new/ moot decided to make a containment thread that was Zig Forums
I am starting to see them less and less everyday either because their threads get deleted or don't have imkampfy to come in and shutting down people who oppose trump, they are still indeed a minority, but when it comes to 4cucks Zig Forums then yes it's already lost.

you're a fucking retard

hello, newfag. you apparently just got here, and don't know how it used to be

Nice way of putting words in my mouth.
I didn't come here till the exodus, if you want to see hell then look at the board a few months back where it almost shilled to fucking death.

you think the only problem is r/t_D shilling, but that's simply not the case. post quality is shit now. we went out of the proverbial frying pan and into the proverbial fire

That honestly depends on the thread, but I already went to the bunkers, they're fine, but something in them felt missing have a few high quality discussions and that's about it so I decided to stay here till I absolutely do need to migrate, I do think this board can still be saved, but the meta is fucking worthless I hardly think chodemonkey or the mods hardly even listen to us, at the very least we need at least one dedicated Zig Forumsack in that position the mods aren't even interactive to an ideal board we want.


/Nsg/ board to find books music videos to learn more and open eyes…

Stop making shitty nsgs and book threads then faggots.

Nsg invariably has an op consisting of badly formatted link spam, and the entire thread is just pics to bump it since there's no conversation to be had. Try starting a few discussion topics next nsg. Also, dont make the thread unless you actually know something about the NSDAP, because otherwise it makes NS look bad - the last nsg had an op endorsing the damn kkk. That's a pretty big fuckup.

Sticking threads also tends to reduce interest in them. Good threads gain bumps on their own merit. Shit threads with few posts that get sticked are an embarrassment and piss people off.

no it doesn't retard newfag -=- stfu and lurk 2yrs before posting

You do care though which is why you continue to sperg out.
You have an agenda though, and that's the solitary reason why your here forever

Attached: your here forever.jpg (946x459, 169.6K)

An anchored thread, with just background info, links, books, educational videos, good documentaries would work also