Holy shit this video. I was half expecting to rip the podium apart.
Ready for some Feinstein eating baby hearts?

Do they expect doing some shenanigans with the Midterms so the Supreme Court decides them?

I want a wall, not fucking reality TV. I'm tired of this shit.

Vote in November. Then never vote again..

Like clockwork.

Remember kids, report&filter.

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get fucked faggots

The only way that's happening is rope day.

Mattis is in charge of the wall now cuck.


Is this a democrat leddit tier board now?

no, you’re just stupid



You fucking faggots have been arguing back and forth for months. Just make a Trump love/hate thread and stop shitting up every other thread on the fucking board.

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I'll bump this because it pisses off the shills.

So why the fuck did Trump okay another FBI investigation?

get fucked

See, this is why Zig Forums hates Trump now. You people have no argument other than screaming at people who disagree with you.

TRUMP SAID THE FAKE NEWS IS LOCO lady reporter why phrase it that way : BECAUSE OUR TRADE DEAL WITH MEXICO kek

We hit a gold mine lads. They see the overwhelming loss and want to cheat.
Not possible if Kavanaugh sits on the bench and breaks the tie.

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Your boy kampfy ain't here no more bud.
Trump is a Zionist stooge and no amount of your snarky redditor kvetching will get me banned for saying as much.
Feels good. Feels right.

Attached: Jews - Trump Donors.jpg (8248x7832 2.87 MB, 10.73M)

Zig Forums hates trump now because he relied on jews and now he has to do shit like this and act like he's carrying water for the senate like a good little cuck.

We should just have a Trump general.

He says while posting over Tor to samefag his own thread… Clearly not a shill though.

user, I want you to stop and think for just a moment… Do you think anyone realized that might happen?
Do you think, MAYBE, these overtly-aggressive nigh-sycophantic faggots cupping Trumps balls with the inside wall of their fucking cheeks, are MAYBE, I dunno… LARPers? Or shills?
Did you think MAYBE someone would realize that being offput by these sorts of posters inclines people towards being offput, by association, by Trump?

Its almost like the people who are retardedly-supportive while ignoring any/all valid critique and spewing empty and/or dead memes aren't actually genuine.
Its almost like they're disingenuously posting threads like this and posts like the one you're responding to in an effort to get you to dislike Trump through association.

No thanks, that'll turn into a reddit thread almost-instantly.
That other user is pouting that it keeps making its way into other threads, but that's just how the world works man - its like pouting that mention of the Jews tends to come up in everything.
If its relevant, it can and should come up; and when you're talking about contemporary politics, the actions of the US President are going to come up a lot, especially one as controversial as Trump.
Instead of making a thread specifically for spazzy redditors, you should probably just learn to deal with the fact that Trump's actions are politically relevant and will continue to be brought up as a result.

I'm still voting in November. Filtered.

Absolutely nobody cares, because votefags are not threatening to the status quo whatsoever.

They can feel the gas chamber walls closing in on them.

LOL I hope more and more people start using TOR, it really seems to bother you.

Thanks for the bump anyway.

Not everyone you meet here is working for the CIA, user.

He looks mighty orange (((shooped)))

Yeah, I sure am bothered by it. Gosh, it sure bothers me so much. That's why I'm bumping the thread while pointing out that you're using a jewish browser that is used by ban-evading shills with extreme regularity to post in a manner suggestive of disingenuous intent towards social manipulation.
You should probably post some images of that fat jew that likes slapping twinks asses and claim I'm "ass mad" next. Your manager will like that.

No, but plenty are.

This, pretty funny that they're still up to this trick. In any event I thought liberals and Jews said we weren't to make fun of people with different skin tones, looks like it was just another Alinsky gambit and they don't intend to follow their own rules.

And now he's just gonna straight up talk to himself and pretend its two people.
The quality of shilling on this board has really dropped since the election.

Still voting in November. =)

So Brett Kavanaugh, a golden boy from the peak Neo-con days of Bush, who whole heartedly supported and worked closely in the administration to facilitate the interventionist US policy that aided Israel for over a decade. A man who unquestionably supported the unconstitutional and civil liberty raping Patriot act. A man who the Coalition for Jewish Values that represent over 1000 rabbis fully support and vocally urge to be confirmed ASAP. This man I've described, he's the man that's going to combat the ZOG? Fucking morons.

If you support Kavanaugh because of whatever conservative values you and him happen to share then fine. But don't for a second make this about "fighting the jews".

What about it retard? It's a bunch of spineless, wishy washy cucking out to the media and Christine Ford. Kill yourself for posting this crap. Sage

I can see somebody replying to me but for some reason I can't read what they are saying BECAUSE THEY'RE FILTERED.

Kavanaugh is redpilled on kikes now if he wasn't before.

Well, it is October. CNN, in celebration, will gradually shoop him oranger until the 31st
archive this


I believe you user, why wouldn't they? They lightened Obama when he was on the campaign trail.

a poster on Zig Forums /pol actually typed this out thinking it was a valid response to that post.

Why do you even bother cycling proxies? Might as well post under the same ID if you're going to be so obvious about it.


There's been a huge influx of GOP cheerleaders trying to herd whites back to the polls in November after they've spent nearly two years talking about the low nigger unemployment numbers. Gotta get the people you constantly fuck over back to work cause those nigs they love so much sure as hell aren't voting for them.

Brett Kavanaugh is supported by at least 49-to-50 Republican Senators. The same Republican Senators that 42 of cosponsored a bill to make boycotting Israel and criminal offence only a few months ago. And he was picked by a President who he himself describes as Israel's greatest ally and who they describe as such as well. The "kikes" as you describe them as also trying to get him a seat on the SC. The "kikes" as you call them are who made his career in the 1st place when they heavily promoted him during the Bush admin. Language has no meaning to morons MAGAfags like you. You're using "kike" to fit in but literally only talking about Democrats as if they're the only party with pro-Israel/Pro-Zionism views.

Again, if you support Kavanaugh or the Republicans or whatthefuckever because you share similar views on certain issues then fine. But don't try and shill/delude yourself into thinking he's some anti-ZOG hero.

That bill will never pass nor would they vote for it if it came to the floor, with the current situation of the kikes owning the media it's necessary to pander to them a bit.

He's obviously redpilled on the kikes or else they wouldn't be going after him so hard. Nice pilpul though, you're a very studied kike for sure.

You don't speak for the board, faggot.

it's the same old shill with the same old post style. Seemingly familiar with all these jewish terms like 'pilpul', you can literally identify the shill because he's the only one that uses the word.

I don't think anyone is saying that. The other torfag suggested that this this trial-by-kike shitshow could wake him to the JQ. How likely that is to happen is debatable, but it is certainly not impossible.

this. talk about overselling a let-down.

The purpose of the headline was obviously to mock Trump and nothing more. It is identical in tone to the rubbish you see posted on liberal sites, because it is being posted by organised anti-Trump shilling teams in the lead up to the midterms.

They haven't altered their tactics since the summer of 2015. It's obvious they aren't working but I honestly think this is it, the same thing they've always done, but even more over the top and retarded.

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No, they haven't. But it's a lot worse this time around, because the board doesn't have any dedicated moderators. Kikefy was a turkroach faggot, but at the very least he kept the shills from overrunning the board. The problem, though, was that he was a pro-Trump sperg that left no room for well-reasoned criticism, and completely stifled discussion in the process. Finding good moderators is hard.

i recommend watching the CBC version, which filmed unusually close up to Trump's face. you can see him seething with anger a dozen times when he senses a reporter is about to crash his USMCA trade party and endlessly blather off topic about the Kavamaugh circus.

i could see the glean in Trump's eyes that a dozen new bulk NSA FULL TAKE wiretaps were ordered to be opened on these Bolshevik fake news bobbleheads tonight.

remember the other day when Trump said he knows Schumer and the treasonous Dhims sit in a room and laugh about their cynical sabotaging? do you think the man who recieves a daily briefing every morning which is comprised of 51% of intel derived from XKEYSCORE meant that metaphorically? Trump meant it literally because he heard the fucking tape of cryin Schumer and Diane ChinkStein's wiretapped room audio as recorded by the NSA's fuckin radar retroreflector bug implanted into every light bulb in the entire goddamn Senate building.

i am appalled by the fake news. i am absolutely certain each day they all recieve talking points from Crooked Hillary's email server with their list of questions scripted by the hundreds of Brock and Soros interns.

what are the fucking odds that every fucking scumbag low life reporter only wants to ask the exact same bullshit groundless questions about phony Kavanaugh pornography? that's no coincidence.

(((they're))) all in on it.

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i forgot to add. this was one of Trump's best press conferences.

there was one word repeated over and over loud and clear that i can't remember any President saying going back to the George HW Bush era, which was when i became old enough to pay attention to politics.


A-fucking-men. music to my ears. i been unemployed 50% of the time since Obungler crashed our economy and gave our $10,000,000,000,000 to bailout (((WallSt))).

America has been hurting for nearly my entire lifetime.

Trump axing NAFTA should be the biggest good news for all American's since the Dotcom boom peak in 1999.

if Trump's masterplan works even halfway and gives middle America their first real pay raise since Nixon gutted the gold standard, that is the best fucking thing that could happen for traditional native born Americans.

Trump won't even need to do all the heavy lifting by himself. just put money in our pockets and our rising tide of overflowing populist rage will take care of the rest and we'll do the rest of the work and we eill be the tsunami that flushes the crooked Democrats and Neocons out to sea.

Here is what I don't understand about people like you: You fail to understand the full picture of the battlespace we're faced with.

You are doing nothing but wish that the lone platoon of men who can truly be described as /ourguys/ are enough to secure victory on their own while the leftist hordes are presently collapsing the center and flanks of our frontline. The divisions barely holding on to that line may be made of "principled" traditional conservatives, the religious right, neocons, and all other unappealing flavors of American center-right ideology but we need them to hold the line like the German 6th Army needed the Romanians to hold the flanks of the Volga during the battle of Stalingrad. They may not be who we would choose to repel the brunt of the enemy assault but they are the last thing standing between us and complete annihilation.

I don't know how long you've been around here but I would think anyone who has been aware of the realities of this world long enough would also understand that we were facing the possibility that every idea even slightly associated with right wing thought would be removed from the public discourse and those who espoused such ideas punished to the harshest degree imaginable. Trump may not be perfect but he was the reinforcement we needed to hold the line where it stood. In my opinion, he's even helped push them back a bit, even if only by a few city blocks. Kavanaugh might be a traditional conservative with some neocon tendencies but he's the equivalent of an armored column arriving to reinforce our weakest position.

We are in an all-out ideological total war right now and we don't have the numbers in terms of true believer to fight this all by ourselves. We need the cuckservatives to not only hold the line but take enough pressure off of us so that our small troop may advance. We need then to regain the offensive but as long as we remain the tip of the spear, we set the direction the rest of this army marches toward. Learn from the mistakes of the past and assist those who you consider "lesser" at critical junctions like this or be prepared to die in a futile, slow, and agonizing effort to merely escape your inevitable death at the hands of the golem horde for just one more day.

Dude, fuck off. You piece of shit Commie Alt-Kiker

Shill #1, I'd like to introduce you to Shill #2:>>12219997

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I love it when my president speaks Spanish.

The wall is an esoteric metaphor for the strength Americans have when they join hands with their neiborghs to accomplish something.

Funny you stopped reading there. Keep dreaming that the handful of men already in positions of power who come even remotely close to being on our side will be able to hold the line against literally everyone left of your average Republican congressman. Make alliances of convenience and ditch them when necessary. We are in the driver's seat when it comes to deciding the future of the American right but we need the existing power structures, currently held by the center-right, to withstand the onslaught before we even dream of advancing.

The American right is going to Asia and having tons of children.

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Fuck off shill

fuck off shill

Well said.

Damn it. Meant for: .


dubs o' truth

I will never trust a mick.

Never. I don't care how good looking their women might be

Faggot kike

Yet all you Drumpf retards sound just like the (((MSM))). So who's the shills? Weaken his base so he doesn't destroy the Democrats any further. If you think Trump wouldn't build a wall the entire length of the border tomorrow, you're out of touch. He has to fight tooth and nail on every front with the kiked up DC crowd from 5 different fronts. So, he may not be literally Hitler, but he isn't hurting anything either. Fuck off, regroup and think of another shill tactic.

They aren't cracking consensus for anyone with half a brain, but they sure are successful in shitting up the board and turning every discussion into Kikefest 2018

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So, were're kikechan now. Fucking awesome.

ok I can make it 1 more day now

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oy vey

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Ahh the South African strategy

I'm gonna vote too.

Is it me or is trump really coming into this presidency, this has made him more quick witted and clearly stronger. His health is increasing as well.

Woah, watch out for this tough guy, he is voting!

Attached: Trump Makes jew Dianne Feinstein Erupt in Glee After Suggesting Assault Weapons Ban Be Included in Bill, February 28th 2018.webm (640x344, 8.03M)

I hate these faggots


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how do you do?

found IDF

Ironically the topic never came up because I haven't seen any well-reasoned criticism of Trump on this board, ever.

That's what you get when Shareblue and the CIA kikes infiltrate. Lots of shit.

for all you (((shills))) trying to slide axing NAFTA by crying "MUH WALL", it is obvious that you didn't even fucking watch Trump's entire goddamn speech and that you haven't watched enough of Trump's prior speeches to possess an encyclopedia knowledge and sixth sense for parsing Trump's unique mannerism and decoded his dog whistles.

you probably didn't even fucking notice his most important sentence in his speech, which has nothing to do with trade nor USMCA.

may i direct you to 51:00, where Trump says "I dont really want to talk about it, because I could build it quickly at one time which is what I want… I've got a big decision to make after the election as to whether or not we go for it."

see it? Trump is hinting that after the election, then he's going to flex his Executive authority and appropriate $13 billion from the military budget and spend it on building the goddamn wall.

Trump has been holding off on taking action to disregard Congress and just Build The Wall himself through Executive Fiat, because he didn't want the mid-term elections to focus completely on opposing The Wall. "I have more flexibility after the election", as Obungler once said on a hot mike to Medvedev.

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