US paying more for illegal immigrant births than Trump’s wall


This is a hostile takeover and that orange nigger is nothing but an appeasement so we don't take to the streets over this flagrant planned genocide.

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KYS glownigger

imkikey is gone. Stop doing this.

Bump because you’re not a Zig Forumsack. Go back to reddit if you want to support Trump.

Drive by attack on Trump and DS. Reddit is low effort these days.

kill yourself

Attached: worst president.jpg (599x438 1.13 MB, 44.07K)

Make me, glownigger. I'll wait for your van of goons right here. In the mean time, thanks for your all your delicious ZOGsalt as you continue to lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose

Attached: laughing.jpg (283x352, 39.99K)


pointing out facts always bothers those acclimatized to nigger jokes for 9 year olds. how's that whole gook surrogate thing working out fanboy?


Attached: krang tmnt merica.jpg (854x960, 62.41K)

Why do you think he said, "they have to go back"?

Daily Stormer is literally a state run deradicalization program

Attached: deradicalization.png (1017x1984, 1.71M)

This needs to spread. Lord knows the media will never ever cover this.


He let that illegal caravan in. Remember how they said they would stop it? Then they had all of the illegals form a line and had them fill out amnesty paperwork.

Orange nigger is a massive failure. Oh, and he got rid of NAFTA by just renaming it. 4d chess indeed.

Care to source that nigger?


Attached: DailyStormer ptg.JPG (980x923, 146.62K)

Big difference between being critical and talking like a salty commie faggot. Do you often mack white men because of the color of their skin?

Attached: leftypol.jpg (500x631, 112.19K)

clearly during
but yeah i doubt trump will do much to right this ship we are on

forgot pic related, killing self

Attached: 20181009_202546.jpg (2560x1440, 920.13K)

dont let it slide

When you realize the 4D chess was just ZOG playing it against us in a final move to kill us off softly.

your image shows this study was from 2012 to 2016 you double niggerfaggot.

What are y po u all worried about….?

Their iqs are 20 pts lower thsn yours…

You need ppl to flip burgers do yardwork and keep the adrenochrome supply goin

hammer this into your thick skulls.

This is a hostile takeover and that orange nigger is nothing but an appeasement so we don't take to the streets over this flagrant planned genocide.

2024 is going to roll by with 12 million more enemies to feed and support while you're still crying about no wall being built. there is a better solution.

Yeah, cause when Trump was elected they all deported themselves, right?

Kill yourself, kike.

You hurt my feelings.

Orange niggrr has been great for my jewps….

Genocidee I plan is working great…..its that high iq workin it ouy

Why doesn't Trump order the U.S. army to build the wall?

try israeli run

So if you aren't fooled by orange kike drumpf, when are going to start shooting?

Attached: glownigger.png (405x367, 255.84K)

Oy vey leave our orange ZOG Emperor alone!
Anyway, his is hands are tied* by the teams of isreal first neoCon kikes trump brought into his team…

Trust the plan goy and vote Conservative!

* [even though he's his own man who is standing up to the jewish establishment and will gas the kikes including all of his biologically jewish children, any day now… just you watch goy, meanwhile hand over your taxes to isn'treal]

What happened to america.

The kikes, user. The kikes is what happened to it.

woke & correct. also, the orange moron will make america disappear in a nuclear cloud

Those shoops gave me a hearty chuckle. Saved.

Hopefully I'll have a coronary before it gets as bad as expected, luckily I'm on the Trump diet, only problem is my gallbladder might calcify before my ticker goes out :/

Yeeeeah? and what is that? Kill them? 30m shitskins with small arms? This isn't /v you torfag.

Yeah you will, he's just a couple of days behind Zig Forums which is a couple of days behind Voat.

Waiting for the cops to all go home one day…

…watch the world burn.

Deradicalization? I don't think you quite understand what that word means. Have you ever even been on his site? He take the most extreme position on everything to the point where it no longer is even funny.
This reckless extremism is what makes me suspect he is a fed. He intentionally takes positions that he knows very few people would support like openly adopting Islamic Shariah Law and praising ISIS.



genuine extremism is "GTKRWN"
deradicalization is "All women are THOTs build the wall gas the beaners. jews? i mean they suck but we have to tolerate them because based donnie has jewish kids"

Yeah, because obviously somebody posting OBJECTIVE STATISTICS PROVING TRUMP IS ASSISTING WHITE GENOCIDE AND HAS FAILED TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT..that poster must be a glow-in-the-dark.

This site doesn't suck Trump's dick, you fucking piece of shit. Facts do not lie. Trump is a liar and a traitor knifing whites in the back. The numbers don't lie.


Just waiting for this thread to get nuked. Any thread that criticizes Trump at this point gets deleted.

what's Anglin's main message and what is written (iirc in all caps) on the "about" page?
he pulls in radicals by larping as an extremist and then brainwashes them into reading books and debating and posting pepes

why not post an updated version that isnt from the obama era? or better yet, post a current one and compare it with the one you posted so we can see progress

if you're so enlightened and aware of the farce then what's currently stopping you from taking to the streets? white's are winning. you can feel it in the air

why are you blaming trump for obama policy and effects that occurred before trump was even in office? are you an retard?
