‘THE GOOD CENSOR’: Leaked Google Briefing Admits Abandonment of Free Speech for ‘Safety And Civility’

‘THE GOOD CENSOR’: Leaked Google Briefing Admits Abandonment of Free Speech for ‘Safety And Civility’

An internal company briefing produced by Google and leaked exclusively to Breitbart News argues that due to a variety of factors, including the election of President Trump, the “American tradition” of free speech on the internet is no longer viable.

Despite leaked video footage showing top executives declaring their intention to ensure that the rise of Trump and the populist movement is just a “blip” in history, Google has repeatedly denied that the political bias of its employees filter into its products.

But the 85-page briefing, titled “The Good Censor,” admits that Google and other tech platforms now “control the majority of online conversations” and have undertaken a “shift towards censorship” in response to unwelcome political events around the world.


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Other urls found in this thread:

search.wikileaks.org/?query=&exact_phrase=jared cohen&any_of=&exclude_words=&document_date_start=&document_date_end=&released_date_start=&released_date_end=&new_search=True&order_by=most_relevant#results

Anyone feel like taking one for the team and extracting that pdf from (((scribd)))?

I got a couple sock puppets that I don't mind having google track.
Here's the file.
There's a joke in the file name, actually type PIDE in google, it's a little piece of Portuguese history.

Hence its replacement with Israeli tradition.

Thanks user!

This is an actual page in that file - srs

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Do they mean that in a "This is a good thing" way or in a "Oy vey" way?

They're selling a product to limit free speech
They mean it in a "OYYYYY VEEEYYYYYYY!" way

What the fuck do you think, user?

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Sorry user. I sometimes like to think "Maybe they're not THAT evil and the world isn't as awfull as I think it is".

Guess I need a reminder here and there.

Ok now this is simply awesome
but shameful they're using it to push censorship
but awesome because ICE is BASED AF!

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I love the detail how anti-Semitic is specifically named under hate speech…maybe somebody should investigate why this type of hate is so prevalent? Also how come that the internet was free of all of this for nearly 15 years…you know, before the rise of the (((tech companies))) ?

1 in 3 posts here is a bot or shill
and cheese nips really are in our midst
Hi China!

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In case they ever succeed, remember guys

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Casual reminder that the original reason for the legislation regarding the 'freedom of speech' was so that barons could shittalk about the monarch and openly say how they'd gut the little faggot if he dared step foot in their castle.

This is even better..how come that with this much government intervention to steer opinions, the anti-Semitic hate speech is allegedly still so widespread. Is this maybe, dare I say it, more than a coincidence? Also how many of those bots and troll farms are working on the opposite side, controlled by google?

Let me also just spell it out for any brainlets; this means that freedom of speech was originally specifically for being offensive, hateful and inciting violence.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.
I think they're just continuing operations as if Hillary had been elected. The way clandestine operations work, they probably have funding in place several years ahead of time and operators aren't in contact with controllers, so they're still just running with it.

Google is a CIA asset - CIA is the jew FBI (even though they also infiltrated the FBI, CIA was originally set up to cover the jews criminal activity worldwide), Communism is Bolshevism is Judaism.
CIA = China

I'm not sure I buy this

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Jewgle has to go.

You'd think the real idea would be manipulate the marketplace of ideas through social engineering, so you have a diverse but moderated range of ideas dominating through (((artificially induced))) peer pressure and excitability. No censorship is needed in such a case. Because apathy would see people not bothering to pursue content outside the scope even if they are exposed to it; as what they have already entertains and satisfies them like a dopamine rush.

The very nature of advertising and propaganda will have to adapt to the "hostile" memetic environment if it intends to stay relevant decades from now. The censorship scheme to force an obsolete model for information warfare goes against current culture the media (ironically enough) created. Sensationalism and conflict drive interest in topics, and apathy is encouraged when it fails to excite. So by sanitizing platforms via censorship, it will gradually result in reduced user engagement meaning less impact in terms of social engineering and advertising. It's pointless to have rather ambitious ideas of societal manipulation through controlled platforms, if your target demographics just disconnect from them.

In other words, they're fucking themselves over in the long run, and shouldn't be surprised that their (((good))) censor approach backfires severely.

When they say "users were less trusty in social media news coverage" they mean CNN's facebook/twitter page.
Printed Journals/Magazines have seen a slight increase but not that much.
The truth is that they don't know how many people retreated to walled gardens (like Zig Forums and other closed forums) and how much they read from them or not.
Google might know all of us come here, but they don't really have any metrics of your individual activities here (unlike halfchan, you can bet Hiroshimoot sells that for 3 dorrah).

Apply this to the millions of other small sites/comunities online, and you can kinda see the problem: the internet is balkanizing further and further, and while most people maintain a profile on facebook/twitter, the most common use is to "periscope" up the clearweb and keep an eye out, bringing the news down to the "darkest reaches of the internet".
They can't measure this effect, and from what little I read from their presentation, they're scared shitless.


Another reason why their censorship ideas will fail. They're forcing people to scatter to those regions, which have the potential to network themselves into larger decentralized information hubs. So you'd think re-consolidation would be their priority in order to lure people back into using their platforms openly, so such people are then more susceptible to manipulation.

Not sure what you're talking about. If this document is not fake, this is exactly what Google would tell it's employees. Remember, their aim is not to present facts, their aim is to hypnotize their workers to be less problematic.

They do not. They mean small-scale news sources.

Wew lad, their example of the US Govt 'limiting the freedom of individuals' is the Hollywood 10, a group of Hollywood Jews investigated for Communist Party affiliation during the McCarthy Era

Attached: google hollywood 10.png (960x540, 1.07M)

Well what do you expect of these kikes and their sea of Pajeets? They play themselves, it's hardcoded into their genes, and it doesn't help that they've lied so often about their IQs they've actually started to believe it makes them intelligent enough to throw caution to the wind when they try to kike.

This. The document would also function as propaganda on those who are supposed to read it.

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Lmfao do you seriously think Jim isn't monetizing the data collected from this site? Zig Forums is not a charity. The information's out there, look into it

I'm proud of us.

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kek, yeah 2.6 gorillians is quite a feat when you think about it. Just a few months and we managed to name nearly every jew that was supposedly lost in the holohoax. That's literally 2.4 million more than the jew himself has ever been able to name in 70 years.


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Those numbers are quite interesting.
2+6 = 8
8 = 8
2+6 = 8
Considering this is the election cycle, and Trump being a numbers man might be important.

Oh wow, we need to listen to and believe the lived experiences of trolling survivors

reported for distraction-attempt faggot chink
go eat some dim sum and blow a kike

I want to believe

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Dude, I posted the original screencap. Trump is associated with repeating digits and the elite likes numerology, like it or not. I saged for OT. Faggot cunt.

I don't speak chigh'nee

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Did they really have to put "Breitbart Exclusive" on every page? This guarantees that most people will assume this is made up, even though Google confirmed it's a real document.

They complain about the NPC meme, but they started it by calling us all "bots".

Censorship is good when good people are employing it to protect their own people, like pro-whites emplying it to protect whites. Now when anti-white communist Jews are using it, its an invasion and occupation of your government, using it against whites interests, to push white genocide. Far right/National Socialist censorship is good, neutral censorship is bad and leftist/communist/Jewish/anti-racist/equality censorship is a hostile people dictating what goes on in your country to your detriment.

This meme still needs an Israeli flag shopped in.

Attached: oppose-censorship.PNG (520x724, 591.53K)

They are concerned because dehumanizing all non-politicized people is a great way to make sure that no one gives a fuck about anything except the most radical of opinions, that all "NPC" viewpoints are discarded and seen as irrelevant.

Sorry but freedom of speech should be as absolute as possible. Jews shouldn't be censored, only killed.

mother fuckin heil'd!

It's Breitbart post-assassination of Andrew Breitbart, it has to help the kikes.

Lurk moar newfag. The Rottenchilds are literal cannibals.

I'm sure some entrepreneur will see this as a grand opportunity to take market share from Google by providing a product to customers without the brainwashing.

And then jews will send niggers to kill him or her.

isn't it teetering on public knowledge that hillary clampett (beverly hillbillys reference) has that "eating human flesh" Kuru Disease?

Amazingly enough I hate this degenerate cunt even more now that her meme status has been revoked.

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2,6 million anti Semitic remarks.
The Goyim KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to everyone here, for actually getting something right.
Fuck spaces. Fuck censorship.
Speak the Truth, regardless of who thinks that it is hateful to do so.
Learn that those who you are not allowed to speak against, at the ones secretly in power and controlling the masses, and by god, fight back!

Attached: The Goyim can't know if you shut it down.jpg (751x720, 51.84K)

GG was alright, back in the day.
A true punk, who didn't give a fuck who he offended…but got joy from being the most deprived, fucked up individual in any room.
Now, all of GG's depravity is so mainstream, that none of it is shocking… and that, my friend, is the truly fucked up part.

Then why haven't you posted a link? It sounds like you're just making things up. An accusation needs PROOFS.

If you dont like the things that National Socialism provides, you should go back to cuckchan. No one needs to hear the kiked bullshit on BBC or any foreign media talking about how terrible we are. Foreign broadcasts will be censored, even to government ministers as they were in the NSDAP and that will be good. There will be no foreign press correspondent criticism of our art, and culture, and domestic policy decisions etc. Go fuck yourself, there is literally no reason for press freedom at all.

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I would be a nihilist if this state of affairs didn't enrage me the way it does.

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stupid fucking bitch.
She should have stayed with us.

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Celebrities are vulnerable to the jew. Michael Jackson made that very clear. So don't expect much from them.

Celebrities are the biggest hedonists of all and would cave in like a house of cards the moment it becomes dangerous to be a politically active celebrity. A whole lot more "no comments" is what you would see.

The Guardian is literally a fake news site that pioneered running native advertising for foreign powers and censoring the comments that called them out. The funny thing is, only JIDF complains about it. No one else cares.

The fact that they're in Google's list of trusted news sources is very telling.

Amazing how all these SJW want to force their ideals upon "Established" Governments/Peoples.
Plenty of SJW Gajillionaires out there (Branson, Soros, etc.) why have none of them put their Money where their Mouth is and prove their ideals will work, start small, create at the very least a "Self Sustaining" Utopia Village, Town, or City, with all the Eco-Socialist ideals put in place?
Plenty of "Failed" Ghost/Abandoned Eco-Cities in China, surely China might Lease one for the experiment? Build one Somewhere, Anywhere?
We will be waiting…

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Btw a Jew wrote that post in instagram, they also started writing articles claiming shes Jewish and changed her name from swiftowitz with the sole purpose of trolling her "white supremacist" followers. The Jew got mad that there was a large uptick in tay tay memes on Gab.

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Looks like Tay has been reading Siege lol


Thats what National Socialist government is lol you think everyone has the same amount of power? Its a Goebbels quote FYI.

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The reason for press freedom is, theoretically, to help keep the government accountable by reporting any corruption to the people who elect that government. The problem we're dealing with now is that this pre-supposes that the press is honest and operating without bias nor malice. If you have a corrupt, lying, scheming, biased, hostile kike media monopoly like we do now, the entire model falls apart. The behavior of the press in the modern West helped me understand why most other countries have their media either highly restricted or outright controlled by the state. These kikes have proven that they cannot be trusted to operate honestly.

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Well it basically means nobility, i.e. the positions the (((french revolution))) went after.

Thats not necessary. If people disliked the government they would revolt, they wouldnt participate. National Socialism relies on the forward striving spirit of a newly awakened Nationalism and its leaders are chosen from those who have demonstrated their willingness to sacrifice for the interests of their people. I cant find my quote but the press exists to explain things to people in ways they can understand, to make people understand what the community view is on things, not to give a voice to the small voices that disagree. They dont fucking matter, what matters is what most whites agree on, not what the commie dissenters think. If you want open borders, get in a camp and start carrying salt back and forth across 3 football fields because thats cancer and we dont want it.
Theres a quote from one of Goebbels men, Kurt something I think, really pissing me off I havent been able to find it in 2 weeks.

Nothing wrong with eco cities user. Self sustaining is a stretch but there's nothing wrong in a city that tries to eliminate at least a part of the amount of shit in the air and streets while also bringing in some green to a concrete hellhole.

Why try and change your existing City with "some green" when you can start fresh with a brand new SJW Eco Village, Town, or City?
Because it is laughable. Eco is a Joke. Climate Change is a Joke. Green Taxing people is a Joke.
Current worldwide Volcanism outpaces all pollutionS, destruction, and lasting effects that a Village, Town, or City could even hope to produce.
A Village, Town, or City can purchase "Clean" everything from elsewhere that it needs, if it produces enough monies, from product, taxes, etc. BUT, that would be Hypocritical and defeat the purpose, yes?
Is Self Sustaining a Stretch, YES, that is the Point and why it will, and has Failed, time and time again.
A SJW Pipe Dream; pic related microcities net

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>Host: [ REDACTED ]

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Nasim was right.

Our vegan, Persian goddess was too good for this world.

That's it?

I don't they're counting the people that were trolled into browsing Zig Forums everyday.

She's a closeted dyke and likely always was one. She was never with us. The natsoc swift memes were just her equivalent of the Ben Garrison treatment.

=Sundar Pichai==
CEO of Google


Previous house before moving
Into his current one:
14155 Donelson Pl
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Anjali Pichai
Srinivasan Pichai

CEO of Google

($7 million mansion)


Co Founder of Google/Computer Scientist


Eugene Brin (mother)
Maya Brin, Age 95
Michael Brin, Age 70
Samuel Brin, 31

Thread is about censorship.
This idiot wants to derail with "but muh BASTE pollution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
By all means, move to Bangladesh and enjoy your laissez faire lack of pollution controls. Just don't drink the water. Or eat the food. Or come into contact with any locals. Or breath the air.

Perfect example of how German National Socialism is a prototype rather than a finished product. The goal of a Volkist Eugenicist state should be to improve the genetic health and ability of the Volk to the point where ALL are strong, intelligent, healthy, and able. That is what I would want to happen. There would naturally be no "elites" in such a society. The Jeffersonian ideal, genetics version.
Better genetics, better people, papa H.
This is why the "elitists" hate White people (who are already high quality) and eugenics (which could improve that quality further). The "elites" want to be the only strong, healthy, intelligent, and able people (after applying eugenics to themselves) ruling over a sea of brown half-idiots.
To hell with that.

Those who are not of the Volk should be deported. Those of the Volk but who embrace hostile foreign creeds such as islum or marxism, should be deported. If that means a degree of balkanization, so be it.
That's the beauty of separation. Imagine a society in which everyone shares similar values and works towards similar goals willingly and enthusiastically. Sounds nice.
Why do we have countries full of people who hate each other? It's retarded. That's what borders are (as in should be) for.


The thing that people like you don't understand is that, by global standards, ALL cities in White countries ALREADY ARE ECO CITIES.
Compare even a shithole like New York with, say, Mumbai. One is figuratively shit, the other is literally a pile of street shitter shit.
Why do you advocate for shit living conditions and poisoning of the environment?
Creating a sustainable and worthwhile future for the Volk and the homeland of the Volk is a core element of any real Nationalism.
Laissez faire idiocy leads to China-style industrialization in which the people live shit lives of despair in a polluted, smog choked hellscape.
Just say no.

1600 Ampitheater Pkwy
Mountain View, CA 94043

650 253 0000
100 Mayfield Ave
Mountain View, CA 94043

North Whisman Rd
Mountain View, CA 94043

2025 Garcia Ave
Mountain View, CA 94043

TC3 805 11th Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94089=

1981 Landings Dr.
Mountainview, CA 94043

Censorship is a normie-tier activity. The nigger-level brain can't stand hearing words that disrupt stupid beliefs, that's why low-IQ jews and glowniggers are all about it.

"…ALL the Eco-Socialist IDEALS (includes censorship) in place…'' NOT ONLY ECO, those are your words.
"…Amazing how all these SJW want to force their IDEALS upon "Established" Governments/Peoples…" This MEANS "Google" and "Censorship" (OP) and all the other BS SJW crap. Thus, Google (SJW etc.) should "…put their Money where their Mouth is…" Create their Utopia. Show us. Prove it will work, stop trying to change what already exists to the SJW way ONLY. They do not, because it will fail.
No sh#t, 1st world is already Eco.
Guess sarcasm and showing Hypocrisy of SJW Google was not conveyed enough for you Anons, my apologies.

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She got really fat. Fat == SJW.

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Then why am I still getting Alex Jones suggestions on fucking youtube? I want his fat drunk moon face to disappear already. it's not funny anymore

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Cuckchan is down the hall and to the left.

Because our cities are literal prison structures that condition humans to navigate confined concrete pathways like a lab mouse to scavenge for consumables from designated stockpiles which are guarded by niggers in facilities built from a cookie cutter blueprint by incompetent mexicans. That's why this shit should get torn down and replaced, and that's just for starters. The eco friendly stuff is just a bonus.

holy shit what in the actual fuck; they have an alert system for when deplorables enter their buildings? Yarvin is literally a jew blogger (who I hear can also code or something) trying to rehabilitate monarchy who jacks off to oliver cromwell biographies; THIS guy is a threat to them? fucking ridiculous google, your whole company, and your entire generation of 40 something know it alls…it's all so tiresome.

So is this legit? I haven't seen it confirmed yet.

They at least seem aware they sold out

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Oh goodness how embarassing

This isn't an oy vey moment. Specifically naming anti-semitism as the pinnacle of "hate speech", and publishing an internal memo that it must be controlled? This is an oy^{vey} moment.

I don't see why you would doubt the authenticity of the document based on this particular slide. Remember, the purpose of the document, as a whole, is to convince jewgle employees of the necessity of implementing a "shut it down" policy on free speech, company wide. Do I believe those statistics printed on the slide? No. Like you, I think they are complete nonsense. But do I believe that jewgle execs would put nonsense statistics in a presentation to help persuade its workforce that "shut it down" is necessary? Absolutely, without a doubt.

So if this is real then certain people getting kicked off of jewtube such as Alex Jones makes a whole lot more sense doesn't it?

Even if it is fake it is obvious how hard censorship has been ramped up recently on the normalfag side of the web. Them doing this believing that it is just and right would explain a lot of the thought process behind the extreme lengths taken to shut people down.

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It's very obvious that they've been collectively censoring content across web, we just have hard evidence since it came from their own mouth. They can no longer deny that it's a conspiracy theory.

Oh, they will continue to deny it, and claim that they are a fair and balanced platform. You can count on that. Where this makes a difference is in the credibility of that claim. As you pointed out, strong evidence to the contrary is stacking up.

Jewgle's slide mentioning Jareh Cohen and saying Arab Spring was "the highpoint of positivity of digital free speech" gave a a good chuckle.

this whole slide deck is pure (((Globalist Neocon))) propaganda lies and garbage, and Jewgle's brain stem is surgically joined to CIA like a Siamese Twin and Mountain View is just another hydra hand puppet of the Deep State no matter how much bullshit you spin to avoid the inconvenient truth and no matter how much you put your head in a hole in the ground like an ostrich to block out any truths that would shatter your fragile false Googley reality.

we are in Alice in Wonderland world when Jewgle claims CIA staged populist riots in Islamic countries which resulted in the deaths of thousands of people and the overthrow of several dictators and the replacing of those dictators with other dictators who will play ball and be more compliant with Washington and more obedient to Langley. the new dictators have witnessed CIA's new weaponizing of information through social media which can provoke thousands of protestor flash mobs to assemble on the streets within a day and to threaten to escalate to violence and anarchy until the dictator is deposed.

i just can't wrap my head around Jewgle's disgusting hypocrisy. Mountain View has zero credible position to say one goddamn thing about anyone else using the Internet to meddle in political processes of sovereign nations, nor about weaponizing disinformation, nor about mobilizing millions of trolls and protestors and agents provocateur and rioters, nor about committing favoritism to suppress political speech that disputes the Deep State's agenda while promoting speech that confirms your own biases about being pro-Deep State pro-Silicon Valley pro-(((Globalist))) anti-Nationalism pro-White-Genocide.

Jewgle can go get fucked. this slide deck is the straw that broke the camel's back. i fucking hate hate hate Jewgle more now than i ever have before. Mountain View are the biggest phonies and biggest liars and biggest murderers and war criminals in Big Tech.

Jewlge must be utterly destroyed for its crimes. (And so must Apple, for similar reasons, but that's a whole 'nother rant.)

by the way, Julian Assange's essay from 2013 just after Snowden's leaks began, about Eric Schmidt's butt boy and CIA/State unofficial cover agent (((Jared Cohen))) is well worth reading. (re-reading it, i had forgotten that Eric Schmidt's then girlfriend–nevermind that he's married and a known wife swapping sex freak–she was some big shot on the Council of Foreign Relations. Eric got his ticket punched by the Deep State–once you're a Made Man you're in for life, much like a street gang.

and to jog your memory about Google's Mr Arab Spring, here is a search to the 242 leaked emails and documents on Wikileaks where "Jared Cohen" is named:

search.wikileaks.org/?query=&exact_phrase=jared cohen&any_of=&exclude_words=&document_date_start=&document_date_end=&released_date_start=&released_date_end=&new_search=True&order_by=most_relevant#results

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Good, some kiked mod deleted this when I posted it last night.

Noted, rabbi.