How Jews make businesses succeed in spite of their horrible business practices

How Jews make businesses succeed in spite of their horrible business practices:

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Picture a street
on one side of the street, massive houses and tiny yards. BMW's and Cadillacs lining the driveways. Hardly anyone home during the day and when they get home at night, everyone retreats to their rooms hardly saying a word to each other.
On the other side of the street, massive yards filled with livestock and gardens. People home and associating with neighbors during the day and, at night, gathering around a community setting for games and theater put on by the residents.

Every one of us currently has the power to become human again the moment we decide to.

Step 1: Steal what the goyim invent. See Carnegie and Musk.
Step 2: When competition shows up, offer them a few jewbucks and kill them if they don't accept.

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Without sucking banker cock?

Goy risks everything to start a business, but is successful.
Buy the business with kosher shekels, hire goy to run it.


it shouldn't be hard for people to understand that playing the game of money will make you a loser every time, since the rule-makers can change the rules at will and have no interest in you winning.
The best anyone playing the game can hope to do is be a good house nigger. The best nigger on the plantation gets special privileges.

All my neighbors are mexicans, user.

they mostly just buy up a lot of patents and smaller companies and then sue anyone that attempts to enter the market until they are so fucked they have to settle by giving you their company/patents/tech.

this is applicable in all industries, but most prevalent in the tech industry. they also create the bubbles for major industries, like tech bubble and every housing bubble (buy up apartments, condos, etc and leave them empty to drive up rent, mortgages and create shortages while bankers hand out million dollar mortgages like candy to people that cant afford it). instead of bailing out the people, banks get propped up with trillion dollar infusions and people go bankrupt and the jews buy up cheap homes and begin the escalation all over again.

google, facebook, apple, etc all buy up patents like housing market buys condos/apartments. they all sue each other ad nauseum and concede on various patents and agree to let each other use certain patents in exchange for others. if YOU try to enter the market, you have nothing but your fancy new idea - maybe smaller, faster microchip design or durable and tactile screen or interface innovation - it doesnt matter what it is,b ut you need to have the ability to swipe to unlock or input a pattern to unlock and even the tiniest of details of modern phones. They own patents for it all and sue you into oblivion. They now have your hard work and effort and you disappear into obscurity. The other option is you simply sell it to them outright in fear of the lawsuits.

these practices are in every industry now simply because they own the money supply and hate goyim and actively practice nepotism - loan for schlomo, foreclosure for you, help schlomo businesses and anyone that supplies him, limit and obstruct competitors until brother schlomo gains stranglehold on the industry.

marketing is a major factor, too. they own the media because they own the banks. they can promote their agendas, have their agents promote whatever they want and condemn those that disagree or outright refuse to let them speak (deplatforming, not airing commercials, etc).

there's nothing you can do to stop this. they own all the media and online. the major search engines and social media all collude to limit results and point you towards a very narrow subset of websites and remove links to wrongthink. alternatives are honeypots, like gabai being jewish owned and founded and even named after a rabbis assistant. if twitter failed or mass exodus, they would end up in another controlled space.

things like the chans exist, but are filled with and monitored by paid groups to consensus break, slide, shill, etc. its an illusion of freedom that lets the ostracized collect and believe they are achieving something. There is no escape that does not involve physical revolution. The revolution will not be televised is very apt in this regard. America has laws with right to revolution when government becomes corrupt. Only way out is tearing it down, removing the cancer and taking back education, media and the morality of the world.

this is not true, it accelerates winners from earlier rounds. Your average VC firm will fund 100 companies you never hear of for the 1 that you do.

This. Medfag, planning on saving up as much cash as possible to buy acres of land and a house. Farm my own food, solar panel for electricity, river or well for water. Medfag because want a lot of money quick so I can cash out and move toward independence quick, land expansion to keep future generations close and in the best environment possible. Any anons that think they can't do this: get a wife and plan to cash out as soon as you can. Homeschool the kids.

It's no conspiracy theory that they are neptoistic. Canary Mission is owned by a wealthy jewish organization in California and it's used to blacklist those who don't believe in their propaganda. The founder of that organization was owned by former Chairman of Bank of America.

I was a contract programmer in LA for decades. I know exactly how kike scams work.

There are 3 main ways they do it.

use your tribes influence to get venture capital, build a fancy website, buy traffic from china, use your tribes influence at a big company to sell your worthless fraud business for millions.

use your tribes influence at a bank to get a loan, buy a building, sue the city, use your tribes influence in the courts to win big settlements at taxpayer expense

start a fraudulent business scamming welfare or other large industry. If you get sued or don't make any money close up shop and start another business in an office down the hall

Most of the scams aren't at all clever or original. The problem is that the pigs never bother investigating financial crimes. Slap your gf and you'll have 20 cops at your door. Defraud millions of people for $20 a pop and the cops will never put down their donuts.

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One of the best posts I've read in a while. If I knew 20yrs ago what I know today, I would do the exact same thing but probably mech. engineering since my passion lies in inventing/creation.
I'm proud of you, user. I hope you go on to live a happy and fulfilling life. Don't buy the lie. I played the game and all it got me was a bunch of foreclosures and a runaway wife.
I think the ability to understand this concept is the reason for white genocide. We just don't make good house niggers.

Jews are a cabal.

There are tons of extremely smart ashkenazi jews in all areas of business. (your average Israeli isn't part of that group)

They're a tribe of hawkers and money lenders so this stuff comes natural to them.

Hebrew school teaches them how to pilpul and be slick salesmen.

They also mentor their youngsters to bring them into their business.

They're got at schmoozing and leveraging contacts from their cabal.

In the jew hive of jew york you can easily leverage your jewishness with above average smarts and bring a copycat company started with a 0% jew loan to multi million dollar or even IPO within a short amount of time.

Jew bankers will finance you, jew lawyers will defend you, jew marketers will help you sell, jew salesmen will help you sell, jew designers know how to turn trash into something appealing, jew PR people know how to promote you and to crush negative press.

If you leverage the whole jew machinery in your favor you can be another rich kike.

If you're just another half muzz israeli with a room temperature IQ you'll live on 500 shekels a month however.

Hope this enlightens some of you.

There is a worldwide population of 14.7 million kikes. Even if the "muh high IQ" lie were true, the fact that there are around 700 million whites on the planet would put the number of higher IQ whites at near 33x's that of jews.

The "muh IQ goy!" lie is absurd and needs to be called out whenever anyone brings it up as an argument for the disproportionate number of kikes in influential positions.
nice reddit spacing, faggot

That's literally what it is. A theory about a conspiracy.

Not a theory, it's a fact. Go read it here:

Here's archived links:

ashkenazim are about 3.5 million people

they obviously help each other into positions of power, but you need to have way above average intelligence to hold down and make use of these positions

You haven't actually met any politicians or CEO's of major Corps, have you?
There's a very good reason they don't allow many to be interviewed publicly.


not sure why you're rejecting the idea that jews have high IQs

I regularly deal with very smart jews and they were never a tribe of regular workers

sure they have their kosher slaughters and whatnot but hawking and money lending has been their go to business for millenia

this creates a certain natural selection towards IQ levels that can deal with such work but comes with byproducts like neuroticism etc.

Amazon gives their customers a good paycheck, your just a jealous brainlet nigger.

Fun fact: There are thousands of acres of abandoned farmland going to thorns because the Silent Generation and the Boomers had no interest in farming and let the land go to the tax collectors rather than maintain it.
Whites could reclaim their heritage for a pittance. Pics related

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Wow, a post suggesting that the world progresses instead of rotting while only six million benefit! Quick , somebody get Superchaim here so he can spam this with his usual derailing tactics!

I'm not arguing against it, I'm only reinforcing the fact that for every genius 140+IQ jew, there are at least 32 whites, so the question of IQ having any impact on them holding positions of influence over whites is absurd and needs to be called to task anytime anyone brings it up in defense of their influence upon society.
Imagine being on a playground and on one team you can pick 10 good players with one all-star, then the other team has a team of 10 all-stars and someone telling you that you should place your bet on the team with less all-star players because "well, they're pretty good overall."
Nobody would buy that lie and nobody should. It should never come up during discussions of jewish influence and needs to be shut down every time it is.

How do you deal with all the stray dogs user?

I've been looking at this myself.
Auctions are lousy bets unless you can convince the "regulars" (Ie investors) that once you get your home, you'll be out of their hair. They will typically back off when they know you're in it for a single property and not to compete with them for investment purposes.
Trust deed sales are the better option vs tax sales because on a TD sale they have already gone through the re-conveyance period and have paid any outstanding debts against the property to secure their position on the title. In other words, on TD sales, you pay what you pay to get the deed in your name and the property is yours without worry of other hidden costs popping up so far as ownership goes. On a tax sale, you don't have this benefit and need to order a title report and examine the report for any outstanding liens that may not be disclosed on the county assessors office. It is a common occurrence for there to be outstanding debt in relation to a number of things considering they couldn't even pay the property taxes and may have died.

In short, go with the TD sales. If you can find a bank owned property and work something out directly with the trustee that handles the banks portfolio, that is the best way since they can act as both buyer and seller representative.

Realistically, to find a nice patch of 10 acres in the midwest, best to have about 10k on hand and another good portion for supplies to fix the property up a bit.

That's why I say farmland. The investors only want the houses, but the undeveloped agricultural acreage is 99% unwanted. Very rarely someone like Amazon will scoop it up for a cheap scabby warehouse in BFE, or if it is close enough to an urban center a developer will build apartments or mcmansions, but otherwise there are acres and acres and acres of good soil just gathering weeds because it's easier to collect welfare than grow food. If anons would stop trying to run the pozzed rat race and reclaim their birthrights, it would be worth ten civil wars against the ZOG.

ZOG will continue to win until (men) reliance on females for sex & nuclear families is broken. Men's competitive drive and female reliance on validation and herd mentality drives the rat race. Kikes are successful because they've exploited the weaker half of the species (that the rest of us enjoy fucking) to 1-up each other in a competition of who can buy more unnecessary shit. You can see the natural repercussions fringing with movements like MGTOW

Number 1 rule, running water source such as river or lake with inlet/outlet. Property rights come with riparian rights (right to water on land) as well as mineral rights.
Once you have the land, offer free boarding for a couple horses in the nearest city where people may want to buy a horse but don't want the hassle of actually taking care of it. You will then have a nice horse that you can ride in place of having to drive a vehicle everywhere.
If you build out a few stables, you can charge boarding fees and make some bucks that way.
Farmers will also be glad to offer free manure to you for your garden. You'll just have to pick it up so a trailer and pickup are nice to have, but not necessary as you can always work something out with someone who has a setup already.
A good estimate for a working garden is 1000sqft/person (you can get away with 800 but I like simple figures).
A good internet connection is ideal since you can work a couple hours a day online and make a grand a month, which would go a long way on a working property like that.
I've been looking in Iowa and found some land in the 3-5k range for 10 acres but nothing that has really blown me away just yet and those don't have a dwelling on the property. I'd prefer to find an occupied house and work something out with the foreclosed tenant to buy back the defaulted note and split equity with them, on a much nicer piece of property.
The deals are out there, but you have to put in the leg work.


So I guess you’ll be trading your beanie babies for land to farm?

For a pittance? Sounds like you need money for that.

sure, what do ya go?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-11 Rare 1997 Princess Diana Beanie Baby eBay.png (1338x2127, 815.75K)

It's quite simple user. Usury was banned for Christians and Muslims → Jews didn't have any problems with usury or speculation → they became bankers -→ got rich this way (even more thanks to the fed reserve in 1913) → financed their own businesses and media corporations with low interest loans
Basically notebook nepotism.

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Don't forget the part wherein the European elite began incorporating jewish nepotism into their rule, which gave the kikes even more power.

Kikes become rich bankers -> Every European nobleman has a Court Jew in his employ -> Court Jews aid in acquisition of funds, equipment and manpower -> Emergent network of wealthy kikes with the ear of influential Europeans, who are dependent upon them financially/militarily

Which is why they declared war on Germany when Hitler emancipated his nation from the international usury finance system in 1933.
Hitler didnt declare war on Jews, Jews declared war on him.

Attached: Judea declaring war germany 1933.png (650x650, 618.16K)

Checking those trips of truth.

Hitler literally did not declare war on jews, they declared war on him and then got others to declare war on him in turn.

One showed up on my porch one day and refused to leave. I housed it for 4 years before it died from birth defects due to misbreeding. I've since given up on taking in all these strays and just leave a bowl of water out for them. White people love dogs, therefore niggers and spics get them, just to get impatient and abandon them. The ones that aren't abandoned are being sold to drug dealers and dogfighters. I can't really deal with it, to tell you the truth.


and when some swarthy Christian-type refuses to do business under usurious practices; there is blackmail whether real or simply the threat

Kikes just inject capital into it. The goyim don't really buy their shit.

The real entrepreneur would not remain in the business, but would be off to the next venture after building it and cashing out. This was actually rampant over the last decade, but it was small tech companies making little shitty apps to make a buck here and there through micro-transactions. Microsoft bought a lot of these companies (personal experience), but the core developers that create the value do not come with it. The real value is in the people, not the company itself. A business model is only as good as the people within that can execute it. Since "diversity is our strength" once sustainable business models are no longer sustainable. You can reclaim the value without reclaiming the money, but this dips into Varg's territory (which I agree with) about abandoning civilization as a corrupting influence. Kinda this

good post aside from the reddit-spacing faggotry.

No you can't, goy.
Look at the publications you display in your pic.
All run by Jews.

Fake being a Jew, or get a Jew friend to front for you, and maybe you can get these media organizations to acknowledge you. But goys need not apply.

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and jew posters know how to reddit-space.

Because its bullshit.

Be careful about this land especially if you plan on cultivating it because the soils on these parcels are often fucking exhausted from factory farming. The more overgrown, the better.

I can get 20 acres in the desert here for under 4k but can’t build on it cheaply because county building codes are uniform across the state, which means no camp trailer to live in while I build, necessity to do water and sewer systems to their standards, and an initial 600sqft dwelling first. Then I can have one little adu and that’s it. Maybe if it’s zoned for agriculture I can convert a grain silo, provided I claim not to live in it and at least farm something, but I’m unsure. Sounds more of a pain than buying a dump in the midwest for 20k and renovating.

I considered the desert for a moment then I remembered summer and thought about not having AC.
I'm too much of a snow nigger for that. I'd rather stock up for winter then sweat through the summer nights

Infinite federal reserve money. Bail outs and corporate welfare. Lending money to one another without the usury they put on a goy asking for the same amount.

>What a shocker! (((Timothy Geithner))) (yes, remember him?) is casually talking with (((Andrea Mitchell))) about how after the next downturn of the stock market and the housing bubble burst, the Goy … er, the taxpayer will be saddled with bailing out the banks … again

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Just a friendly reminder that while based-trump works with pissrael to sink us further into a pit of no return, US Marines are now accepting Colombian Citizens! Yay! Attacked from all sides!

Attached: columbia-marines.PNG (1018x430, 57.21K)

Does anyone that is non-White understand what happens when Whitey has a White-moment?

No. These people were born decades and decades after the last time Whitey chimped out. They're in for a rude fucking awakening.

yes, israel and they learned from their previous mistake. This time, they're going all-in and implanting the disease right in our back yard as well as moving in on our borders.
There is currently a battalion of russian and chinese ships sitting off the coast of venezuela. heavily armed and awaiting orders. We can literally enter WWIII by the time I post this. It's a reality right now.

also, you have to remember that no product and no business model are successful right off the bat. productive systems are "iterated to efficiency" which is why #2 & #3 are so important, esp. (((banker friends))) who will float you while you're in the red when no one else will

sage bc shit OP

That is not cool! Whitey has been trying to avoid this moment, in a fit of "new-altruism". Whitey will do what he did in the summer of 1919 x 10. Not good. No one wants that

mmmkay. if you say so user

I do
pay special attention to that last paragraph. It's the fun part

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-11 Is There An October Surprise Looming Off the Coast of Venezuela - SGT Report.jpg (1007x7501, 2.72M)

Shitloads of chink arms caches on western Canada too.

let me just make this very clear for anyone that isn't picking up on what's being put down


and it's going to be hell.

There's a (((TV show))) that features this.

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Colombia is now a part of (((NATO))) too.

Yes, really.

And this time, the red book isn't the website for whoring.

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How fucking stupid would you have to be to post here and not understand that WW3 is coming in ten years at the most?

Per the OP
This "IS" the jew business. It's the ultimate payday. Not banks, not taxes, but countries, resources and death. That's how they do it and that's how it's going to be until every last one of them is dead.

10 years?
Armed ships are in place
Armed troops are crossing the border
Armed jihadis to the tune of 3 million are in the country
Our border security is on high-alert
Our troops were called home
4 missile launches this year
Emergency alert system tested last week

Nigger, we may have 10 minutes!

I've thought about faking jew, and saying my dad was Irish and my mom Hacidic jew. However I don't know if they would fall for it and I haven't stooped that low yet. Maybe though. I want to be a writer and it would be the only way for me to be successful at that.

Nigger, you're not Trump, stop being so histrionic. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're a blackpilling jew.

it's like Mexicans are smuggling in Chinese; sometimes against their will. If Whitey finds out both Jose and Wen Ling will become Hibiscus food

2 words
Pearl Harbor

I'm missing your point. Elaborate and speak in full sentences if you want to affect minds. Stop being a sniveling bolshevik fuck.

The public wasn't warned. Just 'boom!" and we were at war.
No reason to think it won't happen that way again, especially with enemies all around us.

Wow, the insight of the gods, right here.

And you thought you were owning me? Kill yourself, you fucking nigger.

1. Start a business which creates either a tangible good or service
2. Undertake actions which cause potential customers to acknowledge the existence of your tangible good or service
3. Have these actions either convince the customer of its inherent value to them, or if it is actually something useful, get the customer to recognise its value
4. Provide a structure that allows for revenues to feed back into the business to keep it going, to scale up, to diversify or whatever it is you want to do.

While OP is correct that this is one method to hype up bullshit goods and services, there are endless variations in play. Rubbishing your competitors is the darker side to socially engineered business practices, which goes hand in hand with artificially inflating the percieved value of your own goods and services. As our populations are subjected to disgenics, the processes employed to do so become easier and easier. Advertising becomes a far more straightforward affair as people respond with increasing favour to stimuli as simple as primary colours and fonts, catch words and fashionable trends, as well as evermore generic endorsements. This makes a business environment more straightforward and far more predictable - less volatile.

How the matter of the disgenics agenda (destruction of the White population) and the desire for both short-term and long-term profits play into this is a matter of particular interest. The world is an absolute mess with regards to any analysis of this picture because so many forces are simultaneously messing with what was, and should be, a very natural process of transaction. Where in previous times Whites provided almost all of the population's disposable income along with an intelligent eye ascertaining value, wealth redistribution methods took much of this White income - directly by way of taxation and indirectly by way of subversive 'promotional tactics', and put it into the hands of welfare recipients, government grants, etc. etc. On top of this, as gross populations increased, the need for high disposable incomes became less stressed as a mass of poor, uneducated masses still generated just as much cash in play. These 'promotional tactics' work in far more subtle ways which are almost invisible to the victim - this starts to portray how this business cabal really work together for THEIR greater good. Copyright abuse/manipulation and the legal system's ability to 'bury someone in paperwork' are two of the more apparent ways of indirectly strangling the competition they don't want around anymore. At the opposite scale of too-big-to-fail lies too-small-to-start. If you look into practices within the pharmaceutical realm, you will find that this is absolutely endless; the chirade almost a micro-economy in and of itself. On top of this, if the same cabal controls the ability to suppress media reporting on such events, the population won't even know it is going on. The internet has hurt them greatly as this asymmetry of information is ever subverted. Censoring has already started though, as we are all aware of.

Marketing user here. Own a marketing business, actually. Youre correct when you say making money is about being known. The more net attention space you take up in the world, cyber or real, the more money you make, generally speaking. Jews essentially just use their infrastructure to launch each other's companies, campaigns, etc. And they have the capital to do that at a level that virtually no one else can compete with. Their establishment allows the to ride any wave and create any trend they want. As soon as something starts dropping, they can move on to the next thing immediately and without losing momentum. No such thing as the free market because the entire system is controlled and rigged.

This is the jewish strategy of pilpul. If I say enough words, and make them seem official, I am smarter than the goyim. Despite never having worked in a blue collar job in the history of my people.


I didn't know of such a term, thanks. That outlines a facet of middle-management so well. I came across the term 'directional information' the other day in some factory tour video. This particular bullshit merchant explained in around 30 seconds that it was a process of telling another department what to do.

"Aren't these just buzzwords that dumb people use to sound important?", old simpsons.

meant for

The belief of the free market existing in the world as we know it is perhaps the ultimate case of seeing the shadows in Plato's cave as real. Each level of the economy is controlled by a select few with the total economy being controlled by the elite of those select few. Libertarians rest their case for the virtue of the free market on the examples of the technological achievements of private companies or individuals inventors powered by innovation for the sake of market satiation when the majority of them were actually shadow controlled by government agencies or lone geniuses operating free of financial and economic interest.

They usually come from academics who need to create them to retain tenure. They then trickle down into the real world and people use them to label basic phenomena. Governments also adopt them and create policies involving them so as to not completely stagnate in bureaucratic nihilism. The result is massive amounts of adjunct garbage. I'm doing a lab science certificate right now and half of it is just us going over legislature and our requirements as citizens. We use lots of the academic terminology too, even for shit like not leaving broken glass on the floor.

Condense that into one or two sentences. You can't, because you got taught pilpul in rabbi school.

There is a difference between sequipedalian language and good literacy, and I don't think he erred on the side of the former.


Holy shit suck that jew cock harder. Once you are truly jew pilled its actually painful how dumb they are. A few outliers exist, basically with both high aryan percentage mix (like half to three quarters) and some form of autism (usually brings along giga neuroticism and shitty personality worse than counterpart autistic aryan) but they are outliers. Its a pure numbers game, and there are literally a handful of Ashkenazi who can pass truly as white in the world, those are the only ones really able to have high levels of iq like us, because surprise, shared bloodline.

Jews are far better served by being shameless, vicious, and tribal. But they had to work this into place over several centuries via pouring literally their entire being into creating a sham epire of lies and deceipt giving them blackmail ratlines into every world government. It didn't really take hold until mass media, which made everything in the last 50 years (mostly the demographic movement) possible via broadcast brainwashing. But literally the second things became decentralized they started slipping back and losing ground.

Jews are fucked, I mean theyre done for in twenty years tops.

It's sesquipedalian, genius.

What are you, CNN?

why then, shouldn't we all do some sort of training to become good at pretending to be jewish and then just try to do the same as them and get them to help us?

No, I'm literally too stupid to know what you're talking about. What is that word?

You mean a word you didn't know how to spell but wanted to use for signalling points?

i'm posting to say you're right. Does anyone see this new technoethnicnationalism thing shrinking? it has only grown and continues to grow. imageboard culture( actual human to human information exchange without a governing censorship system) created this thing, it won't shrivel up and die, i mean what can they do? delete all imageboards/forums/etc? nothing short of complete lockdown of the internet will work, and it is too late for that. Maybe if they had seen this coming and locked it all down 20 years ago when the internet was a punchline to a shit joke, but now every fucker is on there its too big to lock down.

they made our grandfathers kill eachother for their banks. now they struggle to get syria annexed. even normalfags are better informed than the young men of 1935 now. they can't get these wars going like they used to.

Oh the stupid Gates or Rothshilds etc still sitting in the same business. You confirm what i wrote. Do all the work, they will just buy it eventually and profit from keeping the control over market, forever. Chop chop.

Thats not smart smart, thats we go in group smarts. Like street kids stealing from tourists by swarming them, you cant watch all your pockets at once.

don't give a shit how or what it does as the only thing that matters is the rat goes away forever globally and then remembered as nothing more than a destructive eradicated parasite until ultimately forgotten entirely where it then rests in absolute nothingness.

Hah, you will all feel silly when this will only fizzle in the pan and blow over. It's going to be a nothing burger, like always.

This cap doesn't get posted enough. I must have spammed it in hundreds of q-tard threads too trying to get them to think critically.

Attached: pilpul.png (1220x619, 48.89K)

Hey everyone, Conrad Black reads Zig Forums!