Calgary's ghost mall

Calgary's ghost mall

Recently opened, totally empty.

The space was either mostly sold to chinese money launderers that can't be bothered to rent out the shops or the builders are speculating on Calgary's population growing exponentially due to billions of turd world immigrants thanks to Canadas open for all policy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Jews need bugpeople slaving away for an effective three fiddy an hour while living in a tin shack and importing fake goods from China.

What kind of normal western person buys stuff retail outside of walmart these days?


Literally, who is surprised here?

This would be a real eye-opening development if there wern't already countless other instances of it.


The idea that a business is supposed to make money is very old fashioned.

Reminder that despite the housing market being a bigger bubble now than in 2008, it will never collapse again thanks to the Federal Reserve and new regulation.

Reminder that despite the student loan bubble being $1,300,000,000,000, it will never pop thanks to the Federal Reserve and new regulation.

Reminder that despite the car loan bubble being $1,500,000,000,000, it will never pop thanks to the Federal Reserve and new regulation.

Yep, the Jews are omnipotent, fly, shoot lasers out of their eyes and read minds. It's hopeless and we may as well all just kill ourselves. That sound about right Shlomo?

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I was in a halfchan Zig Forums thread the other day and started baselessly speculating about the overall conditions of a second civil war. The most interesting thought to me about it is the economic situation. There will be scarcity in coastal cities of goods and an abundance of money, whereas in rural settings there will be an abundance of food, water, wood and guns but very little money. Cities will probably see hyperinflation and both rural/urban areas will see a huge resurgence in trade/barter. I feel like that situation would produce the kind of economic reset people in this country need. Once we move close enough to zimbabwe dollars, we can pay off our debt with our 1.5 million dollar weekly paycheck, haha.

Paid shill confirmed. Notice how it cannot reply to anything that was actually said.

None of those prices are that bad. $1 USD = $1.3 CAD, 1 pound = .45 KG, that chicken is $6.90/lb in USD. That milk is cheaper than what I buy (grass fed organic = ~$5 per carton), and that coffee is $10.00 per 2 pounds, again, half the price of what I get (Colombian whole bean medium roast $10 usd for 12 ounces). The strip steak is $13.92 in USD/LB. And that is prime rated, so pretty damn reasonable. The T-Bone is even cheaper at $11.96/LB. The only overprice item up there are the $6.00 kitkats, that is just stupid.

Please stop posting retarded shit. Don't post things with numbers unless you know how to do math.

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That would be a bot, not a paid shill. Also, since when do paid shills argue against demoralization tactics?

I buy stuff from Zara and Uniqlo. I think the value is good for the price. Zara on sale is about as good as you can get for the price for decent modern looking clothes.

The "mall" is just a warehouse with a bunch of glass shacks.

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it's the chinese type of mall with a zillion small shops that make money god knows how if they don't sell counterfeit goods

It has too much prescience to be a bot.
It INVENTED the statement out of thin air.

zara is shit tier quality produced by south american slum dwellers

everything I bought from there fell apart quickly or was shit quality, I wouldn't be surprised if the owner is jewish

uniqlo is solid for the money as one would expect from a japanese company

The prices aren't real btw. Canada is a huge land mass, supermarkets near the arctic have astronomical prices vompared to southern Ontario. Also sage for shit thread format

Isn't that the one that gets raided every two weeks for counterfeit Chinese goods?

Oh, it is.

I find Zara is good for jackets. On sale they can be good value for the money. Jeans and shirts from zara are low quality. For shoes go on aliexpress.For sweaters go to thrift stores if you have any good ones near you.


???? One of the pictures says Brampton, Ontario.

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Actually I guess Brampton is the company headquarters. The store is in Kingsville, Ontario.

If the prices weren’t real, you would be able to post examples, from Canada, of real prices.

shoes from aliexpress?
You must like plastic and have small feet.

size 10 and I really don't mind the quality for the price. For 15-20USD, you can't get anything that looks even remotely decent in my country. On aliexpress you can. I'm not saying cheap stuff on aliepxress is great quality, but for me it's okay enough for the price. I'm size 10US and have no trouble finding stuff that fits. Just measure your foot and use the size chart instead of clicking "size 10" without looking at the size chart.

It's a prison for the bad goyim.

Pretty sure that mall was designed by the same guy who did the interior of Princess Leia's blockade runner.

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Go back to leddit.

News history:

Not much to see. City is highly top-down planned. Seems relatively stable. Population growing fast by migration, passing the million mark recently. Dense residential areas with light industry areas. Builder's paradise? Regardless, plenty of land to expand in all directions, which is what they are doing. New Horizon Mall is on the opposite end (north) of the others (south). The mall's ads (aka 'news') over the last year cite 'asian themed', after the 'successful' sweep in Toronto by the same asian-targeting model.

Calgary businessmen should give testament.

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It will be filled with weed shops. Alberta has private stores.

t. coastal rural for this exact reason

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The stupid tax. Buy it on sale. I have a freezer full of $6.99 tins, goes on sale twice a year.

If it says it's like the Pacific Mall in Toronto then it's just a glorified flea market.

Unfortunatly nearly everywhere I've been that was such a way was even more economically depressed (towns losing population over decades and estates falling into disrepair) or had a little bit more money but massive drug problems.

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Wtf I hate the federal reserve, and want to become a libertarian now

Were you born retarded or were you dropped? Just like shit is more expensive in hawaii because of transportation costs, the arctics causes transportation issues. This affects prices.

The real, physical, actual work and materials economy is what is real. No amount of funny money will compensate for turd world idiocy and welfare burden. Sooner or later the shit is going to hit the fan (or the wealth and prosperity of working people will continue to decline into utter shit).
Ultimate hard line example; food. Limited arable land, increasing population, decreasing IQ averages due to "diversity," decreasing innovation and workforce sophistication (which runs counter to claimed solutions via "greenhouses in the desert" and so forth) equals famine. Indeed, the "global" food industry suggests that the next big famine will be global and likely lead to the deaths of hundreds of millions (if not billions). After all, once the famine hits the starving people will flood into the countryside searching for food and thus massively disrupt food production.
Also, by printing endless funny money the Fed will simply continue to impoverish working people, especially Whites. This will increase the discontent of White Americans. The only way for things to ever get better for White America is for White Americans to become fully redpilled in very large numbers, become tribal White Nationalists again, and reestablish a White American homeland for Whites only and no jews or foreign influence (via separation, deportation, and possibly some degree of balkanization). Also, adopt National Socialist style economics to remove the tyranny of finance bullshit. I don't want White Americans to become impoverished, but Whites need to wake up. "Nationalists" are not impoverishing working people. ZOG, jews, "diversity," the federal reserve, jewish banks, globalism, internationalism, marxism, degeneracy, culture of weakness, feminism, and other such things ARE.

Says the FUD/ demoralization poster.

National Socialism specifically opposes debt based money printing/ production and, in most cases, usury. The federal reserve is debt based money production and massive usury on a massive scale.
Libertarians oppose neither debt based money production nor usury. They simply, and naively, think that it should be unregulated and open to all would-be bankers, printers, and usurers. They oppose the federal reserve because it is a monopoly, not because of its practices.
Very different.

Good goy, you fucking idiot. You didn’t learn a goddamn thing.

it is told that China created its 'Ghost Cities' specifically to ensure that there were jobs. Their theory is that as long as people have jobs/earn a wage, they feel some level of belonging/societal worth/value to society
This said; why, in Canada (and the US as well) are movie theaters, malls and public gathering areas so empty these days?

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All of them are bad. I'm a meat cutter. Most of that product is being sold in a store in an extremely out of the way region or the inflation is that bad where it is being sold.

fucking bugmen die with the niggers, jews, spics, and faggots

The delusion is strong in snow mexicans.

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Nice American advertisements. Reminder that Canadian prices for foods are 10x that of the US.

I bought a uniqlo jacket two years ago for $50 and it's still holding up really nice. Best jacket I ever bought. Dickies also seems to make some good stuff. Their pants and jackets are rather nice.

Here the yellow jew buys two businesses for two years and the sell-out kike govt gives them residency. You'll find similar around the world.

They also steal from food banks and low-income stores like Quest Grocery here, and then resell the stuff in their stores on the DTES. They are a plague on our generosity.

unrelated but whats that youtube channel that tours abandoned and or dying malls with vaporwave music?

Not much different to the glorious Third Reich.

That is so true. Their predatory destruction of common courtesy in host countries is utterly abhorrent. They don't give a fuck about their people, they are all for themselves. I'm super tight ass and pushy with Chinese if I have to deal with them because of it these days, fuck them. They did the same to me for years and I'm over it, also love pushing in front of them where possible, they don't respect typical courtesy that even the island niggers here would usually afford one, so they get zero from me. Same on the road. Fucking chinkroaches can go back.
Remove Fried Rice

If it's the one I'm thinking of (some hipster burger faggot?) you'll probably much more enjoy AllyLaw.

A lot of the department stores in Australia that cater for low income and poor families have sales for really cheap winter clothing every year. A recent phenomenon is for these filthy chink "female" insects to show up at opening time and buy all of the stock and then resell it in their shitty stalls at the local markets. Same thing happens with food specials etc etc.
They're a disgusting race who must be ejected along with the streetshitters, sand niggers, full-blown niggers and coconuts.

When money is pulled out of thin air, and you actually expect hiperinflation, it is worthless, but land/buildings arent.

The biggest front for Chinese influence in Canada is Waterloo, Ontario. The region itself has roughly 6% that identify as Chinese but millions upon millions of dollars from foreign Chinese investors. If you want to see how far the rabbit hole goes, do some digging and you'll begin to see an outline of the money trail. The RCMP are aware but the political clout these individuals hold has prevented them from acting (e.g., Project Sidewinder).

Look for places with government funding like army bases.

The Cheka can't even get rid of the gun-running ring in their K Division and keep dumping the problem members into BC. Kelowna in particular I hear.

(I really should make a cap of this.)

The federal government, like the Clintons, lets the chinks spy. Canada Shared Services (or as we call it, shared with the PRC services) is one example. Nortel went under partially because of massive industrial espionage, like not allowing the encryption keys to be changed when Hong Kong was handed off in 1997. DND was going to take over their campus in Kanata until they found so many bugging devices of such a wide variety they actually turned it into a workshop for their counterintelligence people instead. Don't get me started on that Taj Mahal CSIS/CSEC campus either.

You sure are a special type of retarded.

All the food in Iqualit is airlifted out of Ottawa. It costs about $25 for a jug of milk because of this. (Of course, you also make $50 an hour in low-level jobs up there.)

I don't know where the fuck you live, but that coffee is like $7 on the walmart website. I can usually get a buy1get1 on two 8 packs of chicken breasts (8 oz each breast I believe) for less than $20. Everything is more expensive in Canada. To deny things are more expensive in Canada is stupid. It's a literal fact. Things simply are more expensive. I don't know why you're having a fit at someone pointing it out.

Jew prices, too many niggers, and why leave the house when all the products are anti white anyway????

Tbh, I found that prices in regular grocery stores in Toronto for produce and fresh food are competitive. Processed stuff can be more expensive. At Costco prices are pretty much the same before taxes on most things. I'm talking about greater Toronto compared to California and central Pennsylvania.

wtf, so that's around 15-17 USD for 1 kilogram…of chicken? Is it made of gold?

I've been to Pacific mall. There is literally 30 shops selling the exact same cell phone/car/accessories/cheap stuff you can get on ali express for 25c, 5 bubble tea places selling the exact same stuff, 1 arcade and some restaurants. They all "compete" and should by any stretch of the imagination not be able to exist in close proximity (some literally next door) and it makes no sense. There's one legit place that sells model kits. The truth? They're all laundering money for Chinese online shops and operate as shipping fronts for ebay flippers. It's a big fat Chinese investment money laundering palace.

Agenda 21 incoming

You mean all of Markham and much of North York as well? How can 15 bubble tea places within 100m of each other be profitable?

Probably the same reason the 6,000,000 bagel shops on Bathurst are profitable

I've bought two pants of 5.11 stryke's 3 years ago and they're fine except the crotch area got so fucking bad and used up that it made holes in it, I had to sow a patch on there ffs.

I bought the apex line to try it out and the same thing happened within a year and a half.

If Dickies is any good I really need a new pair of casual pants

idk bro, that kind of stuff is common in China as well

1 giant mall full of shops largely selling the same stuff

I think touts distribute business to each shop on a commission basis or so

it's weird as hell and doesn't make sense to a western person

it's like they operate in borg hives

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In our defense, the multiflavored KitKat are usually bought by Wonton-Canadians. Most of the rest of us prefer original or original chunky.


I've posted on this topic before over the years, but my wife and I considered applying for Provincial Nomination back in the mid 2000's. We drove from Quebec to Alberta to check things out, but once we arrived in Calgary we were met with the most putrid, arrogant, passive-aggressive assholes on the planet, and I have been around the block a few times. The more I saw of them, Québécois excepted, the less I liked Canadians. South Americans, Europeans, Arabs, they all have quirks and cultural aspects, for better or worse, but holy fuck the NPC's in Calgary just made me wish for mushroom clouds. I knew back then the entrenched idiocy would lead to the eventual decline of Canada, but it seems it is unfolding faster than expected. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of fucking faggots. Day of the rake can't come soon enough.

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The biggest problem facing the People's Republic of China today is that they have about a billion uneducated rural hicks and they're building a massive consumer economy faster than they can turn these hillbillies into consumers.
Building ghost cities generates a ton of unskilled labor, brings people into and familiarizes them with metro areas, creates infrastructure for even more hillbillies, and puts some money in their pockets which then invest back into the economy, becoming consumers.
Not a bad plan, really.

Your country on globalism.

Calgary is broken down into 4 quads, NW, NE, SW, and SE. These are huge areas obviously and pretty distinct in that other than going downtown for certain things or the airport, you never venture outside your area. They're also very demographically different. For example, the sw is by far the whitest and wealthiest and the NE is where all the immigrants particularly the muds and SE Asians and lesser niggers live. I'd guess this is because it's close to the airport and low tier manufacturing parks (not oilfield or cars think food and retail warehousing) where they all work. This mall is so far NE it's not even in the city and it was designed as some 21st century bazaar. The hope was that Nang Fang would open her iphone screen repair store and mohammed would sell knockoff gucci bags and cheap cologne. The fact it's performing so poorly just confirms the reality for non whites; if you build it they won't come, unless it's free.

spooky stuff

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What the difference between a bot and an NPC?

Pretty amusing, most legit developers won't break ground unless they have ink dried on at least 50% of space occupied by legit national tenants. You don't build a mall without tenants, at the very least the anchors must be in place. WTF canada?