Kenyans Say Chinese Investment Brings Racism and Discrimination

>Before last year, Richard Ochieng’, 26, could not recall experiencing racism firsthand. Not while growing up as an orphan in his village, not while studying at a Kenyan university. Not until his job search led him to Ruiru, at the edge of the capital, Nairobi, where he found work at a Chinese motorcycle company. His new boss, a Chinese man his own age, started calling him a monkey. It happened when the two were on a sales trip and spotted a troop of baboons on the roadside, he said. “‘Your brothers,’” he said his boss exclaimed, urging Mr. Ochieng’ to share some bananas with the primates.

>It happened again, with his boss referring to all Kenyans as primates. Humiliated and outraged, Mr. Ochieng’ recorded one of his boss’s rants, catching him declaring that Kenyans were “like a monkey people.” After his video circulated widely last month, Kenyan authorities deported the boss back to China. The episode has resonated with a growing anxiety and set off a broader debate. As the country embraces China’s expansion in the region, many Kenyans wonder whether the nation has welcomed an influx of powerful foreigners who are shaping the country’s future — while bringing racist attitudes with them.

>It was a particularly explosive claim because during the train’s maiden voyage, with President Uhuru Kenyatta on board, two Kenyan women drove the train to much fanfare. In interviews, several drivers agreed that only Chinese drivers operated the train, describing a range of racist behavior. “‘With uniforms on, you won’t look like monkeys anymore,’” Fred Ndubi, 24, recalled his supervisors saying. Mr. Ndubi, who has since left the railroad, said his family had sold about a quarter of its land so he could afford the training needed to become a train operator.

>One manager, Liu Jiaqi, 26, loomed particularly large. Whenever pay came up or something went wrong, Mr. Liu turned on his subordinates. When Mr. Ochieng’ left a sales brochure in the car and had to retrieve it, Mr. Jiaqi began crowing, “This African is very foolish.” But the most painful, he said, were the monkey insults — the kind of dehumanization used to justify slavery and colonization. Mr. Ochieng’ protested, but the comments did not stop. The rant that he recorded came after a sales trip gone awry. Mr. Ochieng asked his boss why he was taking out his anger on him.
>“Because you are Kenyan,” Mr. Jiaqi explained, saying that all Kenyans, even the president, are “like a monkey.” Mr. Ochieng’ continued that Kenyans may have once been oppressed, but that they have been a free people since 1963. “Like a monkey,” Mr. Jiaqi responded. “Monkey is also free.”

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lol chinks don't give a fuck
get fucked, niggers




Large LeL from Europa.
We drink for China today.

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now get back to work ape

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I hope the chinks work them down, make their population dip.

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But I heard on RT how great the gooks are to the niggers and how "its different now".




What you seem to be missing is that this is the new angle of psychological conditioning for the mudskin USA population to murder the geopolitical rivals of pax judaica. Hope you weren't under the impression that Trump making sure niggers and only niggers get jobs was some kind of anomaly.

kek, no.


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If Kenyans want to keep stressing how they have been 'free' since the sixties, why did they let their infrastructure rot, requiring chinks to come in and do the work? Exactly. They're lazy, stupid and slow.

Kek'd. Funny how they always get upset about the comparison to monkeys and apes, if it wasn't true they wouldn't get so upset about it.


Africans have only had 40,000 years to build societies that are their level best. Be patient, user

gosh! where is china getting all of this money? did some nation out there give all of its treasures to china?

Shit-tier. Political opinions in RT are usually either Marxist, liberal, lolbergtarian, cuckservative, or just straight out neoconservative. I remember a top comment of an article on their website saying "I'm against the US bombing Syria but Israel needs to be protected from Iranian hostility". I can't explain that political spectrum but all in all RT is basically just one big mixture of the worst kinds of cucked political ideologies. At one moment you saw them supporting BLM back in the Charlottesville chimpouts, but then all of a sudden they opposed Antifa during the 2016 elections.

At one moment you see them saying White privilege is real and diversity is very much needed for the West but then you see them saying liberal identity politics must be stopped. And just like any news channel, they support rapefugees without reporting the fact that it lets in (((ISIS))) jihadists creating terrorism all over Europe.

You're going to miss us lads. We were the best masters you could have wished for. Enjoy Asia.

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These people will beg for the return of the White Man once they've had a solid decade of the Chinese imperial boot on their necks.

lol the whole article was full of gems, but this was the icing on the cake.

Apartheid with whites will seem like a wet dream as the Chinks dominate them.

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Im so confusion
how this chinky say he like white people when Zig Forums say chinaman the enemy?
how can this be?

Now you know what its like to be white.

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Eat the rice, pay the price.

ahahahahahahahaha, Chinks are savage


To be fair the Gooks got us there. This is the one thing Niggers have on us all - they're left to their own devices because they're too stupid to be a part of the true internal politicking that afflicts our societies.

Honestly I cant fuckin wait for those soulless chinks to wipe those nogs out. If their empire starts to go under they'll plunder the living fuck out of those nog resources like Hitler should have.

Hahaha, blacks figure out the ant people have come for conquest

they might fight back

based bugs

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chinaman want to eat whitey alive.

I had a white guy call me a dog. He’s a spook for an intel agency.

No just a nigger. A spook would know dogs are your superior.

Basically every host has their own bent. If you find a host you like show is good. Only rule seems to be no shit talking on putin. Max Kaiser is God tier.


holy fuck these niggers are gonna get genocided

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So there is hope?

Yea I had a friend who grew up in africa. Shit like registering dirtbike and so many other fucking taxes and rules was non existant. Seems kinda appealing tbh. Just gotta be more self sufficient and ensure safety. Perhaps I should go produce hundreds of afriwhite babies.

These niggers are in for a bad time, but they deserve every single second of it. I hope to god we don't send any aid over there and get to watch as niggers get killed for being lazy sacks of shit who can't do anything but rape, murder, and steal.

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they'll do what we could never do by accidentally implementing a violent eugenics program until mostly intelligent blacks are left. The others will starve to death or get killed for being subhumans.

That's like saying the buffalo is responsible for it getting it's ass shot to shit until it's entire species is decimated. You can't apply the same human qualifiers to animals. Chinks are slaughtering are slaughtering monkeys but it's the same as skinning a dog.

Are you implying they're gonna eat the niggers?!

Checking these.
These poor, dumb fucks have no idea how good they had it when Europeans came in and were arguing about how best to civilize them. The Chinese will grind them under their truck wheels, replace them with robots that don't get malaria and nobody has the will to do anything about it.
And nobody should.

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it’s between exists 85 and 89?


That whole article was a riot from start to finish.
Let's see see how much they like being governed by people not saddled by things such as christian values or white guilt.

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This is how the entire world will look if the BLM niggers get their way and whitey is genocided. They'll be brutally enslaved by arabs or asians who have no concept of mercy.

I get the point and all that and i'm not saying you're wrong but the actual Kenyans that are pissed probably always lived in Kenya, they're the ones that didn't actually leave to cause problems elsewhere so it's kind of like you're getting you're sczhenfrade or whatever from the wrong place.

Kek sounds like how Jews treat niggers in Israel. They really are the Jews of Asia.

I'm an extremely petty individual, I must confess. I get my… schadenfreude even from my own countrymen if they just come from a city or region I don't like.
Hey, this is the internet, no reason to pretend to be a good person.

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Are you a jewish shill trying to protect niggers by comparing it to harmless animals?

Dogs are better than niggers. At least they can be useful as foods to Chinese.

Eww no.

Dogs are directly responsible for civilization.
Without the ability to herd animals, humans would have to travel to follow the herds. The ability to herd allowed humans to put down roots in one area and grow civilization.
The dumb niggers just put dogs on leashes while Whites saw their potential and utilized it to it's highest potential.
Just another way Whites make niggers look like dumb apes.

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彼女の名前は ?


This. I really fucking doubt chinks have a "Yellow Man's Burden" in their mentality.

This. Arso they are tasty.

Europeans move out, ChiComs flash all their cash we provide by shopping at Walmart as a carrot to lead them. A old Vietnam vet once told me that what really astounded him was the Asian indifference to life. He thought that the population and poverty problems had made them extremely callus to other peoples suffering. So yeah, the Chinese are going to be rough task masters. It’s a IQ clash . China is going to own Africa & it will be ugly.

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Fuck niggers. I hope the chinamen steam roll them. I lived in China for a long time as an expat. They don't give a shit about lower caste Han much less niggers.

The Chinese are slowly making them destroy themselves, South Africa
just got 15 billion dollars of gibsmedat debt, like most of their corrupt nignog government, they'll just piss it away while not caring about the consequences.

Because the white people he saw in China and who promised him never ending amounts of revenue are from a certain shade of (((white)))

The best part about turning the nigger jungle into New China is none of the jews' tricks work on the Chinese.

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chinks are jews of asia you stupid faggot

lmfao are you a fucking npc that quote never happened

Use psychological warfare against our enemies, not against your allies, you dumb fuck.

npc detected

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lol thats you

You think you hold a patent on fake news, shlomo?

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Can you taste the dingleberries on David Brock's penis Mr. NPC?

Both quotes are accurate.

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Yes, but the "fake" one will get attention, driving people to find out he really said something very similar, whereas the real one will just get buried.

If kikes were going to make a fake quote, why make a fake one that's so similar to the real one? What's the point of it?

The strawman tactic…

Also watch this…

The point is, the kikes will mass distribute it as "fake" giving the potential to inform people that he said something very similar.
If we just put things out there that are true, the kike media won't touch it and will bury it right away.
Putting out fake quotes that are very similar to the real ones is an user move to kike the kikes into using kike media to distribute user meme'fare.
in essence, we kike the kikes with kike tactics into using kike media to push user memes.

Best of all, Western nations can't do jack shit or China will accuse them of being racist in turn.

while that black guy appears to be one of the few africans with a iq around 100, you can see that he is limited by the environment he grew up in

A match made in heaven, eh?

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My goodness. The horrors.

love that post, will only go to africa when I know there are white people around

unfordunate that owning the rights to something only matters in a society that has respect for laws.

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I lived there for a long time and there are Jews everywhere. Especially in banking. When I lived there I hadn't woken up to the JQ but it's part of what turned me. Quite often you would see kike propaganda articles in all the newspapers about how kikes have been in China for hundreds of years and they are part and parcel of the "community" and all the same bullshit narratives they push on whites in the west. As I was leaving all the major kike movie studios were setting up shop and building big sound stages in Shanghai.

you are terrible at this

Baste yellow jews

Well the problem is, Chinese are notorious for acting like jews such as having no common courtesies, no discipline on their children, no sense of honor. So they aren't honorary like Japanese, but goddamn they do cause sides to explode.

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They should have retaliated with their bantz.

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China has colonized africa and whites are paying for the privilege
USAID totals $50 billions(50,000,000,000.00 again mostly in africa)
European institutions give africa $18.6billion Euros(18,000,000,000.00)

Whites pay for the privilege of china reaping the benefits of modem colonialism without an ounce of "feeling bad for the poor oppressed niggers" that to this day still haven't gotten their shit together.

It's about time some of these niggers got a taste of their own genocide medicine. Fuck 'em.

I hope the fucking chinks wipe the niggers out completely.

Chinks can't be racist. White people oppress the whole Earth, so they're only ones with power enough to be 'racist'. AKA, get fucked NIGGERS, by all your shitlib 'allies'.

Checking them digits and hoping this happens soon. I need more entertainment as salty libs isn't doing it for me anymore.

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sorry nibba, not gonna be enough whities left to come and save you from the chinese. they are welcome to enslave you! ENJOY!