Dear Zig Forums:

I believe in being civil; I also believe in speaking truth to bullshit: This place has become an echo chamber, but there is a lot to gain by acknowledging it.

Organizational culture is important and consists of a cognitive culture and emotional culture. The emotional culture is just as important - perhaps more important - because it too often goes unacknowledged: this will become noteworthy in a moment.

It has been said that part of the reason for the recent trend towards alt conservatism is because ordinary people who are not ordinarily right-wing are voting for politicians (e.g. Trump, Balsonaro, Duterte) not out of hatred and bigotry, but out of desperation - not for their failures but despite them: under a system that is crushing them by design.

An emotional culture of hate and bigotry slows people down and makes it difficult to think clearly and act quickly. Studies show environments such as this impair executive functions such as judgment, memory, and impulse control.¹

Which is useful for agitators and for politicians with no different policies but who want to be elected for their own greedy reasons and who are preying upon a gullible and browbeaten populace…

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because of modern propaganda tactics (e.g. shilling, sockpuppets, social proof gaming) it's impossible to tell whether this board as it exists is vitriolically racist [i.e. if actual flesh-and-blood posters are actually racist] as it seems and this is not up for dispute. What is distinct, however, is that, whether organic or astroturfed, actual or fictional, enough posts are racist as to provide a perception that this board is and the posters are.

This is a divide-and-conquer tactic and a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Racism as bigoted prejudice is saying, "I'm going to prejudge a targeted group based on wholly-irrelevant or only partially-relevant information." It is a logical fallacy and bad pseudoscience. It has real negative consequences to our organizations reflected in that dehumanizing cultures have the highest levels of disengagement.²

It is divide-and-conquer because instead of forming together against exploitive business policies and financial abuses by the Transnational Capitalist Global ‘Elite’ (TCC), agreeing that the system is flawed and that we are all its victims- this emotionally violent, bigoted rhetoric creates contagious emotional priming, a lack of engagement, and deficits in critical thinking and executive functions. When the corporate media does this it makes people scared, and it’s expected to drown out critical reasoning.

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Most of you have lived through this and are living through this personally: brutal, bombastic fear-based oratory with the corresponding consequences for those who speak out against it. Not only is this fostering disengagement and uprooting critical thinking, but also ultimately it has us fighting each other and the 1% are picking up all that remains.

It leads to millions dead, an increased police state and reduced personal freedoms, and increased investment in war by the TCC.

The difference between a critical mind and an uncritical mind is that a critical mind says, "Hmm, is that really a thing?" The uncritical mind says, “Of course. I feel therefore I believe.”

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Thus, I’m talking to people here, i.e. the few left - Astroturfing and spam by corporations, military intelligence groups, and private individuals have driven away people like me who can see and perceive that actors are instilling this racial shit. Because the bullshit you proffer by constantly posting and posting and posting is no different from how the corporate media does it. Moreover, it’s emotional offloading at best and emotional self-indulgence at worst. It creates a vacuum… an echo chamber… a distorted hugbox. And it turns people away. The danger of this being that you end up confusing illusion for reality and missing critical information.

Which emotions will help you thrive? Curiosity and shame. What? Acknowledge shame that you like 99% of us, have been gamed and are actively being gamed by outside actors. Yes it sucks, but as researcher Brené Brown posits, 'Shame is the swampland of the soul.”³ It's not a place you want to necessarily live all of the time, but we all need to be able to navigate our way through it. Why curiosity? Because curiosity keeps you vulnerable and vulnerability can take you places that hustling and numbing can't.

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Critical media literacy is key in realty checking those messages from the outside that are criticizing you and spreading the toxic emotional garbage. And so is critical emotional literacy.⁴

No one who matters is expecting you to "put a lid" on your feelings. I’m not saying it’s wrong to believe in something. I’m saying you should believe in something that’s not backwards. But you have to understand that you can't really make an emotional two-way connection on the internet. It’s natural and I understand why you want to belong, to connect, but thinking you can do this behind a keyboard is an illusion. And especially when one person can masquerade as perhaps hundreds of sockpuppet accounts easily and efficiently, this is an innate human tendency that is routinely exploited online, which is what we see today in 2018.

A long line of research on emotional contagion shows that people in groups catch feelings from others through behavioral mimicry and subsequent changes in brain function. And that’s what I mean by a self-fulfilling prophecy. Ask yourself what the powers-that-be want of you, emotionally, to maintain their grip on the status quo: Then ask yourself if that’s what you’re seeing being extended on this board.

The problem is that emotional contagion is another tactic used by the powerful to divide and conquer.

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Additional suggested reading:

Brown, Brené. (2017): Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone.

Mahalik, James et al. (2003): Development of the Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 4, 1, 3-25.

Mahalik, James et al. (2005): Development of the Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory. Sex Roles, 52, 7-8, 417-435.

UK GCHQ Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (2012): The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations. Leaked Document, Retrieved from

Williams, Rob (2018): The Post (Truth) World: Reviving the “Propaganda Model Of News” For Our Digital Age. Project Censored Notebook, Retrieved from


¹Staw, Barry, et al. (1981): Threat rigidity effects in organizational behavior: A multilevel analysis. Administrative Science Quarterly, 26, 501-524.

² Brown, Brené (2012): Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. New York City, NY: Gotham, 177.

³ Brown, Brené (2010): The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are. Center City, MN: Hazelden, 36.

“In Jungian circles, shame is often referred to as the swampland of the soul. I’m not suggesting that we wade out into the swamp and set up camp. I’ve done that and I can tell you that the swampland of the soul is an important place to visit, but you would not want to live there. What I’m proposing is that we learn how to wade through it. We need to see that standing on the shore and catastrophizing about what could happen if we talked honestly about our fears is actually more painful than grabbing the hand of a trusted companion and crossing the swamp. And, most important, we need to learn why constantly trying to maintain our footing on the shifting shore as we gaze across to the other side of the swamp—where our worthiness waits for us—is much harder work than trudging across.”

She also says that: "You can't talk about race [Or class. -OP] without talking about privilege. And when people start talking about privilege they get paralyzed by shame."

⁴ Project Censored Videos (2015). Media Literacy [Video File]. Retrieved from

"We spend a lot of time teaching kids how to analyze a poem and there's nothing wrong with poetry… but our young people are exposed to many many… more advertisements and commercial messages in a day, than they ever will be exposed to poems in their life.. and we're not teaching them how to critically analyze those commercial messages.”

See also Williams, 2018.

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TL; DR: Due to (or perhaps coincident to) the ability of corporations, military intelligence, and private individuals to flood boards with propaganda, this board has become an echo chamber. Emotional culture is important to organizations, too often goes unacknowledged, and is important because hateful and dehumanizing cultures have the highest levels of disengagement. People within them show impairments to judgment, memory, and impulse control. Race baiting and dehumanization on this board is a divide-and-conquer tactic meant to stifle discussion and foster disengagement & deficit. This is not different from what you see with the corporate media. Echo chambers are dangerous: the key to resisting bullshit is critical media literacy and emotional literacy. Emotions are contagious and this phenomenon is exploited here widely.

When the disgusting, arrogant kikes cease targeting White children for their vile hatred, then I will stop prejudging the jews. But until that day, I will regard every jew with suspicion and hostility.

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Fuck right off with this shit, Schlomo.

Apologies for TORpedo shitposting from work.

Forgot to say-

Kill yourself for not being racist. Kill yourself for not wanting the extermination of the jewish race. Kill yourself for not wanting the long-term extermination of nonwhite races. Kill yourself for being unwilling to kill women and children. Kill yourself for absorbing and repeating jewish propaganda of "innocense.

This fellow right here gave us irrefutable proof on who was and still is behind black and white racism. Why don't you call those historically proven racists out ?

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^No. And I can think critically. See:

Do you have something to say?

Then go away and never post here again. You are not a Zig Forumsack and do not belong here.

Fuck off, responsible conservacuck.

Then listen good and hold on to your seat, cause this is history.

Bravo. This was a well dressed way to say, "It's not about racial inequalities, and the issues that arise from it. Instead it's the Transnational Capitalist Global Elite" (Who are definitely not identifiable through a common thread. I.e. Talmudic Judasim) Sounds all too familiar…

Nice try Zig Forums. Take your college essay somewhere else, nobody here really responds to an argument based on calling whites the problem for being "unjustifiably biggoted".

4/10 made me reply

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Oops.. How embarrassing, I'm usually the one calling that out.

Literally nothing you said was an argument or a point or even something that can be pointed to and debated. Just a long whiny diatribe telling us the same things as every other whiny diatribe we've saddled through here. You are not unique, you are not a magical erudite geopolitical sage - you're just another ID#.

I don't know where you're getting those words you put in quotes from, but it wasn't me.


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Are you asking something?

Get out.

Why would I ask you questions when I probably already know your responses?

Is right. You are NPC tier.

It was a summation. But thanks for not addressing or rebuffing anything I said. Every bit of you reeks of not being from here. Who or what motivated you to come here and post? Because let me tell you, you're winning hearts and minds with trying to tell this board to not be justifiably racist.


Cool bro.

it's because somewhere deep down he knows he's a retarded faggot.

no its not.

You went from writing essays to saying, "Cool bro." Now I'm certain you just copy pasted it and are now embarassed people are taking shots at you for not even knowing what you're trying to argue. All to the point of saging your own thread. Maybe you should take a trip over to the NPC thread, you could learn a lot about yourself.

My only question for you is, "Who strokes your check?"
Because your performance is quite poor. Can I possibly speak to your supervisor?

We tried that already. It was the clusterfuck of a failure known as Gamergate.

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You will be killed on the day of the rope

No, his ilk, the Harry Powells, will go long before that.

Jeez, lowest of effort.
Well, I just want to remind you that your efforts are fruitless, your attempt has been a failure, and your sad and empty life will continue to be just that for as long as you cling to this world view of yours. If you're white in any regard, and you're genuinely thinking that other races will have your back in your time of need, you're a delusional fool who will deserve the rape, the beatings, and the eventual execution you'll receive at the hands of your dearly beloved pets and those who you may call yourself an "Ally" to. I hope you come to a realization in your last dying breath that you got exactly what you asked for. And if you're a non-white, I genuinely don't care for what you spend your life doing. Just continue to beat at your breast and gnash your teeth in frustration, wishing you were gifted more in life.

Shut the fuck up faggot, global genocide of the jews and nothing short of it.
No trips to madagascar, no paid flights to israel, we grab each jew and put a bullet in every one.

Anyone else notice this or a variation on this phrase posted everywhere as often as the word "literally"?

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Kill yourself jewPC

Worthy of a cap.

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Fuck off and kill yourself this is a national socialist board and will never be anything else.

whatever you just said didn't mention the jew once, so it's all bullshit. fuck off octonigger.

Reminder that you should literally kill yourself since you’re more interested in the dialectic than the argument itself. Fuck off and go to hell. Either post fact or you don’t belong here.

The fact that you are calling that grandstanding hateful invective an argument is the problem.

But that's easily verifiable as not true. Nothing else you said matters, because that, right there, is an objective lie, and blatantly so.
If you're upset that you're not allowed to make low-energy shitposts like you do on cuckoldrychan, well, go back there and never come here again, and your problem - and ours - will be solved.

Okay, that part and a few others leapt out at me and I have to say: What world do you think you'rel iving in wherein anyone would think you are a regular on this board with sentiment like that?
An "emotional culture"? "hate and bigotry"?
You're basically addressing the board populace like someone from CNN trying desperately to make an appeal.

Well, yes it is up for dispute.
I'l grant you that its impossible to tell WITH CERTAINTY, but the statistical improbability of the majority of this board being made up of bots or socks or something PRETENDING to be racists is astronomically small in context, and that is not up for dispute anymore than your claim espouses capacity for dispute.

And that's where I discarded you outright and decided to report all your posts as low-quality shilling.

Yeah, as soon as the kikes and their nigger puppets start acting civil so will I.

I don't know who you think you speak for. Get this through your head: I want the non-White races out of my country, period. Not because I hate their "skin colour" or whatever other hand-waving, superficial bullshit you want to reduce it to; but because in my lifetime I have personally witnessed the continued degradation of community standards, social harmony, and the sense of belonging that permitting these animals to reside here has wrought. The fact that your 1% - a majority of them jews, for the record, as I see you have carefully avoided - have weaponized the non-Whites against us is irrelevant. Your argument boils down to: don't be "racist" because the jews have mobilized non-Whites against you, therefore the non-Whites themselves are blameless. That argument is flawed, because the presence alone of non-Whites is destructive to a well-integrated, harmonious White society, with or without jews to drive them. Non-Whites have to go; jews have to go; and you have to go back to wherever you came from, because you sure as hell don't belong here.

Well, user, here's the deal: You're stupid.
That's really all there is to it, if this is not some kind of awful shilling: You're dumb.
You're a dim-witted emotional bitch, and you choose to hide behind a nonsensical rationale for what you see before you instead of accepting that you are wrong and rather stupid.
You should feel bad about it.

Except it doesn't - what it creates is a space that is the opposite of a hugbox: it creates a hurtbox. We've been over this.
You are not in any way novel.

People like you will always turn away from the truth when they find it unpleasant.


user, your fundamental failure to present a legitimate descriptive representation of Zig Forums is demonstrable of either an intentional misrepresentation or an absence of capacity on your behalf to effectively craft/present an accurate representation thereof.
That is to say, you demonstrate a fundamental absence of knowledge about that which you speak, such absence itself demonstrable of you either having no such knowledge about that which you speak or having a motive to misrepresent that about which you speak to serve unclear intentions of almost-certainly nefarious intent, else derivative from your own cognitive limitations.

Tell me more.

First where are you from? Second are you saying you were finding these 'standards', 'harmony', 'and sense of belonging' more previously?

Checked for what ARE memes?
I mean jesus christ… Tell your manager to dock your pay and send you home early.

Ok I see what this is now, and you can fuck off with your datamining effort.

Checked for no, you are unworthy of any further engagement tbh.
Everything about you is bad and you should feel bad about it.

None of your fucking business you shill faggot.
Without question.
Are you denying that such standards were extant in much higher proportions in the past and the decline of such has aligned exhibiting high-correlation to the reduction in the White Western population?

I almost want to think this is a fucking bot.

Thats how I started. And now I am NatSoc.

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Lurk 2 more years newnigger

I think it is a researcher gathering material for a paper.

Spot on OP, but as you can see now your posts validity will be lost on deaf ears in greasy palms here. You know this, and pol proudly corroborates. What Pol and you dont understand, is they are the degeneracy, conceitedness, covetousness, and cowardice repressed and projected as condemnation for the jews. Both spewing half truth propoganda from behind a door at each other as if it were an effective compensation for autonomous responsibility. If you don't want jews fucking your shit up, why do you depend on them for all you do? If you dont like nazi spergs, why bother attempting rational discussion with them? Hypocrites the lot of you. Pol is simply a purgatory, you can gain some beneficial insights here and move on, or remain in a frozen state of ignorant apathy.

The fact that you're ignoring that this hate is backed up through centuries of observation, academic studies, personal investigations. daily interactions, and scientific study. This isn't some emotion based or anecdotally justified stance. And you'll never understand that because you're, as a previous poster stated, more interested in the attacking the poster than addressing the arguments.

What IS your stance anyway? "Don't be ignorant racist, don't be mean biggot, fight the Transnational Capitalist Global Elite!" It really sounds like a carbon copy of everything I hear from those who lack the ability to think for themselves.

Also, I'm beginning to think this poster is correct. OP isn't some paid or free shill. He's just a little slow.

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Jesus Christ where the fuck have the mods been today?
They've been on regularly but they fucking don't do shit it seems.

Also, hey OP, what the fuck is /jnnj/?

Don't bother engaging further, as this user said, this is straight up pasta.

And what a cohencidence that this fag should arrive right now…

So yeah OP, tell us more about /jnnj/.

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Sit down, have a coffee, relax.

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The problem with trying to be humanitarian is if doesn't get recognized and returned in favor by the other party it is completely null– especially if they practice exclusionary exploitative behavior. If you want prejudice to end just have the usual suspects acting insane instead of trying to change the perceptions of others, but I have my doubts.

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Uh oooooh.
Did I find the board you made to prep your shilling pastas?
I think I did.

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Wow, this was organic.

Here's the link.

Might want to be careful though, dunno how IP viewing works on this site, might be able to see yours if you post.

Fuck off.

Oh and look what else I found.

>Nuclear submarines must accomplish their missions while maintaining security and safety, so performance depends in large part on the skill and judgment of the crew. Marquet argues that the constant fear of being yelled at—for making mistakes, not knowing things, challenging authority, and so on—made it harder for sailors to think well and act quickly. This view is backed by research that the Berkeley professor emeritus Barry Staw and his colleagues have done on “threat rigidity” (the tendency to narrow one’s focus under threat) and by findings on the impact of excessive stress on the prefrontal cortex: It impairs executive functions such as judgment, memory, and impulse control.

Exactly, but (((who's))) authority?

Hahaha shut the fuck up faggot.

Go back to Harvard Business Review.

I didn't even catch that, fucking hell that's hilarious.

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You are stupid enough to not understand the importance of this site or any other such site in general. You seem to have missed the point and the world around you in general if you are new in politics I will give a pass if you are new here lurk 2 years at least before typing your shitty programmed propaganda sentences again. If you are here just to bait good on you. Now stop posting garbage and don't fucking talk about things you don't understand.

Now i know you're truly a shill.

The mods chose to leave this thread up and gave the OP IP a mere 1 day ban.


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lol what a fag. There's only honor between whites and honorary Aryans.

Eh, agree with OP somewhat, but the way its worded is confusing. I think a lot of the issue is about feels over reals like you said (not just on the l/r, but nearly everywhere in politics). Also, the idea of saying Zig Forums (or most any *chan board) has a singular view and is racist or not is misguided. I think people need to realise that on something like Zig Forums, where you cant really distinguish groups or even posters, it is pointless to try to make statements such as Zig Forums is racist. I think its better to respond to individual arguments, not that one has any duty to do so. Also, one major issue is people see patterns and dont investigate them, to see if their cause is the immediately apparent one or to see if the pattern even really exist. Agree with the idea of self fulfilling prophecy, but not necessarily with the conspiracy TCC part, because its not needed to explain the rest of your statement. Also, really think a big point you miss is the reduction of personal freedoms. Reactionary and emotional arguments constantly trick people into advocating for the elimination and reduction of some personal freedoms. For example, 9/11 and privacy. One other example is gay marriage, where many religious right-wing politicians want to remove freedoms to force their religious ideals. Really, the question I think people should ask about gay marriage is why the government is involved in marriage at all. Why does marriage effect things like insurance and financial benefits? I think you miss a lot of the actual issues, which are mainly people believing what they are comfortable with rather than conclusions which reason leads to. Also, WTF is 'organizational culture', 'cognitive culture', and 'emotional culture'.

Now check out how many days you get for "shitposting" against le BASED MAGA Poo in the Loo voters

This is the pozz that is ruining this board. Larping niggers that wish to be white with their own nigger agendas

Clockwork. Although I've explained the point and the irony is now complete, I should limit my consumption of tears lest I become dehydrated. Thank you for your insights.

Feel like a lot of Zig Forums is people larping who dont know if the other people are larping or not but dont ask cause they think everyone else is just larping and are afraid of getting banned but dont realise TOR users can post on the board so it doesnt matter.


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If the jews are so competent at international conspiracy and potting down whites, then maybe whites are the subhuman race that are just less competent than the jews and do not deserve to reproduce for their genes will only slow evolution and the improvement of the human race. Clearly you are just in denial holding onto the view that the weak helpless whites who cannot keep up with the jews deserve any power or rights. (Really though, feel like your jewish friends dad just fucked you as a kid).

As I said stop posting your npc posts for the love of kek you are just saying shit I have heard 100 times by now

I can see your point but you still don't have the full image kikes have mastered deceit and other sinful and evil things that throughout history have been considered as inhumane but they allowed them inside their society. Nobody expected someone to use all these things in one go. Off course after this the human race will be changed and probably cleansed from if

OP confirmed for drafting dodging, republicuck boomer who talks like a fag. Get that doggo some cbd. Can't be easy putting up with your bullshit all day, poor thing.

oy vey you got anchored kike because your thread is shit, now fuck off.

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Kill yourself nigger lover.
Its always telling how you faggots NEVER address anti white racism.

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That's nice, friend.

Yep. Mods proved it.

Maybe that is the case but even so who cares, we're here because we we're still here, and if we're still here we may as well resist until we can't

Here goes. I don't know the motivation of the OP… but there's a grain of salt to be had here.

I've lurked for a few months, I know the rules, but consider the numbers. Success vs. failure. I've succeeded… so it's tempting to post based on my experience irl, even though I'm not an alpha on this particular image board.

There is a hard line, natsoc, theme here. OK. Kind of amuses me since Hitler lost the war. Good energy, though. Getting a lot of things right… but lacking the courage to back a leaderless movement. Hitler NPCs, imo. I don't need Hitler to help me promote my winning ideas.

At the end of the day, it's kind of like rednecks saying "tha south's gonna rise again" and their movement is 6,000 rednecks strong.

The reason I lurk is because my dad had a hard line nationalist (not socialist) ideology. It got him through Vietnam. He, along with 2 (out of 22 dead) soldiers lived to tell the tale. Blood and guts. Hate your enemy.
Be the truth.
Kill or be killed.
[active combat].
No [shitposting]. No internet. Just bullets.

So I get the aggression and firm stance. The rules, the jargon, all to keep the circle of trust tight. I understand. Mostly. As an avid outsider.

Please keep guys like my dad in the back of your mind. He hated Jews and niggers from day one. Killed a bunch of gooks and survived. Beautiful wife, successful kids. All white. We all own property.

He's 70+ now. An actual boomer. He's currently a deacon in his church. So physically ravaged by the war… every day is a gift. He calls me every day to tell me he loves me. It shocks me that the consensus on this board is "boomers are pieces of shit". Wow.

To this day, he tells me to keep working hard and to make good decisions. What idiots the boomers are…

Sorry dad, I'm not making a good decision here… trying to reason with 14-year-olds. I know better, but I'd rather bare my soul to the people who are close to the truth than to just remain silent.

TLDR, sperging, obviously I know.

Somebody has to say something. May as well be me.

I'm in my 40s. I don't need any advice… I've created my own white ethno-state, unintentionally. I got exposed to liberalism in college, but muh feels didn't stand up to reason.

Facing abject poverty, post-grad failure, I decided to embrace the meme my racist, killer-instinct dad instilled in me - I got a job, wife, kids, property, investments… clearly Marxism wasn't the answer.

Neither was National Socialism. You have to lead by example. You need a coalition of millions. Hate me all you want, but you don't have the numbers.

I hate to post on this thread… this is clearly a college-level copy/pasta… but since the consensus is - (as always) that it's a shill thread… damn, guys… do you think you can reach your goal with a few hundred thousand people?

In-fighting and always assuming the classic posture of Donald Sutherland in the final scene of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

Guttural screaming and pointing at someone who doesn't fit in.

How is your kvetching superior to what the OP is blandly alluding to?

No. No. It's all an attack. Even me. I'm a glow-in-the-dark if I don't heil.

Fine. If this the the case, then Zig Forums /pol = Rick… from Rick and Morty… the self-proclaimed smartest guy in the universe acting like a dick. Sociopathic Cartoon Ideology. Permeates the thoughts of dumbasses. Pickle Rick meme posters will get the rope first, if I have my way.

75% of the population is Christian/Civnat - yet they are instantly attacked on /pol. Quite the winning strategy.

276,000,000 Americans - not welcome.

Whatever. Everybody is fucking pissed off and well-armed in my circle of trust. We're civil, thanks to our years of experience, and our faith. I leave it to you that not only will I not be getting the rope… I'll be deciding who gets the rope. Some of the dickheads promoting genocide against honest veterans and normies will be get it first. I'll see to it personally.

Ban, anchor, or slide as you see fit. Being so rigid in your ideology. No country for old men. As if you won't age, yourself.

Embracing an ideology where your kids and parents aren't safe from the next violent group of /pol natsocs. An ideology where you can't get other people on board. Like I said… so close… but failing. I redpill black people with my rhetoric. Because my father, and now I, beat the odds and moved up the social class (caste) system without help.

I'll be here lurking. I'll try to wait another year. I may post occasionally. If you lose the war in the meantime, don't say I didn't warn you. Don't say I didn't offer an option for positive motivation instead of just kicking any/all potential fans in the nuts.

No. Fuck off, kike.

Today the jews hold absolute power. They control finances, propaganda, and politicians. Today the boot of the disgusting jews is placed upon the throat of the most kind race that ever existed.
Someday this will change. And the jews will be the ones on the backfoot starring extinction in the face. And on that day they will not give up and meekly accept their fate. They will fight tooth and nail until the bitter end.

You sound like a lying, treacherous kike trying to convince your victims to lay down our arms and give up. Obviously that is not going to happen. Obviously your pathetic tactic would not work on you so the fact that you expect it to work on anyone demonstrates that you are a seriously dumb shithead.

And if you are not a jew, then you are even more stupid because you are fighting to advance the interests of people who hate you.

Attached: On Youtube and their lies.png (543x653, 421.43K)

First of all, good job user. Lurking is tough and I'm happy you aren't one of the faggots who bumble onto this board and immediately begin outing themselves as fools.

Anyway, I believe I must point out the obvious
Zig Forums is not a movement. Zig Forums is a place where memes are born in chaos and hardened into superweapons by the fire of the rage of thousands of anonymous posters. It's a place where ideas live and die by virtue of their value and relevance to the overall goal of White racial survival.
Anti-White shitposters do tend to be banned. As they should be. The enemy bans anything pro-White. If they had their way, this place would be flooded by low IQ NPCs reciting their anti-White dogmas without any real arguments as OP has done.
Zig Forums is not a movement. Zig Forums is not a political party seeking votes from civnats and Christians. In fact, the less of them who know about Zig Forums, the better. Zig Forums is about absorbing the information from thousands of sources and purifying it into the truth.
The purpose of Zig Forums is to function as a culdron of memes, an amorphous mass of individuals who work together, often without knowing for certain, to accomplish the titanic task of steadily shifting the zeitgeist to a position where White people can get back on our feet and begin reversing the degeneracy and genocidal policies that have been forced upon us.

Keep up the good work, user. In order to help your race you must first better yourself. And in lurking, your understanding of what is going on will become more and more clear. One day, after months of pondering things click and you recognize what Zig Forums is about and why it is important.

Attached: 11.jpg (604x445, 28.91K)

If you lurk here for two years you're fucking insane.

This tbh! My stepbrothers are all based black conservatives and my latina wife is redpilled as fuck! Time to wake up! Race doesn't matter!

yes. this is why it dominates and will dominate the top down Left. The Left is forever chasing the ball, Zig Forums is where the ball will be.