Demographics are Destiny, on religion as well as race

When will the pagan larpers grow up?

We all know that a small government, traditionalist conservative future US would only happen if whites behave as a group and maintain a majority.
Of those whites, it's Evangelical Christians that form the most significant white voter pool

Attached: Views about size of government by religious group (2014)

visit >>>/christianity/ for uncensored Christian discussion

Nobody here supports "small government," kike. Take your Jewish propaganda elsewhere

Good White men need to get involved in our government, vote and be vocal about defending decency and righteousness.

The expansion of government is a jew tactic

Bump because kill yourself.


Attached: PEW abortion stats.png (840x750, 89.75K)

and that's a good thing, abortion is murder

We all agree they shouldn't be here in the first place, that doesn't justify the execution of the innocent

This is true. They expand it to enslave you more and more. The fact is: if we had a minimal size government, we wouldn't be in the shit we're in now. It'd be easier to fight. You may argue a larger, imperial, gov would be better at defending but that's only if it isn't subverted and weaponized against you and that already happened.


1. Disparaging and Offensive.
+ a person who is not a Christian, jew, or Muslim; a heathen.
+ an irreligious or hedonistic person.
+ an uncivilized or unenlightened person.


Fuck off jew.

Evangelicals vote for the Republickikes, love ISRAEL, based non-white christians, want to ban abortion

so more BASED black babies would born
You made your point OP
Now GTFO and never come back
Christkikes also get the rope

I think it is amazing that even a quarter of the agnostics know that abortion is degeneracy.

Awnser me this, what is the actual growth rate of people who follow some form of pagan or heathen denomination (right or leftwing I don't care), now what is the actual Christian growthrate.

Because, we might be a very small minority, but we are a minority which is 1. Growing, 2. The only religious denomination which is actually nationalistic and 3. We are culturally active far beyond our size of population suggests.

If a white person's party was to form, or if the Republican party was to pivot to be the white persons party, it would be totally reliant on Christians

All those "Values" come from Celtic culture and were added so that the Gauls (Celtic, Germanic, and Slavic tribes) would convert to desert jew beliefs (lies). How to convince every Christian American that they are being jewed by jews and their real culture lies in nature and the personification of natural laws into beings like Godin (God) ?

How also to do the same with Africans and the Mayano/Azteca poeple, since they will also need to go back and stop appropriating European culture ?

I support Democrats over Republicans only to shit on neocons and Christfags
Republikikes are just as anti-white, but they are more aggressive in middle east to fight against these "muslim terrorists"

This is the most recent I can find

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Zig Forums has already covered this, chaim. Niggers don't follow laws, so any argument that making something illegal stops niggers is hilariously retarded, you inbred bumblefuck. Likewise, natsocs push for sterilization of niggers for the sake of ending genetic pollution and eliminating infestations, which abortion can and will never do, so you out yourself as an invader every time you post your stupid jew memes. If you want to sacrifice babbies to your gross cow idol, use your own ugly hooknose larvae.

Attached: moloch.jpg (294x330, 72.54K)

False. Christians are the most anti-White group of "right wing" Whites.

We will play nice with Christian until we take power, after which they will be rounded up and exterminated.

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When googeling growth paganism I get the idea that both leftwing and rightwing forms of paganism are growing many times more then any Christian sect around.

That is far less then 1% of the population. But still, it shows the denomination has clear potential.

actual "we wuz kangs" tier history

Church attendance is correlated with blue pilled pro-diversity sentiment among trump voters, but how do those numbers compare to non-trump voters?

Missing open borders, "aid," "for only a dollar a day" breeding shitkins.

Put simply: criminals don't follow laws. That's what makes them criminals.

All this proves is that they are the most virtue signalling group, which makes sense, because frequent church attendance is a major virtue signal.
Look at your "Nevers"; 74% of white Trump supporters who never go to church don't care about being white. 74% So like all atheists they are gross faggots and assorted degenerates, plus they are race traitors. I'll take the non-degenerate virtue signalers over the satan-loving faggots any day, because I can always get signalers to change their signals, but there is no cure for AIDS.

Evangelical protestants are extremely supportive of zionism tho

Sage because of (((OP))) engaging in D&C shilling

Satanism is a Christian cult, yes it is, no real Heathen would worship Satan one of Jehovah's fallen angels.

That would not make sense.

Any religion that promotes anything but duty to family over self, and that familys prosperity into the future is sucide . Overt worrying over stangers "souls" or a place in an afterlife is just libertarian level fantasy. Your afterlife is the memory that you made lfe better for your great grandkids.

yes let's organize around a religion that doesn't recognize race and whose priests admit by sacrament members of every race, that will work, the world in 2100 is going to be pretty based

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The afterlife, which is called Hell is where you go and meet your ancestors, thus if you do not take care of your children, your ancestors will reject you.

Atheists worship satan by default. Satan's rituals are fornication, faggotry, drunkeness, materialism, lying, etc. You think it is a cohencidence that jews push atheism? Atheists wallow in degeneracy on a daily basis, and give glory to the father of the jews in the process. The perfect golems

Christians worship Loki by default, if that doesn't make sense to you, you have no right to make your first claim.

Christianity was such a terrible, terrible mistake.

Attached: Fixed - Christian Fiction.jpg (3860x3716 487.06 KB, 3M)

Shoo shoo Spielberg Jew.

We will do exactly what Hitler did. We will create a 'positive christianity' movement to bring people to our side, and then we will gradually redpill them on the semitic origin and nature of Christianity. We will not be 'exterminating' fellow European folk, you wretched excuse for a jewish media stereotype.

Prove it, I can prove my ancestors bettered my life. All you have is bizzare rantings of desert nomads selling a pyramid scheme.

No, I follow the bizarre rantings of a bard from the woods, trying to express his mystical experiences through poetry and music.

If you have no higher self, you will not understand, that is not my problem, I can't prove the world beyond exist, it can only be experienced.

Daily Reminder that Christianity is religious Civic Nationalism.

Attached: Christianity - Demographics.png (2497x725 139.74 KB, 282.83K)


Belief is the suspension of thought. It makes you susceptible to being played. Desperate for meaning. Meaning is right in front of you when you hug your kids in the morning. You should need nothing more to feel blessed and hopful for the future.

Who gives a fuck?

All righty then. Slide thread confirmed?

Bump because your copied and pasted paid jewish shilling has no place here.

Thinking is living in a fantasy world, so yes, I don't think my religion, I experience it every day, just like you said when you contradict yourself.

So are the Gods and all their servants.

Kinison died believing n only himself, a martyr for the cause of Boomerism. Just like hesus he thought only of himself and left nothing behind but a false belief he was special.

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So it will be standard jewry today, schlomo? Gotcha

Attached: naacooled.jpg (468x553, 19.86K)

What's that, I learned something from Pol today. Wow time to go get a lottery ticket. Thanks mate. (Seriously not sarcasm)


It never stops.

Attached: Christianity - The Faith of Treason.PNG (1930x973 281.66 KB, 172.58K)

jews never get new jewtricks

Attached: falsedilemma.png (665x500, 101.23K)

That's not even close to a dilemma. You can be a Christian and be a nationalist. Hell, ethno-nationalism is part of Eastern Orthodox Christian tradition. You're one of those retards who thinks Christianity is modern liberalism welded onto the Christian metaphysical framework. You're churning out fedora tier stuff here. If you want to argue against it, make a valid, informed argument. Don't ask lame questions.

3rd pic
The absolute state of amerimongrels

Attached: DZRJ1R5XUAAyTA2.jpg (741x649, 83.89K)

Just awnser his question, you only have two options now choose!


Attached: Christianitys Jewish God in Action.JPG (1545x866, 355.25K)

user, none of this is a problem if you just remove the minority from the equation.

Okay, bump.

Oh this should be good…

Pic related.

He learned "false dichotomy" in comm college this fall, let him keep to thinking he is a wizard of logic.

Oops forgot my pic.

Attached: Christianity - Faith of Treasonous Scoundrels.jpg (1786x434 145.76 KB, 188.86K)

Doesn't matter, you can call it anything you want, but you are not choosing! Why is that?

I'm eastern Orthodox, so I choose ethno-nationalism which is part of the tradition of the Orthodox church. There's no contradiction and you're still retarded.

Don’t reply, just report. They’re paid jewish shills.

Do share your whiteness. Save a few pockets of northern Europe most everything below Hadrian's wall got nigger or slav dicked in the past 1000

Nope, still not choosing.

A: A Europe where everyone is White but not Christian.
B: A Europe where everyone is brown, but Christian.

Pick either A or B. what is more important to you?

I hope so, because otherwise we're infested with niggers.


Seems legit.

Attached: If You Don't Like Christianity You're intl.png (992x2784, 314.26K)

No, that's your jewish cult bro.

Attached: The 'Accomplishments' of Christianity in One Image.jpg (1429x997, 247.9K)

Faith is more important but I can still choose A because there is no contradiction and I prefer my own kind. I choose A. And you're still retarded.

No, pick one! Just one!

A or B!

Dimwit I care only for my family and that my progeny look passably like my ancestors. A brown invasion does me no good if all I have to look forward to is guac at my 85th bday party.

Just tell your boss to fire you.


Checked for another way to put it would be

Non-Christian White or Christian Non-White?
If you have to choose between the two, which do you choose?
This shouldn't be a difficult question to answer… Unless you prioritize your foreign semitic cult over your people, of course…


A Christian buttblasted, this simple question exposses almost every Christian!

It's more than temporal things important from a biblical perspective but ethnonationalism is part of Orthodox tradition and there is no contradiction you can produce because you're retarded and don't know anything.

No one has to choose, moishe. You’re done here.

A or B make a choice, Race or God, what is it?

Neither, moishe.


Thanks for admitting you’re a jew shill.

So you want a Europe of brown commies? How nice….

That's a false dichotomy. There is no choice between race and God in Orthodox. I can choose race and God.


Jews, everyone.

Reported for destroying the thread.

Ok, God is Race and Race is God, are you saying White people are God?


You literally stated you are against both God and Race earlier, so what kind of Europe do you want?

That ones not even worth engaging dude, he's just gonna brick wall you with 'muh orthodoxy' while continuing to ignore reality.

The cop-outs are coming in hot now, as usual when this question is posed to the jew cultists.
They just can't bring themselves to tell the truth, which is that they are traitors: they value their cult above their blood.

No. Except for the Kushite ~200yr period, Africans were not Egyptian Kings (~5000yrs).

Celts were actually led to believe that the new faith of Rome was a mere extension of their traditional religion by Saint Patrick.

Pope Gregory said:

Dont forget to celebrate the great feast days of the Celtic Year:
November 1st
The Celtic New Year (Halloween).

February 1st
The Feast of the Goddess Brigit.

May 1
The festival honouring the beginning of summer.

August 1st
The harvest festival and last feast day in the year.

I don't care, I will stop when I get tired of this.

He basically already awnsered that faith is more important, but I want him to consciously choose and see where Christianity leads.

Just tellin' ya, been through this many times before.
Its always the same.

Attached: Christians - Not Even Once.jpg (1480x6432, 2.05M)

There's no point in answering retarded hypotheticals, especially ones that don't deal with facts.

Obviously not. You want to pretend like there is an ultimate choice between race and God when Orthodoxy supports ethnonatism.

But I'm engaging with reality because Orthodoxy supports ethnatism. It's part of Church tradition. You think I'm in denial because your view of Christianity is limited to liberalism welded onto a Christian framework.

So have I. But we will have to convert these people to our way eventually, could just as well start now.


No, I only want you too choose, Race or God.

A White Pagan Europe, or
A Brown Christian Europe.

Attached: (((orthodoxy))).png (671x645, 173.1K)

Very Ironic coming from someone behaving subversively and dishonestly. How many shekels per hour?

We'll do what Hitler did and ruse them into it.

A White Europe. Obviously.
Only a jew would have trouble with that question.

Attached: National Socialism and Christianity.jpg (1960x8280, 4.66M)

Or an Orthodox Christian….