China was and always will be constrained by geopolitics of its position. On the north you have Siberia and Russia with 8000 nukes, west you have desert regions with muslim indegineous pop, south are Himalayas and east is a body of water surrounded by string of pro-american island states.

East being their only option, they are trying to break this cordon sanitaire with their meddling in South China Sea for over 10 years now and they have little to show for it. They still need 30 years or more for building up their blue water navy so they can oust US presence from that part of the Pacific.

Historically their economy has been multiple times as high as 30% of worlds gdp (15th century Ming, early 19th century Manchu) and you can see how little impact they have had on the globe then. Little Portugal with 1million pop in 1450-1520 was a world power with bigger impact than them, all thanks to their geopolitical position.

And this leaves us with the current situation and the escalating trade war. We have 2 giants, one on the steep decline and one on the rise but with limited capabilities, in a boxing match which both will lose.

With hoping for Chinese victory or at least for them to hold their ground for as long as possible we are actually setting the terrain for a beautiful future of being free of both one and the other.

And eventual resurgence of old european colonial empires of France, UK and Russia. Second half od 21st century can very well end up looking like 19th century in the terms of european imperialism and USA's and China's irrelevance. All they need to do is to bleed themselves enough to the point of mutual collapse.

Attached: PicsArt_10-27-10.24.52.jpg (1536x2048, 673.59K)

Where is the chink bugmen fumigation post when you need it ?

China used to be very pompous and up it's own ass. It's a great look for it wearing the fresh dirt from the white man's heels as he scoffs it on China's face.

We should never lose our ire with China because they are like an animal groveling and scheming when weak and being an asshole as soon as they'd get a tiny bit of power.

We ruined your kingdom by getting you bugmen hooked on opium just because we were thirsty for tea. You're eternal vassals to our desires.

>it's own ass
scuffs, anglaise,

It's alright to redirect your annoyance with my typos but not the truth in the post.


That was schiff and the jews

except it's not a typo

Kill yourself you hapa freak!

As well as supposedly you're not an ass assaulted chink?

when all else fails, off-topic disruption distraction

translation? please go back to class.


Ask and you shall recieve:


Checked and heiled.


Μου φαίνεται ότι ξεχνάς ότι οι μυρμηγκάνθρωποι υπήρχαν ως η πιο συμαντική υπερδύναμη της 'Απω Ανατολής για χιλιετίες πριν οι λευκοί της Ευρώπης ανάκτησουν τα προ-κατακλυσμιαία μεγαλεία τους.

Self-congratulating will not make 1 billion people of comparable intelligence and technology to Whites just go away, especially when they are collectivistically serving ingroup interests and are nowhere near as cucked as we are.

So funny how I stuck a nerve with the tor-pedo in the thread. Go outside and choke on your own toxic air a byproduct of you bugmen trying to copy the big boys.

such a multi-culti thread we have here


Attached: he hates it,,,.png (600x342, 110.84K)

Attached: Hale Hortler.jpg (5128x3205, 1.09M)

bronies haled!

Attached: 049cb10c91b4775b0cf4a879d20c464824706d86c2da323ecb0d243577ace9a3.jpg (2112x2816, 5.37M)

Nigger, who controls Hong Kong now? Who is a sizeable shareholder in UK's nuclear industry and their car industry? (Not a single bong car producer has remained in domestic hands. Its all China, India and Germans).

Not to mention Cameron's and Theresa May's visits to Xi where they groveled before him.

OP, please bitchslap yourself before continuing.
muh imperial tealeaves, the absolute state!

Lol what an absolute shitshow of a thread.

I'd rather bet on China in 20 years than Mestizo/Nigger USA or Arab/Nigger Europe

Chinks are kike controlled, stupid and only allowed to call their kike masters foreigners, so that the rest of the world doesn't catch on as easily.
If I had a say I'd support only Japan to rule over the entire fucking east. All the others just do manual labor that can easily be automatized, meanwhile the Japanese are actually intelligent and capable of creating and maintaining infrastructure, machines, etc they themselves and the rest of the world need for keeping everyone at a good living standard.
Not to mention that the chink ant people and the pajeet call center population is totally out of control and that the Japanese don't have enough space for factories, farming, living etc. anyways.

Stay mad 50 cent OP

China only ever achieved anything by zerging.

This seems to be the latest bluepill meme


Fuck off with your gay fetish, faggot.

china should liberatye mongolia

Mongols are in Russian sphere of influence, plus it suits China to have a bit of a buffer between them and Russia.

In turn, Mongols hate Chinese, they insult each other by saying they have chinese mothers.

Attached: China Chink Bugspray.png (900x600, 6.7K)

Fumigating the board 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门 Improved bugspray

China is already a superpower.

Just look how they are cucking Taiwan with economic pressure.

The rest of the world happily fondles China's balls.


Good. Very good.

china is on the slow decline

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (960x684 88.17 KB, 191.07K)

looks like they need to do their fair share and take in more rapefugees :^)

My main concern ties with China is that their days of demographic explosion are behind them and that they have never had their eyes on the russian far east and Siberia.

Meme of stealth settler invasion of Siberia will remain a myth.

No it isn’t. Russia is weak and massives are stupid the south is a joke the only threat is from the sea from Japan or maybe a unified Korea

Ignore the retards who fell for the anti-chink meme that was quite literally drawn up by jews who rule over china with an iron fist, who created the monstrosity that is Mao, destroyed their culture utterly and designed an endless hell for them that they now dwell in.

In order for China to attain any sense of nobility it must first rid itself of Jews.

How? Their chinks. Just let Japan handle them.


Japan is currently under the thumb of the USA and by extension Israel. The plan to destroy their nuclear family is already underway, the jews already tried communism once on Japan, that failed, so they went the way of materialism and apathy.

Japan is equally tasked to rid itself of jewish influence.

I don't think you realize just how far and wide their sickly genetic and mental disease has spread.

Remember to report this chink avatarfag every single time it makes a post.

Not for long. They stick to themselves more than other people in other countries.
Side note: It's obvious you don't belong here.

I don't know, I thought scoffs was a good twist to take it from practical to sensual. Bridge to know more, no more.

How so?

Attached: 80fbc5eb2704113994cdc213f3d984dfd82a2d7d1c9fc9ed2b89423d88eb9ca8.jpg (1144x4510 506.02 KB, 3.06M)

Since your post quality is not too bad I'll tell you:
It's your spacing

A Japanese and Australian Empire will dominate as the USA decays and China implodes, buying up their assets. The Nippon are WASPs of the East and the Australians(an exiled warrior caste really) will take in a lot of wealthy White American expats if the USA descends into chaos.

How embarrassing. You fell for the reddit spacing meme. I'm sorry you're a retarded faggot. I've always typed like this, and have never used reddit. I typed like this on /new/. Not that you'd know what that is. Have you ever stopped to think, really, why does that matter? What does that have to do with the JQ, why is it important, why halt a conversation and derail it simply to point out differences in how people type? Ever stop to consider you are being a dupe, and aiding your enemy by causing discourse over something irrelevant?

Maybe your overconfidence in Japan resisting jewry will pan out to be correct. Hope you are right, too bad demographics disagree and Japan is taking in immigrants now. Its a slipperly slope that is only stopped through sheer force and will of a unified and aware people

When governments of the world finally address the JQ, only then can they begin to retake their nations.

Anglos are truly the lowest form of bacteria.

Take this faggot for example.
Why would a proud British man, take credit for the plot and scheme of a Jewish usurper queen and her Rothschild cohorts to destroy an entire nation through the use of drugs.
Oddly coincidental that jews play an equally large roll in the drug trade throughout the rest of the world in present times.

Come on don't cry now. Use the situation to learn from it. Don't take anything on the internet personally but asking yourself whether someone might be right about something is always good.
You're user here, there is no tower to defend and you should adapt.

Dude, don't tell the newfag why he is a newfag. It's almost like you want this place to become shit.

it's been shit for years. I gotta get out of here

Off to the filter basket you go little juden. Bye bye.

Attached: 1230172397891723.jpg (800x601, 61.53K)

This picture bothers me with intensity because she is wearing a Japanese martial arts uniform with a belt with Japanese lettering… but she is being posted in a China hate thread.

You should have posted a Korean Tae Kwon Do artist and just really let the shit fly. Low quality bud.

I am not a fan of tae kwon do that much and me training kyokushin gave me a thing for karate girls. And besides, any asian related tread devolves in a China bashing thread.

Attached: elisa-au-76f130e1-7e6b-43d0-a813-f45a0266d56-resize-750.jpeg (600x398, 27.19K)

This. The Opium Affair is the most damning proof imaginable of the supremacy of jewish power over Britain in the 19th century. Kiked from top to bottom - golem 1.0 before (((they))) jumped ship to the US between WW1 and 2.

/r/requesting the image proving china is historically a paper tiger incapable of winning wars


That file size is way over the limit.

Guys, guys, he's not British but larping as one to foment hate.

Quietly humorous post.



reminder that the yellow kikes never do anything right and are cursed to repeat history. such as when Genghis Khan beat the chinks by sending his army to the end of the Great Wall to get around it. the gooks were so smug in their power that they didn't think Genghis would do it so they sent their army in the other direction. Genghis' Mongol Horde marched straight to Peking unopposed, pillaging and sacking and burning every city along the way and mass slaughtering the gooks and enslaving the gooks who were war engineers to build siege weapons for the Mongols. the Mongols controlled China for the next 3 centuries.

i don't fear the chinks. they will be conquered again and again because it is in their mentality to be bugmen servants for superior foreign invaders.