China blacklists millions of people from booking flights as ‘social credit’ system introduced

user, Redpill me on this please - Historical Context, and expected outcome.

Attached: SocialChina.png (1014x472, 127.33K)

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I can already hear the "it'll never happen here" from npcs and cuckservatives alike

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A reminder that every fucking libshit in the world wants this.


This world is becoming more hellish all the time. I hope a solar flare swats half the Earth dark, and then that side thinks they've been nuked, and blows up the other half.

The world we already live in.

Good! As a nazbol, I unironically support blacklisting fags/jews/anarkiddies/bourgeoisie/niggers/etc

Mr Ironic, why the fuck would they want to blacklist Niggers when this is already done/in place?
You would think that this type of system is needed for dumb fucks like you, especially since the concept of Irony is wasted on your nigger ass.

What's there to "redpill" about it, you can make conclusions of "potential" (and likeliness as its already in China) for tyranny yourself.

The OP link doesn't work?


I fucking wish it would happen here. If the use had 1/10 the balls of China we would have a "social credit"for citizenship

Hopefully there will be less insect people travelling aboard and causing havoc

fuck off

Good job China. Go Nazi China.

We hate you. Just saying.

Attached: soviet jews.jpg (796x602, 98.83K)


I support it too!

Because this is like literally Nazi and we are Nazis XD

Did we crack the consensus comrades?


And conveniently all their agents are free to continue taking flights here.

We have laws in place preventing it. Come back when that changes.


What China is doing is a good thing for China. They should literally ignore everything Westerners have to say in this matter.

We've had a no-fly lists since 9/11. We're ahead of the gooks by almost 20 years.

It'll be here by 2020

Attached: Screenshot_2018-07-11 The Supreme Court’s Groundbreaking Privacy Victory for the Digital Age.png (1125x5452 166.12 KB, 1.51M)

Oh we'll get this alright, but it will be enhanced with some western innovation. Specifically, your social credit score will be supplemented (or reduced) according to your identity-group's position in the oppression hierarchy.

For women how many cock you have taken. For white men how gay you are.


Do you have one with capitalists? You know, banking, media, politicians etc?. Guess how it looks.

I thought they were just larping.


Attached: 666HappyMerchant.png (160x183, 55.64K)

All bars will be >90%. What's the point of the infographic then.

I think this new development in China is outstanding. After they blacklist 75% of the country they'll burn that fucker to the ground within weeks.

Of course, all non whites get a pass because raycis. All faggots get a pass bc degenerate.

Cry moar, jew. Nothing will happen.

2 - 3 years away from white countries …………….

they'll blacklist you for saying nigger, thot or kike on social media

Blocks Chinese people from moving because they are dissidents of the ultra-oppressive Communist Govt.
Well, hey, that means these 'marked' bug people are actually are 'good'.

Attached: animals-angora-rabbit.jpg (600x434, 35.64K)


Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989 China
(I don't agree with the other user's assessment)

You are a little babby still shitting your nappies.

Attached: comeyMKULTRA.png (620x625, 754.38K)

Pay your taxes, whore.

Based China. China strong. Looks like your filter is broken.

no one is paying for videos anymore … stfu

It already has, when you consider the "Terrorism Watch List." Very hard to find out why you were put on it, and expensive to clear your name off of it.

Anonymous, rise up against this global tyranny!

Chinks are shit.
Chinks gonna die.

They're so fucking dumb, they destroy any among them that might be able to right their course. When it comes to a proper war, China is going to get utterly demolished, they were shit at war in the past even before they had this level of destroying their intellectual class possible.

Sorry, but those are the ones on the whitelist.

Loads of chink monkeys on Zig Forums. I wonder how they'll try to make this seem like a great thing, or downplay it. They're always trying to make china seem like a great place, when in reality it's a third world shit-hole filled with low-intelligence monkeys.

This is why I liken them to slightly more intelligent niggers.

Fuck off moshe. Based China will wipe your Zogbots in a fight. And they are doing every right thing there is to do.

How about no.

Whitelist to get out of the country, yes.

It is a good thing that Westerns think of China as a third world shit-hole. We don't want them coming here.

You know your country is headed for success when a top priority is shilling on an anonymous forum with only a few thousand users. Filtered. Go back to eating plastic noodles drenched in sewer sludge, monkey.

Fucking retards. It's already being implemented here in the west. We're just getting it through corporations rather than openly through the government. You already see it in action through faceberg, twatter, jewtube, and the connected job loss/denial one gets if bad goyism is detected too strongly on those sites.

You know, shit the low IQ cartoon skinhead stereotypes of nu/pol/ like to dismiss or ignore because ex dee who cares it's social media sites ur dum lol


Yeah and? there are laws in place to stop voter fraud, then fucking Florida happened, the law is only there to keep white people controlled retard.

This is standard communistic policy applied via modern technology. It will come to any nation that has the toxic poison of (((communism))) flowing through its blood.

Yes, the jews behind the CCP who run China keeping the Chinese people in urban cages while they introduce a (((debt economy))) and raid the country for its resources and young children is "good for China." This is your brain on contrarianism.

t. Chiang Rothstein

Attached: blankfein li keqiang.jpg (768x491, 60.71K)

bald "Chinese guy" even looks jewish…kike genes are a curse.

Guy in the middle isn't chinese, my wife is chinese and nobody in her family looks like that at all.

That's literal kike Lloyd Blankfein, head of Goldman Sachs, honored guest and close friend of the Politboro Standing Committee of the CCP

blow your brains out

No :^)

At least you announced you're an anti white shill who doesn't belong here so that we're clear on who is behind all this pro China posting.

1. Your a retarded monkey
2. Not shilling shit you mong, read a goddamn dictonary
3. Not pro China at all, I was just ppintning out that that guy is far from ching chong, calm your tits.

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Exactly as predicted. I miss when the average IQ of this board was above 50. Try actually looking into shit instead of LARPing your ass off and you'll learn something. Chinks are doing this through the government. The west is doing it through corporations that are owned by the same puppeteers that own western governments.


go ask about jewish ants

thanks, i needed that laugh

Rebrand this as "racist points" and see how quickly leftists will want to adopt this in every white country on earth. If the jews keep getting their way unopposed, it'll most likely be a reality in our lifetimes.

Fuck off riceburner. Go drown yourself in gutter oil.

I swear the politburo of commie China is filled with Kaifeng jews. This new (((Chinese system))) must be another attempt at goy control needed to make their messiah appear in the year 6000 on the kike calendar.

I'm excited to see a huge drop in Chinese emigration because they haven't paid the local CCP officials enough to overlook their bad score

That's a delicacy in chinkland.

The difference is we know damn well our government is compromised and trying to kill us. We are well aware the government and these corporations are our mortal enemies. Chinks on the other hand are so stupid that they look at what their government is doing and actually support it. The Chinese government itself probably also thinks it's genuinely helping to secure China's future with this idiot shit. In China's case it's sheer stupidity more than the intentional malice of our own kike overlords.

This needs to happen in a natsoc society so we can root out our political enemies and blacklist them. Based china actually doing something right.

Sewer diving for cooking oil!