How can we draw attention to (((euroweek))) grooming camp?

If you don't already know, Euroweek is an EU-funded (((education camp))) in Poland that host middle and high school groups.
The volunteers are virtually all men from third world countries. They behave inappropriately with young girls who visit Euroweek, frequently hugging them, and they stay in contact with them after their trip to Euroweek ends.
The men all have instagram and facebook, which are filled with hundreds of comments and likes from girls who have been to Euroweek.
Many threads have been written about Euroweek on several sites, but so far none have managed to appeared near the top of Google search results.
Anons had previously left redpill reviews on their Google reviews which sent their rating plunging to one star, but those have now been deleted and their rating is back to 5 stars.
The man in the picture is Varma Varaprasad, also known as "Vara Vara". He is one of the worst offenders at Euroweek.
He touts himself as a "yoga master", which for some reason goes down well in Poland.
His social media from years ago when he was still in India throws doubt on this claim of being a yoga practitioner (he studied IT or something) but it seems since being in Poland he has cultivated this persona.
A few months ago, anons found his facebook page dedicated to teaching Polish women yoga. On this page there were images of him "teaching" yoga to juvenile girls.
Varma must have found out about the thread because the next day this account was gone. It has not been reactivated.
What would be some ways of getting redpills about Euroweek and Varma respectively to appear near the top of google of searches?
We have an opportunity to expose them further and prevent more kids from coming under their influence.
Put your heads together and let's get 'em.

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Other urls found in this thread:,kulturowy-patchwork-z-gosciem-z-indii-vara-prasad
That should put an end to this shitskin miscegenation twat.

post up a list of kikebook profiles, twatters, websites, etc. detailing who these shitskins are and how to get in touch with them.

The only way I can see is to expose them. Compile evidence of every questionable thing they've done, and shill it everywhere. Eventually the right people will see it and we might just cause a stir.

Good lord, women are so wowed by OM symbols and sweaty posing in skintight clothing. I was almost a yoga teacher, but I couldn't stand the "spirituality". There's actually a hardcore philosophy to decipher in the practice of yoga, but these people just want to limber up before they get railed by shitskins.

The guy at the front is Adam Jasnikowski, the founder of Euroweek.
Apparently local police paid their offices a visit after a Polish user reported them.
Adam knows about these allegations, but he chose to lie to parents in a recent letter posted on euroweek's facebook, saying they had been "under attacks from competitors".
To think that probably hundreds of schools have contracts with this crooked organisation is shocking.
In most civilised countries they would have suspended school trips based on the circumstantial evidence collected. Why is the Polish education system so slow to react?

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This Indian deleted his yoga facebook the day after he was exposed online. Why would an innocent person do that?
He is still employed by Euroweek.

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Some of these pictures are beyond the pale. I saved a couple from the last thread a couple months ago. Sick!

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The second girl has seen some shit. Some kids aren't all smiles but she doesn't seem amused at all or on-board.

Sad that the "Indian guru" gimmick still works on Poles
He is a Business Administration graduate from Andhra University

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Day after day suicide looks like best option. I am realy tired and burned by this insanity.

Are you sure about that? Shitskins and niggers can rape little girls in Europe and America without punishment.

Nah, we need all the quality people we can get for when the ultra-violence begins.

Welp, I'm pretty sure we can write off any hope for Europe at this point.

Only one solution.

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Łukowski Ośrodek Kultury
21-400 Łuków, ul. Ks. Kard. S. Wyszyńskiego 20
NIP 8251002437, REGON 000282435
BS Trzebieszów o/Łuków nr konta 13 9206 1048 7103 0443 2000 0040
tel/fax. 25 798 32 72
e-mail: [email protected]

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Nothing official will happen. Will the poles step up to this themselves? Unlikely because this isn't common knowledge, I'd suggest a polack make it common knowledge with posters, flyers and normie facebook posts.,kulturowy-patchwork-z-gosciem-z-indii-vara-prasad
Redpill this theatre that previously hired him so they never pay him or shine the limelight on him again

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seriuos cancer, like cancer roots

Who is funding this shit?! Soros?

sometimes I wonder if eurocucks were actually paid to send their kids to these shit shows

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Good effort. I'll bump with more pictures of this fraud.

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But i honestly do not belive it will ever hapen. Only if muslims or blacks would be so kind and start to kill us.

Every week another rape or something. Every ressistance is crushed for ridicilous reasons. Everyone is paranoid as hell. There is offical organisation where shitskins can play with little white girls and posting it on facebook. Muslim stab some people in market. Nothing. Another rape. Nothing. European cities looks like fucking Africa. That is fine.

I think people should have some basic survival insticts. Maybe when you visit your major city and don't see any white people, somebody should notice that. Are jews right and people are just souless cattle?

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Seeing these pictures just makes me think of every episode of Chris Hansen where the pedophile came from overseas on a visa to molest our children.

Look at that ugly brown beast, he is knowingly mocking European males as he flaunts his possession of a young European female right next to him.
If this doesn't anger you European man, then what does?

What do you expect to accomplish by drawing attention? To stop it? With people knowing about it I don't see that as the result. I think to stop such things you have to do things that would actually break it functioning.

omg activate polish nationalists to beat the shit out of these sick fucks!

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Is it truly so wrong of a responsible mother and father to want their daughters to be gang raped by multiple flesh kebabs? What responsible mother and father doesn't want their daughters hairless fortune cookie penetrated and seeded like a fertile wheat field or their sons tender virgin asshole to become a big red puffed up swollen prolapsed train wreck for the sake of diversity?

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It’s as though raising awareness in this community achieves the result of putting the Other in defense of it. Technically, you shouldn’t signpost to your enemies that you’re coming for them.


Thanks for the reminder thread, OP.

cuck who refuses the loli pill

meanwhile, niggers don't give a fuck about your laws and by the time the white female is 18 and it's legal to fuck her she already rode 1000 nigger dicks

molotov their offices

if you really care………………..

People should start protesting in the fucking streets. Why can’t there be some kind of mass society walk out where everyone from every fucking area in western countries take to the streets to voice their anger about what’s been happening. It doesn’t even have to be made public. It could be kept relatively secret until it’s time. Word of mouth would get the right people involved anyway. It doesn’t matter if it’s small groups, if there are enough groups doing it from different countries on the same night, at the same time, even cnn couldn’t ignore that shit.

who cares

Polish girls being used to satisfy shitskins just like in Ottoman/crimean Tatars times.


This shit again. Do what you're going to do. There is no we. NYPA.


Nothing is gonna be done. The only ones posting in JewroWeek threads are the jews and pajeets looking for fap material

based poland

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Inform Polish people.

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What are you trying to accomplish? Convince everyone that "POLAN IS NOT BASTE XD AMIRITE"? You fucking blackpilling room temperature IQ animal

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War is required, nothing else will make them see; and sadly, war will not come until they are weak enough to be defeated.

*to realize sending your teen daughters off to spend time with adult male middle easterners/north africans at a government funding miscegenation seminar is a fucking terrible terrible terrible idea

Realize that since these people are so fucking weak in mind, body and soul as to not realize this, they are far too weak to withstand the power of an warlord with conviction and drive to see what needs to happen. Our (((leaders))) have won it seems. But this winning of theirs has given us the very fucking justification to and avenue to subjugate the fools whom cowtow to our elites whims.

The teaming masses whom allow this vile evil are not strong enough to stand against those like us. And our righteous rage is beyond anything they have ever been allowed to experience before, making them ill prepared to rise up in defense of our faggot (((leadership))). This shit is the road that has paved the way to our rise user. Do not discourage yourself with blackpills, but instead stead yourself so you may shoulder the burden required of you to lead the way and crush your enemies. This is how all of our lands must be cleansed, and how it is up to only us.

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Honestly nothing us Americans can do about it unless you want to fly over there and literally fucking kill them. I would if this shit was happening in my corner of the states, but then… It isn't…

What fucking man lets his daughter go to feminine (((workshops))) run by male outsiders?

First beat the living shit out of these parents who are beyond clueless. Then post signs everywhere.

>What fucking man lets his daughter go to feminine (((workshops))) run by male outsiders
Beta dads. The entire nation should be losing their shit over this.

Polish men, do something.

cuck who refuses the loli pill

meanwhile, niggers don't give a fuck about your laws and by the time the white female is 18 and it's legal to fuck her she already rode 1000 nigger dicks

cuck who refuses the loli pill

meanwhile, niggers don't give a fuck about your laws and by the time the white female is 18 and it's legal to fuck her she already rode 1000 nigger dicks

cuck who refuses the loli pill

meanwhile, niggers don't give a fuck about your laws and by the time the white female is 18 and it's legal to fuck her she already rode 1000 nigger dicks

cuck who refuses the loli pill

meanwhile, niggers don't give a fuck about your laws and by the time the white female is 18 and it's legal to fuck her she already rode 1000 nigger dicks

cuck who refuses the loli pill

meanwhile, niggers don't give a fuck about your laws and by the time the white female is 18 and it's legal to fuck her she already rode 1000 nigger dicks

cuck who refuses the loli pill

meanwhile, niggers don't give a fuck about your laws and by the time the white female is 18 and it's legal to fuck her she already rode 1000 nigger dicks

cuck who refuses the loli pill

meanwhile, niggers don't give a fuck about your laws and by the time the white female is 18 and it's legal to fuck her she already rode 1000 nigger dicks

cuck who refuses the loli pill

meanwhile, niggers don't give a fuck about your laws and by the time the white female is 18 and it's legal to fuck her she already rode 1000 nigger dicks

cuck who refuses the loli pill

meanwhile, niggers don't give a fuck about your laws and by the time the white female is 18 and it's legal to fuck her she already rode 1000 nigger dicks

18 is pretty decent for what it's supposed to do.
what should the age of consent be?
let me guess, "there should be no age of consent".
"Lolipill"="Pedopill"=FBI Provocateurs

13yo should be the AoC for teens and 16+ for adults

Daily reminder no one is going to do anything because any of the likely candidates who would've done something - is here posting instead.

AoC is just another tool of the zog to keep white birthrates down. Just ask any latin mami. They will tell you why white births are failing. Girls don't just hit puberty at age 13 for no reason.

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Torpedo gets it. White girls are flocking to shitskin men because white men have allowed themselves to be cucked out of fucking them by (((feminists))). The girls want sex, and they're going to get what they want. If you refuse to provide, out of fear or some perverted feminist sense of (((morality))), they're going to go to those who will provide.

the pic on the right is the face you make when you've just been raped by a curry slurper.

Except they're not. In fact it's white men who are flocking to shit skin women.


Put an end to brainwashing girls to believe their parents and other white men are wrong.
They realize they should have listened to the men who cared about them when it's too late.

Just like Palestinians.

Because we own you, goyim. And we’re tired of you. So we’re throwing you away.

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It's really ridiculous, because you could just learn Yoga across Jewtube. If you really want advice from Hindus, you could just skype them. There is absolutely no need to physically import foreigners.

How people still fall for the (((diversity))) scam is beyond me.

I shall try to spam threads on cuckchan with this. Hopefully it will catch the eye of some normalfags.

quick, let's save these poor girls

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A good laugh. The only thing "polish nationalist" are gearing up to do is kill Germans, at the orders of their masters in London. Read the comments at Brietbart to see the reality.

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nice try jew

Every time I see these pictures my stomach is in knots. It breaks my heart to see this.

Surely there must be something we can do. How can we spread awareness?

heh, ok… typical dumb shit

Mass reporting this to the Polish police, education body and Polish newspapers (both local and national level) again and again could put an end to this.

On the easily found Euroweek facebook page, there are many 'likes' and 'comments' left by teachers, parents and students.

We ought to contact them en masse and alert them to what is going on. This would undoubtedly wake some people up and raise serious doubts and suspicions about euroweek.

The teachers, who have a duty of care for their students and want to keep their job, would feel obliged to report any allegations to their school principal and governors.

We do this for however long it takes till we see change. We certainly have the numbers for it.

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Can someone explain why this is not just whiteknighting for racemixing white girls, who want foreign food and treachery?

Set up a fake account pretending to be a shitskin considering applying to work at euroweek.

Ask these guys about their experiences of working at euroweek. Firstly ask them normal questions about pay, days off etc.

After a while, subtly move the conversation onto girls by asking them: "What are the Polish girls like? Are the girls nice to you?"

I wouldn't be surprised if they arrogantly admitted to some pretty incriminating shit. Try to make them incriminate other guys working there too.

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holy trips of truth
nothing more self-castrating than lusting after racemixers who wont even fuck you

Then every woman (and man) is a possible racemixer.
Your grandmaw would've racemixed under different environmental conditioning. Where would that have left you?
We cannot give up on whole swathes of women by just chalking it up to some imaginary racemixing gene.

What a fucking surprise :^)

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>How can we draw attention to (((euroweek))) grooming camp?
Firebomb it.

The key is to stop them falling into the racemixing trap in the first place by not allowing those conditions to flourish (euroweek trips or family holidays to places like Egypt or Algeria).


Rape the rapefugees, that way you can fight fire with fire. Don't forget that their religion forbids them from being fags, so fag the fag with power!

Poles will not do anything about this. They have sold their soul, people and Country, so that they can live in the illusion that they are Western European.
I visited Poland 17 years ago ( every year since then). They owned their own Independent businesses, where the Petrol Pumps were Polish owned.
The month they joined the EU, Bank machines kept popping up at an alarming rate - they did not exist before this time.
Men or head of the family would travel around Europe for work, send and save their money, where they would then putchase their own property/land within a few years. They are now feeling blessed and a sense of belonging that they can mortgage their lives out for a property they may never really own.
They are treated like shit everywhere they go, and they refuse to fight back because they feel that this is the price they must pay for being a part of a club that will never accept them.
In the space of 10 years Poland has been transformed into the nightmare of the true owners of Poland - the Joo.
Tesco, Lidle, Aldi, TKMAXX, Loans, Credit Cards, Mortgages, Infrastructure etc now rules over the Poland i once admire.
Poland has WHored its children ( female esp), out so that they feel as though they are British or Germans.

Your dubs are not bad either. Thanks user.

Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.

< Grooming gangs that target brainwashed teenage girls are the same thing as coalburning by choice
you get the rope too
Compiled the images on imgur for easy distribution
I wonder why doesn't work with the URL though - probably something to do with the faceberg plugins on imgur.
Send the imgur link out to some e-celebs

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spread awareness of your patheticness?


t. jew

This is probably the best shot we have at actually making an impact.


Post on - popular Polish board for normies.


That is why I will only take a virgin and tell this everyone.
Previously it might had been acceptable for me, when she would not have been. But today, it seems, once she is not a virgin anymore you can never even guess her count and nigger etc. dick amount, which she will lie about anyway.

Consent for women should lie with male legal guardian.