I fucking love this man.

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Other urls found in this thread:

G-D bless the ZOG Emperor!

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What's retarded about these D&C threads is that are complaint is the rate of nigger criminals. This frees just as many white nationalist prisoners and they are more likely to vote.

I'm not sure what level of anger to feel here, to be perfectly honest. I'll give you a bump just because this is the first faggot OP I've seen today actually posting something political.

When Jews enforce the law, they'll naturally create double-standards against Whites.


"Aryan" Brotherhood are actual drug dealing rootless bandits and not pissed off vets like the SA were, dumbshit.

Muttmerica needs to die now. It is for the best.

Who? Don't say the AB, they only care about drugs and money.
Who, again? If you're a felon, even a non-violent one, you aren't allowed to vote and I don't know any criminals that do anyway.


Dox bad. Murder is very bad. Please do not do those things please.

t. Republican

I'm English and I think America and especially the Republican party should start getting with the times. America jails more POC than anyone else. It's about time someone like Trump does something about it.

What exactly is the civnats line of thinking here? I'm genuinely curious what is going through someones head when decade after decade they try and appeal to a group, never make any room, and keep trying to appease that group despite 40+ years of never actually getting anywhere.

Blacks are incarcerated more often because they commit crimes at a vastly higher rate than White people do.
Black criminality is vastly disproportionate to their population in the USA.




White educated women are anti-black. So yes, he is losing their support and the support of humans whites in general.

Oh wow you're a fucking racist. filtered.

Attached: th.jpg (1920x1078, 94.89K)

Go back to fucking plebbit. Niggers are jailed as often as they commit crimes. They aren't just thrown in jail for no reason like whites consistently are over here and in your country.

Get a load of this nigger

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Agreed my based magapede.

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Shills are scared. Simple as that.

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This LARP shit got old really fast.

< lose 5% of 200 million
Fuck off back to plebbit.

There is no rational thinking behind this or any other action like this.
White self hatred and negro worship is basically state religion in this country, anything that washes away the irremovable stain of white guilt will be supported with resounding applause.
Non whites are already basically a protected class, this just codifies it into law.

We got to save our based niggers from the democratic plantation my fellow pede!


I see you're not wise in the negro ways young faggot. You should try jumping off a bridge to enlighten your mind.

All dems have to do is run a nigger in 2020 and they'll get 95%+ of the black vote despite Trump's efforts to cuck out to them.

The dumbest thing is that this won't happen anyway. Trump will never get 30% of the nigger vote. They hate his guts.
Politics is racial. That's what you get in multi-racial societies.

Anyway, OP is a troll, see

KEK. I'm sure nigs will give up on the gibs party just to work their asses off for pennies on the dollar.
Cuckservatives actually believe this shit.

Nobody calls them "Blacks" anymore except racists. Welcome to 2018.

Why are you here?


Fuck off nigger faggot.

Good God this board has become such shit.

I was hoping you get the message.

All of the states Trump barely won will be flooded with illegals to make up the difference. Florida just passed a law to allow 1.6m criminals to vote. With Florida, Philly and probably texas gone its over.
Memes were fun but its time to get down to business faggot.

He's here to sow the seeds of chaos and discord within this board. This is a fucking slide thread.

You can only trust Zognald more than Hillary, but only just.


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But calling them as niggers is better?
Like you did in the OP?

If you're looking to trust an elected politician, you're pinning after the impossible.

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That means they are getting the message about kikes.

fuck off kike, there aren't many white nationalist prisoners

I was quoting LBJ.

Attached: th.jpg (624x352, 24.79K)

You do know we're full of cuckchan niggers right now and none of them will understand this is a shitpost, right? Enjoy the flood of sub-80s screeching.

You should look up what LBJ let slip by in 1967 when the jews treacherously attacked the USS Liberty in international waters to try to murder our sailors and blame Egypt.


Attached: hitler_quote.png (1280x521, 484.51K)

reported for OP posting kiddie porn

Go back to reddit.

this donald shit is starting to turn into the bernie subreddit

im going to take a contrarian perspective here and try to see the 64D chess that might be at play. let's assume the premises and take the consequences to their conclusion. about 61% of prisoners are over 40 years old. i would argue that older males who have been in prison long enough to become broken are less of a risk. niggers learn slower than whites. a 20 year old white man knows how to act properly in society. it can take a nigger until age 40 to figure it out. and it can require them being caged and having their daily life regulated like an animal and having the constant threat of punishment and violence to get them to the state of a much younger white man. now here's the counter intuition. everybody knows one of the main reasons why niggers are so wild is because they never have fathers or mature men around to keep them in check. so i could see letting 200,000 middle aged niggers out of prison as a smart tactic to restore order in the nigger ghettos. what happens when you losen a pack of silver backs in a troop of young males? those young males cannot compete as easily against males with more experience. so this could be just one way to help restore equilibrium to a severely imbalanced population. you ever see those scared straight videos? let's say you were a young wild nigger and suddenly there's a ripped silver back on your block in your face telling you to get your ass back to school and stop thugging or he's going to lose his shit because he seen prison for 20 years and nothing makes him madder than seeing a young man throwing away his life over that ol' bullshit? now multiply that by 200,000 experiences. entire black households will become Trump voters out of gratitude that Trump freed their daddy. and this is just one angle and a small part of the bigger effect. so im not against anything Trump does to chop down the prison industrial complex. the whole problem with America is the Govt is too big and too powerful and has its octopus hands up everyone's asshole and they can't even get the basics right so they make everything worse by their interference.


Okay. Fair enough.
Then I will rephrase.
No Republican politician is trustworthy.

Hitler was one of those rare leaders who actually delivered on his promises and fought for the People.

take any perspective, niggers are too stupid

they will vote like they always do

$${\huge kILLaLLnIGGERS}$$

I'm jewish and I wanted to post here to tell you that you are all RIGHT

Please don't delete this right away because I really have to say this. I'm sure you will like what I have to say and you deserve to hear this.

You can ban me after this but I wasn't going to post again after this anyway, I'll just leave no problem. I made this thread to let you know you are 100% right in every way about everything. I come from a jewish family and I reject my jew blood completely. My family is so fucking manipulative and evil that it's disgusting. I learned to hate them long before I ever read anything on Zig Forums. you are all completely right in every way. My family is the most sick and manipulative family in the entire world and they troll the shit out of me every day because they notice I'm not as jewish as they are. They are pure evil and every sneaky deceptive and greedy stereotype you know them to be is exactly true undeniably. Please know that this is an actual fact and do not let anyone fill you with any doubts. We deserve everything and anything that is coming to us. I just wanted to say this, not because I feel guilty because I don't. I never played their games or did things the way they asked of me. I didn't want to make the world a worse place or be a part of that so I stayed out of it. Maybe that's why they hate me so much.

So I don't feel guilty for anything I did, because I never did anything to help them. I do however, feel extremely guilty I'm a part of such an evil and manipulated and dishonest and hateful people (they passionately hate everyone who isn't jewish, and they passionately hate even other jews who aren't as jewish as they are.) I reject it as much as I can, whatever that may mean. It's torture living with them but they keep me around because I can't make money because I'm unwilling to jew other people so I'm about as fucked as anybody else. They love torturing me and teasing me with psychologically dizzying threats of being kicked out and homeless where not even any other of my jewish family will take me in because they are so damn greedy and loveless. Just know you're all doing the right thing by believing what you believe. For what it matters, G-D BLESS YOU ALL.

It's all our fault. I wish we didn't exist. The one thing that isn't out fault is how shitty most people are to begin with. That specific part is not our fault. We could have never done what we did without those shitty or evil or even neutral or stupid people to begin with. We did this, but they made that possible. They made it easy. This shouldn't make you feel better at all, but it would have all gone to shit anyways irregardless, and we just sped it up out of pure unreasonable hateful spite because fuck everything. I'm really sorry that no matter how good of a person I wanted to be, no matter how much I wanted to be someone who wasn't jewish, that there was nothing that I could have done to oppose them or make things right or help the world become a better place. My biggest regret was being born into a world so fucked in every possible way and fucked in such a way to allow us to even try to do what we are doing.

The end for the whole entire world could not come fast enough, as even yesterday would be very late. I say this because the only place any soul will ever be safe from evil is with G-D. Everyone who is evil will never ever ever be allowed into heaven and that Is why the world ending is a better outcome than trying to save it when it is so painfully obviously un-save-able. I'm not a blackpilling shill although I'm without doubt that you would think that. I wish your souls for those of you who are good to be blessed by G-D. You might want to screencap this, not that it will matter anyway. It's just good to show everyone this so that you can always say "Even this jew admitted it" with this nice screencap in your back pocket for you to flash to any noob to Zig Forums that comes along. Just know you were right about everything. I beg G-D that I will meet you all in heaven and be better than what I am now.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Trump. The tactics are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of 3-dimensional chess most of the politics will go over a typical voter’s head. There’s also Trump's winning outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from The Art of the Deal, for instance. The supporters understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these chess moves, to realise that they’re not just controversial- they say something deep about AMERICA. As a consequence people who dislike Trump truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the effectiveness in Trump’s existential catchphrase “Make America Great Again,” which itself is a cryptic reference to President Reagan's successful presidency. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Trump’s genius wit unfolds itself on their twitter feed. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂


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cumskins btfo

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We all have our part to play, user.
If what you say is true, you should speak out against White Genocide and the jewish domination of the media and political institutions. Like Benjamin Friedman.
It does help break the mental barriers. Besides, when the revolution comes it would be good to be seen opposing the enemy before it became safe to do so.

Attached: Need a light.jpg (385x480, 61.92K)

I love that we have 200 trump threads in the catalog.
It's not getting old at all.
This is the fucking reason why I stopped browsing /zenpol/ this fucking shit flooding the damn catalog, why not just start a trump general, especially with such shit OPs like "I fucking love this man" as the fucking description of what the thread is about.

polvol8 is a kike named Lazia Cus

polvol8 is a kike named Lazia Cus

polvol8 is a kike named Lazia Cus

polvol8 is a kike named Lazia Cus

polvol8 is a kike named Lazia Cus

polvol8 is a kike named Lazia Cus

polvol8 is a kike named Lazia Cus

polvol8 is a kike named Lazia Cus

polvol8 is a kike named Lazia Cus

polvol8 is a kike named Lazia Cus

polvol8 is a kike named Lazia Cus

polvol8 is a kike named Lazia Cus

Can you provide evidence?

Attached: Making a List Checking it Twice.jpg (608x396, 67K)

if the mods weren't so quick to delete such posts threads I'd call bullshit on this myself

Mods have always deleted those types of attention whore threads though. This is an established thread so lets see some evidence. I'm all for naming the kikes.

There was an anti-MAGApede thread that (((mods))) shoah'd almost as soon as it was posted. We're beyond Imkikey levels of faggotry here without the wordfilters.

This isn't kikechan. hate/pol/ still expects effort when making threads.

All mod names are magically hidden now. They will never be removed. Codemonkey has destroyed Zig Forums for good.

No, we don't. Codemonkey explicitly allows all content here, of any kind.

Yet look at the catalog.

Yeah, you fucks did a great job shitting the place up.

Just fucking make a trump thread that isn't anti or pro trump. This shit needs to be contained at all cost, it's fucking killing Zig Forums like it did /zenpol/.

The most truthful thing I've read today that didn't involve a kike admitting to being a kike.

Hapas are trash.

It's not me writing any threads, I don't give a fuck, I'm just mad watching global burn Zig Forums.

I don't give a fuck about Trumpkike*

Fair enough.

These faggots made several low quality threads and then immediately turned around to complain about their own threads. It’s obvious as fuck, they’re complaining about shit threads getting deleted AND shit threads not getting deleted.

Yeah right.


Let's all take a moment to thank (((Chodemonkey))) and his shitty vols for improving the board quality and turning Zig Forums into a pile of reddit shit.
Thanks CM and vols, you fucking fags.
Fellate a shotgun

I've never written a single thread, go fellate a shotgun doublenigger.


For once torpedo is not a fag.

Attached: Not Even Mad.png (234x206, 63.83K)

Well, the faggots in charge bumplocked this over a Christcunt poetry thread. I think I'm officially done with this Zig Forums.

Look, Nigel, the UK's biggest prison population is also blacks. We actually arrest blacks for the same reason the cucked British police do:
You have the Muslim plague and niggers still manage to commit more criminal acts than they do. Do you think we do the shit for fun? Of course not. A gigantic portion of blacks are dangerous criminals, incapable of empathy. They sell drugs. They rob. They rape. They shoplift. They run out of restaurants without paying, and even if they pay they never tip, not even the wealthy celebrity blacks. They beat people unconscious literally just because they think it's fun (look up the Knockout Game if you haven't heard of it). I'm glad we jail more "POC" (fucking retarded term) than Europe. Europe should be throwing these shitskins in the slammer or hanging them more than you already do.

I can promise you this, limey: they would never, ever, under any circumstances, show a fraction of the concern about you that you would show for them.

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Mod names have been hidden in the board log so that the fagmods can continue their nefarious moderating activities anonymously. Now no one knows which mods to call out for faggotry… fucking kek almighty!

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Agreed, we should implement punitive deportations. If you commit a crime, you get shipped back to whatever country you're from. Bam, suddenly the prison nig population goes down.

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