Right Wing Tax Squad /rwts/

4/pol/ has banned all discussion about /rwts/. We continue our struggle here.


It’s almost 2019, we should be sure Uncle Sam isn’t cheated out of any tax revenue. Thots with (((premium snapchats))) probably don’t realize they have extra taxable income to report. We should help them out like the responsible citizens we are


Escort Repository:
For the Czech Anons
Yes many of these dumb thots use their actual phone number which are tied to their facebook accounts. Happy hunting!

Gold mine of unpaid taxes

PASTEBIN: The list so far

Thread theme

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Other urls found in this thread:


Okay this is epic

Good thread, OP, and even better idea. I'd say you should have posted this here first, but this site isn't any better than 4chan. Gladly give a bump.

There was a lot of interest on 4/pol/ before the janitors stepped in. Hopefully the anons make their way over

I wouldn't be too sure about the mods here. We've been having some trouble with them, but hopefully it will be fine.

Tax the thots, report them now! 1488 dicks in the pants!

This is a solid operation, not only does it fuck them, it helps red pill them against government and taxes. Unfortunately I don't have any social media accounts, so what can we shadow people do to help?

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here's some inspiration

Attached: rwss.webm (270x480, 7.33M)

Wonderful idea. Bump

Using one evil to fight another, good strategy.

Just in case there’s
Kinda slow for now but we expect some growth

Shadow ops can work on identifying thots and filing reports to tax authorities, maybe?


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I understand reporting camwhores, but why are you targeting actual prostitutes? Prostitutes take power away from women by lowering the cost of pussy. This seems like some feminist plot to use Zig Forums as a social justice mob.

I see what you did there.

prostitution encourages degeneracy

#skype on twitter is filled with this garbage

Attached: degeneracy.png (710x1166, 134.36K)

Quality OP and a fucking brilliant idea

At first I thought this was just another

But then again, the tax revenue collected from this would be minimal and it would not only fuck with thots but also redpill them on (((taxation))) as says.

Brilliant idea.

It might not be as physically disgusting as some fetishes, but, this is one of the more terrible ones. All it is, essentially, is women bullying men into giving them cash, and humiliating them for doing so. There's nothing else really there, it's just women harvesting "paypigs" to finance their own desires. It's like alimony but not only were they never in a relationship to begin with, but they give her money willingly.
It's peak Weimar, entitled bitches taking money from weak men and that is the only aspect of their relationship: Cunts and ATMs.

fuck off.
you retards have an ENTIRE board for your e-celeb cancer

Zig Forums&associates taxe service

We audit, you bought it

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t. camwhore

Tax the thots. Vaginal flood now.

then so does solicitation, and if you can tell me which came first and how you know, I'm all ears.

Side note: what’s the deal with the autistic captcha on this Bengali gardening forum?

>4cuck (((mods))) prevent anons from taking thots to town legally
Imagine my shock

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Don't you 4chan guys hate Zig Forums?

Can we extend this to the instagram camwhores ?

Nice try, roastie

prostitution increases human trafficking

fucking mutts - fed by owner/handler
don't pay taxes


why is this green-texted?

refresh newfag, the mod's banned him.

He deleted his own post.

i wanted to get a better shot, i didn't expect 6 replies before i posted again

Attached: ewhore.png (926x949, 1.55M)

also this

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waste of time

where will the money go?

gibs for niggers and invaders


You don't understand satire, do you?

Wow, brilliant idea. Bump.

Do not do this if you don't get money
It looks like it is pretty easy to manipulate you niggers to do free work for the Jews

Another proof that Jews promote alt-right only to manipulate the goyim

nice try, roasties

t. shill

You wanna know how we know you're not from either here or 4cuck?

Not really. Kikes WANT more whores and dumb men to buy into them. FBI doesn't care about tax evasion, hence why we have the IRS. Finally, this is useful to destroy degeneracy, can you imagine how many less whores would do this shit if it became unprofitable or if it means success to bring in the big bucks means risking jail? If this shit can save even one white woman from prostituting herself, it's worth doing.

go back to 4cuck magapede incel

no, what will happen that instead of selling her nudes online she will go offline and suck nigger cock for 10$

Subtle stuff, JIDF.

If that were the case they'd just prostitute themselves from the get go. The reason they do it online is because you have an insane degree of separation from your customer, take that away and a good majority of them won't do it. It's easier for you to post a nude image of yourself online than it is to actually get railed by strangers and put yourself at even more risk.


So why does reporting them even work
We all know Jews control the state, they could just ignore it then
This whole place is full of emotional manipulation
pretty much everything here is manipulation for the losers and government just use your "anger" for their own needs
going along with this is extremely stupid



you guys do free work for the police/zionist controlled political parties
I am pretty sure that all this "hate" bullshit is part of the Jewish psyop
Same goes for most terrorist attacks
System uses mentally unstable individuals for their own needs
This place is only useful for the knowledge it contains in

post disregarded

if the irs taxes her the money will go to import more rapefugees, you are basically useful idiots for doing this

You've tried every shilling angle possible in this thread and failed constantly. Torpedo JIDF shill a shit.

t. roastie

jidf would support your plan to get free shekels, you literally work for jews by collecting internet taxes

You sound like you're upset, are you a degenerate who funds camwhores, or perhaps you are a degenerate camwhore yourself?

I am not part of any business and I am male

ITT:roasties and their whiteknights

I know you are just a shill, and thats okay, if you get off on defending useless sacks of shit who only contribute to the degeneracy of our society thats fine with me, but GOD DAMN IT THEY ARE GOING TO PAY TAXES LIKE I AM FORCED TO.

Women behaving in a degenerate manner online is far more important to the jews than gaining an insignificant number of shekels since it is a way for them to continue corrupting young minds.

Combating cultural degeneracy is one of the most important steps towards removing the jews' power.

Except this is the absolute core of chan culture you fucking idiot. Generating lulz is THE core of a chan.
Why does duterte's punishment for drug dealers discourage new ones from getting into dealing?
Are you honestly pretending jews would let some whore pay him less than what he believes he's owed? Money is the ultimate desire for a jew, how retarded are you to not know this?
says the manipulator who doesn't even know chan culture or why jews would chase fucking money

since when does Zig Forums love whores? lmfao we've always hated whores.
Way to expose yourself kike. We're mentally ill terrorists for trying to get people to follow the law and avoid degeneracy? You can't be more obvious.

It will likely be funneled to niggers and spics for gibs but even so, they're already doing it anyway. At this point I'm for accelerationism because after the midterms we know for a fact TX and FL are going blue making voting for change impossible.

this place will get worse day by day the more MIGApedes it will contain

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whatever, go ahead and report them, why are you still debating about it here?


confirmed FED kike MIGApede agent


filtered and reported for being a roastie

On one side you got taxes.

On the other side you've got whores getting sheckles from weak faggots.

If we clean our men up, maybe they can get out of their cess pit and wake up.

No, we just think you guys are autistic af


yep got me.

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he says as he continues to debate this

Yeah kid, you should really blow up a federal building instead
t. notfbi

people who hate roasties are the biggest incels and porn addicts themselves
This does not help in anyway to do that. They can just return to free porn sites
Only thing this "operation" does is putting you do police work for free

nah, FBI want you do be lawful
Blowing up buildings helps them to create more drama and fear into the population and pass on laws to turn this state into 1984
Some whores camwhoring does not help them to do this


get a girlfriend or something incel

Yeah, cuckchan is fucked. I got a 7 day ban just for saying "nigger". The site hasn't been worth visiting for years.

Hi Zig Forums.

this does not magically change them into non-"roasties"
they can do it lawfully roasties too you know
this is completely useless, only government wins out of this

"InCels" don't exist when rape is an option.

Where should we begin telling you how corrupt Mr. Wayne D. Sargent is ? He has unfairly depicted us and those who share in our beliefs as indifferent. Let me tell you, he has screwed us over numerous times with false separatism and drug allegations but nevertheless has managed to gain some credibility. His mission? To make us victims of his lies, propaganda and misinformation. He will do anything in his power to scapegoat, easy unpopular targets, thereby diverting culpability from himself. Also, he has been openly conspiring to blacklist us, using his corporate “authority” and crooked political tactics, such as lying to the FBI & DEA, etc, as leverage to get us fired! There have been multiple witnesses but thus far no one has had the courage to stand up to him. We will close by stating simply that we do hope you will take this letter dead serious, as we will no longer stand around and watch as he disrupts our daily life with attempts to ruin our career and reputation. His right to free speech does not give her the right to terrorize us or interfere with our employment. We will do whatever possible under the law to get people to limit his ability to commit additional fraud and blacklisting in the future.

Please review the following State of Maine Statues, as Mr. Wayne D. Sargent is currently in violation of:

§401. Violations; penalty

1.Preventing employment. An employer, employee or other person, by threats of injury, intimidation or force, alone or in combination with others, may not prevent a person from entering into, continuing in or leaving the employment of any person, firm or corporation.
[ 2003, c. 452, Pt. I, §12 (NEW); 2003, c. 452, Pt. X, §2 (AFF) .]

2.Maintaining blacklist. An employer, agent of an employer or other person, alone or in combination with others, may not attempt to prevent a wage earner in any industry from obtaining employment at that wage earner's trade by maintaining or being a party to the maintaining of a blacklist.
[ 2003, c. 452, Pt. I, §12 (NEW); 2003, c. 452, Pt. X, §2 (AFF) .]

3.Penalty. A person who violates this section commits a Class D crime. Violation of this section is a strict liability crime as defined in Title 17-A, section 34, subsection 4-A.

Accordingly, We demand that Wayne D. Sargent cease and desist ALL further collusion and blacklisting attempts immediately!

Name: Wayne D. Sargent
Age 43
Address: 249 Grove St Lewiston, ME 04240
[email protected]


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MGTOW is Jewish
Hating woman is Jewish
Instead of getting other citizens into trouble for breaking laws, go read a book, do push-ups or something useful

For the retards who don't understand or have a stick too far up their ass to get it:

These whores are the exact kind of whores who are PRO GIBS. They are the kind of people who want more social programs, "free" healthcare, more "free" shit from the government, etc. They are the kind of people who are pro tax increases for everyone. Yet they do not want to pay in for all the "free" shit that they want. it's easy for non-tax paying leeches to want everyone else to take an increase in taxes, while also benefitting from social programs that they would never qualify for. Let them eat shit, make them put their money where their cock eating mouth is.

Show your ass
Pay the tax

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user, you shopped a jew nose onto Heqet, not Kek.

mfw been dating my ukranian gf for over 4 years now, my only concern is if it's technically racemixing since I'm spaniard and thus r1b while she's slav and mostly r1a genotype.

Stop masturbating to twitch whores incel.

prostitution, lack of morals, trying to give your fetish good optics despite weimar conditions, breeds an environment where raising kids and having a family is a high risk operation. If whores get taxed they will stop doing this shit in public and will get pushed away from spaces were kids could see their stupid twitch shit.

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Lmao we should also go through tax laws and figure out how to gain every possible tax exemption and shelter for /ouranons/, also be sure to report Mexican lawnmowers and online nogs as well. Let them finance the ZOG.


for the lulz

Hahaha same User ID.

Get fuck whore.

Hahaha your tears are so salty.

Roasties who make shekels from weak ass faggotry are the lowest form of citizens and they vote liberal 100% of the time anyway .

100% this.

Stop thinking with your dick and look at what low cost of pussy has done for society. Romance and love are dead, replaced by a mindless, soulless hook up culture.

the only people who continue to be bluepilled have not been fucked over.
good work.

What are you talking about? Pussy is overvalued in today's world - that's why women get away with so much shit.

You're only just now doing this? Been doing this since that cunt Sarky started flapping her jaw.

Hard to believe when every woman past 12 years old has already had 30 dicks in her.

Right. We do it for free, nigger.