GOEBBELS: "Lenin is the greatest man..."

Well, that makes me question what it is that people are fighting over.

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Other urls found in this thread:


(((new york times)))

Yes, back then goebbels disliked hitler. He wasn't redpilled on most of the kikes treachery to the Germans like he was clearly aware of years later. Goebbels then conceded and swore absolute loyalty to hitler and the nsdap, for the rest of his life. Same with Mussolini going from socialist to fascist; not everyone is born knowing the truth about the current state of affairs of this world.

Communism is like pretty much any other power hungry group. It preys on people who are at their lowest point.

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I’ve yet to see any coherence in their worldview. It all seems a haphazard patchwork. Worse, I note more and more ‘red flags’ about The Reich ad time goes on. I mention anything in specific and forum police gather around to kick the shit out of my remarks like uncivilized brutes. And so that remains my overall assessment of the current movement. Can’t be helped.


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They were a makeshift modernist reaction to the communist threat. I like their balanced economic policies but yeah, it's too full of rushed patchwork when i look back.

Imagine the Trump campaign but Trump hires intellectuals beforehand to commercially manufacture new American lore and myth to sell to the people for his reign. That's NatSoc. Let nearly a century role by and on the surface level it looks like some Ur-Germanic fascism.

Rarely will you find a NatSoc who is into really reading into the history of it. Most haven't read more than Mein Kampf. The kind of people who are attracted to it are deracinated, edgy-reactionary white atheists; they don't care about how coherent everything is, just as long as it feels true.

ITT: shills/bots crafting the anti-NatSoc narrative

You guys really don't do yourselves any favours.

sage if you post in lies-threads


Ya you pretty much did. Same thing happens every single time someone criticises NatSoc, they're automatically bots and shills.


This user gets it.

You're not very bright
What is 2+3 or get filtered

Reported, filtered.

Holy shit bot detected look at this shit
especially its reply to my post here

OP is probably a leftycuck

considering the other posters ITT, I'd say YES

Lol leftypol discord

Please elaborate, I'm interested. Nothing and no one is perfect, I don't idolize Hitler and the Reich as I know they weren't perfect but it's good to know the imperfections that came with the ideology and the Reich.

Not a bot. Cuckchanner. They've been flooding this board constantly. That's why there's nonstop D&C, especially against NatSoc when previously there was none.

Then how come it didn't answer my question?

Good luck on getting any answer that isn't bullshit/subjective/opinion

i already made a fucking thread about this shit why the fuck

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Definitely Zig Forums lol

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Lol no, some shit Goebbels said in the twenties doesn't make us friends.

I guess he really is a bot, just a different kind. Couldn't find my "Not a robot" verification NPC meme

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leftypol can't figure out spoilers

10/10 mental gymnastics


You really underestimate how retarded cuckchanners are. The ones who didn't leave during GG where fucking retards, and we've had multiple exoduses. The ones coming here JUST NOW are the lowest of the low

Which crippled midget do we have to drug to get a 16chan dreamt up and brought online? Fucking boat is almost better now, this will not stand.

Voat fuck me

They don't seem to infest alternatives to the main boards.

I had a guy use the Voigt-Kampf on me the other day. Something about entering a room to the sight of rich elites eating a child or something like that.

You do realize the feds (as well as private firms: ctr / shareblue/ etc) have software that imitates people on social media.
And the software has become quite advanced.

True. I guess they got bored of beating 4pols corpse and brought them here.

Yeah this place has become shit, it's become what Zig Forums hated, a hugbox. Used to be a time with civil debates and actual discussion, now you can't go against the grain or you're called shill, a leftynigger, a jew or FBI. I saw this place as a beacon of hope, out of this place would arise a leader or a movement, not anymore.

Fuck off.

Half shithook (jew, leftypol) and half sentient is not all bad. Gives me hope.

But I am better off reading their primary sources than taking the constant deluge of lowlife people, be they white or jew. Years here and on halfcuck, and I am entirely skeptical of political discourse to an extent that I no longer have the heart to engage thoughtful, decent people in earnest. I want only to occupy my mind with better things than war.

That's because they get 5 posts a day, and even then the best offshoot left for a liveposting board.

That picture

This entire post

Oh come on you faggot commie, could you be anymore obvious

Only took 9 posts for this faggot commie cuck to blow your faggot cover leftypol lol

Imagine Zig Forums on that day

Goebbels was socialist pinko, even more then Hitler


Posts like these are exhibit A. No compassion for others, no nuance, just war war war.

Doubtful this is even a white person, much less a German. But the caricature of a NS man as a brutal, indiscriminate killer who hides behind flimsy justifications rooted in antiquated racialist ideology and pseudoscience and religious metaphysics which are as out of touch and laughable is ever the takeaway.

It’s as if these are the real deconstructionists, the real nihilists, because there isn’t so much as a pretense toward helping people—of heightening what is good in a person—because all that matters is the Hobbesian truth of nature, that might is right and only the most physically and ideologically severe “deserve” to live.

When you say National Socialism is a bad idea but don't give any good ideas, maybe just mumble some stuff endorsing degenerate godless American conservatism.

Don't get me wrong it pains me every day to see what happened to Deutschland, I don't blindly adore the Reich, like I said they weren't perfect. I love Hitler and Germany, but through no fault of their own, left Germany and the western world in with the worst fate.

Everywhere else on the web is a liberal/commie hugbox.
Why should we have to pander to leftist/commies?

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The weak perish and the strong wins, it's nature been happening for thousands of years.
Right now white subhumans are getting btfo.

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Huh; it's almost like the ideas behind National Socialism were the evolving products of numerous human beings over several decades and not the immaculate and unchanging holy writ of theoretical economics common to all other forms of "socialism".

Lenin and Communism have much common with fascism. Commie states are one step away from fascism. Today are only remaining fascist states are former Communist republic: Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and North Korea.

This is a strawman. What I’m saying is these aren’t NS. These are liars and generally hateful people with dishonorable intent. They only bring destruction to their fellows under the guise of forum policing.

Let me quote you:



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Whatever it was or could have been, it now lies in total ruin. I think it a case of saddening residual zealotry to see people so hurt by the way things turned out that decades and decades later they can only conceive of bringing it back as a tool of revenge. One does not get a sense of companionship and inspiration from visiting a Zig Forums board, a conviction that NS are the ones who are morally good, that the Reich’s ad-hoc principles will bring over the hearts and minds of good people/innocent people/family people. Instead it’s meme war, propaganda war, dotr, nigger/kike/commie. This is no basis for a healthy life, much less civilizational rebirth. And board culture has stagnated in this manner for years. I think this is not the way to go and I’m leaving here for good to focus on better things. Your way will kill us all faster than any jew meddler ever could. Damn me as you will.

Instant dogpile, as per usual. It’s because you’re nothing but dogs.

How is that wrong?

Ask the nazi kikes what national socialism is and they cannot answer.

NatSoc is a kike word, from Discord.

Holy christ, but can you define it?

No argument, only greentext.


Collectivisation soon, fellow comrade!

Nazi kikes thought collectivization is a good thing, when they do it.

The average Hitler Purists IQ is nigger-tier user, they think Hitler had the final say on NatSoc ideology, Hitler said many contradictory things, and if you point this out to them they throw an autistic fit.

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You must admit user, that even by your standards, this is quite poor.

How is it quite poor, nazi kike?

The Hitlerite kikes here are absolutely terrified of argument, they just strawman and greentext.

Again reduced to larping, I see. Who bullied you this time?

See National Socialism is where the Workers truely seize the means of production, where as in socialism the workers merely give it to the weak
Both Communism and Capitalism fail to give the working class what their work should give them, as in communism it's given to weak faggots who don't work and in capitalism its given to the rich kikes

Nope, corporations exist in the 3rd Reich.

Hitler was not that fucking retarded.

The devil is second only to god.

Well for a start, there is your glaringly tenuous grasp of psychology and the complete lack of subtlety. Maybe consider a different approach next time.

Zig Forums leave.

Stop pretending you belong here.
I am no Hitler purist, nor am I low IQ, but I would never insult them either.
Demeaning your alleged people shows that you are just a larping kike.

My brothers are my brothers, my volk is my volk, flawed or not.

Well, Lenin killed more Slavs than Hitler so…

I think you misundertood what I meant, workers got what they worked for in NatSoc, lazy niggers and bourgeois get nothing

Please tell us what contradictory things Hitler said.

More bourgeois marxist terminology..
You fags will never learn.

He is just mad that Hitler successfully destroyed communism In Germany.

They do have common with chinks.

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Hitlerism is absolute cancer.

What are you babbling about?

Everything he said about religion

What? The bourgeois still got things in the Reich.

Let me play a small violin for you.

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Hitler would've considered you untermensch

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And why is the thread anchored?

Don't expect me to give you tips.

I don't need any goddamn tips, I need sound and logical argument.

I've stopped believing any sort of "quotes" by the Third Reich's leaders, and base my judgement of them largely by their actions.

arguments are hard user don't expect any from him

This, the right course of action.

Words mean nothing, action is everything.

Please quote him. If you're that informed, you should be able to do this.

STALIN without a doubt was the most intelligent of the modern dictators. Even though he was probably the most evil, especially if you go by INTENDED death count.

For your low energy bitchfest drama attempts and being an obnoxious cunt who never gets a clue.
Get a job, faggot.

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So no argument, as expected.

And I have a job, nazi kike.

Hitler was Christian, Pagan, thought Germans should practice things more akin to Japanese warlord religion. He was all over the fucking place in this topic. Its the largest source of infighting on this board today

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I agree, all people , left - tards , nazi - tards and low energy moderates should all get fucking jobs.

Hitler was someone who called himself many things, even though in actions and words he was definitely not a christian or paganist as much as he was not a communist. NO argument. He went to church as a kid just like almost every other German did at that time. He was nothing more than a dictator who was good at controlling people and giving excellent emotional speeches. But he was shit at everything else.


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