Futures are down -350, DOW will open at 24700, Asian markets are fucked.

Plus the main news. USA has arrested thw daughter of Huawei founder right at the time of Xi-Trump dinner last saturday. With signs of going against Alibaba and Tencent.

Burgers have escalated this beyond the point of return.^N225;range=1d seng index&oq=han&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j35i39j69i61j69i60l2j35i39.1494j0j4&client=ms-android-samsung&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 index&oq=sh&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j69i60j69i59j35i39j0j69i60.2334j0j9&client=ms-android-samsung&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

Attached: 1504006482784.jpg (480x270, 33.74K)

Other urls found in this thread: bank stock&oq=de&aqs=chrome.4.69i60l4j35i39j69i57.1753j0j4&client=ms-android-samsung&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Attached: 1544050859059.png (686x688, 203.93K)

Global report for avatarfagging. Nothing out of sorts is happening with the economy.

yeah yeah the ceiling is gonna fall, never heard of this happening before.

By canada no less. We sent our hat after them.

It's a correction from the belief trump was getting a tariff china has on us cars cleared, this is likely retaliation for them backing out on that. You're a fucking idiot if you actually think black friday makes stocks fluctuate in any meaningful way; keep your 401k in bonds if you don't want to go broke, you're too stupid for stocks.

Mods have skipped the reports on this one. Likely reason, this cunt was made a vol. Thanks kikemonkey.

That means a drop of -10%, we are in bear territory now, meaning a drop of -20%


Deutsche Bank at 7.80, below 8 €. What a great time to be a doomfag. bank stock&oq=de&aqs=chrome.4.69i60l4j35i39j69i57.1753j0j4&client=ms-android-samsung&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

All I can say is, good. Better to have this system burn before the demographic situation reaches a point of no return assuming we aren't already too late.
Only part that sucks is that "the rise of populism" WILL be blamed for this happening, rather than the reality that we've been on an inevitable collision course for decades and the rising Right is gaining power in response to the breakdown. When people are going hungry and the cities are being ransacked by nonwhite looters, it's up to us to tell the people know who is really responsible.

Good. I'm looking to profit from all of my short positions. Every dollar you faggots lose goes right into my investment account. Sucks for you that you're not smart enough to do the same thing. Keep crying while I laugh all the way to the bank.

This is why I invest in real estate.

Kikes like you are why nobody can afford a fucking house. Lynch yourself.

Go brag about your Jewishness more, long nose. Only kikes are happy about profiting off shit like that. You just out yourselves too and you just couldn't hold back that you love your shekels. You're cursed to lose everything.

The stock market was created for the parasites to leech off of the economy. Hopefully it will crash hard and they'll start leaping off of tall buildings again to become nothing more than stains on the sidewalk.

Is this anything that orange faggot won't do for (((israel)))? He's going to tank the market and take his fellow boomers' retirement down with it.

After everything goes to shit we wont just be talking to people, we will be cleaning out the scum of the world
Long overdue

Crashes and burns like any other investment vehicles, see 2008. Mixing is best, although that's obviously a truism.


Attached: veryfastdoggo.jpg (720x690, 55.45K)

>trusting the (((stock market)))

Fuck your Chink

I smell the blood of an English man
Be he alive, or be he dead,
I'll grind his bones to make my bread.

Attached: Jack_and_the_Beanstalk_Giant.jpg (558x800, 108.12K)

Still trying to convince whites that Iran isn't a ZOG golem full of pedophiles and hooknose faggots, right on schedule.

Attached: farouki-abdul-huda-samia-dana-92583003-700x420.jpg (649x491 52.7 KB, 367.69K)

You're one of the more crafty ones, I give you that.

hahahahha really? btfo!


Call me when it falls below where it was when Trump got in

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I know, sucks, huh?

Attached: marc emery.jpg (474x519, 35.9K)

Hey, it has to start somewhere.

lmao at least you're original.


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I want to know how did they manage that

If boomers lose their retirements you millennial faggots won't have a warm basement to shitpost from anymore.

Attention all BOOMER INVESTORS, Israel is in great danger, and they need YOUR help to rebuild the third temple. To do this, they need to find the Ark and a couple of menorahs. To help them, all they need is your credit card number, the three numbers on the back, and the expiration month and date. But you gotta be quick so Israel can secure the temple, and achieve the epic victory R O Y A L

Sounds like (((they))) managed it poorly.

They already found the ark. Both of them.

I feel so glad I had insider trading knowledge of this kikery and sold early and made enough to retire early.

Attached: notanarguement.jpg (431x582, 61.53K)

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't an argument, yid.

Attached: Holy Moly.png (640x360, 100.78K)

Attached: Israel is in dnager.webm (480x270, 671.53K)


Die before we get our hands on your or you're going to wish that you had, you fucking ZOGbot.

KEK what a bunch of old fools. They only have themselves to blame for not hedging against that risk with multiple assets or having concrete information through the wonders of technology the elderly seem to be so very challenged in to gain access to advanced information even the disgusting jews at SEC cannot catch you.

Bring it on.
I'm at the point at having lost so much already at the stock market that any more decline looks like nothing but a new buying opportunity for me.

This. Iran has been the means for US involvement in the ME for decades now.

Attached: Iran is not controlled opposition please look away.png (510x791 659.78 KB, 31.74K)

That's what we do best.

Attached: EvilSmile3.jpg (418x413, 12.43K)

The laugh's on you, I'm poor.

Hell, 90 years old…he couldn't live long enough to spend it all, anyway.
Guess he'll have to live out his remaining years living the way 80% of American old folks do.
What a terrible (yaawn) tragedy.

Attached: Image1.jpg (525x295, 34.89K)

It's not true, though.

he shorted natural gas before it shot up in price this winter

I know, it was just a joke.
This whole thing is a non-happening, affecting only those that put all their eggs into one basket, a basket that happened to lose in this mild downturn.
As another user said, wake me when it drops to pre-Trump levels, or maybe even when it drops to less than 8,000, like it did in the last TRUE crash.

I do think that the next crash will be the one we can't borrow our way out of, though.

Correct, which is why there's not going to be a next crash, ever. They can't afford it.

That means he's going to run off to Israel as soon as hyperinflation hits.

peak boomerism

Debt is fiction, because money is fiction, because money is debt. What is owed? An arbitrary number that could be struck off the books with a single piece of paper fresh off the press.

lmao no one gave a shit about kang niggers debt and now it's drumphs fault.

Honestly, this shit is over hyped to fuck and back. How many threads just like this one have been made in the last two years. It's always the same, "This is it, economic collapse is imminent! FUUUUUCK DRUMPH" lmao and nothing happens. The markets are fine and still above 2015 levels. Consumer and business confidence is at a historic high while jobs thought long gone continue to come back to America by the fucking boatload. This shit is retarded and repetitive as all fuck.


lmao fuck off.

Attached: f5eeab6a1bfc8d07a7b8352c5b06329d0b8909effe47c8f5eafeb5dd6600214d.jpg (684x1075, 217.35K)

Are you retarded? What do coal regulations have with the entirety of the modern global economy? Are you insinuating that coal industry is 90% of the listed companies in the stock market?


Attached: FedFundsRate_0.png (890x552, 193.52K)

Are you insinuating that the economy is actually crashing?

Wrong generation nigger. I want both of you dead.

Careful they'll start charging you for the dirt you can't wash off.


lmao you think I give a fuck about the global economy? China can get fucked hahahhahahahah.

Once the market wipes out what's left of the few boomers who still have some retirement, boomers are going to try to get government to tax us lower generations into oblivion to pay for boomer care.

Attached: boomerretirement.webm (852x480, 2.85M)

Younger generations are largest ever and as France is currently having massive riots over taxes it's time to learn from the founders of America the horrible consequence of taxation gone too far.

Time to reap the rice.

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Stupid ass OP, should be banned.

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It's only going to get worse after the game awards ceremony tonight if pic related is real and it sounds like it is in fact the real thing. We'll see. Umph mugga fuggin whyte bytches urnphf cracka kkk azz mizz schizz jjizz schnogglllesz all white bois are terrorist moddor fuckin white genocide simulator and keel all muthor fudging white boyz in da hood we in da hood sistas keel dem modden fuggen white boyaz whoooooooooooot whoop whoop whoot whoot whoot . The whole tech industry has gone woke, broke, arrested for insider trading.

Keep it up tech industry. Sure is looking like the game industry and tech industry is heading for recession. Sure looks like white genocide to me. Sure looks like we're going for a ride and heading dangerously over the cliff.

Oy vey the goyim know shut it down. Oh my god the game is going to suck. This game is going to fail hard. Get woke go broke get arrested for insider trading like Starbreeze employees. Boy it's so obvious the white genocide agenda anti consumer agenda anti games agenda anti gamer agenda their not even hiding it anymore. Yeah keep going down this road cause it's not going to end well for silicon valley.

Fembusters 2.0 oy vey we sistaz in da hoodz edition. Leslie Jones and Ghost busters 2016 was nothing compared to this market crash.

Sundar Picar testifies to congress next week. Just Cause 4 bombed and is an abomination a mess. Fallout 76 news and mistakes. Bethesda leaks and hacks plus Quara hacked. Battlefield Virgin not doing so hot. All the other tech nightmares and failures um yeah tech stocks are down. Next year lootboxes and mtx are getting government regulation. It's hitting the fan for the tech industry real hard.

Attached: i present leslie jones 6.jpg (1181x1500, 321.87K)

PPT at work.

next time Tim Cucksucker visits his slave plantations in Chinkastan, he better be careful–tit-for-tat China will arrest him in retaliation.

i for one love boring trade wars skipping tariffs and escalating straight to both sides renditioning and imprisoning each other's Megacorp conglomerates.

Attached: tim_cook_china.jpg (443x274, 156.05K)

Meh, not much of a crisis

goybuxx! all they need to do is take out a Scheister loan at the low low interest rate of 20% and make sure 94-year old paw paw lives long enough to pay it off

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sauce on the webm user?
looks like good meme material

Wrong. The longer the stocks don't provide significant rates of return, the pensions systems continue to deteriorate leading towards city/state bankruptcy. It also hammers retirements which drives up long-term entitlement costs.


Car tariff doesn’t matter. Decades ago we were complaining that Japan would refuse to stock our products regardless of price. That’s the way jingoism operates and we need some of that in America. And I don’t mean a Buy USA consumer movement, I mean a coordinated effort by businesses.

You must have a degree in economics.

If the PPT were functioning properly, the market would’ve ended up. Maybe they only care about nasdaq these days.

The pension funds need 20% annual stock returns into infinity.

of why the market is going to crash


Attached: 973FD84E-274E-477D-85DE-91907B3B2A20.png (406x452, 30.1K)

Bitcoin is getting absolutely assraped

Why did mods delete the thread about this?

Attached: 2353536264.jpg (660x660, 16.85K)

Sage and report for avatarfag paid shill spamming continued jewish hoaxes. No one knows if the market will crash. Theoretically it can’t crash again. There is no timeframe and nothing is happening.

Because your thread was fucking garbage, cunt.

It wasnt my thread. I just went to visit it qand it was gone. Was just wondering. I assume you aren't a mod because you would have known that already. Are you a farcry dev?

It sucks because the stocks im day trading recovered fine. I wanted to ride shit to the moon after a collapse. REEEEEE

dude read that first paragraph …. thank the mods for saving so many anons from going through that torture

fuck you user


the market is going to crash … eventually … buy ur gold and silver

seriously x22 and greg hunter are the real market to follow. We should be able to short and buy youtube subscriber counts

Sounds like “listen and believe.” Jews have 100% control over all currencies on Earth. The market can’t crash anymore.

On a side note, I saw a japanese dude saying that this year, he had really less work.
It's only one dude though and there could be other factor to take in account.

But if it's effectively the global trend, things will could really get spicy, as we are currently seeing in France.

"currencies", brother you have no understanding what is bought and traded in the entirety of the world

the market is an illusion just like the law … only the weak obey

The.Leftovers.S01E05.480p.HDTV.x264-mSD is what the webm has tagged. I don't remember where I got the file, but it's from 2014

I hope Trump is having sleepless nights, this is goddamn wonderful. 24500 Dow

Wow. Down 2%. Stop the presses.

So how can it collapse?