Let me tell you the story of Claire, pampered cute french girl. She was my neighbors daughter and I saw her grow up...

Let me tell you the story of Claire, pampered cute french girl. She was my neighbors daughter and I saw her grow up. Will make this short.
She was a good kid up until puberty when she started hanging out with gypsies and arabs, niggers in school, as she grew up she also got into drugs. Ended up pregnant at 15, she had and abortion.
This went on for a wile, fast forward 5 years she is a junkie mess, but christ cuck fells in love with her, gets her off drugs, tells her abortion is a sin and so forth. They have a kid, its some shit skin mix, christ cuck is still with her now(he is white btw). Watching them raise that little nigglet on tax payer money as she doesnt work and doesnt make enough to support them is painful.

We live in a small town and me being the neighbor means I know all their business. This is the state of France.

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Blame the parents. Girls are retarded and need to be kept in check. They didn't and this is the result.

What have you done to (possibly anonymously) shame her?

Sage because this thread doesn't exactly contribute to knowledge etc. so far

If you aren't calling him a cuck and her a coalburning whore then you're just a hobbyist m8.
Then again, you're in France, so you could probably go to jail for that.

Definitely not society at large. It is certainly the parents who allowed niggers and filthy trash into the society. The parents also voted in drug dealing and wanted every girl in school to have an abortion. We all know it is totally the parents fault 100% for allowing all this degeneracy in their nation.

Your field of vision is narrow, and you blame the targets of attack instead of naming the enemy. Do you understand that this agenda has been going on for generations now?

rip this thread

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It was double egded sarcasm. It is the parents fault, because they should have protected their daughter by killing the trash (drug dealers, politicians, government officials, niggers and wide variety of subhuman trash that showed up in their neighborhoods as well as the 'judges' etc who thought these things 'were cool'). So the parents are 100% to BLAME for not taking responsibility. But on the other hand this frog has been boiling for a long time as well so the kikes and all the shit that infests our government needs to die painfully as well for betraying the nations they inhabit.


Kill the police when they come for you. If they keep getting killed when they go to arrest people, pretty soon they will stop due to their self preservation instinct.

Next time you see her make hard eye contact with both parents if possible and tell them
Put a happy inflection in your voice. Crushes them every time.

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Reading comprehension is 'not your thing' is it?

always remember, when he woman fucks niggers, uses drugs, raises a niglet, she thinks she is better then you.

or expect niglets

wow great story shlohmo

Responsibility to teach them about race, jew agenda, propaganda, indoctrination, about christcuck mind poisoned zombies, about sjwism, christcuckery in a different wrapper, biology, animal world, showing the norm, lots of examples, what's natural and healthy and what's wrong will be discerned, now they're mentally equipped with a reinforced reaction of being repelled by the various disgenics, degeneracies and deranged cults being pushed.


Juden, Juden über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält.
Von der Israel bis an die Europe,
Von der Vistula bis an den Nile,
Juden, Juden über alles,
Über alles in der Welt!

Juden Frauen, Juden Treue,
Juden Wein und Juden Sang
Sollen in der Welt behalten
Ihren alten schönen Klang,
Uns zu edler Tat begeistern
Unser ganzes Leben lang.
Juden Frauen, Juden Treue,
Juden Wein und Juden Sang! 

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Für das Juden Vaterland!
Danach lasst uns alle streben
Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Sind des Glückes Unterpfand;
Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes,
Blühe, Juden Vaterland!

Kill your government and the bankers. Then drive out the shitskins. Reconquista now.

you are fuckin stupid m8. you kill a cop and every cop in the country will hate you. cops are the biggest fuckin gang in the USA. if you kill one they will go to war with you. their gang is their tribe. citizens aint shit.

This, you can see it in her attitude even do she went from pretty white girl, to some sort of freaky skiny fat, bad skin degenerate filth.
Idk what sort of mental gymnastics she does to act like that…

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You speak as if you are afraid to die. Sounds like you have nothing to live for beyond your own selfish fears. Only those whom have something to live for beyond themselves can face death with conviction and bring death to the enemy as it must be done to both survive and crush ones enemies. If you have something to live for you have something to fight for. As one man with conviction once said when surrounded, means you have your enemies exactly where you want them.

Why leave the killing to others when you have what it takes to see your enemies thru to the end.


this is why you need the loli pill

if you fucked her when she was 14 she would be saved now

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ok retard you first. go shoot some cops you brave warrior of that gum guzzlin faggot odin.

Kill yourself

you killed her jew

She had the kid before or she cheated on the crist cuck, and he insisted they keep it.
Sorry if I didn t make it clear.

This is the truth. Women follow men who are outcome independent. That means you need to have dirt on everyone and be will to burn everything to the fucking ground if you don't get exactly what you want. Virtually every great white leader in the history of the entire world had this trait, and the elite have no counter for it at all.
Imagine if this girl couldn't walk in the streets without being chastised. Cucks, like women, care about social approval more than anything. If you think that cuck doing this for or getting pussy, think again. He is doing it because his faggot family and friends pat him on the ass and tell him it's the right thing to do as he blushed like some fucking child who won the spelling bee. Imagine if his sheep family said instead 'you're still with her? I've heard horrible things…"
The one thing all newfags here need to realize: Machiavelli was right. The need to be loved and respected is like handing a bunch of chimpanzees guns and begging them not to shoot you, when you can pistol whip the retards instead until they submit to and follow you. They'll talk shit behind you back but guess what? They'll obey. As soon as one of the cucks gets uppity and challenges you on their suggestion, they'll turn on him as you put your foot down. Every. Single. Time. You have allowed muslims and farm equipment to take this position over you, and it's pathetic. You feel powerless? You have all the power in the world, you simply need to stop being such a coward and seize it. The mindset not to is engraved in the conservative movement:
"If we said that, this this hurr durr derpity fuck my wife and daughter, kill my son" basically a tacit admission they can get away with anything and you won't and can't do anything, only to act surprised when they take this at face value and assume you are weak.

Might makes right. The only people who think otherwise are genetic trash.

waste your life killing cops to feed our domestic terrorism propaganda machine.
Damn FBI glowniggers.

"Humanity is a monotonous affair. People spend the majority of their lives working in order to live. What little freedom they have left they fear so much that they use any and every means to rid themselves of it."






The current sate of women is because men refuse to take control and put them back in their place. Women require "protection" from the cradle to the grave. Otherwise they make self destructive decisions.

That is why 90% of women are insane these days. Once a woman loses her virginity, she can never be loyal to anyone else. If the relationship ends, her life is essentially ruined. The more men she sleeps with the crazier she becomes until she is a purple haired feminist.

That is why I keep telling you faggots not to ruin women by sleeping with them outside of marriage. If you must, go to a prostitute but do not ruin a good young woman who has the potential to be a happy wife and mother.

You may think "she is a hot fuck toy" but you are ruining her life. You are destroying another human being and you don't care because "muh dick", then you have the nerve to think you are superior to a nigger.

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To be fair, if a man has sex outside of marriage (before being imbued with the knowledge) it's not his fault if the woman is ruined or he ruins her more. We're taught that wymyn can be independent and blah blah blah, I made this mistake, and I never understood why my exes all ended up retarded or dumping me and then becoming retarded, once I was given this knowledge, it all made sense. Do I feel bad for the one girl who I helped ruined? (She only had sex with one other guy before me) Sure, but she dumped me, so I don't feel too bad. But I do agree that if a man does it knowingly, he is pretty nigger tier for muh dick'ing around.

Women like to call men dogs.This is just another projection. They need to be trained like animals or they WILL be lead astray.

Only jews declare shit is true to a crowd

haha so true, so true.



you actually wrote this, then proceeded to not do anything. God you are projecting hard.

I suppose it depends on the method in which you intend on fighting. If you intend on fighting with your fists then you need no preparation. It is one to one. Get busy. But if you intend on fighting with the elements and chemistry and biological warfare and killing hundreds or thousands for every European loss, that takes planning. It is impossible to tell what a person is doing in terms of planning, fighting, organizing or gathering resources. They might be actively 'fighting' by assembling the resources that are going to make the extermination of ZOG and our foreign invading enemies/predators possible.

lol, nice gammapost loser

?Google translate? IDK I read it in a Asian voice.

It's France, I'd be surprised if he didn't.

Seduction used to be a crime.

Only jews declare common sense is shit to a crowd

That's nice, kill yourself.

Really? We need to make it a crime again then. We can start by hunting down the people who receive royalties from that stupid Christmas song "Baby its cold outside" and then take out Hollywood and the Porn industry. Tranny 'doctors' aka butchers and places that are infested with disease faggots need to be 'handled' next. Just being purging the Earth with a scorched Earth policy for all the degenerate scumbags and filth that has grown and festered on Earth since the kikes took full control of the Western nations.

People here say that racemixing is very rare, but I keep seeing mixed couples in France. The king kong effect is disgusting.

It's not rare at all. What you're reading is deradicalization agitprop.

What's with all the christ-cucks like Ammon Bundy? I think there is something wrong with the White brain these days. Just totally cucked by Jewdaism 2.0, just can't operate properly. Please wake the fuck up?

White women deserve all the blame. They were raised knowing what is right and wrong, yet they chose to disobey.


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Kike nose is protruding a lot there, Vargstein.

(((Abrahamic))) religions have that effect.

I stayed up all night to be able to watch the riots. I went to bed late. I read this thread before bed. I just woke up.

My conclusion having slept on it;

It's Spenglerian; society is a pact between men and women. Men build the civilization and in exchange for this women create the race with them. It's a very specialized process. Only certain women choose certain men.

When that process is totally complete, when the world is explored and conquered to the limits of the civilization's capabilities, when all the communications routes and structures of the great cities of stone have been built then it's over and the women no longer have any need for us. They become liberated from that compact and they cease to breed. The women of Western Civilization have reached this point 50 or 60 years ago.

It's done, it's over. The troglodytes (shitskin savages) will live, do now live like cavemen in the ruins of our great cities of stone.

We have the misfortune to live in this hideous sorrowful age.

I suppose we could have one last hurrah, like Justinian the Apostate, have one last futile adventure just because, but without hope of success, without hope of returning home to the accolades of our women showering us with the blossoms of flowers.

Other than that, it's over.

We'll never have another Leonardo, another Michaelangelo, another Mozart, another Bach or Charpentier, another Liebnitz.

In this light the jews and niggers are not so much the agents of the collapse as they are the opportunistic parasites that appear as the (once proud strong and intelligent) senile whithered old man gasps out his last on his death bed.

No. This happens the world over my friend.

Excuse me, I just woke up.

Not "Justinian the Apostate" (punches self in head)

Julian the Apostate…duoh!

And behold; the christians hated Julian for his apostasy so much, even though he was the last true hero of the Roman Empire, they made the soldier that killed him a saint. The perversity of Christianity a rotten criminal cult.

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Oh well, just because it's the end of Western Civilization, it doesn't mean I can't have a good time tonight.

Here, enjoy this with me…and remember our glorious past


He allied with the jews against Christians though.

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If you had a kid with decent women you wouldn't be saying any of this.

I totally understand the hatred of atomized individualism but there's something to be said about being too concerned with what others do. Take individual action, the most important being, find a woman with virtue and have kids with her. The number one way you can fight jews is literally just raising good kids to fight them in the future. That's one of the biggest things whites aren't doing, and it's of course understandable, but a lot of us will just have to come to terms with the fact we'll be raising kids under economic hardship. That's not as bad of a thing as most of us thing. Our ancestors did it, if they hadn't, none of us would be here.

If you're feeling black pilled I would just focus on that.

Ah finding a decent woman. They exist I know they do. They're snapped up right away by the top dogs. I'm not a top dog. Thus, I missed that boat.

Am I feeling blackpilled.

Well yes this thread is another demoralizing shitpost probably initiated by a filthy homosexual jew mocking us in our despair so I suppose I went to bed with it's blackpill and woke up feeling down.

The initial story is plausible up to a point but so is a lot of fiction. As has been already pointed out in this thread, it's full of subtle holes in its fabric.

Haha, touché m'sieur.



Please be patient while I conduct my fumigation of the OP jew's vile flatus from this thread.

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Reminder that women tobond with their abusers. So if yoy let subhumans be those that discipline them you are giving them away and destroying your future.

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My sister is a similar story except she uses birth control and never got pregnant once in her life and also would never date a christcuck as she is agnostic and completely ignorant about religion/theology/metaphysics which she never wants anyone to talk about around her.

She's taken four dicks and counting now and at least one of them was an Asian, one is in prison for breaking into a home to rape a little girl, and I forget what happened to some of her other boyfriends. She's currently with a swarthy vegan "french" man who looks more like an arab, sigh, and is traveling around the world intending never to have children.

True that.

Is your dad a total beta faggot, or were youz raised by a single mom?

Hooooly shit I just realized this is what happened to my ex. She is an alcoholic now, and the other day at like 3am she texted me, "what was the hardest part of dating me? sorry random question lol". I think she's self-destructing.
A lot of anons forget that girls are also suffering in this fucked-up age of corruption.

This. He is a liberal beta obese boomer into computer science who married an old woman when he himself was already very old and his first child is a cripple, his second is a Zig Forums poster, and his third is a traveling whore. He always votes liberal and gets dominated by his wife who neglected the children and wastes the 6 figure income all the time on stupid shit that benefits nobody while the kids suffer. That's been my life.

Fuck them. The several e-gfs I have are all destroying themselves and I told them at every stage and at every point exactly what they should be doing and they choose to ignore it. 100% of my own problems in life are things that happen to me outside my control, while 90% to as much as 100% of the problems these women have are self-created and easily avoided.

And you allow your sister to be a whore user ?

Then why has this shit only started happening since right after world war two? Any blame you could lay at Christianity you can and should lay at the feet of whites, our people are weak and thus everything we have is weak whether its our borders, self respect, families, secular institutions and yes, how religion is interpreted. If you actually gave a shit you'd point at the real problem instead of the symptoms of the problem. All religious d&c shills are either lefties, paid government employees or atheists that hate their religious parents and will never get that chip off of their shoulder.

this so much!

I'm sure those statistics are (((skewed))), just not sure how exactly do (((they))) do it.


Don't try to be smart, user. You're not.

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I beat her a few times and so on but eventually she just ran away to the other side of the country and the whoring intensified. Also my mother didn't help by allowing her to go on the pill early and my father made it all but impossible really to save her.

Things my father should have done:
1. Not be a dumb ass liberal. The whole tech industry is pozzed with leftism and he's a part of that.
2. Not send my sister to university.
3. Not give my sister everything she ever wanted.
4. Actually instilled and expected standards and values.
5. Not say stuff like it's okay to be gay and other bullshit.
6. Should have made damned sure she stayed a virgin and that she'd be paired with a husband instead of just letting her pick out a man for herself and then she picks out the worst men.


Oh, that's who you are. An abo drinking gasoline is smarter than you.



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That meme makes no sense, Christians weren't stronger, they just had money, females and the corpse of the Roman Empire.

When you make a nonsensical meme with no joke in it

Sounds like a Catholic retard, good thing I'm orthodox christian and you can't marry niggers because the church doesn't let them in because you need to be bind by race and nationality, they don't believe in that inter racial crap

This is what I meant when I said an abo is smarter.

Well, played /christfags/, well played.

Money doesn't make you stronger, if anything the vikings became weaker. Look at Sweden today lol

LARPagans and coalburners represent the left side of this chart.

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I was talking about vikings, not the product of a jewish-born religion.

Oh wait this is just religious D&C. Reported

Those aren't capable of typing words that you can actually read on a computer. Everyone here, even the dumbest user, is smarter than one of those gasoline abos.