Anyone else notice how anti-white YouTube comments are these days?

Anyone else notice how anti-white YouTube comments are these days?

Almost any YT video from a mainstream outlet like CNN or France 24 or whatever that deals with racial issues (or not even racial issues) has a wall of antiwhite comments all voted to the top with 100, 200 or more likes, with often many of the same comments complaining about nonexistant white supremacists "running rampant" in the comment section, who are basically nowhere to be found.

And I might be wrong, but it seems like many of the antiwhite comments are from posters in the United States, mostly nonwhite, and often black. The United Kingdom also seems to host many of these antiwhite extremists.

Take the video embedded for example, it is mostly filled with extreme antiwhite blacks advocating for the extermination of whites getting dozens if not hundreds of likes.

Is this all part of the Trump Derangement Syndrome that nonwhites and especially blacks are most affected by? Are jews pushing for a literal race war in the near future?

Other urls found in this thread:

Heh, every digit repeats in order a second time. Is there a name for that?

(((Youtube))) is run by bots and hyperjews.

Funny, because im noticing much more pro white comments on youtube, but i suspect that i am lumped into a group of users that gets media tailored to our political beliefs. YMMV

Erase your cookies and even browse with a new device in a new wi-fi hotspot (one where shitskins don't frequent) and you'll get the onslaught of antiwhite niggers.

You're not wrong, but the US and the UK don't have any geopolitical force projection anymore outside of just nuking someone [and they'll get nuked back]. They are done.

The US is going to transform into a none white empire hostile to Europe. The culture is there and the demographics have already shifted. Just need 10 more years for all the old politicians to lose power and it’s on.

Fucking brilliant. Kikes signing their own death warrant as always.

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It already is hostile to Europe. Spend two minutes listening to Trumpstein. It doesn't matter, though, because the empire is in complete collapse. Their naval shipping racket is going to be annihilated with the Belt/Road project, their carrier fleets will be at the bottom of the ocean from cheap missiles they can't stop.

Just call them niggers and drop a redpill about the 6 million, like I do. Not worth worrying about what (((YouTube)))'s Trust and Safety Stasi are doing with their clumsy bots.

Attached: YouTube_Horseshoe.png (500x574, 52.84K)

Ching-chong-chow, Hop Sing. Back to your reeducation center.




No one in Europe wants you around anymore then they do the Chinese. Your seen as a threat to national sovereignty and liberty and it’s generally understood by nationalists that if their country ever breaks free it means war with the US.


This. I'm not really sure I understand the point behind this - it just seems to make radicals stay radical and normies will be forced to inevitably radicalize.

Twitter & Youtube are nothing but bots anyway. For every real account there are dozens of fake, ai and sockpuppet accounts. This is not going to change for the better. Welcome to the future.

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Let's say someone was a paid Chinese shill who is allowed to freely access Zig Forums and all the topics it covers that fall outside the approved Chinese firewall. If they were already greenlit for something like that, why would this do anything?

Actions in the real world aren't D&C. The US does what the US does. Nothing has been more cancerous to this board than the influx of pro-America posters in 2015.

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So most of the antiwhite niggers on YouTube are bots?



Diving whom from whom? The US isn’t Europe. It isn’t an extension of greater European civilization any more it’s a post European colonial nation without a set identity. It would be far better for Europe to be free of the US and drive out it’s military political and social structure. Almost all of the worst shit intellectually from post racial egalitarianism to feminism was brought by the US to Europe.

A lot of people do, hence why youtube frequently deletes comments they dont like. Which would also explain why there would be bots upvoting these anti-white posts.

I haven't noticed many explicit anti-white comments on yt (tons of implicit though), but the commercial videos are full of NPC comments and the top comment is always "I want to buy this products,", "i can't wait to rub this product on my face" "this product brought me here", etc. Uploaders are able to delete comments they don't like, so that's another factor that can change the way the comment section looks.

Still assmad your kike rant got btfo this morning, eh?

Live in a world of delusion all you want. But a 56% nation isn’t anymore European then Brazil or Mexico.

Niggers think order by law and technology are white man voodoo.

Also, we stole it from them.

They're rigged. Default now is "best comments" chosen by their (((heroes))).

stay mad shlomo

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No because I don't pay attention to that stupid shit and neither should you, you faggot cuck

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I see only pro-white/european comments
I guess the left-wing is watching news more

During a popular stream of the French riots last week the comments bar was like 90% violent outbursts against the jews. That was running for hours on end in all kinds of languages, so I'm pretty confident that awareness is spreading like wildfire. Also the Spielberg fantasy re-run will backfire tremendously.

Zig Forumsindrome

In a virtual world increasingly run by AI's, we don't know if the comments are genuine users or not. jewtube likely allows AI's (outside jewtube Al Gore rhythms) to operate directly on their servers.
We also have hardcore Accelerationists pushing for something bloody; civil wars along racial lines
Either way, civil wars are definitely in our future

It is the same as reddit.
Entire threads are created, filled and upvoted within minutes then used to shill pharmaceuticals.

Ah…youtube's scam with better health, for instance?

I see just the opposite shill

there is not scam … its adervtising with well adapted data.

mc donalds isnt scaming people when it creates a "happy meal"

you realise there are false advertising laws. You need to show where better health actually misrepresented itself. Otherwise you are just crying about really good company strategy.

And guess what … its not going away.

But they marketed to kids … yea so what. So does Taylor Swift. You dont see anyone complaining that Scarlet Johanson is really a guy, talk about false advertising.

The entire online experience is tailored by design to contain and direct the flow of thought. AI records your browsing habits then forms a profile on your online persona, at which point it then serves you a specially tailored window into what it thinks you want to see.

Its obvious if you pay attention, or do as another user said and delete history and browse the exact same page from a different location. Its scary accurate how they profile us.

Civil war is in their best interest. All of this online hate and fearmongering is here on purpose. Contain the antiwhites, radicalize and embolden them. Contain the antizogs, radicalize and embolden them. Set the fires ablaze from both sides of the forest and fan them towards each other.

We are nothing more than a controlled burn.

Niggers hate white people, they always have, and they always will. Now niggers use the internet. Why are you surprised?

Those are the only ones not scrubbed, newfag. You have to go back.

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The shit I watch, which admittedly is largely about history, warhammer and a few select other nerd-avenues; is basically rife with people spamming little besides: 'DEUS VULT', 'RETAKE CONSTANTINOPLE', 'SKAVEN ARE JEWS', 'WHITE IS RIGHT', etc.

Hell I actually watched a League of Legends stream recently and that had a ton of people calling chinks bugmen, referring to muslims as explosives and making random and hilarious comments about whites being the master-race, specifically in reference to Danish/Dutch/Scandinavian (I honestly can't remember) being the best mid-laners.

So uh… from what I've seen we are winning. Even on the BBC or Russia Today you see a ton of comments referring to kikes, muds and commies.

You wrote 9 sentences of absolute tripe, pointless ellipses, and your grammar is trash.

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its all true … why is no one pressing charges against better health??? Because its not illegal.

Its a company with a bad product and great marketing. Very much like Mc Donalds. Yes you want qaulity in your medical services. But remember there is not guareentees on the quality of the therpists in better health.

You cant save idiots from being dumb. Anyone that uses better health deserves to get "scamed" its not like better health lied.

People that use better health are the same people that buy Fallout 76. Idiots that have too much money.

you wrote nothing of use, are a grammar nazi and a complete idiot. Thats why better health is still around because people like you cannot achieve anything. You should see a therapist.

"Russian hackers" was projection. US/UK/IS intelligence services and leftist organizations are either shutting down comment sections or flooding them with establishmentarian messages after the Chinese example. The irony is that it is very obvious and ineffective. At 4chan, almost all the threads are obvious shills, and they have learned to bump each other, so the shills really never reach an audience. Leaving aside the issue of opposition, if I saw a comment thread that was screamingly militant and clearly scripted (but not an ideology I positively opposed anyway) I wouldn't bother with it.


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Paul Allen digits.

Yeah, it's just social media and bots.
This never existed years ago.
It's almost like people hate whites who have enslaved and violated them for centuries.

Nah, I don't deal with that shit. For now I'm content with 6 million (OY VEY) dislikes on the newest (((YouTube Rewind))) video that is not even on the homepage anymore, as it was the previous years.

You mean IL, IS is Iceland.

Not german, but god why is it that throughout history germans always seem to be the highest quality europeans in term of political views? They're not the highest in iq, or concientiousness (though they're up there) but in the united states the germans seem to be singled out as the ethnicity that most consistently goes to the right

'Germans' are such a large group as to be irrelevant. I don't mean to offend you, but you appear a fool. Germanic tribals are in power from England to the Ukraine. With such a large grasp over Europe, you might as well portray all Europeans as Germans outside of Spain, Southern Italy and Greece; for Germanics of some variety inhabited all other regions (and perhaps more).

Those who I have noted have been particularly radical in their mentioning of the jew have been primarily Aussie, Brit and American; the first two certainly Anglo, and the final likely partially Anglo. All I know is that jews are getting destroyed online.

Because you're both autistic and you don't understand that normalfags will always conform when the alternative is social ostracism.

Three words Friend. Family, Festivals, and Food. And after that are the tiny things that hold those three words together. Farming, Friendship, and Faith.
Lefties are an urban thing, Righties are a Rural thing.

I don’t see them. Unless CNN quickly deleting comments now. It’s the other way around. YouTube comments are becoming more pro white.

White americans generally dont know what european ethnicity they are so their political differences I'd say are safe to say heritable to a large extent. Germans, or at least the general population of germans seem to be exceptional in america compared to many other european ethnicities

Irish & Italian Americans generally know their ethnicity. As did the German Americans until WW1 & WW2 made it highly unfashionable to be a German American.

Attached: AmericavsEurope.png (1270x558, 16.35K)

Germans are not that different from other people in europe. They believe that men should lead the family, the farm, the village and the nation. Anyone who has ever driven on the autobahn realizes that they don't mind yielding to the faster man. They are natural patriarchs and monarchists.

Lol kek is really burning me with these signs.
I read that as the very moment my current audiobook says "whatever you do you do it thoroughly"

Well germans are close to the hub of the industrial revolution so thats something

Well it's not far off from the truth about (((who))) runs America.

I see more redpilled youtube comments nowadays tbh.

Very likely the game is being rigged at Jewtube

The comments I see on every site from RT to liveleak are just the opposite. Most remarks echo our social & political sentiments. And the commentary used to be exactly that same way at 'jewtube'

–Youtube Censors & Comment Editors- Who's Who==
pic related is a post I stumbled upon on a lowbrow user board* last year. The OP says jewish women do the dirty work at jewtube..

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they're called dubs newfag

It’s a more agrarian decentralized nation with a cultural history stressing the important of ethnicity. Prior to ww2 the concept of Volk was a key feature of German identity. Which is why they are such a blank people now the foundations of the modern world run in contradiction to the ideals of what it means to be German.

You're right about LiveLeak, but wrong about RT. There are times when the comment section goes full on commie and even anti-White depending on the article written. RT doesn't technically have any solid political spectrum, it ranges from Marxist, leftist, liberal, libertarian, cuckservative, and sometimes even neoconservative and paleoconservative. Most of the times though it leans between Marxist and libertarian. It's a weird, schizophrenic amalgamation of politics to be honest. At one time you will see them supporting BLM and rapefugees along with some strong wymyn femicunt reporters, then the next thing you'll know they oppose Antifa and George Soros while interviewing Alt-Kike correspondents like Dicky Sencer and (((Breitbart))) correspondents like Steve Bannon. The only consistent thing about RT is their anti-(((GMO))) stance.

Also, when RT says they allow many different types of political ideologies, I guess they are technically right. But not once will they ever allow National Socialism because, well, you'd probably already know why. This is Russia we are talking about, after all these years you still get to see some Russian commies comparing the LGBTQABBQAYYLMAOBENIS+ community to "fascism", it's pretty lulzy.

I have too brother, and it's shit like that, as stupid and as little as it may seem, that gives me a huge whitepill on the collective consciousness. I feel a lot of the "it's over YT" horseshit is being shoved hard because the kikes at top know a large majority of people are fed up with the way things have been going. Would explain the complete overdrive of kikery in the last 3-5 years. My 2¢

The Germans defeated the huns, the mongols, starred down the roman empire and never accepted serfdom. That's the sign of a master race, but today they are subject to the whims of the EU and the US and enjoy neither freedom nor ethnic homogeneity. The new generations of germans are like race horses who have been kept in a stable their entire lives. They know something is wrong, but they don't know what it is.

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I'm noticing the opposite. For example, normie vlogger Harald Baldr has a video of himself walking through Paris metro. Over one million views, all comments are criticising multiculturalism and the EU for destroying the country. Real life seems much worse because most don't dare reveal their power level.


Funny that we don't see similar sentiments about islam don't you think?

People like to construct villains in order to validate their points.

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I live in a middle class white area.

Completely underrated!

In all seriousness I'm so ready for things to heat up. The West has become the final years of the republic and Weimar rolled into one and we are the last ideology that values strength and beauty in purity for posterity. I'm so excited for our people, anons.

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They're doing the exact opposite.
Citation needed.

Hey retard, you don't need to make breaks every line. And taking advantage of vulnerable people who have, or perceive themselves to have, mental disorders is very different from fatties eating at McDonald's because they're to dumb to cook. Just because something is 'legal' doesn't mean it's ethical. They were marketing to children to; the use of youtube makes this obvious. Teens and children are retarded, mainly because they're teens and children. Not sure if you'll understand that.

Learn to write you worthless nigger.

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The slavestock is getting uppity because jew media has told them it's ok to do so. That's all. Put those filthy niggers in their place, OP.

Computers aren't as smart as you credit them. Anytime I open YT its always the exact same videos being offered on the sidebar. A few months ago, this wasn't the case, the options were very diverse. Now, they just want you to watch the same videos over and over and over again.

Dude, that's like so alpha and sheeit.

YouTube is beyond fucked. I hope you all realize this by now.

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Nope. Blacks aren't even subject to TDS, that's what White soyfolk and Jews espouse.
Non-Whites just hate you and want your shit. That's all there is to it. They don't have empathy response on the level you do either, so when they make their moves, it will be more cruel and gross than you can imagine at present. That you don't realize this suggests you shouldn't even be posting.
"lurk 2 years" is not a joke.
Duh, newfag.

Attached: Cant Lie About Your Chances, You Have My Sympathies.JPG (1636x777 103.2 KB, 302.51K)

Moar D&C shilling.
Soros pushes massive immigration not for kumbaya but D&C.
Soros pays SJW theorists to push anti-white hatred where there was none before.
Whites, non-whites hating each other means they cannot unite against the controllers of humanity.
So keep falling for it, please.
They want you to.

we can strike @ the heart of jewry's subtle generational plan of degeneracy by picking this up.

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Don't mention this on /leftcuck/. The maudes get ass hurt easily when the comments don't follow approved leftist orthodox talking points handed down from the cathedral
how long has this been going on for???? this video was uploaded 5 months ago?
ALSO BE AWARE PEDO SLIME SCUM INFEST ALL CHANS ACROSS ALL SITES. Even the jannies have a hard time trying to deal with them as leaked logs from 2015 suggest…. ,- Leaked IRC Logs from Janny Chat - Intro and read to being a janny

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They tried shitting up threads about this topic recently, even by posting child snuff. And what happened since then? What's going on? The snuff got deleted, but we saw it you fucks and were scarred by it.
Pedoscum so keen to protect their little honey hole of youtube livestreaming grooming of children that they will unleash their child snuff folder.

Attached: Live_Chat_2faggy.png (1824x3264 111.27 KB, 1.41M)

thread where pedoscum bubble up from the boiling cauldrons of piss and shit to try to derail this operation to protect children.
G+ is fucked too, wonder why they are closing it down next year?

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Well wtf happened to the thread? Is it still up? Although what do you expect, it's your own fault for sticking around on a board run by mods who encourage it.

I see it, thanks

thread still up.
out of all the places similar info has been posted, the most traction has been received on the topic here.
Make of that what you will.

No, not at all. t. mexican

Also full-blown censorship going on now.

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America is mostly British Isles, the reason why German tends to stand out more on datasets is because they're usually plurality-based and the British Isles are all split up between "American" "English" "Scots-Irish" "Irish" "Scottish" "Welsh" etc. whereas German is all just "German"

>(((Black Pigeon Speaks)))
Why are there so many jews in Japan (and China)?

Are you new user? you should know there are no breaks on this train. Don't worry, before you know it, your going to wonder why you would even want to stop it.

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That's still not a citation. We have no evidence that whites are ever going to fight back against any of this.

This is not wikipedia you fucking cunt.