“I’m not concerned, no. I think that the people would revolt if that happened,” he told reporters

"Trump said he believes that it would be hard to impeach “somebody who hasn’t done anything wrong and who’s created the greatest economy in the history of our country,” in an exclusive interview with Reuters in the Oval Office.

"The US President said that he was not concerned he could be impeached and that the payments his former personal attorney Michael Cohen made to two women ahead of 2016 elections didn’t violate campaign finance laws.

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LOL - Trump vs Cohen

"Trump said that Cohen was telling lies to the prosecutors to get a lighter prison term. He called for a longer sentence for Cohen, saying that his ex-lawyer should have known the campaign finance laws."

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hope he gets impeached then, a revolt will accomplish more than him


Hah, maybe in 2016, sure, but now?
Go fuck yourself bro.
I wouldn't piss on you to put you out if you were on fire, fuckin' kike cumrag faggot, doubly so when I hear your cuckboy pedophile Lindsay "Bathing-Suit Zone" Graham on (((Fox News))) saying
"Exchange of DACA for the Wall would be a good trade for America."

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He's not wrong.

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Yep, it was his job. That's why mere mortals hire shysters to limit their liability.

REEEEEE for us kike2.

This and we would not even need to lift a finger the rally people will take care of it. We can shit post and watch from our comfy homes

He's right and it's a good thing to put the threat of the people out there from the top.

China terrifs forced China to respect their workers. China looses big time when we buy from them. (Millennials with student loans buy local also)
Defended White workers discarded and tossed asside by globalism. Supported abolishing slavery in prisons (3/5 black males in prison is disgusting)
Supported a crime bill with more reasonable sentencing

Mike pence Crazy motherfucker will lead a holy war against Iran and Israel.
Wants rapture to happen so he can tell the Jews they are wrong Translation: pence nukes the world.

We wake up finally out of the matrix…just to find ourselves in another. Don't get greedy guys. Love over hate. Love your masters so they will be insecure -> this is how you make them work for you. It's better than doing this whole shit again in the next life or whatever

. .

Did I win the game?

pretty much

if trump got impeached in 2016, im ashamed to say i would have taken to the front. but after finding out how he sold out white nationalists and letting these yids walk all over him, no, no I dont give a shit.

He built an absolutely beautiful wall …for Israel; so that the poor ever-downtrodden yid can be safe in his magic holy GPS location, protected by the US military while we take the muzzie's off their hands and place them in Europe. Meanwhile, the US border can't stop plane loads of illegals from as far away as Africa from getting employment, housing, free education, lots of gibs and getting priority over the people that built the nation.
The hard work still awaits and it won't be Trump, or a feckless Congress or any kike-laden industry that does anything to turn it around. It will be (You)

He wouldn't have to get impeached, he could fulfill the Q prophecies and boomer cells would activate across the country, ready to take out libtard babyeaters.

It's good, we can use him as an excuse.

There aren't enough Walmart scooters for a boomerevolution

Anything will work as an excuse. Afer all of the years of crap talked about the French being cowards, they did do something about their grievances, buildings burned, people got hurt, people died and it happened in the streets, not from the comfort of grandmother's basement behind a VPN

im serious guys.
slaves > masters when you are at the top. You got skills and all that bankster money.
Start funding your state legislatures again and go after the federal land. taxes = good now.
leverage your debt slavery for yourself Currency doesn't exist - its all in your head. Its all a choice. I can make up an imaginary currency on the internet or read Franklin's book.

You will be the masters

To be fair, the french are under in a much worse situation than America with a combination of yids, arabs and africans ALL in one country.

America is loaded you stupid motherfucker. We have all the resources. The rest of the world was poor and starving before america. We fed the world and used very little.
All you have to do is run for it. Trump wont mow you down like obama.

Maybe if they tried something when he first got in but I think that loyalty has eroded away after he has repeatedly and publicly trashed his biggest and most loyal supporters.

learn some fucking math.
get some real values like ones based on the principles of human dignity.
abolish stupid fucking democracy and governments. Stand up for dignity above all. no one will ever dare exploit you because you will defend yourself and your friends will stand with you.

its all first principles guys. thats what we figured out in western society. christianity, science, real markets are about dignity.
how dare your employer fire you when you pay his fucking bills. you pay for his fucking shit.

see. its values

It's only a matter of months before the US gets another round of kike bail outs, and it will target Whites specifically. Though it is never discussed, most of those in the US effected by '08 never recovered. Now they live a paltry existence knowing to never have anything. '08 took a massive bite out of the middle class.
The point: no one will do anything until it effects them personally. Most of the former middle-class is too old to fight and see nothing to fight for; but the Millennials and Gen Z that will feel the pinch of the next kike bail outs have nothing to lose and everything to gain by taking down two worthless political parties and a few corrupt establishments.

However his rally attendance numbers belie that assertion. In the Red States he's still the hero. A lot of those Red State hick love him and well, they love Israel too. There's a reason why he chose Pence as VP; evangelicals.

Evangelicals do not approve homosex and kiddie diddlers in big coastal cities.

It's about time for a civil war if you stop and look at the massive cultural divide. Trump's impeachment and then Pence's impeachment and then Kavanaugh's impeachment (he did commit perjury you know, in 2006 Senate hearings for his Federal judgeship).

Nobody actually "likes" Trump, never did. But he's America's last chance and everybody knows it now. The last chance before the Bolshevik loonies take over the asylum.

the bail outs are good. it is resistance. it means the 'kike' needs you. make him call for you.

Kill yourself, yid

I agree fellow woke Zig Forumsacks, I too would never revolt against our beautiful democracy.

he is the one tying to kill you. only a stupid fucking kike would let you die. let him confront his errors.
Remember, this is all a fucking game. you win by asserting the power you have acquired.

Raise your state taxes. threaten him and he will work for you and enslave himself to other kikes

…he is a castrated slave after all

You wouldn't do shit.


stop being a douche. i would no sooner lynch fifty niggers and *fedposting omitted*.

I just fail to see how riling up a portion of the country that are nationalist, using their memes and progress and throwing them to stack expects you to run well. I mean, really? That's your fucking plan Trump?

You really expect the right, the ultra-right to protect you from the left? after you dumped one side? wtf.

REEEEEEEEE more kike2.

He just gives us a good reason to revolt is all.

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Be honest, where did you come from?

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nice strawman, faggot.

black supremacists hate the jews too…

Depends on what black supremacist you ask.

Never thought of it like that. I could get behind it. Just not for Trump.

Here, you faggy fucking dogshit anime poster. Where the fuck did you come from.

Why is this hard? I hate niggers AND jews. I hate cops AND blacks. You don't have to hate one thing and love the other. Jesus christ.

Come on now.

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Ignore the faggots, they want you to reply to them and spam the threads with useless shit.

Now that I could get behind.

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You don't belong here, shalom.

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Do elaborate:
Of course we can all vote; but what does this have to do with elections? We're so kike'd, a shriveled Roasty like Pelosi can speak about "Russian interference in elections" knowing it's likely her own tribe hiding behind a state flag(false) doing the interfering, while simultaneously encouraging illegals to not only vote but to run for office
Florida is a blatant attempt at theft of elections in none other than kikess Wasserman-Schultz, and nothing has come of it. Idiots parading around saying, "We kept the Senate" as if….
The Left is in overdrive scaring off members of their own party that don't want to be associated with the extremists within
We have no power outside brutal atrocities as handed down in history books written by the synagogue

idgaf who you fucking hate. just get off your fucking ass and organize.
Do you know how many people in this country are disturbed when the republican debate is about sucking Israeli dick???

1. all white people side with black americans to abolish prison slavery. dignity > hate of niggers. you can hate niggers all you want because you have the principle of self determination. You can kill them too, you just need to treat them with dignity.
2. media and public mind fucked and begin questioning the world.
3. bring up how the kikes treat everyone like shit

This is all about leveraging the world in your favor. accomplishing goals and shit

JEEBUZZ H! Have you taken a look at da reel true 100% bona fide Native Amerikangz? Da original Hebro's get winded putting quarters in the candy machine. Dafuqq are they gonna do?

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dignity is about becoming your own masters.
if whites place blacks in chain gang prison then whites loose because the kikes can throw them in too.

this is about media relations and building a coalition. why not fight a war where the sjw's are on the front lines. rofl
Get out of your stupid fucking democracy slavery and start thinking like a free man.

this is why the kikes own you now. the kikes are smart. you need to be smarter, study the math behind their methods. use it against them.
race isnt real and neither is money. learn the slight of hand. and surprise them with guns are,

I can't help but laugh at civic nationalism - its a self-defeating meme.

Look at the US.

We hear civic nationalists talking all about these Constitutional principles that they hold dear.
Freedom of speech. Right to bear arms. Limited government.
Yet these same civic nationalist principles, they claim, demand judgement on the basis of the individual only, not as collectives… Of course, their claims are somewhat suspect, given the men who derived those princples initially were slave owners and created the US as an explicit White ethnostate, but whatever.

The point is, this hyper-individualistic outlook forces them into a cognitive box, limiting the extent of their philosophical-willpower. It does so, in that it forces them to reject judgement in the context of racial groups as a collective, despite races acting as collectives.
For example: Hispanics support gun control (60%+ in favor, 30% against). And hate-speech laws (50%+ in favor, 25% against). And expanded government (70%+ in favor, 20% against). And Hispanics overwhelmingly identify with the left-wing political parties (60%+, increasingly from generation to generation after entry to the country to upwards of 70% by the 2nd generation). AND Hispanics demonstrate an elevated fertility rate relative to White populations in the US (still above replacement levels).

Thus, by upholding civic nationalist principles in judging Hispanics as individuals instead of as a group, many Hispanics would be (and have been) allowed into the country - for example in the amnesty of Ronald Reagan - despite the fact that collectively they do not believe in the principles upon which the nation was founded… Not that they would say as much if attempting to gain entry - deception exists, and civic nationalist arguments as-goes vetting procedures are underwhelming, nevermind the prospect of enforcement of civic values after entry (let alone over generations).

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And this last point about enforcement is important, because evidence suggests that, like most ethnic/racial minorities in the US, Hispanics do not demonstrate a collective belief in the civic principles of the US (certainly not to the proportional degree seen in US Whites), but they DO behave as a collective, supporting left-wing political groups in overwhelming majority. Those promoting civic nationalist ideals do not demonstrate the philosophical-willpower to enforce these civic values, have offered no methodology to alter this condition, and all indications suggest they are bereft of such a method - if they were not, the populations which have been in the US for several generations, exposed to the values of the country and civic nationalists' arguments in that vein, would espouse those positions, but they do not.

While on the subject… Why do Hispanics support left-wing groups? Are they actually more left-wing in political view? Yes, but that's not the whole story - they vote as a collective, and they do so to serve collective interests. Left-wing groups in the US are the groups in favor of serving the left-wing predispositions of Hispanics (hate-speech laws, gun control, expanding government with more programs) as well as increased immigration, which they promote loudly, and increased immigration leads to an increase in population for the respective ethnic/racial minority in question, which in turn leads to an increase in the political power, electorally at the very least, wielded by that ethnic/racial minority. Hence, regardless of their political stance, Hispanics support left-wing groups as a collective to serve collective interest. We see the same sort of behavior on behalf of Blacks and other non-Whites.
In fact, we see the same sort of behavior on behalf of Asians, who also primarily support left-wing groups in the US (50%+, increasing generationally), even though polling of their political views suggest they may not actually be left-wing politically - they're merely acting as a collective in serving their collective interest.

Left-wing groups are, for whatever reason (ideology, personal desire for power or wealth, etc), very happy to assist in this endeavor, and in fact, the left-wing political party of the modern US is an amalgam of minority groups acting collectively in their own interest despite an absence of shared political belief betwixt the tribes. They are, effectively, a collective composed of collectives, each acting to serve their own interests, and a great deal of their effort is maintained in securing each individual collective's support and avoiding conflict among those groups where their perceived collective interests conflict. Further, these left-wing groups - aided by left-wing political/social organizations (several particularly influential examples bearing an overt Jewish composition or philosophy) - explicitly advocate for, and support the explicit advocacy of, the respective non-White minority collectives, whilst simultaneously doing everything in their power to silence, slander, demonize and deplatform any and all explicit White advocacy groups through accusation of association with 'racism', 'White supremacy', 'Nazism' and/or 'anti-Semitism', amongst others.

That is to say, the left-wing in the US, particularly the influential Jewish wing, advocates against explicit White advocacy. Which is why no such explicit White advocacy organizations exist in the US today which are not so slandered, and certainly none which exhibit institutional power and perceived legitimacy as might be claimed on behalf of other ethnic/racial groups' equivalents (the latter of which often exhibiting a far more seedy character than the former).
Ironically, this seems to form a neat little circle for the left-wing (especially Jewish) actors: by advocating against White advocacy and White advocates using accusations such as 'racism' or 'White supremacy', Jewish left-wing organizations create anti-semitic sentiment in White advocates and White advocacy organizations, which those same left-wing Jewish organizations then utilize to further slander them through accusation of 'anti-semitism' or 'Nazism'!
Its important to note that the left-wing political factions and their accomplice political organizations in the US also employ such accusations in opposition to any efforts to inhibit left-wing political aims at increasing immigration into the US from non-White sources, promoting globalist multiculturalism and miscegenation, and degrading national borders, even national sovereignty.

The left-wing has been so successful in their efforts in this regard, that the US population demographics are beginning to disintegrate. The White population - the only population which demonstrates anything close to majority support for the ideals which civic nationalists claim to hold most dear - is being displaced.

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Jews are just a mafia. They practiced usury for centuries, and congregate in secret with no morality.

Gains from crime are to be exposed and taken, not emulated.

Exactly. If the Jews really wanted to impeach him, they could have done that ages ago. Instead, they are accepting some concessions while slowing down the momentum of what is essentially a white uprising, so as to reduce the enthusiasm of the dissatisfied white majority (i.e. release valve), leading Donald into a pyrrhic victory (assuming that he is genuine).

What conclusion do we reach from such analysis of circumstance?
We can discern that the civic nationalist position is philosophically-unequipped to combat this hazard, in that their civic nationalist ideals demand they make judgements on strictly individual grounds such as to ignore ethnic/racial behavioral trends. They will thus seek to argue in favor of judging a long line of individuals, as individuals, on principle, who can and will present themselves as sharing a belief in the principles civic nationalists claim to seek to uphold if such is required to gain entry to the country, and who will subsequently act collectively in their own interests once in the US such as to create new demographic conditions within the US that are no longer fertile substrate for the individual - and thereby societal - espousal of civic nationalists' proposed ideals.

tl;dr: Non-Whites don't care about civic duties or virtues, they act as collectives to serve collective interests, and civic nationalists do not have any mechanism at their disposal to change, nor combat, this state of affairs, even as they vehemently protest, on the basis of their civic nationalist principles, White advocates attempting such a feat. These civic nationalists are thus demonstrating that they are operating from an obsolete playbook, attempting to espouse civic nationalist ideals of individualism that were only able to be maintained in homogenous White nations bereft of competition from myriad non-White collectives (each serving their own interests), and yet, despite this failure, demonstrable throughout electoral politics in the US (and the West overall) over the last 30+ years, civic nationalists continue to suggest the old playbook is valid. The conclusion is thus that, if civic nationalists are allowed to attempt to carry out their proposed policies in the US, there will cease to exist a substrate for civic nationalists' beloved Constitutional principles and these principles will cease to exist in application in the US. Self-defeating meme.

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Yesterday you said tomorrow

Why did the niggers do things that would get them thrown in prison, though? I don't get to go out and rob gas stations for crack money or kill someone for their shoes without repercussion. Why should some bootlip?


How fucking weak. The first president to publicly breach the subject of revolt and rebellion, the only president in my lifetime who fights to accomplish what he promised on his campaign without giving in. You have a weak constitution, disloyal fuck. You base your opinions on what you read others write here. You can't see the info/propoganda ops taking place on the chans? …or you are the propoganda op. You "fight" by posting on a secretive, cult like, echo chamber and call that your efforts to save our country, but when theres talk of actual fighting IRL you turn tail and run. KYS

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Which loyal supporters do you refer to?

And why wouldn't they? The jew and his handmaidens are giving away a huge swath of the US to the Mestizo wet-dream of Azatlan. Won't life be so much greater with drug-cartels running the Southern US, mass beheadings, mass rape gangs, mass graves, more human trafficking and sacrificing virgins to the Volcano gods like back in the good ole days?
They're being given the treasures earned by those Europeans that built the US, that transformed unwanted swamp lands managed by Mexico and owned by the Queen of Spain into 2 of the worlds greatest economic engines, and spilled blood to earn the rights they had before the Talmudic takeover.
They're given preferential treatment for minimum wage jobs because they'll do them for $2 less/hour.
Law enforcement can't even ask about nationality; giving them free reign to fuck up on this side of the border and be scot free back in Mexico. Mexico will even ensure that its problem children being released from its shitty prison system, get a ride over the border. They're laughing at us. We are the laughing stocks of the planet

Now, let me address what I've just said in the context of your stupid, stupid faggot post.

Hatred is not the issue. That you think it is, demonstrates you have no real grasp on what is happening around you, you're just an idealistic child.
So naive. Do you think attempts haven't been made? Aren't being made?
Organization is extremely difficult, is actively and aggressively opposed by powerful and influencial factors (both nationally and internationally), and requires first and foremost a base of people TO organize who have some functional grasp of what is happening around them, which ever so very few can claim at this stage.
Many, certainly, yet the have no real power nor capacity to take action, their society is completely bought-out and subverted. Every direction they might turn to pursue some beneficial action, there is a kike or a shabbos waiting to decry or subvert.
The cultural system of governence is, itself, infected with memetic pathogens derivative of semitic incursion.
Laughable. Our streets would be rampant with niggerdom and narcotics. That "prison slavery" system shit is the direct consequence of the requirement to police and contain violent criminal non-Whites.
What dignity is there in your daughter getting raped to death by a spic in a cornfield? Or getting shot in the head 'by accident' by an illegal who walks free? Or getting gang-raped for days by niggers, shot, and fed to alligators in the swamp? All of those are real stories that happened in the last 4 years.
No, I don't; and self-determination is laughable in the face of what we're up against, a world-spanning pestillence in hominid form, hell-bent on our destruction and the subsequent enslavement of the muddied inhabitants of this world. Your mewling about 'dignity' will turn to ash in your mouth as you witness horrors beyond your imagination, perpetrated by competing organismal clades who bear no sympathy for your weakness, only hunger for your demise.
Kikes DON'T treat everyone like shit, that's the problem. Go watch the first Duke-Sotomayor talk wherein Sotomayor basically says as much outright, along the lines of
Further, because the nigger is a dumb nigger, he can't foresee that it might be in his best interest for Whites to be #1, because right now Jews are #1 and treat the nigger much better than the Whites did, if only because the Jew uses the niggers against the Whites and uplifts him to that end (see: tax dollars taken from Whites -> free shit for niggers).
So why the fuck would a nigger hear what you have to say about the Jews, and not want to let the Jews get rid of you and then try to take on the Jews himself? He wouldn't, and he doesn't, so he's happy to fuck White girls, take welfare dollars, shame and degrade White people and their culture, their history, their very existence, because it makes him feel good to do it - 'what is best in life?', after all - and because it serves his interests - as far as he can see it (and he may not be wrong) - to do it.
You aren't going to levy anyone, aren't going to accomplish any goals, by appealing to muds to help Whites, who've historically treated them like what they are, in attempting to defeat Jews, who treat them like what the Jews want them to be (a non-threatening means to harm Whites).

I'll take Jew-wise voters for 200

Two years ago, as embarrassing as it is to admit, I might have backed him. But at this point, he's fucking delusional if he thinks it would end well for him even if we did take to the streets.

That said, has he even considered at all the fact he can't walk away from this? His kike children and kike grandchildren are going to be strung up by the commies when they get him out of office and slap charges on him, whether that happens with embeachment in 2020 or by some miracle 2024, they won't just forget his dumbass for getting in their way. He really ought to have hedged his bets with the candidacy core and gone all out with it, since that was his only chance of surviving democrat retaliation once this is over.

To save his own ass, after having hung his White base out to dry, yes, go on…
And you've now completely dissociated from reality.
You are a delusional half-wit with a man-crush and severe lack of self-awareness. You base your opinions on an imagined reality.
Oh I can, and I see what I interpret to be a lot of the current Trump admin trying to sow seeds to discourage attempts to dislodge his fat bloated-on-White-suffering kosher faggot ass, in addition to the constant torrent of low-quality arguments from the Marxist "left". What do you see?
Amongst other platforms, go on…
I don't remember ever saying I was trying to save our 'country'.
I don't give a single solitary fuck about the Unites States of America as a civic entity.
I'm not a civic nationalist, after all.
I'm not inclined to fight for ZOG - but if ZOG gives me the excuse, I'll surely use it. To drive out ZOG.

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Wake me up when the revolution starts.
Until then, I'd use this time to start your prep kits, bug out bags, and gather supplies.

He is completely delusional.

You either will because you know that will be the easiest fucking point to rally an entire nation against the ZOG or you won't because you have absolutely zero goddamn points to make and just want to craft narratives on Zig Forums to constantly make people angry, depressed, and inactive. KYS

The difference is, in France even commie race traitors were willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with level headed nationalists, because they were both french and macron had to go.

But in burgerland, there exists no such state of affairs. Even among right minded sorts, that sense of strong identity simply doesn't exist. But to imply the majority backs him is absurd, for better or worse the majority are monotonously muttering in their sleep "orange man bad" right now. What would happen is, the left would mobolise their antifa goons, back them with their loyal swat and nasty girl units, and sweep out any wrong thinkers from their backyards, whatever is left of trump's base would then be fodder for a neocon coupe launched out of the military, and we'd be plunged into civil war to decide which faction of jews are going to rule over whatever remains.

There is no path forward rallying behind Trump. He is Reconstruction 2.0 and the postwar order combined. Anything attached to this guy and the kind of people who fall in behind him will go nowhere new. If you don't like the way the country's been going since WWII, steer clear.

Trump is basically doing something VERRRY radical here; love him or hate him HE IS WAKING UP THE MASSES. HE IS CALLING THEM TO STEP FORWARD AND ASSERT THEIR INNATE POWER.

Think about that. Just because he calls them forth doesn't mean he can tell them to go back to sleep again. Once they step forth into the arena it's a totally new game. I've been dreaming of Trump calling for a Sturgis motorcycle rally, the biggest in history on the Mall in Washington DC. A week of angry rednecks on motorcycles,

A million rednecks or more on their Harleys with no mufflers. And then Trump says; come and exercise your Constitutional right to bear arms.

A million rednecks with M16s holstered on their deafening Harleys riding around and around and around for an entire week of angry but tightly controlled protest with THEIR MAN in the White House, waving at them as they roar past. Hahaha make the lefties and the RINOS shit their pants. Better than the Blackshirts march on Rome.

Oh yes, oh yes, let us meme this into existence..

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You know what? I fucking hate leftists. They're abusive, only a few of them use their spaces for anything other than hating people, they're dishonest. All in all they're punishing intolerant hypocrites.

I'm asexual, something modern leftists hate and scream at, even though they also have gotten so uncharismatic their own sex lives are only better to the extent of not being physically abusive. I believe in persuasion and kindness, something leftists only tolerate when it's a lie. I only hate their hypocrisy, not their ideal. There's approximately zero chance I personally revolt if the assholes on my side impeach the asshole on someone else's side. I can't swing right to get away from hypocritical abusive leftists - I tried that, and harassment mobs fell upon my new conservative friends. The fuckers actually did that. So I'm back again, trying vainly to point out to the left that abusing people into compliance makes them lose election contests and frankly it makes them degrade as people, too.

And meanwhile, what has happened to the right? Well… They've got Trump. They don't know what they're doing, but at least they've got Trump. They don't know how to not choke their girlfriends, but boy howdy they've got Trump. They're pointless intolerant people whose bad ideas aren't redeemed by being exposed. From my POV inside one group and outside the other both groups look pretty much the same. Right now the left and right hate each other because right now they're hateful people who won't admit any faults or needs of kindness.

I want all these people left and right to get back some humility, and stop being trapped in Laughing Fists Conformity mode. You're all part of the same world. Learn to live with each other.

That's a good lesson internationally, too.

And if any leftists see this - quit fucking with asexuals. People don't claim that as a lie. Treating it as a lie just makes you seem rapey.

The Left is reveling in the fact that a large part of his original base have turned their backs on him, for his obvious kikespeak ways; but all for the wrong reasons. Whether it is watching the self-destruction of either party, never interrupt the enemy when he is committing suicide

What is it with asexuals making sure everyone has to know that they are asexual? Is it the new vegan virtue signalling thing? You only mentioned it half a dozen times in that bizarre commie rant.

Listen, I know things haven't been going well for you lately sargon, but get it together man.

The left punishes everything it regards as unpopular. So they alienate people, and the ones I've had the unprivilege to watch are driving off anyone who isn't part of a sick loyalist cluster. It's like they stared into the abyss so long they became the conformists without noticing that punishing the "righteous" is just another kind of punishing unrighteousness. Switch the paintjob and the behavior is just as it was.

But no, Trump being impeached wouldn't make me revolt. His lies about his performance in office are as annoying as they ever were.

If Trump's base has turned their backs on him why are his rallies so huge still?

Remember the Oakland/Berkeley anti war protests in the 60's? The left, ken kesey, Alan Ginsberg, Tim Leary even Bob Dylan worked to get the Hells Angels to join them, become the shock troops who would fight the cops for them, the proletarian avant guard. Instead the Angels turned on the lefties after partying with them for a whole year and beat the shit out of them while a few Angels who were for the lefties got murdered, and disappeared. Tiny for example.

There's a dynamic here that shouldn't be underestimated. The left can't really fight. The working classes can and do fight. Trump needs to summon them and unleash a blood bath on the nation.

See this? I suspect this is one of the psy-ops I mentioned before. That or a dim-witted MAGApede with no firearms in-home but at least one Make America Great Again ballcap.

At this point, if you would come out to support Trump, you're as much of a weak cowardly cuckold as you'd be for not using the opportunity of such a revolt on behalf of dim-witted MAGApedes to crush the ZOG machine as whose representative Trump currently stands.

But that's not true.
In actuality, because there was no organization, there wasn't much at all in the way of 'standing shoulder to shoulder' - the Yellow Vests haven't been much more than a destructive mob, little gangs moving together, with basically zero solidarity. When the secret police were nabbing people out of the crowd, did they swarm together to rescue those people? No, they scattered and watched from a distance.
Granted, a good portion of them are normalfags and Boomers and shit, so that's to be expected, but it strongly undercuts your claims of solidarity across political boundaries - its not that there is solidarity across political boundaries, its that there is no solidarity whatsoever, beyond a shared desire to fuck with the established order.

How could it? You look at the mob of frogs in Paris, its clear-as-day that the vast vast vast majority are White French. They DO have a very strong shared identity.
In the US, White Americans aren't allowed to have that, because it makes Jews nervous. So they've systematically chipped away at it, to the point where everyone is walking on eggshells because the slightest mistep can create a fucking SHITSTORM CASCADE bringing the international eye of ZOG upon you to dole out retribution for simple wrong-think or speech crimes.

Not quite.
I can't say I reckon anyone 'supports' a candidate they aren't willing to come out to vote for, and between him and the pantsuit-shitting crone, they only managed like 54% of the voting-age public. The entire political body of the state can barely manage to get a majority of the population to give a shit enough to show up, so the idea that the majority is either in support of him or rabidly opposed to him is equally ridiculous.

What can be said, however, is that the portion of his base exhibiting extremely-high levels of support has UNQUESTIONABLY been severely diminished as the consequence of his inability/unwillingness to achieve meaningful outcomes. I will remind you, the narrative during the election was that the Wall would be STEP #1, one part of a larger plan that incorporated deportation of the DACA/illegal scum and defunding of sanctuary cities that shelter them, AND that Mexico would be forced to pay for it through taxing remissions.
We're now coming up on 2019, election announcements for 2020 will be coming out in less than 6 months, and we're now arguing about whether or not to EXCHANGE the Wall (a worthless symbol should a Democrat/Cuckservative take power) for DACA (which will be a Reagan Amnesty-tier blow to the US demographics).

Oh this should be good…

Haha I know this schitzophrenic computer nerd who was a 45 year old Virgin. He felt this gave him the rank of a Jesuit bishop or a colonel in the SS.

Show me full-crowd photos of the last 3 rallies or shut the fuck up.

It is in the sense, that french people see themselves as french people. While burgers lack a strong racial identity. There is simply nothing to unite burgers, so all you're left with is the poltical tension, while the frogs at least had a vague notion of being frogs, together, at least for as long as it takes to oust macron.

I read this and all I hear is "I'm fucking weak but I'll force you to listen to me".

especially since irony of
is completely wasted on you.
Good job ! Very insincere !

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No bleeding heart bullshit, but they've been robbed of all identifying characteristics. They have no tenure with society as they might have a century ago or less. This is the core point of identity atomization; and it works to destabilize once stable societies and destroy them from within.

That is the power of faith. The same thing can be said of Benny Hinn or Pat Robertson.
Will he? Two things he likely does not want during or associated with his Presidency; an economic collapse and/or the US version of a color revolution. If he can, and if it would make a difference, he could at least stick by one single maxim he preached regarding 'enemies'

And what did all of that nonsense in the 60s get us? Richard Nixon who made some disparaging comments about jews but also enacted affirmative action and knifed the Russians to clique up with the chinks? Spare us the republican tough guy act, it's old as shit and all worn out.

It is true that the White French people see themselves as French people, yes, that part is true… But its not true in that you tried to claim this was in some way representative of solidarity across political boundaries, 'standing shoulder to shoulder' and shit, when in reality, its just a mass of people who, while viewing themselves as a people, still vehemently hate each other and exhibit no solidarity beyond herding survival-strategy behavior wherein they'll put aside their hostilities when coming out simultaneously to do disorganized mob shit because it allows them to use each other as camouflage.

But that's not true.
White Americans have a VERY STRONG racial identity, but they are aggressively inhibited from espousal of such, as I described.
I remind you: The US has something like half the world's Jewish population, with another near-half in Israel, such that THE REST OF THE WORLD is splitting the 8-9% left over. Its not that White Americans don't have a strong racial identity, its that there are many many many more kikes in their lands, and they have much louder voices and much greater influence.

If people won't revolt against Jewish crimes, then people won't revolt if Trump is impeached. The only (((people))) that may revolt would do it in order to further Jewish interests.

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But it's not really trump vs hilary any more, the left isn't really giving much thought into what comes next, as far as they care it could be el presidonte comey or mueller at this point. These aren't especially scruplious people we're talking about here after all.

No, what we've seen so far with the protests more or less proves it, leftist mayors and governers have been stacking their military arms with loyal yesmen, the grunts will crack skulls for shekels, but the leadership and officers will mostly be loyal to the party by now. And you can bet they've got lists of the ones who aren't.

It's a shitty place for us to be, but that's about the whole of it. We either get rounded up by the ZOGbots restoring order for our greatst ally, or we get fed to the antifa hordes. Best move in that game is simply not to play, but even then I wouldn't be surprised if they come for us once they've finished mopping up the Q retards.

A revolt will not happen without an economic collapse. People are not willing to risk their lives when having so much to lose. Most revolutions occurred under the pretence of creating a stronger economy and livelihood.

For a revolt in America, you'd need to do it under the pretence of erasing private and public debt to Jewish banks.

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I wasn't trying to say there was this offical cross part alliance, what I meant was that aside from antifa we saw commies and nationalists more or less ignoring each other while they both marched on paris. If it came across like I was claiming anything more that that, that's simply a by product of early morning shitposting, and was not intended.

No they really don't. There are plenty that feel strongly about being white, although they're an extreme minority compared to the deracinated wallmart dwellers that make up most white americans. But the ones who DO feel strongly about being white, lack any kind of cohesive way to integrate that into a national identity. They're just white people who happen to be in the states, and that's one of the main reasons there isn't a proper nationalist burger party, since no one has come up with an agreeable way to even define such a thing yet. Well, Dixie aside, anyway.

You've been in the echo chamber too long, the majority are retards regardless of their stance and will default to the strongest authority within the region, the notion of rebellion is predicated upon unfavorable odds obviously and what matters is how it's started, how fast it starts up, and who it is against. And you're here telling me that a presidentially-condoned rebellion against the most egregious rat-faced fucks that we already have folders upon folders upon folders of evidence/propaganda against them that demonstrates the kikery they desire to usher in will not sway the dumb cunts that are currently getting neck-stomped by your own forces won't concede to reason after finally all of their safety and conveniences have been stripped from them?

You HAVE been prepping/networking/planning for this correct? You use terms like "burgerland" so I'm going to assume you don't even live here much less understand how the dialog is changing in everyday conversation about what is coming towards us, people are frightened and angry and they cannot stand the notion that a properly elected president is going through what Trump is going through right now, people who haven't been chugging a gallon of soymilk every day/Don't live in a pure blue state are fucking disgusted by SJWism and the far left and if antifa even thinks for a goddamn second they won't get fucking mulched the second they try to fight against the people in a lawless environment are deluded.

Take a trip to the chemistry thread lad and start getting creative, there is no "loyal swat" or "nasty girl units" (the idea of women, western women no less, on the battlefield against anything even slightly less than conservative is fucking laughable unless they're suicide bombers, and no bleeding cunt over here has the balls to do that) that can stop a modern rebellion with absolutely no concept of law and order. It will be an intense explosion of violence (perhaps literally) and the ones left behind will be the ones who knew what was coming. And anyone who says they would not capitalize on galvanizing the entire country against the ZOG during a condoned rebellion is nothing more than a fucking kike and you goddamn know it.

But go ahead, keep saying how everyone is a kike, but you aren't, even though political momentum is in your court, but you won't use it, because you're too based and fashy to do it "for" trump, because you hate the ZOG, even though the ZOG is knocking on your door in this hypothetical, and also you believe antifa will win, despite the fact that the only real threat that would exist is the ZOG military, but you totally already knew this because you've been around Zig Forums and /x/ for over a decade and are just as knowledgable regarding ZOG military tech as the rest of old /pol (and i'll explicitly state that isn't me, I've just actually done homework since showing up). Jesus christ we should make a pic-related for this sort of dialog you're shoving down Zig Forums's throats right now.

Any anti-government/anti-ZOG (it's your job to make it anti-ZOG, you have still been redpilling and not spilling your spaghetti right? You've learned proper rhetoric and know how to utilize political momentum right?) movement is more valuable than any treasure you can think of and to suggest that we ought to do


Once it shows up in a neatly wrapped gift on our doorstep is absolutely deserving of rope.

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Hell yeah, rolling for it!

Wherever you came from newfriend, go back there and stay put.

Is there some kind of deep dark secret at the top which justifies all these vippy vappy vunderbull people from getting along? Are they all tiptoeing around control of history's largest dirtmine?

I once saw in a nowhere on the internet someone claim that Hillary Clinton being elected would set off some kind of natural disaster. Well, seasons don't care for the reaper, neither do the wind, the sun, or the rain. The disaster must be something else. What, then, would such a condescending comment be about? I think it could be people.

Did Hillary Clinton answer an unexpected hypothetical asked in private, "Well, if that was going on, i'd expose it. Obviously," and thereby convince other vippy vunderbulls that she couldn't be trusted around the dirtmine?

Why is his Administration not attacking and Impeaching/removing from office for "Ethics Violations" at the least;
The sexual misconduct pay-offs with taxpayers dollars.
Maxine Waters, allegedly using her office to provide assistance to a bank in which her husband owned stock to ask for federal government bailout money.
Senate Ethics Complaint Against Sen. Cory Booker for Purposely Violating Rules in Releasing Confidential Documents.
Trump ripped Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) Thursday for lying about his military record, saying the Connecticut senator “defrauded the whole world with his Vietnam status.”

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Unless you're sitting on a governership, I really don't see you outnumbering the neocons, who are already well established both throughout the the body politic and the armed forces. The commies aren't really the biggest threat here, they're mostly just peal off the west coast from the union, even if only temporarily. The big issue is that you'll have "moderate conservatives" moving in to restore order and they'll be seen by the teeming masses as the most legitimate faction and therefore scoop up the majority of the empire. The trump faction would be horrendiously outnumbered, and would have absolutely no support coming to them after the fighting started in earnest, while both the commies and the neocons would have nearly endless foreign backing if by some chance it did turn into a protracted civil war.

Also nasty girls refers to the NG, just for future reference.


That's really not the point, I was just pointing out that the majority don't really seem to give a shit one way or the other, because they're apathetic as fuck.

I have no doubt what you say is correct, what I meant was that I wager it will be the swats doing the bashing while antifags and soytwats do the cleaning up/dirty work (home invasions, assassinations, etc).

I know it m8.
I disagree, in that the best move is simply not to play BY THOSE RULES. Once things get going, you don't have to support Trump - and you shouldn't, your rhetoric to your fellows and your actions in the field should demonstrate as much where-able - but you most-definitely should utilize any real 'rebellion', regardless of cause, to your advantage.
But when a ZOGbot president is facing the Marxist gallows and he starts talking about rebellion should he be deposed, don't ACTUALLY be on board with helping him avoid being deposed - use it as the chance to depose that which he serves, which is ZOG, while trashing some of the Marxists' goons along the way.

That said, I must admit to being somewhat tickled at the prospect of the military and police forces breaking down ZOG, Marxist, Other lines. Seeing the ZOG warmachine fracture and turn upon itself would be amusing to at least some extent, I'm sure.
And while they're busy fighting each other, they aren't paying attention to what I'm doing.

We have skirted the "illegal" category of newcomers entirely. Never mind the "legal immigrant" explosion. Every facet of the nation is either being eroded or given away to undeserving people weaponized against those that built the nation and are losing their treasures.
Trump will do fuck all. IF he is "getting back at" anyone, it's the International kike. So, he chose the Zionist kike sect instead. Either way, it's a huge middle finger salute to Joe and Jane goyim

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