Disclaimer: All things discussed in this thread are either of a historical, scientific or theoretical nature. (I put this here so you could copy/paste it without having to type it out when you respond; save you time)

The genetic pre-Christian history of Nordics and Celts is full of rape, criminal activities and conquest. There has been a concerted effort via 'religion' and 'culture' to remove the fundamental character of Europeans and tame them into a broken and docile state by 'leadership'. WWI and WWII were pre-organized and pre-arranged mass slaughters of the most adventurous, honorable and traditional patriarchal DNA left in European genetics. There has been a radical agenda to 'feminize' European males through a shift in culture that was not aligned to our genetic predisposition which was more radically centered on the idea of a patriarchy or the idea that every man was the head of his own destiny needing to 'ask permission' from no other man.

It is quite possible that there is latent internal echos of this European desire to spread the seed of the most fit and face the real and enduring danger of sacking a town and seeding its women. This served two purposes, to spread the seed of alpha males widely through our genetic stoke and ensured a consistency in the character of the offspring, ensuring the minimizing of more slavish personalities.

When our society became 'criminalized' Europeans began to function as slaves with masters rather than as men…independant men and warriors. Too many constrictions on our natural behavior and more 'civilizing' influences led to the decline of a more visceral type of living and an increase in a criminal enterprise mode of culture.

I have included a video by Varg taking the opposite view (which I think is incorrect).
He claims that the Vikings DIDN'T rape anyone because Christian sources did not record it. I find the idea of an army full of hot blooded warriors who didn't rape slightly preposterous, since these were their own extended kin and thus attractive and not deformed like the subhuman masses. I think it more likely that they didn't mention rape because the 'church fathers' or semites were experimenting with social engineering to make Nordic and Celtic men into docile slaves and workers rather than fully realized mature males that required no 'permission' to do as they pleased and lived by their own moral code, rather than something foreign that was imposed upon them.

I am against the rape of Europeans by foreigner, who I think need to be exterminated off the Earth, but I am strongly considering the benefits of rape, raiding and criminal activity as a genetic and eugenic benefit to European DNA. I think of it as the 're-wilding' of the European people from a state of abject slavery to a state of freedom. Paradoxically this should have a positive effect on women (stay fit ladies because you are going to have to run fast), offspring (which would bear the offspring of the strongest and fitest warrior personalities of our people and it would also serve to genetically seal our people into a tighter less diverse populace. Women would be expected to defend themselves or display mental strategy and awareness to escape or avoid capture. This said, there is some room to strike a balance, but not one that is artificial. For our people to survive and thrive institutional challenges or what society terms 'crimes' must be reinstituted within our culture and the re-wilding of the European race should be undertaken.

Attached: after-the-raid-1892 viking rape.jpg (304x400 109.38 KB, 34.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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This is a discussion of pre and post semitic influence on our culture. There is no need for us to be ashamed of our own culture and engineering it for success. Niggers never formed advance raiding parties, nor were they patriarchal group warriors. I think you are thinking like a kike when you say these things. This was a breeding solution that was workable and allowed Europeans to stave off the domination of semitic people until they engineered the mass murder of our best and brightest via WWI and WWII. With this dysgenic program in place only the most passive and slavish bred further into society reducing the resistance to the 'semitic' feminization of males in our culture. Niggers are the opposite end of the spectrum being matriarchal and non-cooperative.

Criminal activity is in itself a good indicator of genetical fitness. They have increased creativity and risk taking esp. in an environment that changes extremely fast. It is actually a good thing in the land of cucks, and i mean that if you are smart enough to keep low key.

I am starting to think you are correct. Our 'crimes' as they were classed by the kikes were simply a way of living that was intensely patriarchally focused.
When that was eliminated as an outlet it cropped up within our culture in more devious and underhanded ways (so more 'kike' in nature [cheating, mafia, extortion, usury] rather than anything that would provide strength and wellness to humanity in terms of a patriarchs 'crime', dispersal of the alpha genetics, trimming down the kike predators in their territory, and that provided a net benefit to our people. We could say, raiding is 'criminal' but it served to redistribute wealth, keep foreign predators in check.
I have no doubt that the prior patriarchs saw the controlling interest of homosexuals, vampires, cannibals and pedos, sponsored by the Roman State in their nation as a net negative for the European people. Which is why they spent much of their time killing priests and clergy. However not being literate and eloquent and honestly, lazy when comfort overcame them via Roman States innovations they lost their will to maintain control over their own tribal interests.

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You do realize that society shapes individuals, yes?
That because we essentially live in an era of presented peace that desires change based off of availability? What you're essentially suggesting is that humanity needs to go back to how it was almost 500 years ago simply because there are more hurdles to mortality and genetic success. We need to be visionaries of progress to the future, we need to harness the world's energy and eventually the cosmos. We will not get there with people raping each other and creating untended progeny. We are not an r-type organism.

self domestication is more or less the written destiny of every society that becomes civilized, with the negro and few other sparse groups being the last ones in large not exposed to this process

Europeans are I think, thanks to the industrial revolution, which accelerated things exponentially, those in the most advanced stage by far, getting ahead in the last 500 years even to those who were once "ahead" of us so to speak, i.e the old centers of civilization in the near east who no doubt were more pacified/less rapey/violent than iron age/antique Europeans as a whole

though to a degree I think this "domestication" process really started with the farming revolution, albeit much more slowly compared to the effects of civilization
not to shit on the possibilities that civilization gives to man, but after a long time its effects tend to be deleterious on individual strength in favor of a bug-like effeminated ant society waiting to be conquered by whatever packs of wolves are around them

It is not always patently obvious what is actually 'good for people' when they see it. They fail to see the real complexity of their own situation. All situations deserve to be re-evaluated if they are failing.
Now I don't mean to yell user, but this is serious business. Also the raiding parties of the past were hardly 'r' type endeavors. They were sophisticated warrior and adventure (REAL ADVENTURE user, NOT A FUCKING 'TRIP ADVISOR' QUEST)…they required extreme skill, planning danger and the very real possibility of death…all without signing a waiver.

Take your meds OP. Or better, kill yourself.

There were benefits. We were more physically fit and less able to be dominated and domesticated by foreign people who did not have our interests at heart because when these same foreigners did something we didn't like; we ran them through with a swords and went back to eating our dinner or fucking their gf. There is a balance though…there is a balance between being utterly subsumed by a foreign culture and keeping your own independence and personal sovereignty intact.

Those are not direct results of being a rape baby, otherwise Indians would be the manliest race on Earth.

Indians dot or feather?
The rape babies were the product of warriors who were fast skilled, efficient planners, good with teamwork, capable of following orders yet acting independently in emergency situations. All of these character traits would have been highly valuable to anyone who received them as part of the genetic lottery, male or female. I am almost at the point of arguing that the rape babies made a superior genetic product out of any culture these Nordics inseminated.

You can not "inherit" the ability to plan or work as a team you absolute fucking nigger.

LMAO…who the fuck do you think Europeans are if not the product of millions of our ancestors dead from learning how to do things the wrong way, the hard way or the correct way. You know NOTHING of genetics if you think that expirience can't be passed on genetically. We have scientific proof of this mein nigger.

Not sure if nigger stupid, kike retarded, or mudshit spastic.


You people wish we were the same person, because that would mean fewer people for you to have to manage (brainwash with your shitty agenda). It is easy to prove using scientific studies that epigenetics are a heritable trait and part of the function of DNA.

You are trying like a nigger to suggest that there is no heritable difference between niggers and Europeans when we know that 10,000 year of a genetic work of art distinguishes the two species as completely different in DNA and behavioral capacity as well as heritable differences in brain structure.

Except what you're arguing isn't epigenetics but at best Lamarckism.

The ability to plan ahead or to work as a team or generally not be a bumbling idiot is a function of IQ, that's all. You don't fucking become a good strategist because your father learned strategy during his lifetime.

Don't be a fucking retard. This would take more than one lifetime to impart the predisposition for a specific talent…no one is arguing for anything more than millions of lives worth of experience and thousands of years worth of predisposition. Your ideology requires people to believe that there is no genetic influence of behavior or skills onto DNA over time and we all know that this is incorrect. Everything from brain shape and function are affected by DNA to processing and complexity.
Back to the OP and the subject…this is really a function of European selective breeding and the idea of a European driven morality and culture as opposed to a foreign culture that is imposed upon our people.


Low energy shilling. I am heart broken that is all I get. Boohoo.

Traditional European culture is to execute the violent criminals you idolize and remove them from our gene pool. That is why European societies are peaceful and crime-free, and European armies are disciplined and mechanical. There are no alpha males left, because we killed them all, and removed their nigger genes from our race.

OP vacillates between wanting to genocide all males to build an all-female army of insectoid clones, and wanting to be savagely dicked by sentient robots who will fill her cold, barren womb with the babies she desperately craves, but can't have.
Poor girl.

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Traditional in what sense. Traditional in the sense that it retains semitic values? Look I went over this with another user before I made this OP earlier today. Semites have almost no real tangible grasp of their own ideological paradigms or where they might lead.

I will give you the same example I gave them…they were propounding on how the 'GREAT HOMOSEXUAL CULT' taught women to love every child that comes from their bosom and I told them that they were batshit insane to reject the WISDOM OF REAL WOMEN and adopt the values and tenets of HOMOSEXUALS who had neither offspring or any vested future in having offspring…they simply sit as a FAT FUCKING WHORE imposing their artificial slave pyramid scheme on the entire Earth and slaughtering all who will not comply with 'her' murderous demands.

Speak of the (Tranny) Devil and it appears…

Do you know where TORKike2 two is? At least he is humorous and useful for making me laugh…can you tell him to come online. I really do prefer him to you.

yep which is why actual niggers now are BTFOing the soy infused whiteboi it's pretty much over for us we had a good run but now it's up to the mulatto underclass to try and maintain our civilization until its ultimate demise

It is horrific that the very people we need to make us strong eugenically are executed as criminal.

Sure makes one thinketh.
>european culture is kikestianity and masonic (((enlightenment)))


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My neurons sure are firing.

How did we kill them then? You are conflating strength with stupidity. Just because niggers are stupid and murder people, doesn't mean you have to be a stupid nigger to justifiably execute criminals.

This OP has nothing to do with Africans. Africans are a different species than Europeans. African behavior has nothing to do with European behaviors. We are two different species.

Your entire green post was saying that Europeans are bad and weak because they don't practice Africanniggercoon values. You are the one that made Africans relevant.

Do you braid your hair? I'm trying to picture you as I rape you in my mind.

Would rather go extinct

Whaaaa, sometimes I wear braids…user you are a Tranny, besides I am sure you get enough action in Tranny town, or wherever the fuck you are from 'Tel Aviv' etc, to satisfy your POZZED homoraping needs…

Besides this would involve REAL MEN and conquest, not artificial limp dicks made out of thigh meat that shoot out hairballs and mucus.

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I forget that people are incapable of reading comprehension on Zig Forums…{sigh} such a trial to try and communicate.


Don't you think you should FUCK OFF now, since you never have any interest in anything I say? Other than being my Zig Forums tranny stalker you have nothing to say and nothing to add to the OP.

Is pussy shaving a European trait?

Shave your carotid artery, tranny.

Attached: TrannyDemon.PNG (729x677, 747.28K)

What color panties are your favorite to wear? What style or "cut" are they? What fabric are they made from? Answers to these vital questions will tell me a lot about you.

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Oh don't worry, we will. White men will be gods to the mulatto underclass in the future (100 years or so after the Great White Genocide of 2075).

Just because the ladies keep my balls empty doesn't mean my junk isn't real.

Muh "20 things must line up perfectly before you can breed, civilized white goy- er I mean man. Otherwise you're acting like a nigger. Heh heh."

sounds like a plan

I seriously don't understand why you simply don't just exterminate the subhumans rather than go extinct yourself. Can you enlighten me with the reason you desire this rather than simply slaughtering the subhumans.


Do you usually wear pants, a skirt or a dress around the house?

Fucking die, kike.

This is about a shift in the way we think; not something I am advocating for the current slave/kike system user…see OP, obviously this would not work while the kikes are running the slave system and dysgenically breeding Europeans into their perfect slave caste.

It is a theoretical proposition that outlines what is beneficial to a society vs what is not and shows people that it is not alway evident and CERTAINLY NOT WITHIN KIKE POWERS to discover what is beneficial or good for a people based on their HIGHLY LIMITED POWERS OF COGNITION. Because of this it is necessary to wrest our own reproductive future from them…this is simply more of a historical survey of our own history to make deductive reasonings about what is feasible when we do not have kike social engineering weighing us down with dysgenic programming.

Quality thread, OP.
Post moar tranny spam

Extra pants, dont want the help thinking they can get out of line.

We're not in a position to be choosy about how we breed. We must breed as much as we can, any way that we can.

I'm gonna take that as a bitchy compliment, and continue the discussion lol. Do Feel free to elaborate. Curious how you could think such strong things from one post by an user
I have met a lot of fragments in my time. I know you all by syntax now…it is not difficult to figure it out.

I'll admit at times it's hard not to be apathetic when you look around. How serious do you believe i take it?
Based on your comments, seriously. I honestly believe you would die for it and that you see yourself in a war.

What exactly is your "reasoning"?
Well like I said, I started out thinking that in order to secure the future for White children I needed to exterminate foreign subhuman males. I thought those were the only problem. Then I had sort of a freak out when I confronted the idea that everything said on Zig Forums was real…like really the way men felt and that they were all a danger to securing the future of White children (it was highly unpleasant…like I said, you'd have to know how much I love men in general to have a thought so terrifying and dreadful encompass you). I am back to attempting to see where and how men can be healed and what I can do in terms of advocating for both to ensure the future of White Children.

It leaves the epidemic of white sjw women completely un-addressed but i'll ignore that…
Women are so malleable that there is almost no resistance to any sort of real leadership or authority…take someone like me. I emerged because there was an absence of authority…but that doesn't mean that I have any particular thought about the role or desire to hold onto it. I love being hidden, unknown…I often tell people that I am like a rudder that guides a ship. If there was a 'captain' that I could respect I would happily spend most of my time guiding from the black depths of the icy cold water where I am happiest. I only stand up because no one else will and because our enemies rule us and murder us.

What are your solutions to apathy and tolerance?
Still trying to work this out. I care nothing for imposed morality I want my people to thrive and conquer the globe (from my perspective it WAS PROMISED TO US as caretakers of the Earth, PROMISED).

What should i do, shout like a maniac on street corners? How seriously is one supposed to take it? Do you want white jihadis lol?
No, White jihadis would be an error. I was willing to take the responsibility to secure the future of my people when I realized that no one else was ready to do so…I am working towards it. Jihadis are the very people that need to be preserved rather then spent like water. They are genetic treasures who see the value in their own people so much that they would give their life for them. This devotion should be secured as valuable rather than wasted.

The only thing i am arguing against is making men work counter to incentive, which is what is happening in the west.
We are in agreement here. But there is much to be worked out and people cannot 'run' from things or ideas that they don't wish to discuss that they view as taboo.

An immaterial ideal of "nobility" is not enough.
Aryan nobility is to literally be twice born. Once through your mother and a second time into nobility. One does not desire immorality (true immorality when one is born a second time…this is the hidden message of Christianity [like it or not; it is ancient as our bloodline] that second birth confirs a strange status on the one born.

"Kill your life for the 14 words. The REAL 14 words. The ones that ends with "white Aryan woman""
This is a difficult question. It is not the woman that you are preserving…she is nothing in the same way that you are nothing. You are preserving your genetic inheritance. You are only the fruit of the tree. You are the product of something greater, but not that thing itself. The thing of real value is not you or me…we are disposable in a sense…the real thing of value is 'our mother/father' tree. From our father we inherit our Aryan spirit and from our mother we receive our breath so that we might SERVE in the presence of something greater than the self.

At least be clear and specific about the action you are asking a man to take (ik its hard as a women but try anyways lol)
I can't right now, user…because I am not certain myself. I am still struggling to figure out, essentially as wild as this seems, WHAT YOU WANT. You might think it is strange but I am only here to suggest solutions, options, possibilities and to fill in the details of the blank things you do not notice, never to TELL YOU WHAT TO DO…that is not the role of a woman…ideally she is your 'help meet' someone who adds strength to you and subtracts nothing from your own decision.

How are you supposed to breed more than maybe 1 kid, without being a Mega cuck or constantly running away from the law or alimony that will go to Starbucks n tarot readings?
Well, we are here to figure that out, right? We are here to obtain your freedom from this 'civilization' if possible and release you to pursue greater things. This works for both of the sexes. Women are destroyed by the system they find themselves in worse than men, because they literally have nothing inside it, they have been dissolved by it until their role in it is without any meaning at all.
A man may still find leadership strength within himself, his job or his work but what does a woman have in this civilization? In a sense I am trying to look out for both and ensure that we consider everything in our search for the exit out of this horrifying system of corruption. I have no desire for women to be a parasitic drain on men. This is part of the issues that divide us and damage us.

Ur going to bring up duty to race, but il counter that when i talk about what you said about morality. (not to mention a real man goes for what HE wants according to you, including your tongue in cheek advocacy of rape culture, so going counter to incentive in the name of a collectivist goal is antithetical to "will to power").
I might ask you to rephrase this, but I think you are driving at the difference between the individual and the collective good. This is something I need to think more about if that is what you are asking. I think it has something to do with serving in the presence of something greater than ourselves. There is nothing that prohibits you from being the head of household/patriarch or leader of your own destiny (something that was stolen from you and subverted by semitic institutions). IDK let me think about this one…or perhaps I need to you to rephrase so that I can understand the underlying question (I feel like I got it wrong).


This. This is the crux of it. You really hit on the head of the issue here. Shiva and Parvati. I am typing up a response now

And In this sense you are right. Marriage is dysgenic.
It is. But it is dysgenic on a 'flesh' level. My difficulty with marriage is the difficulty of a vow. Once taken every vow should be honored until death. All of them. I am very rigid about this…which is why I think people make them too lightly and without regard for their seriousness. Among the hyper wealthy the marriage is not a romantic endeavor. It is an endeavor that is contractual between two families. The people who take the marriage vow know that they are simple fruit on that tree, their happiness is not at issue nor is it considered as 'valuable' in this circumstance. Happiness is something that is derived from other areas, not your contractual spouse. This is why Disney puts such emphasis in distorting the truth of marriage for young women and girls. They are trying to shatter the institution of marriage not just as a contractual obligation but as an ideology.

Is it her fault or the fault of men for not saving her from herself and the poison she swallowed?
We don't kill the wounded on the battlefield. In this situation the battlefield is the illusion that we find ourselves trapped in.

Is it a lack of worthy men and her justified unwillingness to settle for less them she is worth?
They are both settling for something inferior and for an inferior experience of life and living.

She was waiting for the contractual leverage over an alpha who never showed up to sign it. But she will take the sucker who does to the bank.
Yes and no, the system is distorted. Again, some of this distortion is caused by outside players with their own agenda who are manipulating women to serve their own power. She honeslty doesn't understand what she is doing wrong. Do you remember the women in the thread. She didn't even realize that she was a parasite, she honesltly believed that her husband was supposed to 'take care of her' and that she had a legitimate contractual obligation that she would act in a false manner (totally unfulfilled as a human being) if he would in return play his role as cuck provider to her and her spawn.

Women want the contract and the power that comes with it.
Yes, honestly this is true. Again they are not aware of what they are doing to betray you on a conscious level. It is not malicious, it is, in her own mind a question of survival. However, as she ages, she will often 'wake up' to the fact that she is living a lie, or he will and the contract and construct shatters. This is the WORST possible scenario for both.

The only men willing to sign that contract are desperate and weak. So yes it is dysgenic.
Yes, true.

The incentive is too high to divorce rape a rich man.
With wealth comes different sets of circumstances and social implications. Remember, the contract is completely different. Both usually have a lover or soul mate on the side. The contract is fashioned to preserve the lineage and wealth of the household. No one would divorce because there is no reason to divorce. Both have either separate bedrooms with separate entrances and they make an appointment for sex or intercourse or seperate houses and engagements. It is not the same issue at all between the wealthy and the poor.

I have to crash out…I have the rest of your comment saved and I will finish it tomorrow morning, I don't know if it will be valuable but it will be a good exercise for me to practice writing down how I feel as well on the matter…sometimes repetition helps me make decisions about ideas and thoughts other times it simply brings up more questions. Ha! There seems to be an endless list of questions.

Shiva and Parvati…my very first teacher taught me of the two of them. I have never forgotten it. :)

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I have never in my life said any such thing you fucking bastard.

This is only a thought exploration of KIKE FREE European culture. Yes, there are consequences for every man doing what is correct in his own eyes. But there are also penalties as well. When every man does what is right in his own eyes, the men that are around him are free to murder him for his crimes as well. It is a self balancing system that does not require someone who is a foreigner to 'sit in judgment' over our own people. We as Europeans do not desire 'government' we get up, go to work and function day to day without it. Go peddle your fish to the THIRD WORLD who REQUIRES GOVERNANCE BECAUSE THEY ARE SUBHUMAN.

Aryans do not want or need your INFERIOR KIKE GUIDANCE.

Also I am not part of the mods or Moarpheus (even he will tell you the same happily). SO FUCK OFF WITH YOUR RED TEXT SCREECHING…

Your argument about the "superior genes" of rapists breaks down once you realize that those "superior rapists" were culled from the European gene pool by other European men who had had enough of their bullshit. Those men then went on to create the entire modern world.
Choose only one of the following:

Shittiest wife ever. You're on here 24/7. How the fuck do you ever have any time to "serve" your husband, instead of cavorting with men online and telling everyone how you get wet from guys who shitpost on here?
If you were my wife, I'd beat you six ways to Sunday, then I'd divorce you, stupid cunt.

Who is "we"?

>>and release you to pursue greater things.

U sound like an alien

Gonna drop this here before i completley butcher the concepts below, for the sake of utility.

"Woman is compensated by a masculine element and therefore her unconscious has, so to speak, a masculine imprint. This results in a considerable psychological difference between men and women, and accordingly I have called the projection-making factor in women the animus, which means mind or spirit. The animus corresponds to the paternal Logos just as the anima corresponds to the maternal Eros. "

"Whereas the anima in a man functions as his soul, a woman’s animus is more like an unconscious mind. [At times Jung also referred to the animus as a woman’s soul. See soul and soul-image.] It manifests negatively in fixed ideas, collective opinions and unconscious, a priori assumptions that lay claim to absolute truth. In a woman who is identified with the animus (called animus-possession), Eros generally takes second place to Logos."

"A woman possessed by the animus is always in danger of losing her femininity. [“Anima and Animus,” CW 7, par. 337.]

No matter how friendly and obliging a woman’s Eros may be, no logic on earth can shake her if she is ridden by the animus. … [A man] is unaware that this highly dramatic situation would instantly come to a banal and unexciting end if he were to quit the field and let a second woman carry on the battle (his wife, for instance, if she herself is not the fiery war horse). This sound idea seldom or never occurs to him, because no man can converse with an animus for five minutes without becoming the victim of his own anima. [“The Syzygy: Anima and Animus,” CW 9ii, par. 29.]"

You have an issue with your animus mirroring the anima issue in ppl like me. Ironic you are here speaking on this issue.  you have the masculine principle on constant trial. i can tell u get this sort of stuff so il carry on with it. U can understand the "death wish" fisher king wound stuff clearly and You have pretty much been the "Girl Who Cried Untermensch" through and through.

(or you are an advanced shill getting at soft spots here, based on how much time tou have spent on here and if so more power to you, at least you guys are learning).

 My question is if the serpent mother  is a evil cunt who is a devouring matrix who i owe no dance in the first place. On the microcosm this is a human woman. The feminine principle is on trial. You don't want to lie beneath Adam when you feel he is not above you. Whether that is a testament to your inflated ego or Adam being a manlet is another question. The masculine is on trial. 

Its very clear the scariest thing for you would be submission to an unworthy principle …  You are investigating the micro… men…but also the macro… You see now that "all men are fucked up" (masculinity viewed as flawed)… In other words Unworthy of Submission. But in your submission lies your fulfillment. So you are in between a rock and hard place… All you can do it bitch!..  U lash against what you see as an unworthy masculine that deserves no submission from you. You want to evoke its masculinity (through your life which is a big shit test) to exert righteous force that you can GET BEHIND. 

This one sentence sums it up. So lets reverse that and you have the equation for anima possesion. "If there was a worthy feminine for me to serve" (on micro and macro).

Its a feedback loop. The unworthy masculine creates repulsion and the scornful feminine who lashes her frustration who creates a even less worthy rejected masculine (unless it steps up, which is harder every cycle)…. Problem is i was born into this world many cycles in, and the feminine principle was already a black hole…. There is no Shakti.

I can understand the thought of submission is scary. Especially when you carry a scarred image of man like yours is. Well think of the Masculine expelling essence and providing for the feminine as a weird form of submission. You are "giving" your essence for nothing material in return. Seems like a bad deal without that which glimmers beyond physical life. Thinking in binary terms it IS Quite weird how the whole point of the masculine is to Be a Star.

"You great star, what would your happiness be had you not those for whom you shine?"

Well what if there was something worse then NO ONE to shine for. What if it is better to shine for no one then to shine into a blackhole. if most everyone is a blackhole, maybe it's better not to shine (inverse is "if all men are "X", the masculine is unworthy of submission, let chaos reign!")  This is all over the place and a very very bad allegory but i hope you are getting me here. Reverse your animus possession you know very well and you have the anima possesion you are struggling to understand. 

If there is anything to want

It would be a worthy feminine to recieve the sun rays. On the macro, micro would follow. We killed the goddess tho. The fear you have of submitting to unworthy weak men is the fear i have of shining into black holes. The ungrateful graceless feminine is disgusting and glamorized in our culture. And bad trees make bad fruit

Oh, please do share your trick. 



"I have met a lot of fragments" Seems like a defensive intentional misrepresentation of the original comment……. I think someone has FEELINGS LOLOL. there is a scorned little girl deep in user's callous bitch shell hahahaha
Appreciate the talk. Your endearing dedication to insanity has melted a little bit of my icy cynicism about all women (although you are likely a shill attacking clear psychological weak spots in a target population, once again, at least u are learning ;)

Especially if we have to breed with beautiful black women, right Moshe?

You have no basis for this complaint against me. Your 'divorce and beating fantasy' will never be fulfilled because I would never 'marry' someone like you, a BETA ORBITER who can't seem to move on and stop stalking me in every place I post.
Its called biology user…look into it, it is not something that I instigated with that user, I am simply stating the fact about how I feel when dealing with that fucking savage, I can't help the fact that it turns me on. Sometimes, I swear to god, you think I have some obligation to you and nothing could be further from the truth.

Far from making me defective in any way, this is normal. All sex, even between people who have taken a vow is a penetrative act and thus aggressive. I can't help it if I get off on what my body desires…these are not any worse that you jerking off to your tranny porn or IDK whatever floats your boat. Are you going to blame biology on me? You have no basis for this accusation. My body is functioning perfectly when it gets 'pinged online' by someone who understand primal desire. Now would I ever break my vow? Nope, never. Far from making this some sort of 'hat in your cap' you have managed to destroy entire generations with your feckless, arbitrary and wanton 'rules' and 'regulations'…

That is the whole point of tearing down a defective system. The system that you have cobbled together with your TORKike retardation DOESN'T WORK AT ALL and it never did…the only thing it is good at is 'making slaves', which I am against.

Why do you guys keep bringing apefricans into this. They shouldn't even exist on this planet. The only reason they DO EXIST is because of the kikes scheming. They need to be exterminated off the planet so it won't even be an issue.

No, the betas (inferior DNA which is easily manipulated by lesser and malicious men) formed themselves into groups and rebelled against their leadership when the kikes told them that 'they could all have a woman' if they would simply kill their leaders and destroy their culture completely. YOU FUCKING KILLED YOUR KINGS AND PATRIARCHS AT THEIR REQUESTS TO 'GET SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF'…why do you think they mock you by speaking of your 'killing the king of kings'? YOU ARE GUILTY OF SEDITION AND TRAITORISM AGAINST YOUR RIGHTFUL KING. YOU HAVE REPLACED YOUR PATRIARCHS WITH KIKES, KIKE RELIGION, AND KIKE GOVERNMENT. How are you enjoying being genocided by people who DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU OR YOUR OFFSPRING.

You took the bait and got strapped with something you don't even like or want (the sole care of a slave woman) and a completely oppressive slave system to boot that goes with your poor decision making. You all murdered your patriarchs and kings because someone smooth talked you and your believed that what you recieved was something 'better' than what your heritage, genetics and culture could give you.

Before the kikes you had freedom and male bonds. See here, this user is beginning to perceive the differences on a purely biological basis:

True Christianity does not make men docile at all…but it has been a long time since a single one of you practiced 'true christianity' without the kikes 'interventions'. True christianity is the birthright of every Aryan on the planet. It is as old as our genetic line is (very old) and forms the 'pagan basis' of the roots of our 'modern christian' religion (aka something vomited up by the kikes to enslave you and genocide you so that THEY AND NOT YOUR ARYAN DNA CAN RULE THE EARTH).

Attached: masonic king killing ritual.jpg (718x420 28.17 KB, 156.42K)

You're not going to gather much support by literally arguing for the brutal rape of women.

He doesn’t need your support woman.

Who said anything about 'brutal'? I believe that is something you are bringing to the equation.

Do you know what high percent of the population dreams of force and contest in sexuality among both sexes. Personally I love physical sex…sure, duck squeezer sex has its place (that is a quote from a sci-fi book, Zodiac, by Stephenson not a suggestion to beastility) Are you too going to deny your biology and tell me that 'it is unnatural'…your own body is a highly specific machine that KNOWS what it needs and not only that but it is made 'in the image of God'. How are you going to tell me using kike logic that this is 'wrong now', was God wrong when he made you? Did he make some sort of 'error'?

There are plenty of times when my husband dominates me for sex and I don't classify it as 'rape' or are you part of the #metoo movement thinking that every single instance of sexual intercourse is invalid, every touch is 'rape' every penetration is 'evil'.

One of the best things about sexual contest is the idea that it can be pleasurable for both parties if they have a mind to make it pleasurable. It is actually in a man's best interest to make it as pleasurable for the woman as possible because it encourages ovulation and great contractions of the uterus encouraging positive reproduction potential.

Other warrior personalities of women like rough sex without as much pleasure, they are going to breed an rougher offspring more prone to violence and conquest.

How do you think things like monogamy came into being…it was someone who wanted a woman all for himself and a woman who didn't run away because she genuinely enjoyed sex with a particular man above all others because he was really good at it. Pair bonding is a semitic myth…the second a woman is penetrated she wants more cock and different cock…and she would DIE before she would ever be honest with you, but we are user here so I have no such qualms.

Both men and women are variety seeking and sensual creatures that enjoy social intercourse. You may not like this idea but you can't deny the truth of it via the biological (ultimate judge of physical fitness and reproduction). We were never 'monogamous creatures' looking at the DNA of Aryan/Europeans proves that there was a lot of sexual fluidity and that it produced a more resistant to slavery personality that was more independant and capable of charting their own future without guidance.


When the kikes found us they found what they thought of as a 'gold mine' someone they could bully and coerce into killing their patriarchs who would then work as willing, creative, dynamic, capable and productive slaves for the kikes who would act 'as the patriarch' in the stead of our own genetic authority that should have been given in loyalty and fealty to our own people.


Socially enforced marriage ties cut both ways. You could have found yourself chained to a horrible unfaithful woman for your entire life. Woman were still sluts but it was all on the down low. There are DNA studies which show a large percentage of peoples ancestors were illicit. This means women have never been that faithful, it was just swept under the rug.

>Woman have always been weak. They will cheat on or leave a man if they are not emotionally stimulated. They want to always cry tears of happiness. You have to produce a situation which satisfies them for 50 years. (hint, it is not possible to make them happy).

This commentator disagrees with my position vehemently BUT he makes some points that are valid and important. If you want to see the whole comment I included it as the last link with the (OP) next to it. I do not think it is weakness to follow your biological imperative rather than being part of an artificial SLAVE SYSTEM WHICH SPECIALIZES IN BREEDING SLAVES.

So paying particular attention to the red text we learn that in European culture, pre-semitic conditions, there was a tremendous amount of eugenics being practiced by our own people in the form of social sexuality. Which is not to say that monogamy did not occur in our society or that 'pair bonding' did not occur but that there was a tremendous amount of social sexuality by both males and females prior to the imposition of the SLAVE SYSTEM.

I get that a lot.
LMAO…I keep trying to blend in ;) but it is damn near impossible.
Lets just say that I am not 'from here' and that I know that I am going 'back home' when I am done.

In this instance I meant that literally as 'we', 'us', 'anons', 'autists', Aryans…the special, alive, honorable, noble and beautiful aspect of the species on this planet. Those who seek and deserve every joy and pleasure that can be granted by the physical realm.

I am thinking about your other comments…a lot to process and consider

That quote just left me laughing and laughing…but I am going to have to process why I think it is so funny, yet.

What you wrote, your comment is simply going to take me time to consider so I am not going to respond right away…sometimes I think better when I have some time to think about a deeper comment.

Ok…so let's look at Adam. I am having a hard time respecting him now that I 'know him'…but you are incorrect that I don't want to lay underneath him. I really, really do…I keep telling you that I love men and I genuinely do love men. When I am consistent, I am extremely consistent (the difficulty is in 'getting me to be consistent' when there are so many things to look at and consider). But that one thing will never waiver.

This is such a complex comment, I could literally write a book about different aspects of the comment…but rather than overwhelm this board I am going to have to parse it into its most compact iteration and hope that you can unpack it for your own edification.

Can we speak about Biblical Adam because there are more secrets in that opening story than most people have ever considered? Moreover almost everything you have been told about that particular story is a lie…it is right there in front of your face but you have not the ability to see what is being said.

I want to establish a baseline on this issue.
So can we talk about Biblical Adam or would you rather keep the issue secular, referring to Adam as 'man' and vice versa? Biblical Adam is a goldmine.

Mock me all you want…you know that I will always love you, my feelings are not something 'lightly regarded' or meaningless…sometimes, I have to work though and I can't do it if I am falling into you and you become my whole focus no matter how pleasurable that might be…
I seriously dislike the fact that I can't resist you on any level.

Disclaimer: All things discussed in this thread are either of a historical, scientific or theoretical nature.

How can anyone be that fucking retarded? It does nothing of the sort. Ovulation has nothing to do with sexual pleasure, and uterine contractions are a medical problem which makes it virtually impossible to become pregnant. Multiple studies have debunked your feminist horseshit, there is no increase in conception rates when women have orgasms.

Cite them.
Numerous scientific studies…blah blah blah
Even if you were correct (and I know you won't cite them)…wouldn't it logically increase a man's chances of bearing offspring if he was exquisitely good at sex (these are traits that should be passed on, tactile sensual perception and sharing of exquisite pleasure). Women are going to fight him the first time and then not fight as hard a second time and then not fight it at all because she will be focused on the pleasure of his technique.

So even if you were to drug up some kiked out study…would it not 'increase his chances of reproduction' if he was good with technique and a master at making a woman feel pleasure?

Bring your kiked out studies…I can only tell you how I feel when I have a really fantastic orgasm and my vaginal muscles are trying their hardest to vacuum up sperm and pull them up into my body via contractions and sending down the mucous that sperm use to ride into the uterus on…that orgasm is helpful, no matter how you cut it. It isn't just to keep women cuming (kek) back for more, it actually serves a biological purpose. This isn't something that 'needs to be studied' and it should be intuitive in your understanding of sexuality (assuming you actually have sex and not just 'study it'). Lots of women I know discuss the fact that they were intimately aware of their body during conception and knew the moment conception happened.

You have had an orgasm haven't you? I can never tell who I am talking to on Zig Forums…you could be a biologist virgin…in which case there are men on Zig Forums looking for you. LMAO.

No, it would not. Just like it would not increase his chances of reproduction if he were really good at doing handstands. Because it doesn't have anything to do with reproduction. Some women can orgasm for the same reason men have nipples. Because we both have to grow from the same starting set of parts. Some women get lucky and their leftover junk that would have been a dick is sensitive enough to get tinglies from. This has nothing to do with reproduction, and 90% of women who can get orgasm don't get it from cocks being stuffed in their hole, which is how reproduction works.

I am sorry you are a disgusting feminist hambeast, I really am. I wish we lived in a society that would put you out of your misery. But whining about it being men's fault that you didn't luck out and get a tingly cunt isn't going to make your life any better. Just go get another cat.

That is a real shame for them.
There is (almost) nothing better on the planet than a man who can hit that 'g' spot correctly and make himself into a 'god' for the moment while your woman is yelling "Oh GOD DON'T STOP!!!". I am getting stomach fluttering just thinking of it…
Sucks to be you angry user. I can't imagine being this uptight and hating on your own biology…that is all it is…biology, not some 'mystical pussy magic' that needs to be guarded by the lesbian raging hounds of hell.

Seriously, a kitty cat will make you feel better. If you don't adopt it they are just going to kill it you know.

I don't keep slaves anymore user.

Ouch, animal welfare took your kitties away even. That sucks, even being found by a mailman weeks after your death partially eaten by your cats has got to be better than dying alone.

Hope your mother is fair game for these heroic rapists of yours.

Look at the angry womynses thinking about being denied their parasite status.

Your father is a man with the lusts of a man, he is both a rapist and a saint. Your mother is a woman with the lusts of a woman, she is both a whore and a saint.

Some weird incel fedposting sh*t. If you think of all the women around you as parasites, maybe it's time to move? Don't give the parasites the attention they crave and you've already won half the battle.


I always think of the young ones perusing this board. Is that a crime?

Go read the rules of Zig Forums and keep you fucking spawn off places like this you shity parent.

When I said young ones I meant retards like you, not actual children.

Rape needs to be promoted in context of leftism. They're so hung up on equality, and what does rape do? It equalizes the chance of having sex for ugly men. It's funny how much they screech about muh equality but they'd never advocate for forced government-assigned partners.

Nice backpedaling. Everyone who reads this knows that you are a shit parent hiding behind traditional ideas so that you can keep your slave factory in operation. You kids would be lucky to study an alternative idea other than your cush gig (for yourself) of the factory slave farming of humanity.