Goyimgate: Make Twitter follow their own rules about abuse

"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." – (((Saul Alinsky)))

Go to Twitter . com and search Filter:Verified "Goyim"

You will find thousands of derogatory tweets directed at "the goyim" from our friendly verified Jewish friends.

Regular Joes don't know that Jews use Goyim to talk mad shit about them. Let's red pill the Goyim, Goys!

Previous thread: boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/197874775

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Other urls found in this thread:


>expecting (((twitter))) to censor their own
Sage for the waste of a thread.

no gonna happen but if you want to waste a few hours trying then be my guest.

this kikess writes for forbes

The first one is a retarded nog rapper (who thought Apedre's sarcastic articles about Gavin McCuck were sincere) quoting an "anti-Semite".

Using their own tactics against them is our best hope, mostly because we are far better at their own games than they are and it's in a format undeniable to the NPC SJW corporations. Imagine if normies found out that judaism is the biggest supremacist and racist organization there has ever been. The ideology that those outside of your group are "subhuman" IS LITERALLY NAZISM!!! You get the point here. What's the best angle here to let this be known the the corporate high-ups? We simply cannot allow hate speech such as "goyim" to exist in our world! There is no room for this hatred.

The shut-it-down merchants got on this topic early.
There is no reason not to do this, anyone claiming otherwise needs to show screen captures of what happened when they tried.
Discouragement is the aim. Don't fall for it.
Also keep responses to reports and compare next to coverage of other 'hate speech.'

So how do you oppose the Jew there, sensei?
It's win-win: Twitter bans, Jew salt flows; Twitter doesn't ban, evidence of this makes its way into the public consciousness, Jew salt flows.

I prefer #2 to be honest, how does we make that be?

Public comments with evidence under censorship/hate-speech-related news. No shortage of opportunities these days.

We need a way to spread (((their))) awareness

Name a reason we shouldn't push this.

Great idea, have a bump

> >expecting (((twitter))) to censor their own

Ha. Think a few steps ahead.

1. Get a blog.
2. Pick a subject: goyim posts, Sarah Jeong tier anti-white hateposts, whatever violates their stated rules. For fun, make it something that'll split the factions of the left against each other like Blacks vs. Jews.
3. Search for matching posts and make a list. Use a spreadsheet.
4. Archive. Screenshot. Report. Wait for a response.
5. Screenshot the response.
6. Use your blog to bitch about the hypocrisy.

Nazis never believed that. That's the Jewish lie of accusing your enemies of being what you are, or doing what you're actually doing.

Nazis believed in one volk making a nation, and that volk should should support their own. But they never said other races (besides Jews) were subhuman. And the only reason they hated Jews was for the actions Jews took against Germany, and the corruption they bring to every nation.

By the way, purpose of this thread is a good idea, we should all help.

Absolute lurker…. This shit is the line man. If people don't go full 14/88 we are all going to die very soon. Whites hate each other and everyone is banding together to kill us while we bicker. Wow man. Show this to any civnat trumpcuck

We're in the middle of a major disruption and demoralization shilling campaign. They're last gasp I feel.

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When they cannot differentiate between real and fake, all jews will be tossed in the oven. Poison their well.

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Go back to reddit, yidnigger.

The point is to bring awareness

"Gradually, I began to hate them"

"Rules for thee, but not for (((mee)))"


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The point isn't the truth–it's manipulation for our own ends. Of course anti-whites aren't redpilled on National Socialism. Hopefully your post is b8. There's a serious lack of reading comprehension around here. Do you think normalfaggots would need any redpills if they knew the tenets of NS factually?

They also ban users for "misgendering" other users…

Rules only exist if you are White.

FYI, don't call yourself goy(im) unless you're imitating a Jew. Speaking of imitating a Jew I think that can be an effective method, just be overly racist against non-Jews and be overly proud of the achievements of "your" kindred.

It seems so, here in Europe laws only seem to fully apply to the native people.

This, OP wants anons to expose themselves to Twitter's handler squad. OP is a Twitter employee most likely.


Approach should be to broaden use of 'goyim' - Anglicize the plural to 'goyims' …
talk about Goyish % of media ownership versus % of population.

Reach out to blacks and latinos as fellow goyims.

Double standards that favor non-whites are not going anywhere anytime soon.

So highlight the double standards via satire.

Narcing on speech is a Joo Moove.


You forgot to mention where our time should be schlomo


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Isn't there already a thread on this? Further, you may as well go full cuckservative and cry "dems are the real racists!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111one". Twatter is NOT going to be censoring the left just because you point it out, you dumb nigger.


be advised, gad saad's tweet was most him trying to show a sense of humour. If you take that seriously, then you'll make yourself look foolish and he and others will just say it's a prank bro. I think it's more damaging if we just show the double standards and continue to expose their hypocrisy.

It's better for us if they remain unbanned, as it would support our narrative, which is what we need most right now.

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Don't like it, then don't deal with the site. Get off your ass and build your own.

For you shomlo you look drained.

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