Stop Using That Word Goy! You’re Empowering White Supremacists


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it's so sad they have to constantly react to memes and then give the normalfags some half assed report on it like they are giving you the inside scoop

But isn't that exactly how yiddish came to be?

it's not even hebrew, it's literally the crypto jew's language

Because jews don’t control anything…..bad goyum

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Yeah just like nigger was white people's word for describing blacks and then they co-opted it themselves to be nigga. Except white people are human trash so it's ok!!!!

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It's like these Jews are begging to be hated. They think they are all that even though every other race on this planet secretly despises them. Instead of self-reflecting and trying to change themselves to be respectable members of society, the Jews point fingers and cry foul. What do you expect from a group of low breeds?

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Someone didn't think things through.

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delet this coincidence

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They're afraid that their "secret" language is being revealed. Put signs all over with definitions: "Goy = ……"

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Once again the mass media is doing the bidding of the "Nazis" they invented, a culture they solidified.

You should assume someone paid them to "sabotage" themselves, and you should assume it's a part of the narrative.

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Hebrew stands the test of time as it never changes. It is either translated or transliterated but unlike English in that modern English has moved from definitions to euphemisms; and the kike is squarely responsible for the bastardization of English, as they are introducing their own -ists and -isms hourly to takeover communication/thought
They're like niggers, leeches and parasites that won't go away

this is what happens when you don't lurk enough.
they never do.

yiddish is ebonics german.

On transit? Good idea.

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but there is about the word shiksa. and they do use it.
if only the normie goyim knew.

Their language sounds like someone gargling shit with a cat coughing up hairballs

Goy means cattle

that's a constant with semitic languages.

Hello Jaba!

Shut it down gringos, crackers, kaffirs and goys.

Your percentages in the second image don't look right.

Nice get

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so forward is a jew publication for jews, so the audience is jews and the jewess is writing how this derogatory term is not derogatory? I guess is this them spreading bs arguments to each other for use against non jews.

…That's not how you're supposed to deny something…

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The similarities between kikes and muzzies have no end. They both speak like an airhead blonde chick with a cock halfway down her throat.

How's the weather in tel aviv, Ari?

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…and worship Black cubes

Yeah they are starting to get irrational enough where I would say they are afraid.

Just not her favorite tribe of Israel, the Scottish bull. It's why Scots are so lucky, they're the chosen one's of God, Eris' favorites.
Jew's even know this and won't talk about it.

…and mutilate genitals for one reason or another.

Hmmm…looked at the graphic again, and noticed 11 kikes in the lower 10%.
Thought it was 10 kikes.
Sorry, I miscounted.
And I'm not in Tel Aviv, I'm just mistaken.

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Kikes saying we don't own nothin'?
We own a lot of guns.

Checked for calling out shillposting

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Here, now you can upgrade yours.

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I still think of it as a waste of ammunition.

You need full auto to push back the CIA. That's all it is. You fart out rounds and your enemy thinks it can't advance but you do while it's happening. You don't burst when shooting at them.

Why would I bother?
I hit my target, then move on to the next jew.

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The word goy (גוי) is in the bible.. It's not pseudo-Yiddish wtf. It's Hebrew and it literally means a people/nation. American jews are a joke tbh.

It is also true that a lot of orthodox jews in Israel speak of the goys in a patronizing and arrogant way. Not derogatory though, for the most part.

Is fanny?

really is all so tiresome

yiddish is a derivative of what German Jews spoke between 1800s upto 1940s, but its hardly spoken anywhere anymore. Besides old jewish people and shitposters its almost a dead language.

If the askinazi were so bloody smart why was german too hard for them to learn properly?

David, are you a secret asshole?

They appropriated English.

Not a Middle-eastern one you Semitic slime.
Stop speaking it.

When I was a kid I always thought I was a gentile.

Hebrew is an Afro-asiatic language and belongs to Arabs and Africans, i.e., jews.
There needs more verification if 'goy' as in "cattle" is Yid or Heeb.

Don't use that word, user. It is an insult.

It never changed because for a long time in history it was a virtually dead language, only used for liturgy much like how Arameic/Egyptian Coptic is now. It was only revived for everyday usage after the creation of Israel, prior to that kikes spoke mangled languages of the countries they were parasitizing mixed with some heeb words (Yiddish, Sephardic and so on)

What you mean to say is that there's a lot of subhuman faggot filth.

I had no fucking idea ty user
geeeze lied to when I was a kid by christian whites

I thought you were shitting me. She actually wrote that. This is the equivalent of us telling niggers they can't use the word in rap, because ultimately, however, it is our word.



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The kikes are turning queer. It's funny.

(((They))) should have stopped first.

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It doesn't mean cattle, retards. Where do you even get this from?

Yeah I have never heard that.

This would be my best guess.

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Kill yourselves smelly yids

newfag jews
pro-tip. "non-jew" means goyim

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Bad goys bad goys, whatchya gonna do when they come for you?

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I have heard kikes call goyim cattle but I have never heard it described as the definition of the word. I thought it was a slur for non-jews and only that.

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So I guess I am Jewish for not knowing it also meant cattle and wasn't just a slur. my bad I guess. Maybe if we stop jumping on everyones fucking back for once the conversations would get somewhere.

so a shitty anime?

yeah the original quote doesn't say cattle anywhere. so either this is taken out of context or the translation is gay

Same excuses you kikes use to excuse the child rape and theft in Sanhedrin. Literal JIDF on the board, unbanned, thanks to Codemonkey

the shill is right
find a source on , you can't. even kerithoth is misspelled kerithuth

Nice try jew

no excuses, fag.
I'm just reading the original for you (which is hard enough given it's written in god awful Hebrew from the middle ages) and letting you know you're wrong.



I just hate kikes so much u guies….

An admitted jew, posting on Zig Forums, spreading disinfo.

Thank you Codemonkey

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Bitch is literally; 'oy vey, the goyim know, shut it down'