Left trying to equate evangelical beliefs to communist ideals

This makes my blood fucking boil. Also worth mentioning that nowhere does it mention evangelicals trying to "erase" the verse. The whole idea of empowering Mary as some sort of revolutionary is disgusting and the (((left))) is very obviously trying to conflate the verse to situations in current politics, and are trying to get YOU to believe that it applies as well, because the (((left))) is exempt from all criticism and it's actually the RIGHT doing bad things, despite what evidence shows you. This precedent that (((they're))) setting is dangerous to how Christianity will be viewed.

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inb4 pagan autism

Fuck off jew lover.

Good, I hope all the children of evangelicals will become trannies

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I can't wait for my fellow based Christians to go to Africa to help raise fellow followers and even maybe being done back to raise families if their own, the holy way! And if my wife gets

Bump because you can’t hide your lies, moishe.

Make sense since both groups worship the kike.

Even Putin has said Communism comes from Jesus.

This won’t be my usual Christian-bashing type of post. Don’t sperg out, please just read. I think that a lot of aspects of communism are taken from Christianity and made secular so them taking the step OP mentioned doesn’t surprise me. It’s the only logical direction for them to go with the world’s christian population becoming increasingly brown and the pope increasingly cucked. This is your fight, Christians. Not because I won’t help you but because I can’t. I’m not versed in your religion or doctrines. You love to argue with us non-christians about your religion here and cite bible passages line and verse. You need to turn your autism towards this now until it goes away. It doesn’t seem like a big deal and maybe it isn’t, but I could see our opponents taking ground with this and I’d rather they didn’t get even a single inch. Best of luck to you.

The sad reality that Christianity has served out its purpose is the only alternatives are gay pagan cum guzzling and atheist gay cum guzzling.

The Church will never rise again. Paganism is more pozzed than Christianity is.There is no hope.

Pierce was right.

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Wiccans aren't pagans user

Oh well. That's what happens when you have a religion based around universalist salvation.

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No surprise there.
Christianism is culturally-marxist.

Those are some pretty ironic trips, user. Checked

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How do cope with the fact that you literally worship a feet-fetishist jew? The King of (((them))) to be more exact?

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You lack education. The rabbis misled you. Learn the truth.

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Grow up, christcuck

this is the 1000th kike on a stick thread this week with many still floating in the catalog go back to your containment board >>>Zig Forums


you are playing yourself it is jews who converted words and teachings of Jesus into religion and abandoned them as soon as they became independent

It's impossible, you can't even unite christians among themselves.

I hope they will succeed, evangelicals are the worst scum of christians

Jesus wasn't even Jewish to begin with, you clearly don't know shit about Christianity you idiot kike

The truth is that Jesus was the David Koresh of the Jews and when they rejected his bullshit and killed him his followers added salty passages of anti-jew butthurt years later.

The greatest irony of kike-insanity is that it didn't fool the original heebs but continues to fool millions of goyim the world over despite being a creed of Jewish supremacy.

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It's nothing new. They started trying to push the "Communism is the only moral path by Christian standards" bullshit with a movement called Liberation Theology. It's both a riot and blood-boiling to watch a room full of atheists try to suddenly speak with authority on religion once they think they can bring it in line with their radical materialist ideology.



Article rightly points out that the Evangelicals are rejecting Catholic Social Teaching, which is actually the root of all Communism. Note our new Jesuit Pope, who isn't even legally Pope AFAICT, is strongly into socialism.

I strongly recommend the book Usury In Christendom, which is written by a conservative Catholic. He seems to still enjoy the Catholic form of socialism but despite his light editorial slant is honest about what it is.

BTW Catholics were lending money at interest to compete with Jews long before any Protestants decided it was kosher. Look up monte pieta.