Reminder that eugenics is the absolute key to advancing the white race beyond genetic diseases, malformations, low intelligence, mental illness, and pretty much every major issue that currently plagues us.

It is YOUR duty to NOT breed if you have many genetic physical and mental illnesses. We must promote hygiene for whites, which includes favoring taller, paler, blonder, stronger, and more intelligent people. Those who are genetically diseased should be forcibly sterilized. The remainder should be encouraged to breed with specifically selected sperm from healthy specimens, preferably both male and female.

Reminder that this is what Hitler wanted. Reminder that those who say it's evil by "playing God", what is more evil? To benefit society, and provide a healthy and happy future for our children, or to continue on our path of dysgenics until we fade into irrelevancy? Remember that behind every such argument is a jew. They do not want us to be healthy. We can conquer the stars, and EUGENICS is THE key to it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


And playing God is never evil nor wrong, when it is done for the sake of White Men.

Every time you select your mate you're practicing eugenics.

More importantly (if you have good genetics) have lots of white children and raise them well.

I'm blonde, blue eyed, 6"1, and 120+ IQ but have been institutionalized for depression, should I breed with an Aryan woman Zig Forums?

If you look at the mongoloids inhabiting America, even the white ones, you will find that the majority are low-IQ, diabetic, obese, brain-addled garbage worthy of only lampshades.

Regardless of how YOU select your mate, it's obvious that the pool for fitting mates is getting smaller and smaller. Just note the many troubles the admittedly fat skinheads on this board have. Even if you DO manage to find a wife of sound breeding, it is likely she has many other vices in terms of her morality; nobody can escape the jew.

Instead of cutting the pool off from the main group and HOPING your descendants don't fuck it up (they will, just look at Prince Harry), it is expedient to enlarge the pool of healthy specimen.

Depression is not a genetic illness it is caused by despair and/or hormonal imbalances.

But the fact that you allowed yourself to be imprisoned for it makes me question your supposed intelligence.


Your children could honestly cone out fine

Temperament is extremely heritable, malcontents produce malcontents.

There are genetic factors that can weigh in to someone's personality, but assuming that personality is inherited and not raised is ridiculous.

One can overcome depression and pessimism simply by forcing himself to think about things differently, to which the brain reacts by changing the person's personality.

Next you're going to give me Sigmund Fraud garbage.

I'm a 6'7 powerlifter and have brown hair.
Try to stop me breeding, blonde manlets.

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What is the evolutive relevance of the yellow hair?

You act like your parents, get over it. Epigenetics > genetics though.

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If you are worth and don't have a partner, you can also contribute donating semen.

Blonde "yellow" hair is said to stem from evolving in colder climates where preparing for the future winter, planning ahead, is necessary. In order to gain enough vitamin D from the sun their skin became paler, as did their hair.

People with blonde hair are also shown to have the highest IQ's on average of all the hair colors.

"The resulting findings showed that blonde-haired white women had an average IQ of 103.2, compared to 102.7 for those with brown hair, 101.2 for those with red hair and 100.5 for those with black hair."

Inb4 muh brown haired people invented everyfing deal with THAT snowniggerz!!1

Brown people are also far more common and only 0.5 IQ points dumber than blondes. Furthermore, the places where the blondes are born have the highest amount of geniuses per capita according to Mensa.

Do you happen to know what culture is? Explain to me how Asians come to America and quickly become Americanized, if it's all inherited, brainlet.

So, chinks start eating hot dogs instead dogs and now they're Americans? I wasn't expecting my mind to blown this much.

means im whiter than you mudblood

Right now eugenics means white survival, it's our #1 priority and everything beyond that is conjecture or sci-fi. This should be obvious to anyone with 130 or greater IQ, maybe even less.

Just talking to you has lowered my IQ by 5 points

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It's true and it's a pity that many Zig Forums users don't recognize this.

There should be daily threads inspecting women for the breeding potential. I think part of the reason that nobody cares is due to the fact that they are genetically diseased/non-white themselves, thinking their skin color alone is all the superiority they need.

This. Don't tell halfway decent white people to not breed while the immigrants marry their own cousins.
We don't live in Nazi Germany, whites won't be the majority in Europe if something doesn't change.
We are not in the position to be very picky.
Try to be the best man / woman you can, stop drinking / smoking / shooting heroin or whatever unhealthy stuff you do on a daily basis, develop a healthy body and mind and look for a partner that isn't a brainlet or degenerated.

If you reject a good woman / man because their IQ is below 120 or there are MINOR health, even mental health problems, then you deserve your 0.0 children.


I'm sorry I damaged your feeble mind. I wasn't expecting an OP to a eugenics thread to deny heritability and believe in 'muh values'.

Listen here flawedfag. No I'm not saying you need to be euthanized because you have cankersores and gallbladder issues. I'm saying if you are born with a hole in your heart, predisposed to extreme illnesses you should not breed.

Don't try to twist this thread into your D/C shill narrative. Eugenics need to be encouraged in ALL cases, so that when the time comes we have already the foresight to know how to react.

There is a big, and I mean a big rift between inherited mental illness and personality.

It has been shown in actual studies that those raised by their parents are very likely to share similar personality traits. Well no fucking shit, it's their family culture. However, if the children happened to be fostered, they would instead share the personality of their foster parents, instead of their birth parents. Exceptions are made to alcoholism and addictive tendencies, but that falls under the mental disorder umbrella.

Now return to 4cuck where retarded trolls like you belong.

You are paranoid. There are real people out there who have a slightly different opinion about certain topics than you.

Yes, white people should care about healthy offspring and therefore about healthy partners.
But I rather have a few more white people with a higher risk to get cancer, depression or develop an addiction than not having those white people at all.

But of course people should try to be reasonable. I used to have a friend with bipolar disorder. He had some very short relationship with a naive, dumb woman who suffered from bipolar disorder too.
She was constantly talking about serious relationships and that she wanted children until he had enough and told her that there was no way that they would ever breed because of the enormous risk that their child would have the same mental sickness.
That was reasonable. Not breeding at all while the white race could die off within the next 100 years is not.

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I was obviously talking about YOU trying to call me a shill, dividing the white race, yadayadyada

I would love a source to such an interesting and simple experiment. I'm sure it's peer reviewed.
Jokes aside, you are conflating 'personality' with temperament for whatever reason– I assume a lack of education. You seem to have a nasty personality yourself though, extremely neurotic. Do you suffer from anxiety and paranoid delusions often?


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speak for yourself

Not every post is an argument. But if you want one it's that you're a dumb nigger that can't back his shit up, therefore everyone should laugh at you because you're full of shit.

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I probably misread that. English is not my first language.

I never called you or someone else here a shill or talked about D&C.
I just think that some people take it a bit too far if you consider the current situation.
White people who actually want to breed and shouldn't are not a major problem. The problem is that most white people believe that women should start with it at the age of 30+ or not at all because of "overpopulation".

From my experience, many Anons think too low of themselves and it may not be the best solution to tell red-pilled, but insecure whites to seriously think about the possibility that they are not fit for breeding.
Most of the posters here are probably pretty good breeding material if you compare them to the type of person americans call "white trash".

Not really that hard…

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You're a stupid nigger. The defective people are infinitely more valuable than nothing. They can still help fight this war. God, I'd gas you retarded fucking cannibals in a second with how much damage you do over your personal issues. Take what you have and work with it. It's not hard and we need them. We need all the retards to have a stake in the future.

But you're probably a really retarded piece of shit if you think women are going to be flocking to them over yourself, hence the thread.

That's why I stated that it should be focused on when the time comes. Yes it is true that right now we need as many as we can get, but once it's all said and done a eugenics program NEEDS to be implemented to further humanity. And when that day comes it is necessary that those with deformities suffer so that their children won't have to.


Yeah. So what's your excuse?

How many kids should I have?

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Prove that these people you want to D&C are a net negative.

It's ok sweetie, your sisters are still good for breeding

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Well, let's talk about this in 50 to 150 years, user. :^)

All of them if you are genetically healthy.

And he still would have made this site in the ethnostate but he would not have kids.

You niggers are arguing for a baseless D&C over your own insecurities. There is no problem with these people. There never was a problem with these people. In fact, they're better than nothing as demonstrated by all the shit they do for us, like make this site. How hard is that to grasp? Or can you insecure niggers never back down from your baseless shit?

Reminder that codemonkey is personally responsible for allowing this jewish D&C to be posted here.

It is interesting to note that while brown haired people are slightly lower IQ on average than blonde haired people, they have more variance in their IQs, which means more capacity for genius. Though, this variation is very small, still within 1 IQ point. There are still many famous inventors that are blonde who created things you use everyday. The key is in the rarity of the blondes, with them being only 1.8% of the world's population, and of only 12% of the people who are of European descent. Therefore it is statistically more likely that brown haired people will invent more.

It is also worth mentioning that IQ is linked with eye color as well. You can probably guess which color I speak of and yes you may sperg out about that too.

That better not be a 9mm or I'll just lank over to you and spank you silly for tickling me with that

Jørn asks a Liberian cartography forum for opinions on how many children he should have. Because he asked this question, the answer is zero.

Fuck your impure blue eyes bullshit. Green eyes are largely restricted to northern and Central Europeans and the rarest eye color in the world.

Whites NEED to breed as much as possible for the sake of our global society. White society is the most progressive society; both socially and scientifically. Losing whiteness is the destruction of diversity. It means that we lose our chance at the best possible future for our children.
We have a responsibility to breed as many Aryan children as we can. Do what it takes: take advantage of everything in your life and breed as much as possible.

Find a blonde waifu and pump her with as much cum as possible. Make at least 10 Aryan babies.

I don't think those studies ever took race into account. If you add southerns into the study, of course brunettes will have a lower average IQ. I fail to believe that a brunette Swede is likely to be less than a blonde Swede. It sounds not very likely.


Many a nigger have thought the same thing, Tyrone.

Yeah I don’t think whites are outright declining as much as we are simply being outbred. Miscegenation may have a minor role but probably not massive. Ultimately our birth rates close to replacement rate, it can be corrected.
Fortunately I’ve more or less redpilled my fiancée (damn close), and she’s even talking about having a kid within a year or 2. Pretty stoked. We all gotta do our part, teach em from an early age how to handle firearms and shit

Yep, it's amazing how dense people are to not maintain that focus. Half the eugenics posters are probably shitskins or fatties who haven't even realized 20% of their potential.

He wouldn't be able to aim the gun holding it like that, it's in the blindspot of his mask.

The Kike Dreams of White created technology and thought.

Death to the Jew.
S. P. I. T

If you already live in a welfare state like Germany, take whatever you can get and do it just like the arabs.
Absolutely not a problem to have 10+ children if you live on german welfare.

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You are probably right. No matter what (((they))) say, Europeans are pretty diverse and you even have much diversity within families.
I have brown hair, "hazelnut" eyes (mostly green with a small but dominant brown spot in the center), but my brother is blond and has blue eyes.
We both have red facial hair, but his is the typical nordic red-blond, while mine has very deep red and brown tones.

Im 6'4 Was blonde as a child brownd out some with age took a swed/american blonde had 5 kids all blonde and can assure you a big mistake you make is thinking lifting or your height will stop a German pre rape baby era from easily killing you with my hands.

Cried the Jew out in his 95 IQ pain.

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Where did I say I was not white you 6'4 king of manlets?

don't let lifting go to your head and you keep saying manlet like some 4chan faggot 56%er I am telling you muh powerlifting and being big won't stop a true killer as the biggger you are the easier it gets.So do not allow your size to go to your head and if your white we should be fighting together and repsecting our race.

What is your opinion on men who are of sound stock generally but have cosmetic defects like balding in their 20's and 30's?

Thoughts on people who are not of optimal genetics using sperm from the highest quality stock available and raising the children as their own? I think this is an idea that should be heavily promoted because i'd say over half of living whites probably do not make the genetic cut, but this gives them a way to raise the birth rate eugenically.

Completely unnatural, disgusting behaviour.
There is nothing wrong with adopting a child that needs a home, especially if it's the child of a friend or family member.
But getting cucked on purpose? Wow.
Don't ever talk to me or my wife's son again!

Have you even seen what your sperm produces in a white female ? I have and the results are amazing Im 6'4 german eh blonde and mated with a 5'11 swedish and produced sons all blonde that are 6'8 and 6'7 males and 5'10 to 5'11 females all blonde and valedictorians so intelligence is 100% however the not so blessed have their role to play as well and are constantly improving if they are smart.You talk about fucking around with genetics ok my idea is exterminate all shitskins then cream of the crop will arise even in our own gene pool instead of fucking around with shit not fully understood as in gene expression.Kill the known undesirables basically all shitskins they litterally server no purpose and are obsolete farm equipment with single digit iq.

I mean it wouldn't be cucking in the literal sense ie come fuck my wife to secure the existence of our people. More like artificial insemination. I know it wouldn't be absolutely optimal but I would consider it a better scenario having tons more genetically superior blonde children that have had their traits specifically selected to be as optimal as possible raised by people that would otherwise be told to never reproduce.

Absolutely sounds like your children hit the genetic lottery, and of course women will typically be shorter than men. However consider what would have happened if you were 5'7 and had brown hair. Probably it wouldn't have turned out so favorably.

Also consider people with brown eyes mating with those that have blue eyes. It is possible to to have blue eyed children, but those children would still contain the genes to have brown eyes that could pop up in future generations. The darker traits (skin, eyes, hair) are all dominant so I think this strategy for awhile could be incredibly beneficial if only practiced for a few generations. Imagine if a good portion of people with brown eyes or brown hair opted for this and created multiple untainted blue eyed blonde haired children. We would be in a much better spot with a larger pool of desirable breeding stock in the future.

take some of your own medicine, blondefag. i see nothing but discontent for brunettes even if they are 100% scandi, genetically.

Cucking by definition.

Do people on this board really believe that typical south-germanic people like pic related are "tainted"?

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no direct use.
However it increase the odds of guarantee of pure white lineage. (however it doesn't mean "whiter than you", just "i have more proof to not be a goblino")
See that as a form of extension of warranty if you will.
Plus let's be honest, it just plain ol' look better.

it increase odds of cleanliness.
stop being an insecure fag, 'murka.

Turning off certain gene expressions like brown eyes our shorter statue is a fools errand as even those subjects contain the genetic variation needed to progress into the future.Selective breeding is already very much part of nature for whites and has been subverted on purpose by the rat jews that know we are better than them in every fucking way same with niggers they are just to muh dick stupid to see it with the jew in their ear with the rap and bullshit media.Sometimes the genes are not expressed in the living subject yet may hold the key to ascension of that bloodline with the right match.Until we have mapped it all out and know what they all do the only eugenic necessaryis eliminating shitskins and the race mixers that have tainted the white gene pool with filth by succumbing to rat jew propaganda.

If that's cucking then 1488 bring in the blonde 6'10 bull then.

Many more children of good stock> No children but some untermensch have a shred more pride.

As someone who inherited some genetic curses that would probably disqualify me from breeding in a hardcore eugenic program I wish my father would have done it because now I have to live with these flaws my entire life.

Not tainted as in people with brown hair are all mudbloods but more so that spreading dark genes to someone with entirely light genes will destroy the minority of blondes in the longrun. Also a stated gold of the thread was favoring taller, paler, blonder, stronger, and more intelligent people.

I do believe blonde hair to be at least aesthetically superior to brown hair and would like to see many more blonde haired aryans than brown haired.

Faith is god without words. read those words backwards.

Sure, jews should not breed.

backwards words those read?

Technically Austrians are a Celtic not Germanic race. *Technically they are less Germanic than the English (Anglo, not Celt), on average. That aside, many do believe that brunettes are tainted by nonwhite blood. Many of them come from Varg's channel. In case you didn't know, he's very fond of misinformation.

*Pic: (German vs Celtic PCA)

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jew should not breath

cripple yes, retard no.
Also do you know his position on the subject?
Or are you just a newfag?
Because he was interviewed, and this subject was brought up, and the answer was… interesting.
It's actually dramatic that people that could have been born without physical plagues are forced to endure those, just to satisfy the sadistic degenerated angst of kikes, the compulsive need of their proxy relitards pets to look "good" by making sure as many people are gimped, and the need of leftists to "not be nazis".
Right now however, it just happen that when you ask people "would you prefer your children to have [given ailment one of the parent has] or not?", the majority answer they'd rather not the kid to be suffering that ailment.
Incredible hey?
of course however, if you just whip out the word eugenics, and then you see the programmation come forward and even the NPC become aware of its programmation if you made them undergo the first part before.
see the fucking panic.
It's delicious, but you'll still be a bad bad person for making them feel bad.
Don't forget to remind them they're the ones that would be condemning their children to infirmity just to not "look bad".

Truly, truly sickening. You're mentally ill. I'm not even joking.

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Start making shit baot when you’ve made hundreds of successful 300 reply threads and influenced every facet of chan culture, faggot

A gay relationship may be more your thing.

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I said that in jest, as I stated before it would be done through artificial insemination.

Aside from gene editing technology which does not seem to be viable within atleast 2 generations I would love to hear a better proposal that could viably genetically upgrade children coming from fathers that would not make the cut in a eugenic program.

We are in a dire situation and I absolutely think things are bad enough to warrant any sort of measure that makes more children, let alone more children of excellent stock. When we're back to the 33% of the world population we were at in the late 1800's then we can move to more optimal methods but currently the total world population is 1/3 of that and many of those people absolutely should not reproduce their inferior genes.

I have sky blue gray eyes, Whites will not be Racist.
If I had an IQ of 120, Whites would not be Racist. But if I was a nigger asking for gibs everybody should be Racist. Prove me wrong.
I Just want niggers to go away.

varg is a fucking idiot there are plenty of brown hair brown eyed whites although blue/blonde is more pleasing to the eye white ppl are actually very fucking diverse,their is no one gene code but if they come out looking like say for instance andrew anglin then you know theirs some nigger taint in it.The wide nose bulbous lips and hair keep shaved to not show the ginger negro hair.

My grandfathers on both sides had brown and light brown hair yet I come out alone with his 15 kids blonde all acccept one who had jet black hair.Whites naturally have genetic diversity that needs to be preserved.Mixing with a nigger or a chink or a arab or their cousin jews is degredation we don't fucking need them they need us and too bad for them more and more whites don't give a fuck and want them gone for the destructive effect they have on our living environments.

if your IQ is decent
if you're white
if you are physically fit
and if you have no serious hereditary diseases
then you're fine to breed

i don't get you people. i think you've fallen for some kind of psyop designed to demoralise anyone who isn't an ideal nordic phenotype with an IQ north of 150.

if you meet the above criteria, find a european woman and start fucking her as much as you can. impregnate her as much as possible. stop being a fag.

Agree with this statement

Dub agrees with you.

Oh this shit again.

>mfw brown hair, brown eye,

I agree with the sentiment but eugenics is the controlled evolution of a species, not just mere reproduction. We need the most superior among us to reproduce as humanly possible. One of those said specimens having 100 children and raising them would not be possible. But taking superman tier sperm and having them donate it so those who are defective in one way or another can help participate in eugenics doesen't seem like a bad idea. I think i've presented my point enough so i'll give it a rest.

Taller people don't live as long.

I am a pale beyong belief.

Blond means nothing, I am a ginger and thus rafer than you, and I also have blond hair.

Stronger? LMAO! I already proved that.

Definitely more intelligent than almost everybody here. I took the whole country on, and won.

Go fuck yourselves.

Quit drugging my food you niggers

Our ancestor's had far higher average IQ because of nature's positive selection pressures. If you want a eugenics program, destroy cities and suburbs. Bomb them. Get rid of all of them.

Modernity is a fertility problem and a dysgenics program.

Mandatory reading: jacobitemag.com/2017/06/20/modernitys-fertility-problem/

you want to be the first to sign your girlfriend up?I can donate,Or are you a tits or gtfo dreaming of aryan sperm.


Start with yourself and I'll sign right up.

Solved by having lots of children, some of whom will die, and some of whom will achieve greatness.

Get the fuck out of here you (((pharmeceutical company))) shill.

Working on learning trades currently so I can provide for a family but yes when the time comes to start a family I absolutely will practice what I preach. I feel I would even love the children more being much closer to perfection than if I intentionally cursed them with my flaws that I hate myself.

The case is obvious and is laid out crystal clear. You're in fact a moron.

your jew words mean nothing go rub your hands together