Oy Vey! 41% Of Americans And 66% Of Millennials Do Not Know What Auschwitz Is


Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said Tuesday on Fox News that people are Holocaust deniers if they compare President Donald Trump or anyone else to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

“Some in the media have made a daring and dark comparison, comparing President Trump to Hitler. He was even accused of following Hitler’s playbook to divide the country,” said Fox News co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy.

“This as a shocking new study finds that many Americans don’t know basic facts about the Holocaust. In fact, 41% of Americans and 66% of millennials don’t know what Auschwitz was,” added Fox News co-host Dean Cain.

Dershowitz said that ignorance about history was leading to false analogies targeting Trump and others.

“Everybody is compared to Hitler. Everybody is compared to the Holocaust. Israel defending itself against Gaza rockets — oh, they’re Nazis. Anybody who compares Trump or anybody else to Hitler essentially is a Holocaust denier, because what they’re saying [is] well, there were no gas chambers, there was no Auschwitz, there was no plan to kill six million Jews. They minimize it,” he explained.


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Indeed, 100% of american whites are neonazis.

So what you're saying is only whites and Jews know what Auschwitz is?

it has to be well over 10 GORRILION now, considering the births afterwards

Is that what they call the airstrikes against Syria now?

How don't 60% of Americans and 90% of Millenials know what Auschwitz is?

Dershowitz is a pedophile

Of course the 50 million Mexicans in the USA don't know what Auschwitz is. Do they even teach the Mexicans in what used to be our schools about the Holocaust? Doubtful. No point in instilling beaners with white guilt bullshit.

You really can put the letter O after anything to translate into spic

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Here's a fun game - find 5 jews in politics (whether elected, commentator, or otherwise involved) who have never brought up the holocaust. Not even World War II, just the holocaust.

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Did they let the truth slip? 6 gorillion didn't get the shoah, it was just wishful thinking?

Unless it's feminine, then it's an a.



Games don't need a "win" condition, they just need a lose condition. Still, you lose if you fail to find said jews.

If Dershoahwiz is correct, we need to call more people Hitler. He is incorrect however, because this hoax is taught in school from elementary on up. It is required. What's really happening is the browning of America.

Almost all of them are non-white I bet.

Nice digits, I'll just accept a loss because I don't believe such kikes exist. It's their number one guilt trip, as well as a deterrent for NatSoc individuals.

First three weeks, holocaust.

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Yep, since they don't need to be guilt tripped as their existence is to be a weapon.

Is it a pizza place?

The truth is right there in his comment.

I think the implication when you call someone Hitler is that they're GOING to kill six million jews.


Auschwitz certainly exists, in fact Soviet Liberators ran it as an actual death camp for German PoW's and Polish Resistance for a few years, 3-5
They even built the famous chimney but failed to steal and hide the "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign.

It was a prison camp you Jew.

how da 0% of tha goyim rememba tha holocaust? OYY VEEEY

it's because 41% of americans and 66% of millennials aren't white. Jews don't care, as much, if these non-white people don't know about the 'caust.

waht de fuck is a "osh withs"? aush withz"? withz what?

Even if we fail in taking our civilization back its going to be hilarious watching the Brown hordes hang the Jews because they don't have any white guilt.

Of course, maybe they will just re-write history to make National Socialist Germany be historically Black African to keep the scam going.

I know what Auschwitz is, isn't that the name of a lawyer firm?

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"Death camp" is an incorrect answer, so the actual percentage is probably above 95%

It's archer-witz
bretty good archery range, the owner is nicked witz because he could make witty jokes

Rick Perry isn't pleased

Shout out to the lifeguard who worked at the swimming pool there in Auschwitz.

The size of the jewish lie to the world is colossal.

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Making a thread about something, Alan Dershowitz said. Op, please kill yourself.

Finally, a redeeming quality.



Did uwe boll accidentally did damage to the Holocaust narrative by producing that shit film that Jews hate.



hes not denying it lmao, hes just stating that it existed and was used by soviets when captured and modified to look like a ((gas chamber))
dont be so jumpy user, we are all friends here
Except the yids, no friends to be found among them

Our win condition isn't your (((win condition))) kike.

¡El sies cuatrillón!

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is that the train they would smash into the walls to kill all the jews inside then a trapdoor opens and the bodies fall into a fiery pit right next to their sweet daddy Satan

I thought it was a rollercoaster that would go into an oven?

I am lucky to have been born before the internet and have heard the less toned down version of the holocaust story. I heard all about the shrunken heads, the skin lampshades, putting jews in pools with no ladders so they drown. Those absurd stories were taught to me as complete fact before I could easily go to a site like this and debunk it. The most insane jewish ramblings you see posted here were what we were actually taught in the 80's and 90's.

So for me seeing the holocaust as a big lie is easy. The crazy stories are easy to disprove. My worry is that as time goes forward the jews will figure out a more believable narrative that is difficult to dispute.

Thats why we need to keep the old narrative around with evidence of it being the old narrative.

i miss the days when these wacky tales were on wikipedia :(

We should spam the net, telling people that the "holocaust" is what Israel has been doing to Palestinians.
Apparently 41% of Americans might accept this.

Hold the phone. You're telling me that 85% of Americans and 105% of millennials don't know what Auschwitz is?

I guess we should get ready for the next round of 10-15 Oscar-winning movies about the holocaust that will be coming out in the next 3 years

The post I wrote about Jizzermany killing billions of Jizzews at Ballschwitz is more believeable.

Museum would be way better, too

Beat me to it, you dirty dog

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but why would anyone kill jews? wtf do u have to do to get a nation to slaughter a whole race… i mean germans weren't exactly stupid…clearly they wouldn't waste resources. like murder is bad but there are reasons for things..
I feign ignorance to the JQ and holohoax to argue, and it works

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No, that would mean somebody watched a Uwe Boil movie


Yeah, one of those kikes came to my sixth grade class, going on and on about fucking lamp shades and heads, as if anyone had the fucking time during a war for that type of bullshit. Oh, and of course, this female creature was an "auschwitz survivor" with the little tattoo, supposedly stamped in unison with a cattle ear stamp that can not work on an arm, which was clearly as fucking random as all the others. Pretty sure most of the class fell asleep.

Honestly the problem is that the holocaust should of happened. The kikes deserved it all.

Has the Great Kvetching started?

is right. There have been too many lies about it at this point - all documented. That's why we're getting censored so hard lately. They have no way out except to suppress anything that goes against the narrative.

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If only these actors were still around, we could ask them about the pedal powered head bashers and the fatal masturbation machines

These holy digits confirm. What the fuck happened to those kikes pushing the masturbation stories? Are any alive?

They didnt ran it as death camp, just a camp

Really makes millennials think.

Maybe Gen z is close to being that brown, but that seems a bit high for the millennials.
The euro-American birth rate has been around 50ish percent for 20 or so years now.

He's saying that the (((soviets))) were murdering germans in the camp. He's right.

Doubting these numbers. When I went to highschool they spent a whole month talking about WW2 and the holocaust in social studies. Honestly I don't believe most statistics coming out of an American university. They seem to crank out bullshit studies all the time to keep that sweet tax payer money rolling in so they can stay afloat. The whole system is dogshit and promotes bullshit like what you're describing.

Yes, that's called lying. The media is lying to you.

Does this mean that 59% of Americans and 34% o millenials know that Auschwitz was a glorified summer camp?

Which story about it are they meant to (((know))) anyway? chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1992-05-07-9202100662-story.html

They simply rewrite whenever their lies are completely disproven and expect continued faith.

I don't even know how to feel. On one hand it is a genius defense of Trump. On the other hand, perhaps leftists might be willing to rethink Hitler and minimize his myth if it would help relate Trump to him.

Hitler has a bad reputation because he lost the war. I don't remember the Germans raping and torturing the commies, brits, or americans. Especially in POW situations. There are countless stories told from the negros about how the americans treated german POWs better than the negros themselves. There is a lot of bullshit that goes on painting the germans as some vicious people when they were just normal people like we see today. They were just doing their duty to serve for their country. It's okay to debate and say you don't believe in NatSoc, but I don't understand why people are painting them out to be the spawns of satan. I'm not a fan of NatSoc myself and I don't see the need to think of Nazi Germany as some evil thing. They just had different political viewpoints from myself.

Nazi who lived in Queens for decades dies months after he's deported to Germany

A Nazi war criminal who was recently booted from his home in Queens and deported to Germany has died.

Jakiw Palij, 95, worked as a guard at the Nazi German Trawniki SS camp in occupied Poland.

In 2004, the Department of Justice convinced a federal judge to strip Palij of his U.S. citizenship. Afterward, an immigration judge ordered he be deported to Germany, Poland or Ukraine.

But those countries for years refused to take in the concentration camp guard.

In August, he was finally deported by federal immigration agents.

"It's the closure survivors of the Holocaust needed," said former Assemblyman Dov Hikind. "It also goes to show that our efforts in seeking justice were not in vain, and reinforces our commitment to ridding the world of any last vestige of Nazism regardless of where it may exist. He certainly did not deserve to die on blessed American soil, but rather in a country closer to where he committed his abhorrent crimes."


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A pastry?

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To be fair, most people know fuck all about anything. But I'm glad that the kikocaust is also in the category of "not knowing fuck all."


Oy vey remember the shoah every day you flithy goyim




truly it is beyond belief.

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Ultimate damage control mode on Fox News (majority White network) where he must have been acting like "no, Trump isn't literally Hitler, stop calling everyone Hitler its hurting (((our))) ability to get sympathy from the goyim about being gassed by Hitler".
Interesting choice of words especially if you aren't ignorant of the revisionism by jews of their Holocaust propaganda whenever holes are found in its narrative.

The jews have a history after WWII internationally going after any "nazi" and killing them on the spot. That'd be an important history to share with the world by not using evidence, a court of law, or presumption of innocence for assassination and one has to wonder if just stopped with just the "nazis" or Mossad moved onto general White people around the world.

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nope, they got masturbated to death watching Nazi/jewess rape porn

Put those "holy" Kaballistic trips in your fucking hole you kike.

380,000 confirmed Jews died while pow. not even a million

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Or even a President or three?

We saw the kike adenda 21

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Only when the big lie of the Holy Claus falls, then we opened the route to freedom! Jews know this and therefore have laws that prevent the truth. BUT WE MUST GET RID OF THE FALSE GUILT POISON!! Therefore we must meme the lie out of existance!


By creating a meme that is unbeatable like 14 88!
H = 8 letter in the alphabet
I = 9 letter in the alphabet
F = 6 letter in the alphabet
H = 8 letter in the alphabet

Here are some funny memes to spread:

Save your race, free your children
8 9 6 8!

Not don't know, it's don't care. I don't give a shit about something that happened a century ago, it is fucking irrelevant to how my day to day life functions now. I don't give a fuck whether it happened or it didn't, the entire conversation piece of "holocaust" is an immediate gear shift for me to stop listening.

It's a tourist attraction, and and nothing more.

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