Are we all being misled yet again, but this time to our ultimate doom?

For many months now, the "populist" movement has embraced Trump, some of whom have also embraced Q etc. These followers tend to claim they are "awake," or at least "more awake" than most. But why don't more people in this "awakened" group discuss the very real possibility that we might still be being massively misled, this time potentially to our ultimate doom?

E.g. what if the entire act to "remove" all CEOs and corrupt politicians and put them in Gitmo etc is really just another way to get them out of the way and off the surface, using massively refurbished and military-guarded prisons (like Gitmo) as bunkers of sorts (using our tax dollars!), to keep the elite safe for when hell is unleashed on the surface and the rest of us are wiped out. (Think widespread DEW? Bioweapons like plague?) What better way to get them all underground safely than to make us all think they are being indicted, arrested, convicted and locked up?

I don't like the sound of this either, but it is a very real possibility and it seems like no one really wants to consider it or talk about it. My concern is that we've been deceived for so long that we still haven't learned our lesson and are falling for it yet again. Maybe when Q says "these people are stupid," they are referring to us, not the elite. Could they be mocking us right to our face, one final time?

The elite seem concerned about everything that has been going on, but really not that concerned. Some are loud, but they could just be acting like always. Recent funerals have been closed-casket. Etc. Everyone keeps seeing all of this through rose-tinted glasses. If we step back and try to view it all objectively (without emotion!), considering history and the tremendous number of times/ways we've been duped, does it not look like yet another set up?

Hope and prayers are not enough. I want Trump and Q to be legit as much as anyone, but Patriots/brothers/sisters, we need to figure out a way to truly KNOW before it is too late. (Admittedly, it may already be too late, and maybe it is never possible to truly know anything, but we can still try while we still have breath.) All of our lives are at stake.

Attached: so-many-fucking-lies.jpeg (800x800, 54.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:átima

Errors of Russia.
Our Lady predicted this.

Our lives do not matter. What matters is that this world is full of people who think that their pathetic lives matter, often with accompanying grotesque body packages and lifestyles, while children are being raped to death in red rooms among other things. Total Annihilation is the only just outcome for this world, based on the evidence and by a fair application of a heuristics of justice that allows no evil to go unpunished. It's already overdue, as who would understand such things to be possible in a just cosmos? So it is truly "worse than people realize".

Q is still a gay LARP, despite what its followers want it to be.

Attached: tina-allen-in-thailand.jpg (270x180, 28.49K)

Q died with the midterms and Trump is now following Israeli orders without question, as can be seen by his "bump stock" ban and cancelling of the wall. Candidates that would prevent and or remove subs are banned from running (not that one could win with the 1/10th non lemming vote). It is now clear as day that voting is scrictly demographics based and democracy is nothing but a racial head count. The only thing that can be done in practicallity for now is watch the 90 days to "bump stock" illegality and see if BATFags get btfo or if it gets legally struck down by even liberal courts because of how batshit stupid the way it was done was. Of course, theres also the Bowers route as well, but it would be far more interesting if it were in at least teams instead of one guy setting off to larp as the Angry Goy


Wait, OP is onto something. Trump is "orange", and Ultimate Doom has an orange sky. Therefore Trump = Ultimate Doom. QED
this is the fucking (((modern science))) education at work

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There is nothing worthy of belief in modern politics, because its all a jewish trick. Trump was a salesman scapegoat, meant to kill white nationalism in the US. He might have been fun to watch, but that was all. If only women and niggers couldn't vote, then we would have time to turn things around through the system. I don't know what will kick off the big one user. Possibly water rights between the Mid West and Jewifornia, but I fear rather people now are irredeemable slaves.

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None of those things are going to happen. It's all just a massive psy-op to distract you from the fact that it's business as usual and American politics is kabuki theatre.
There isn't going to be a happening.
There isn't going to be a great awakening.
There isn't going to be some hot new political movement that wins the whitehouse.
It's just going to be the slow groaning death of old age for the next century.

Attached: hollow_decline.jpg (1536x817, 231.61K)

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Q = [Q]ushner … is this really that hard?
Q is funded by Soros as is Trump.
Both sides serve the same agenda.
Trump was chosen to win decades ago. Look at the Oprah interview with him in the 90's where she asks if he will ever run. THEY ALWAYS KNEW. Why did Hillary run? For IMMUNITY. Trump allowed her to run against him so that nobody would ever be able to touch her without the suspicion of it being politically motivated. Trump is a sock puppet for war mongers. The important policies have not changed in any way.

Orange is also the color for populist parties (one of which represents Trump) in the Cold War Enhancement mod for Victoria II.

It is when the sky turns red that it is all over for the planet. This is why the Gotthard Tunnel 'audience' of parasites always use blue light on themselves in the stands as the 'survivors' and red light to light the masses. They actually think they are more 'moral' than the plebs. But they have been told 'it doesn't work that way…they simply aren't paying attention. Having made all the crossings up to this point since they could remember, they think they get past this one as well.

Attached: red surrounded by blue gotthard tunnel.png (1280x738 1 MB, 1.1M)

Fancy that…bitch is still IMMUNE and no one has made good on one of their promises yet.

ITT: Give up and don't do anything, everything is the kikes

Of course we were all misslead, the 2016 election was just one big theater…The rupublicans and the democrats were dancing for the same group. Trump is a fucking joke, he is 100000x a globalist cock sucking lover, just like how Hillary would have been one if she were to be elected. It's all theater, no parties for the people, all parties for the globalists.
This video game predicted it all already in 2001, see this short video. It shows the 2016 election and the whole joking afterward (two years of Trump's presidency). Assad is right in his analysis, Trump is just another puppet of the deep state, and no president won't ever be able to be something else than a shill and puppet for the deep state and lobbies.

First we'd need some evidence this is even happening.

What is significant is that if you claimed this without attaching a massive black-pill scenario to it, you would be being called out for being Q-larp from the start, but the moment you claim it so matter-of-factly and there's little to no autistic screeching, because you're doing it in an "abandon hope" manner, all the usual pushback does not occur. I have been watching this thread since it was made (I suspect Q = larp but have no strong feelings on it) and the change of pattern is interesting. Very interesting.

Second we'd need some evidence that losing once means always losing. Nothing in history proves this. Change is the one constant factor: empires rise, and they fall.

Jews were hunted and massacred like vermin, forced to wear hats and badges so they would not be mistaken for normal people, for millenia. They gained a brief ascendency but the balance of probability is that they will go back to their former status soon, and experience even worse things.

This is only in part correct. Q is a LARP and most of his followers are cucky civnats, that movement has redpilled many on topics (pedowood, Jewish rituals, banking manipulation) and primed many for the future fights to come. There was a chance for a “Great Awakening” that could've savde us about 30 years ago, but that time has passed. Like the Native American before us, we are a conquered and dying people. You are already on the Reservation and don't even know it. The plan is then to shrink the Reservations, no more unapproved vidya or porn or capeshit, until anyone capable of resistance is crushed into slaves. At least that was the plan.

Since the globalist world order was implemented by people who are both stupid and evil, they failed to see how their own hubris would destroy them. Their plan of a global goy slave state is untenable. True, they have done a great job wrecking Western nations and have ruined the United States, but their order is crumbling. There is a rising technocratic society with over a billion people, The Chinese, who do not give a fuck about anything other than themselves and are actively seeking to undermine Neo-Liberalism. Resistance to the paradigm has appeared in Eastern European nations and especially in Russia, and even Trump (while ineffective) is a symbol of their decline. Nationalism is on the rise worldwide.

Just because the worldwide outlook is more optimistic then (((they))) have led you to believe doesn't mean there won't be hard times ahead. In the US, it is expected to come to head in the 2030s when the demographic crises finally catches up to it. The spark of another inevitable financial collapse on top of a country who are now non-Americans will trigger violence, and then the disintegration of the US. Best case scenario, the US breaks up will little bloodshed, worse case tens of millions die in the 2nd Civil War. I expect around this time European nationalism (in some major countries) will have gained enough traction to start kicking out immigrants, which may trigger another European war of its own.

That pic is not quite right. They are softening us up before the chaos to come. Demoralization is the most destructive weapon in a war, and it has been very effect on Western populaces. However, certain areas will experience rapid collapse in a matter of day or weeks and others may experience no difference in their lives. Just think, do you really want to be in a majority black city when the local government collapses and the police cannot keep order? Or in a majority Muslim town when the National Guard are too busy to play police? Some areas like the upper Mid-West and white super-majority Western states may even go relatively untouched and unaffected.

They could have slowly stagnated us forever, and softened us to the point total defeat, but they got too greedy and inpatient. Flooding countries will third world immigrants en masse instead of a slow generation drip has triggered a backlash around the West. Same with pushing the profligacy of trannies, fags, and other abominations. The system they've created based on debt, hedonism, and the destruction of national and cultural identities is inherently unstable. It cannot work. It can't create a new world order, only destroy it. And that should give you hope.

They aren't even being locked up - so what the fuck are you talking about.

Maybe this OP isn't a shill, but he just happens to behave and write exactly like one.


You do realize that the US president is named Trump, yes?

"Trump" is a psyop.

Trump is German
I trust my volk. I can't say I fully understand but about the only thing I know is the spirit of my people.


Attached: derp.png (579x420, 104.37K)

They aren't. Outrage directed towards Trump distracts from all other conversations and gives the shitlibs justification to do whatever they want.
This is a controlled explosion of america because if they pull the plug all at once, there are too many guns lying around to count of guaranteed success.

*on guaranteed success.

Don't you have a flat earth or moon landing denial thread to manage on cuckchan?

Attached: this guy.gif (218x228, 1023.63K)

You forgot to

By coincidence, Q was recently photographed while talking on the phone with Trump.
pic related

Q is every bit as legit as anything else the jews create. heh heh

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Rhymes with …..

Attached: oy.jpg (324x156, 9.41K)

Q multiple choice test:-

1. "Real" if you can use it to frighten the goyim.
2. "Larp" if it has good outreach and helps normal people band together to investigate the corruption of institutions.
3. "Jew" if all else fails and you run out of things to manipulate with.


You know what those sneaky bastards tried to do? They tried to get us to pray for the CONVERSION of Russia, not the CONSECRATION as OLOF asked. (Mid-80 Catholic church in Canada, before JPII cracked down on the rampant leftism. I have stories, sadly none about raping altar boys like you protestants seem to like though.)

t. french mother use to bring him to Adoration and all kinds of esoteric stuff the kids don't know about these days

Attached: christ chan.png (183x276, 77.92K)

More likely, being from NEW AMSTERDAM (New York) it means this.

Also anyone with half a brain knew Trump would run for president, but he was not supposed to win. There were… events.

Attached: orange.png (225x225, 9.93K)

what in the fuck are you babbling about?

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Fuck off heretic, wasn't talking to you. But if you must know:átima

Conversion is the legal term for selling something you don't own, like say a housemate's belongings. For a while after Vatican II (when they put masonic faggotry intoi the Mass) they had people praying for Russia to be stolen and resold – gee I wonder (((who))) to?

Mr Blackpillstein I presume

Only a sycophant of Trump would be blackpilled by him being a shabbos pressure release/smoke screen, my dude.
Any real oldfag would view it as par for the course at this point, no more blackpilling than Hillary Clinton being a Shabbos pawn.

Hah, you really thought they'd let you vote yourself out of the pot? Silly newfag.

Attached: Votefags.png (617x621, 509.42K)

Get the fuck out.

Suck ZOG cock somewhere else.

Suicide immediately, subhuman.

The way I see it is I have 100 people pulling me in 100 different directions and only one of them shares my bloodline.
Call it what you want, I call it game theory and playing the odds

Go back to 4chan.

Good think I'm a rational observer and not a sycophant, Mordecai.

Stop posting about qshit. It was always fake and everyone always knew it and hated it. No one cares what some kikes are shilling. They are always shilling. The ride never ends.

Most of our greatest enemies are jews.
Most. Not all.
Some good goys are even worse than our eternal enemy, as they are similar to us and bend easily, giving false hope and destroying our groups slowly.

Trump in particular has proven to be less than a release valve. Probably not even a step in the right direction. He is here to destroy white nationalism, plain and simple, and to sell the idea that (legal) migration can work. He's anti-feminist to a degree, sure, but we all were a few decades ago. He is selling what we already had before, and will advance his agenda on other topics to further destroy the white race.

Noice image. Sieg!

This new wave of blackpill shills just got busted on another thread.

Attached: Shlomo-Blackpill.jpg (929x1488, 351.38K)

I wish they'd update this bot's lines.

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based af game. it has it all, cover-ups, false events, rigged elections, puppet presidents, robot drones, complete with megalomaniacal AI, mind control, dehumanization and the Narrative. I know we've all played this, but I think deus ex takes way too much credit great as it is

Interesting in this though how both the current president and the previous president solidus who is the (apparent) mastermind of the terrorist attack are both assassinated by the true powers of America. solidus is shown in a somewhat sympathetic light in the final scenes of the game, wanting, and even more tellingly, to be remembered for, releasing america from the bonds of its financial oppressors, and making America great again. He doesn't use those exact words, but the sentiment is the same. only trouble is that this game paints the government as being the monster and not the tool of the monster

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fuck off jew this is anonymous imageboard.

Start saying Jew instead of elite and things will start making sense

All a diversion. There are two possible outcomes for mankind…Slavery or Death.

Slavery will be achieved by crashing the economy, killing the currencies and introducing universal income, social credit system and a cash-less currency.
As for Death…population downsizing by means of orchestrated conflicts, accompanied by who knows what kind of outside interferences.

Our lives truly matter. We humans are the Children of God the One All-Mighty. We are the ones who witness all these deceits and wrongdoings. Our Boss is the one who judges the criminals by evidence gathered by us the people. When we know, God knows.

Since you're a subhuman, I'll help you.

Do you know that the Streisand Effect is? STFU if you don't want people participating.


OP here. Thank you all for your thoughts and comments. Very interesting. This was my 1st ever post on the chans and it's been a positive experience. I am no shill. I have no connections with any political groups or forces. Just an American trying to think critically and do what I can to help. Lots to think on as we continue marching. Thx again. Peace to all.

Stupid kike.

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