German Firework Company Faces Allegations Of Nazi Symbol On One Of Its Products

A German fireworks company is facing allegations one of its products was sold with a Nazi swastika on the packaging

A German fireworks manufacturer has been plunged in controversy after a customer alleged he found a Nazi swastika on the packaging of one of its products.

Dominik Dicken posted pictures of what he says is the packaging he found on the bottom of a “Hell Magic” firework he bought to celebrate the New Year on Facebook and wrote : “Can some one at Weco Fireworks please explain this swastika?”

The pictures show a swastika being carried by a stylised eagle. Weco, the German manufacturer, has apologised for the incident and launched an investigation. It says the packaging is not standard for its products.

“We expressly make clear that the alleged design on the bottom of the article is not intended! We reject hatred and discrimination in any form! We apologize to all those who feel offended by the swastika symbol,” the company said in a statement.

If the pictures are genuine, Weco said, the incident must be a result of a “cultural misunderstanding” on the part of the Chinese manufacturer that supplied the firework in question.

“In much of Asia, the swastika has been used as a symbol of luck for millennia,” the statement reads. “The symbol in question is not a Nazi swastika, especially as it is a reverse image. Its original meaning expresses happiness, especially in Buddhist circles, and serves as a positive message in many parts of the world.”

The swastika is an ancient Hindu symbol also used by Jains and Buddhists, which was appropriated by the Nazis. It is found facing both ways in Asia, but the Nazi version always has its points facing right.

While it is true that the swastika Mr Dicken says he found on the packaging has its points facing left, it is being carried by a stylised eagle that closely resembles the Nazi Reichsadler.

“Even after detailed research, we could not find a single Hindu representation of a swastika held by an eagle in the form shown,” Mr Dicken said in a reply to the company’s statement.

Weco manufactures most of its products in Germany, but the firework in question was made by a Chinese supplier. In its statement, the company said the standard packaging for the firework is plain grey, red or brown paper, without any symbol on the bottom.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Pretty recognizable nazi Reichsadler. It's hilarious that these were manufactured in China, but alas, these snowflake stories are getting old.

There's many times more blood on the good ol' hammer and sickle.


Attached: Oekaki.png (500x250, 8.11K)

Oy vey
muh holohoax



oy vey

install gentoo

that's a nice programming meme, but what does it do?

It kills a shit thread lad

That is nothing more than the Pigeon of Peace holding cursive X representing the brotherhood of man.

Attached: 1-8[1].jpg (960x960, 46.18K)

Is that image mirrored?

I notice the article leaves out that it is also an ancient European symbol for luck and fortune, that predates the National socialist party by centuries.
More kike slander of European history, by creating a false narrative and linking this symbol to that narrative.

Attached: PupperWolf.jpg (1000x1000, 193.26K)

fake as fuck

Oy gevalt, delete this! It's making my tay-sachs act up!

Oh jew

Oh, a dove with outstretched wings of inclusion!
And Pepe, the frog of peace!

Zig Forums is clearly a board of peace.

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Goy Gevalt!

The jewish star (of remphan) is infinitely more repulsive than a swastika… or any other symbol, for that matter.

The Jew fear and despise the symbol of happiness…

Dominik Dicken < Faggot, rat who needs to be rekted.

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What's wrong with the windmill of friendship and peace? This is obviously antihindu.

You can tell this is staged because the swastika is backwards.


More of a Parteiadler, honestly.

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I make NSDAP jewelry, paintings, sculptures, and other art. I live in the USA where there are no such laws. But I am Northern Germanic. What has become of my homeland. Genocide. Genocide. Genocide.

Chinks probably done that on the purpose to destroy the businesses. They had done to the poor Aussie businesses as well.

It was merely the dove of peace.

”(((we))) couldnt find"

Fake motherfucker.

I remember that pigeon but completely forgot the meaning of it.

when the fuck are we gonna double down instead of the left always getting away with it

germans are allowed to have fireworks?

This isnt cuckchan kike.

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More like grandpa's old boomstick

Thanks for the chuckle user

My highschool used to have a nazi eagle logo, fuckers changed it when somebody whined

That is fucking hilarious

No, but they got hand grenades of peace, so they may have gotten the better deal on that one

It was a forced meme forcibly coopted

#1 United States 120.5

I remember that. I think I even have something in my meme folder, but it's too disorganized just now to find it.

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That was part of the meme to trash dove.

Praise Pek

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It was a thing on facebook that everyone started calling racist.

It’s a fucking basic shape. You don’t have to have a three digit IQ to come up with it. It’s like claiming ‘we found a drawing of a dick in a cave in France, therefore, drawing dicks is typically French.’

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Could be. The world of Chinese businesses is murky and constantly shifting. Alternatively, this was a form of dissent against the party from an anonymous worker drone, and the cultural misunderstanding is that he really thought it was subtle.

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Pelosi, Giffords introduce bipartisan gun control legislation

Court upholds law denying guns to people in US illegally

A U.S. appeals court in San Francisco has upheld a law that prohibits people in the country illegally from possessing guns.

A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously Tuesday that the law does not violate the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The judges said immigrants who are armed and in the U.S. illegally could pose a threat to officers trying to remove them.

They also said those immigrants are hard to monitor and have already shown they don't respect the law.

The ruling came in the case of Victor Manuel Torres, a Mexican national who was convicted after officers found a revolver in his backpack.

Adam Gasner, an attorney for Torres, said he was studying the opinion and has not yet decided whether to appeal.

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It's pretty funny that some Chink was given the task of designing a good logo for the German market and came up with the Reichsadler.
At some point he thought to himself 'the Germans will love this, it honors their great history' and probably won't understand why they'd be upset.

As Sean Davis noted, a bump stock is not a “machinegun.”
. . .
As Davis noted, in 2010 the agency said bump stocks weren’t “machineguns,” that a bump stock “performs no automatic function when installed. Rejecting its 2010 determination, the BATFE now says that a bump stock causes a semi-automatic firearm to fire “in a manner that allows the trigger to reset and continue firing without additional physical manipulation of the trigger by the shooter.” In making this claim, the BATFE destroys its claim that a bump stock is a “machinegun.”

It appears that Trump ordered the contraptions banned after their use in a crime because his instincts are authoritarian, he isn’t particularly concerned with facts, and perhaps he listens too much to a certain liberal family member whose reaction to every unhappy turn of events around the world is “Do something.”
Trump ordered the BATFE to ban bump stocks because he didn’t want Congress to do it, or to try, because that would have put some Republicans in the position of having to vote against a ban and angering liberal and moderate voters, or voting for a ban and angering conservative voters, losing their next elections either way. Furthermore, if Trump, who previously promised to defend the Second Amendment to the hilt, signed a legislative ban into law, he would lose enough votes to forfeit his chance of winning reelection in 2020.

Trump — who repeatedly said Mexico 'will pay' for the wall — claims he 'never said' Mexico would pay for the wall

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