Reddit General

A discussion of Reddit - what went wrong?

I know reddit has always been 99% low-IQ shit where normies repost content for le narcissism points. I have never supported that faggotry, or their "meme culture", or anything on the front page. But it used to be a decent place for content aggregation if you went to the right subreddits.

Fuck, I remember even in 2013, there were still many decent redpilled subs to shitpost on. As the platform continued to grow from 2 million to 20 million, these communities started getting purged, seemingly to appease a bunch of normies that never saw the content in the first place because it never hit the front page.

The reddit admins flipped on their prior "free speech" justification. They started banning and quarantining "hateful" communities which were already de-facto segregated from the rest of the site.

Is it just SJW zealotry, or is there higher economic reasoning behind it?

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Other urls found in this thread:



It showed rest of the world and internet true colours of American cukness and on how deep scale they are controled by outer media

there are entire subreddits dedicated to shutting down content considered undesirable. those were generally more hateful than anything that was targeted. when pizzagate was taken down in less than 2 weeks, it was obvious who was controlling the site

Reddit's fate is a strange one, it's pretty much completely bought and should to the Democrat Party, Media Companies, Deep State, Big Tech, etc. A good example would be r/movies, they're pretty much a giant advertising arm, the mods their legit fucking admitting to taking money from film studios and removing posts that are bad publicity for certain movies. And r/politics is pretty much ran by DNC loyalists and is bought and is pretty much a mouth piece of MSM. An echo chamber of non threatening opinions to the status quo. Spez surrounds himself in life with people who are involved in international politics and such, he's probably a deep state infiltrator and is taking their money by the thousands. On the surface it's just Social Liberals being insane people as always but the deepest end of it, its political organizations and companies manipulating opinion for the benefit of the Global Homo Clique.

Kind of like here

For how much was Reddit sold in the transaction with Conde Nast?
''Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian created and sold Reddit in 16 months. It was one of the first start-ups in Y-Combinator to be acquired, and the sale made both of its founders instant multimillionaires.It all started when Steve and Alexis had an idea— not for “the front page of the internet”, but for a mobile food ordering website. The duo traveled from Virginia to Boston, Massachusetts to listen to Y-Combinator partner Dr. Paul Graham speak, and afterwards, Alexis invited Paul out for drinks.

Paul then set up an official interview with Y-Combinator, which wasn’t well-known at the time, so the two fledgling entrepreneurs could pitch their idea.It seemed to go well, but later that night, Paul called Alexis and, though apologetic, said he was going to have to turn them down.Steve and Alexis were crushed, drank all night, and, while still inebriated, hopped a train home the following morning. But before reaching Virginia, Alexis got another phone call— it was Paul again. He said he made a mistake. He didn’t like their IDEA, but he liked THEM, and asked them to build something else instead: the social news site that would later become Reddit.

That was Paul’s brainchild.

The first design was built in three weeks, and was nothing but user-submitted URL’s, with two clickable buttons underneath: one for “interesting” and another for “uninteresting”. No subreddits. No upvotes. The comments section was added next, after heated debate.

Still, despite it’s over-simplification, Reddit was getting some serious attention.

The connection with Condé Nast was the result of a series of chance encounters one particular Halloween night, when Alexis met a reporter who introduced him to a freelancer for Wired, who in turn told his editor about Reddit.That editor’s husband worked for the business development end of Condé Nast. He helped set up the licensing deals, and negotiated a price with Steve, Alexis, and the folks at Y-Combinator.Alexis claims he hasn’t even told his girlfriend the exact figure, but has gone on record ballparking it, claiming “it was between $10 million and $20 million”.''

you can find out for your self who owns Conde Nast and what is their businesses model. also who are their advertisers. and, while you are at it read this: "Everything Is Fake": Ex-Reddit CEO Confirms Internet Traffic Metrics Are Bullshit

there is really not many people on reddit now. most of the users are either bots or paid click farm employees. but it is kosher and not controversial for advertisers.

Oh shit, I think I found the answer! And in the OP, too.

Not on the scale that leddit is doing it though.

and we started migrating to reddit when digg went to shit. start was being the banning of people posting the HD-DVD key. But what really made it all come crumbling down was when they "re launched" digg. They basically said fuck your votes and user generated content, pay us money and we will put your shit on the front page. That's not sarcasm, that's what they actually did. we want to reddit. not because it was perfect but because it was small, fast and without censorship. everything could go (more or less)

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same thing that happened to digg - both used algorithms and bots to grow site in early days. people flooded in after deals with bigger sites and google for traffic and what appeared to be an organic and natural site grew rapidly. paid groups then began to control message with bots and upvoting of content/censoring of wrongthink. they bought the politics subreddit before the election for about 2 million dollars. they buy older accounts or create them in advance and promote their agenda. they can pay the advertising firms and bot groups like gallowboob to post things for them. they get control of subreddits and take over moderation and shut it down or change them into leftist shitholes. they false flag subs they cant control with racism and sitewide rule breaking posts and self report them before moderation can deal with them. this gives the site owners ability to ban or quarantine wrong think.

this all culminates in the site dying as half the population has been silenced and the parts that were good are gone. constant spam of leftist ideology annoys people and they stop coming. digg died this way. reddit is on its way to this end, though government sponsors it and lots of funding from outside groups. they are trying to go public, which furthers their censorship movement.

so nothing happened. it is natural progression and attack on free speech in search of shut it downs and shekels.

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It's simple.
Identity happened.
Identity is a sin and will always lead to corruption.

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It was built by soyfag liberals, so the censorship via tyranny of the masses (Downboat!!!) was always part of the plan. It became mainstream, attracting not just soyfags but also the worst sort of normalfag posters you can imagine, like that grandma that forwards funny cat pictures, except millions of 'em.

It was bound to be shit from the moment it went live.

I recommend anyone with a strong enough stomach to browse r/funny for a while if you wanna see what NPCs think "jokes" and "memes" are like. It's a deep dive into the average person's mind and it is horrifying.

Thank god that libcuck faggot Shii explained to (((moot))) why anonymity is the most important part of any successful imageboard.

The first redditors were Republicans, rooting for Romney. There were legit interesting people there and stuff like r/niggers was allowed. I remember reading an askreddit thread and I noticed something was off. No agenda's being pushed, interesting top replies.

Short story:
It got big and popular
Popular stuff attracts media attention
Media subverts
Popular stuff also attracts normies
Normies destroy the soul of everything it touches.

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Welcome to #Gamergate three years ago. Please try to keep up.

And I mean it, keep up the work of finding information and sending it out to new places that haven't seen it yet.

RH Reality Check ← Cynthia Rothschild
Ethan Zuckerman ← Qatar Computing Research Institute
Madeline di Nonno → Television Academy → Emmy Awards → Leila al-Arian ← Sami al-Arian ← Hassan Turabi ← Osama bin Laden

No one is talking about this. Talk about it. Make it an issue on every other board you're on.

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'''Aaron Swartz" - We Can Change The World

It's been kiked and populated with smug liberal faggts as long as I care to remember.

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These are an example of the kind of faggots that are the majority of everyday plebbitors. Look at their pictures and let it sink in blog /about/

I've found that 90% of the real loudmouth leftist types there are doxable within 5 minutes because they use their real names for everything. Plebbitors aren't just leftists, they are incredibly stupid leftists. They are the ones too old for tumblr and too dumb for SA, Democratic Underground, or Boingboing; possibly even too stupid to do much with facespook or twatter. These are people that see a 5 year old "maymay" and think it's "dank". What went wrong? That's the fucking target audience. Nothing went wrong. They molded their site to cater to the fagtards that congregate there. Working as intended.
Not that the zionald fags are any brighter but that's another story.

Same can be achieved simply by having a facebook account for the sake of necessary communication with normalfags.

David Brock, the conservative apostate turned liberal agitator, lays out his plans for the future of the Internet for progressives. “We’re going to go after spineless Democrats who want to make nice with Trump.”

It was founded by a kike, it was kiked from its very inception.


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Latin Etymology

third-person singular present active indicative of reddō

From re- + dō (“give”).

(Classical) IPA(key): /ˈred.doː/, [ˈrɛd.doː]
reddō (present infinitive reddere, perfect active reddidī, supine redditum); third conjugation

I give back, return, restore.
I give up, hand over, deliver, render, provide, assign
I surrender, resign.
I give or pay back; take revenge for, punish, inflict vengeance for.
I repeat, declare, report, narrate, recite, rehearse.
I represent, imitate, express, resemble.
I return in profit.
Vestis virum reddit. — “The clothes profit the man.”

Interesting that all kind of questionably legal things were going on there, but don't you dare fuck with Pedowood's or the Porn Valley's income, goyim.

November 9, 1988

tl;dr the usual suspects

He found pedo stuff on the MIT Internet2 network and had to be eliminated.

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No, he was just a retard. He broke into the server room once and got caught and was told just don't do it again cause he was trespassing, so of course he did it again like a retard

I'd say that a lot of these people have amygdala problems due to alcohol abuse.

RIP milliondollarextreme
RIP coontown
RIP fatpeoplehate

He captured something on the closet laptop live from the Phillipines involving children. You'll find out.


sounds like a commie faggot

Seriously, back in 2008 reddit was practically the unofficial website of the DNC and #1 King Nigger fan page.

man (you) are ether larping or just full of shit

the ultimate true of what happened to Reddit had more to do with the Left wing politics of Something Awful (with financial ties to the Democrats). SA used ShitRedditSays and blackmail to co-opt and subvert every major board on the platform. Fallow the Goons. Even Gamer Gate was just a big hoax created by SA Goons like Metokur and Chelsea Van Valkenburg.

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I don't know much about reddit or how these platforms work, so these are some massive redpills for me. Do we have any proof that reddit uses bots though?

Not sure if shitposting or real.

I knew Valkenburger was a goon on Helldump, and Metokur used to be a game reviewer before splitting with his group (no one still knows his real identity AFAIK). I do know he's a media pro and more trained than he lets on, which puts your theory into the realm of the possble. (Goons are often freemasons who do hoodwinks like this - even the name 'goon' is a clue.)

Metokur was one of the first ones to bail, so are you saying that it was coopted. And where does Matt Jarbo fit into all this?

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the up and down vote system in social media and the super upvote called reddit gold that awards popular options which is of course regulated by the mods.

Metokur is such a fucking Jew, I wish he never came on too the scene.

Also his metocast thing looks like a Masonic apron.

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- Created by a person who doesn't care at all about freedom of speech
- Censorship and political correctness
- Shadow-banning
- Corrupt moderation

It would be a good platform if not for the above mentioned problems.

I noticed that when he first put it out. Never trust a racemixer.

Oh fuck, I just bumped a literal reddit thread. Brb noosing myself

OP is against reddit you dumb nigger

I thought winter break was over. Fuck off to halfchan

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Reddit gold makes things even worse. You see top comments that have edits: "wow this really blew up! Thanks for the gold!" Imagine becoming a shill to get paid pennies by internet strangers.

My co-workers frequent r/twoxchromosomes. There are few things more disheartening than that webpage.


I go to reddit about every 6 months to troll retards for 5 minutes until I get bored. I can't imagine any other use for it.

Bump. I want to see how deep this rabbit hole goes.

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Too give you a little insight to this strange GG hoax party of this rabbit hole. GG was a psyop to distract the internet from what's really happen to the (((VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY))), there is a lot of documentation out there that the powers that be want to turn the (((VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY))) into the next Hollywood. As the film industry is in decline of social power, video games are gaining influence in where Hollywood's social grasp used to be. They wanted to sorta kick out all the video game enthusiast types because they're (((Keeping The Art Form in a Status Quo))) (IE they wanted to maximize the medium into the next social engineering properganda format.) It all ties into DARPA funding arms and Intel spook money, and some small circle were slowly uncovering this all, and next thing you know, bam, the (((Gamer Gate))) psy op happens. And the social media gay fest that ensues after it covers all this potential insane red pilling, 4kike mods were deleting threads left and right exposing the DARPA and Social Engineering connections to all this. (((Gamergate))) was a massive psyop by 4kike mods and Something Awful DNC kikes. Which in turn also brought a ton of fucking leddit here.

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Fuck you dude i just look at the pictures in the op

SA has had a huge influence over pretty much all internet culture since, and even now goons still hold sway over happenings now. GG was a battleground between two of them - Zoe Quinn (from Helldump) and Internet Aristocrat (from FYAD), and their respective supporters. Check pic related for another example.

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I hear a lot of recent pedo shills are SA Goons too but I don't know how true that is.

The left.

bump negated

As always, first reply best post. Everything else was shit.

Underrated roast is savory


what the fuck is all this even?

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Why did you answer your own question?

Their mascot isn't in a wheelchair


kike mod & pics related:

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Nice stretch retard

It's Reddit, that's enough explanation.

Big brains over there.

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That seems to be their trademark, isn't it?

t. got the "it will be hard on the children no matter how star trekish society gets" lecture from mom

He's funny, which makes me think like he's a pro, but I think he's a comic.

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> It all ties into DARPA funding arms and Intel spook money, and some small circle were slowly uncovering this all, and next thing you know, bam, the (((Gamer Gate))) psy op happens.

Not quite. The DARPA stuff came out (Sarcuck, I believe) long AFTER Baldwin christened it Gamergate in August. It does speak to their motivation. Video games and AI to pacify you until you get your next UBI check and spend half of it at the cannabis dispensary.

They call it gamification of news and entertainment. It's like how you think you're getting money from Air Miles or Safeway or whatever but it's in exchange for your information.

No clowns allowed

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No. I don't usually say this- even obvious slide threads can teach you something. But this thread is a total waste of time.

fuck off kike

No fuck you kike, shut the fuck up. How about we talk about fucking Walmart next you piece of shit.

Kill yourself.


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Nice revisionism. In the beginning Zig Forums was a weird mixture of Anarcho-Syndicalists (now Zig Forums), Anarcho-Capitalists (now /liberty/) and casual racists from /b/. The Trumpniggers and redditfags are the same cancerous group and gamergate is old /v/

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Are you fucking retarded user?

At least I can tell people the holocaust didn't happen. You on the other hand can't even own a gun. Get out of here with you /int/ shit.

I don't remember any syndies but I do remember le trashman was unironically praised there constantly. Magapedes are actually pretty close to old Zig Forums, just a bit watered down. National Socialists were always around but they had actual brains which makes them a completely different animal from today.

Good, I hope all the retarded antisemites become a minority.

Stop obsessing over the jews and focus on actually saving the white race from muds and niggers. After that, we can deal with the fags and other degenerates.

And when THAT'S done, we answer the Jewish question by living peacefully alongwide them, since they have an average IQ of 113 and almost never commit crime.

And Jews.
Fuck you
Made up IQ, Jewish mafia fuck stick. Have been linked to 1 in 8 terrorist attacks in the US.

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IQ tests are pretty meaningless. Jews are not just a problem or competitor but the eternal enemy and completely opposite of the Aryan race

IQ tests are literally your value as a human. 70 IQ is a liability. 100 IQ a is normalfag wageslave. 120-130 IQ means you have real potential to be a leader in some capacity. 140+ means you're the tiny fraction that actually moves humanity forward.

As for Jews -

How are they an enemy?
Why can't we get along with them?

I for one like their frugality and tribalism.

Because the Jewish religious teaches to hate the Aryan people for being created in God's image. They consider it a mistake. I've heard multiple times from high-level Rabbis or religious "leaders" that they see us as being evil. So infuriating…
Anyway, if there were was no Kahal or its moden equivalent the Jew would've been completely assimilated and we could get along just fine, I'm sure of that.


Percentage of comments made in [year] which are now deleted

(If an account is deleted on Reddit all its comments are deleted, so that might explain the greater percentages for older comments)

Yeah I remember digg. The site was great and I, a nobody, would hit the front page regularly because I was a photographer that could create shit better than 99% of the users, and so I became the 1% niche in my field. It was weird too because as an 18 year old I was a "somebody" that could get recognition for my content. Because of "The Digg Effect"(When digg influx crashed a website) my server host gave me free hosting in excange for banner ads. This was great for me as a carreer starter.

Digg was never as smart as Reddit and wasn't very subtle about vote manipulation with the relaunch. Because of this it lost all legitimacy. It's a lesson on why you don't get caught manipulating counters.

You like their tribalism and want to do cooperation with our enemies?
>I like (((their))) tribalism
I really wonder who could be behind this post?

Anyways, I know people who are creative, have knowledge and are not naive about the world but would score lower on IQ tests because they lack of this kind of mathematical thinking. I am not sure about this, but urban areas should score higher than rural areas, if we exclude niggers away. Jews are city people so…

Ashkenazi Jews are roughly as smart as people of European descent, stop propagating another Jewish lie.

IQ tests don't matter
Education does not matter, it's all bullshit
You are only intelligent when you win
The only intelligent action, is attacking your enemies

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I get that, but it is still the best measure for intelligence. That said, there are many intelligent idiots mainly because of the terrible education system of today, political correctness, upbringing, and censorship.

it's not only this, these people are book smart, street stupid
simply, they know how to things work in their imaginative world, quite dumb if you think about it

forgot these

go back